
Real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump unleashed an f-bomb-laced attack on President Obama and Washington politics Thursday night during a speech that likely won't help him win the family-values vote should he decide to run for president.

At a Las Vegas casino that bears his name, Trump assured a crowd of adoring supporters that he is seriously weighing a presidential run and will make a decision soon.

During a 30-minute stump speech focused mostly on foreign affairs, Trump blasted Obama's handling of Libya, Iraq, China and Afghanistan, and in one of his many curse-bombs, he lamented the nation's focus on building schools in war-torn Iraq, while neglecting education in the United States.

"In the meantime we can't get a f---ing school in Brooklyn," he said.

He also cursed the spike in gas prices: "We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that f---ing price."

Trump even dropped what's considered the most offensive f-bomb when he promised to use swear words while negotiating with China.

"Listen you mother f---ers, we're going to tax you 25 percent," he said.

Trump also sprinkled in a number of insults directed toward the nation's leaders.

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," he said. "It's just very, very sad."

The setting was fitting for the casino mogul whose moniker is draped across the gold-tinged Trump International Hotel & Tower just off the Las Vegas Strip. An open bar greeted more than 1,000 people, waiters passed hors d'oeuvres and a Trump impersonator entertained the crowd.

At one point, a woman in the lavish reception at the Treasure Island casino on the Las Vegas Strip yelled out that Trump should run for president.

"I think I am going to make you very happy," the developer said.

But he later said: "There is a really good chance that I won't win because of one of these blood-sucking politicians."

A frequent critic of the federal health care law passed last year, Trump said the Supreme Court should decide the dozens of lawsuits challenging the legislation and urged district courts not to waste their time on it.

Trump has created waves by questioning whether the president was born in the U.S. Obama produced his detailed Hawaii birth certificate on Wednesday, and Trump eagerly took credit for the reveal.

Trump's visit to Nevada came a day after he traveled to New Hampshire, which is set to host the first presidential primary in 2012. Nevada's caucus is scheduled to be the third presidential contest next year.

Trump hosts the successful reality series "The Celebrity Apprentice" on NBC.

"I would have to give a lot of stuff up," he told the casino crowd Thursday. "But you know what? It is peanuts compared to the importance of this country."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.