
It’s official. Juan Pablo Galavis is a bachelor once again.

After dropping hints that things were on the rocks last month, Galavis and “The Bachelor” girlfriend Nikki Ferrell ended their relationship.

“We both knew we were wasting each other's time. The relationship wasn't making us happy,” she confessed to Life & Style magazine. “We were both like, ‘No, just no.’”

Ferrell said their split played out over a couple of days around her 28th birthday last month.

“We were just going back and forth through texting. He was questioning the relationship and I was questioning it back. I sent him a message saying, ‘We should fight for this. We should work this out.’ And he didn’t respond,” she confessed.

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It was at that point that Ferrell posted on Instagram a quote that read, “Isn’t it pathetic how we waste so much time on certain people and in the end they prove that they weren’t even worth a second of it.” She captioned it with, “Nope not one single second.”

She told Life & Style that in hindsight she probably shouldn’t have posted it or blocked him from her Twitter account.

“I’m a tad bit impulsive,” Ferrell said.

It was after the social media incident that the couple met to discuss their issues before deciding it was better to split up.

Regardless of not getting her happy ending, Ferrell said she still loves Galavis and even thinks they could get back together again in the future.

“I love him so much, and I know he feels the same way about me,” she said. “There would have to be a lot of compromising and sacrifices on both of our parts for it to work. Who knows what the future holds, but at this point in our lives, it’s not working for either one of us.”

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