
It should come as no surprise that Hollywood was not happy with President Trump's first State of the Union address.

Many self-proclaimed activists from Hollywood took to social media to offer their critique of Trump's speech. While some stars did watch Trump's address, others said they refused to tune in but still offered their criticism.

Many of Trump's vocal Hollywood critics participated in a "People's State of the Union" counter-event in New York City on Monday.

Outspoken Trump critic and actor Mark Ruffalo hosted the program which focused on the anti-Trump "Resistance" movement, immigration issues and attacking the "ugly underbelly" of Americans who voted for Trump.

mark ruffalo ap

Mark Ruffalo shows his T-shirt reading "We are all dreamers" during the "People's State of the Union" event at The Town Hall in New York, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. (AP)

The three-hour event was sponsored by various left-wing organizations including Planned Parenthood and MoveOn.org and organizers of the Women's March.