Eric Holder’s political pandering has finally come to a predictable end. The outgoing attorney general will not bring civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin. Was there ever a doubt?
It seems inescapable that Holder chose to demagogue a tragic case to appease civil rights vocalists and burnish his liberal bona fides. If so, he elevated racial politics over the integrity of the law.
There was never a scintilla of evidence that the confrontation had anything to do with race or civil rights. But that did not stop Holder from abiding the racial hysteria ginned up by the Reverend Al Sharpton crowd. Nor did it stop President Obama from injecting race into a race-less case.
It seems inescapable that Holder chose to demagogue a tragic case to appease civil rights vocalists and burnish his liberal bona fides. If so, he elevated racial politics over the integrity of the law.
Never mind that a Florida jury acquitted Zimmerman last year of any culpability, finding that he acted purely in self-defense. Never mind that not a single witness testified that race was a factor. Forget that even the prosecutor told jurors in closing arguments that race played no role.
It didn’t matter to Holder that the FBI concluded more than two years ago that “there is no evidence the shooting was driven by racial bias or animus.”
None of that deterred Holder from reviving, after the verdict, his much publicized pursuit of a racially motivated crime where none existed. Let the grandstanding begin, facts be damned.
Any lawyer could tell you that what Holder was peddling amounted to pure fiction. But why?
It seems inescapable that Holder chose to demagogue a tragic case to appease civil rights vocalists and burnish his liberal bona fides. If so, he elevated racial politics over the integrity of the law.
Which is beyond shame. It is an abuse of power.