Tucker Carlson: Those accusing Trump of trying to harm Omar are trying to control what you say

In 1992, Ilhan Omar came to this country from a refugee camp in East Africa. Three years later, she and her family applied for, and received, refugee status in the United States. Five years after that, she became a U.S. citizen. She’s been attacking the United States as a racist hellhole pretty much ever since.

According to Omar, there’s barely a difference between this country and terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. In a 2013 interview, Omar complained that people seem to think there’s a big difference between America and Al Qaeda.

"When I was in college, I took a terrorism class," she said. "Every time the professor said ‘Al Qaeda,’ his shoulders went up. He’d say 'Al Qaeda' and 'Hezbollah.' You don’t say ‘America’ with an intensity. You don’t say ‘England’ with the intensity. You don’t say ‘the army’ with the intensity."


So, she still feels this way. We know because she spoke at a recent event hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR], and Congresswoman Omar complained that America is bigoted against Muslims. They’re second-class citizens here, she said.

Omar offered no proof of that. It’s an absurd claim. Muslims live with far greater freedom in America than in any Islamic country in the world. That’s why so many have moved here, and millions more want to join them. And you would, too. That’s why Congresswoman Omar lives here, and not in Somalia. In America, she’s an elected member of Congress. She couldn’t do that in Saudi Arabia.

But is she grateful? No. She never stops complaining. As part of that complaining, she made this now-famous remark about 9/11: "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."


"Some people did something.” Omar’s understatement attracted plenty of criticism. The New York Post ran a cover showing images of the 9/11 attacks, in case you’d forgotten what “some people” did. Late last week, President Trump joined the criticism by tweeting an infamous video with images of the 9/11 attacks and Omar's words.

A little over the top? Maybe. If you were Ilhan Omar, you probably wouldn’t like that video. Nobody likes to be criticized. But would you feel physically threatened by that tweet? Not unless you believed that disagreement is the same as violence.

As it happens, the left does believe that, or claims to. All of a sudden, everyone on TV was telling us that Trump is trying to hurt Ilhan Omar, trying to "incite violence" against her.

Cory Booker, who will say literally anything, went farther, of course. That’s his signature move. Whenever everyone else is saying something ridiculous, Cory Booker will triple down on the insanity and pretend to be completely sincere about it. In this case, Booker was happy to blame Trump for actual terrorist attacks.


"Since 9/11, we've had terrorist attacks in this country. The majority of them have been right-wing extremists and the majority of those have been white supremacist attacks," he said in an interview. "From a synagogue in Pittsburgh to a church in South Carolina. And these are white supremacist groups that use language — as we saw it, as far away as New Zealand — use our president's language almost as if it is a license for these attacks."

If we let them redefine speech as violence, the First Amendment has no meaning. They can tell you what to say and when to say it. They can use any force necessary to make you be quiet.

I swear in 20 years, every fifth-grader will think that 9/11 was committed by white supremacists. You watch -- you heard it here first. Forget about 9/11. It’s the white supremacists we ought to fear and suppress. That’s what Booker’s really saying.

To prove it, he and so many demagogues on the left are forever telling us about the epidemic of hate crimes in this country. But they’re lying. There is no epidemic. In 2017, our biggest and most liberal state, California, convicted a total of just 65 people of hate crimes, statewide. By the way, there were fewer hate crimes in 2017 under Trump than in 1996 during the Clinton administration.

That epidemic is fake. It’s propaganda. They’re trying to control you with fear. Your opinions are violence -- that’s what they’re saying. Your opinions are violence. Disagreeing with me is assault. For my safety you must not be allowed to speak; you must obey.

That’s what they’re telling you, and you can see why. Here’s where we come into it. If we go along with this, if we accede to these demands, it’s over. If we let them redefine speech as violence, the First Amendment has no meaning. They can tell you what to say and when to say it. They can use any force necessary to make you be quiet. Just as you would do whatever you needed to do and whatever force was necessary to stop a terrorist attack.

They are saying your opinions and a terror attack are the same thing. This is a scary argument, and we should be afraid of it.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on April 15, 2019.

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