(2011 Getty Images)
The founder of a popular New Jersey comic book convention reportedly banned famed actor Kevin Sorbo because of his friendship with Sean Hannity.
“I turned down Kevin Sorbo for East Coast Comicon,” founder Cliff Galbraith wrote on Facebook. “He’s pals with Sean Hannity. I just can’t do it.”
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Sorbo is a popular figure at comic conventions – known for starring in “Hercules.” He is also a devout Christian. And he also happens to be a friend of Hannity.
Hannity was the executive producer and financed “Let There Be Light,” a hugely successful faith-based film that starred Sorbo.
“I’ve never even heard of the East Coast Comicon,” Sorbo told the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “They don’t have any A-Listers attending. I think they are looking for free publicity.”
I reached out to the East Coast Comicon but they did not respond to my inquiries.
Hannity told the "Todd Starnes Radio Show" that Galbraith is "just mad that comic book movies are just boring formulaic Hollywood drivel that people are tired of."
"And 'Let There Be Light' was a breakout hit without any Hollywood support," Hannity said.
"Let There Be Light was the fourth highest-grossing faith-based film in 2017 and they were second in box office receipts against Thor's opening weekend.
"I’ll pity the poor insecure guy who cannot escape his comic book world, and handle a little real world truth and reality and an opposing viewpoint," Hannity told the Todd Starnes Radio Show. "Take that Batman."
Sorbo said he was not terribly surprised to learn about Galbraith’s snub.
“The Left always screams about tolerance and freedom of speech, but it’s a one-way street for them,” he said. “I don’t get upset with someone having a different point of view.”
A poster for last year’s comic book convention featured the Statue of Liberty cloaked in terms like homophobia, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, voter suppression – well, you get the point.
Galbraith’s Twitter feed is filled with all sorts of anti-Trump rantings – including this one:
“Who was stupid enough to buy a condo from Trump? You supported him years ago by buying a condo from him. His name should be branded on your forehead.”
This guy sounds like a cross between Lex Luthor and the Joker.
“The Left gets so angry and they go crazy,” Sorbo told the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “What are you going to do? It is what they are.”
From a business standpoint, it would make sense for the East Coast Comicon to invite Sorbo. He’s a successful movie actor with a massive fan base.
But if a businessman wants to put politics in front of profits, so be it.
The East Coast Comicon is under no constitutional mandate to invite Kevin Sorbo. Likewise, freedom-loving comic book fans are under no constitutional obligation to attend the East Coast Comicon.
By the way, the "Let There Be Light DVD launches on Feb. 27th.