First off, let's be frank, nobody's going to be satisfied with Tiger's statement on Friday. No matter what he says. Because he's not going to take questions. The media vultures and gas bag pundits won't like what he's going to say. It doesn't matter. What matters is that Tiger Woods starts to put this thing behind him. So he's got no choice but to make a statement just as Kobe Bryant and as Michael Vick did, to get this thing over with.
So what does he say? First, he acknowledges what he did and how terrible it was. He needn't go into gruesome details about every pancake house waitress but he's got to acknowledge his "marital transgressions." Second, he's got to explain, again, in some painful detail, the extent of his "rehabilitation" from this cockamamie disease (sexual addiction) with which he is afflicted. Third, and most important, presumably he's got to begin to reclaim his marriage and family. He's got to apologize -- personally-- to his wife and family and explain how he is seeking their forgiveness and will work at it. How he will devote himself to it... and therefore, fourth, he's got to say, that in light of the personal nature of his attempt to reconcile with his wife, he will have no further comment on this issue. And he will now focus on golf.
Again, doing all the things I've just suggested is no going to satisfy the critics. It's not going to bring back Tiger's sponsors. But it is going to start to close the door on this awful issue. Which is really all that Tiger wants to accomplish on Friday. And if he does these four things, as much as people will rant and rave, he will have accomplished his mission.
Fraser Seitel has been a communications consultant, author and teacher for 30 years. He is currently teaches public relations at NYU and is the author of the Prentice- Hall textbook "The Practice of Public Relations," now in its eleventh edition, and co-author of "Idea Wise."
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