10-year-old develops Monkeyberry game app, gives to charity


Addicted to playing games on your smartphone or high-tech device? Then you probably have a few good ideas for creating an app of your own. Henry Maw, an inspiring 10-year-old did just that—and even found a way to turn his gaming habit into charity.

Maw says the whole idea started when he got in trouble for playing too much video games. Instead of being put in time out, his dad suggested he channel his gaming passion and create an app of his own.

The thought stuck. Maw immediately started brainstorming and drawing up concepts. His game and business venture had officially begun.

After mapping out his initial plan, he and his father interviewed three different app developers to pitch the idea and get feedback. Once they had settled with a long term partner, coding commenced with the young Maw regularly exchanging emails with his programmers to update them on new level designs. In all, his final app, Monkeyberry, took less than a year to develop.

And not only did this 10-year-old boys dream come true, he's also improving the lives of others along the way.

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Monkeyberry gives 20% of the $0.99 cost of the app to charity. The proceeds help support a village for orphans in Rwanda, Africa and locally assist Table-to-Table, a program that safely delivers prepared and perishable food that would other wise go to waste to soup kitchens and other organizations that feed the hungry.

Maw says he decided to give back “because I knew it was the right thing to do.”

He also credits his parents who serve as role models; both were involved with these charities prior to MonkeyBerry’s creation.

Download Monkeyberry: iTunes

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