Biden camp has 'real concerns' about Iowa caucus process

There are serious issues regarding the failure of the Iowa caucuses voting app that should deeply concern the entire American electorate and cast a cloud over the final results, said Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield on Tuesday.

Bedingfield appeared on CNN's "New Day" to discuss a letter sent by Biden's campaign to the Iowa Democratic Party asking for a full explanation of their methods of quality control before the release the final numbers.

“You see in the letter we have real concerns about the integrity of the process," she said. "I think there were significant failures in the process last night that should give voters concern. You obviously had the app failure, the app that precinct captains were using to report in their results failed.

"You had the phone system where precinct captains, there were reports of them getting frustrated -- not being able to report out their results, hanging up," Bedingfield continued. "Then you have the presidential preference cards, which are essentially the paper trail for the app, which we already know failed."


The campaign's general counsel, Dana Remus, authored the letter and claimed a short briefing about the incident wasn't enough to satisfy the growing concern among members of the Biden team.

"We appreciate that you plan to brief the campaigns momentarily on these issues, and we plan to participate. However, we believe that the campaigns deserve full explanations and relevant information regarding the methods of quality control you are employing, and an opportunity to respond before any official results are released," she wrote.

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"We look forward to hearing from you promptly. In the meantime, we are on to New Hampshire, on the road to the most important election of our lifetimes."

Bedingfield said the mounting issues should have voters worried, and argued the best way to proceed would be to hear all the facts from the state party before any final results from the caucuses are released to the public.


"I think taken together, those [issues] are significant concerns," she added. "I think they should raise concerns for voters, and you know, election integrity is obviously of the utmost importance. And so we really want to make sure that the Iowa Democratic Party addresses this before they put out official data.”

Later Tuesday morning on "America's Newsroom," Biden campaign senior adviser Symone Sanders also expressed concerns about the caucuses and the "failures of the process." She said the campaign heard reports of presidential preference cards, the "foundation" of the process, not being filled out or completed "erroneously."

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