Carson slams the left’s insistence that the US is fundamentally racist
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on race-relations in the U.S.
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on "The Brian Kilmeade Show" Thursday slammed the notion that the United States is fundamentally racist. Carson argued the left uses the race card to "beat people into submission" and stop their opponents from speaking out.
DR. BEN CARSON: What people need to recognize is that we have changed dramatically in this country. And there are those who wish to use the race issue as a conduit to beat people into submission, to make White people feel guilty. And one of the consequences of that, intentional or not, and I'm not sure. But if you're feeling guilty, you're not likely to be as vocal about some of the things that are going on. So when people start talking about defunding the police, letting dangerous criminals back out to terrorize communities not guarding our borders so that everybody can come in. And if you're feeling really guilty, you're just going to stand in the corner with your head down and hope nobody calls you a racist. That's not good for our country and it's not true either. And then there are those who say that we're a systemically racist country. But if we were systemically racist, why would people be forming caravans trying to get in here? And when they got here, wouldn't they call all their relatives and friends and say, Don't come here, this is a horrible place. That's not what's going on. And I think there are a lot of people who want to fundamentally change this nation who just say to you, don't believe your eyes, don't believe your ears, don't believe your heart. Just listen to us. We'll tell you what you're supposed to think.