
Infamous New York public-access TV host and former porn actress Robin Byrd got one bite she wasn’t planning for over Columbus Day weekend — she was attacked by a raccoon on Fire Island and is now undergoing treatment for rabies while the creature’s still at large.

Byrd — who’s known for hosting her “Robin Byrd Show” in a crocheted bikini since 1977 — told the New York Post all the trouble started at her home in the Pines when her dog, Om, began barking.

“I stomped on the deck and I heard a growling, like, ‘Grrr,’” Byrd, 58, recalled. “I thought it was a cat.” But when she bravely shoved her hand behind a planter, what was actually a raccoon sunk its feral fangs into Byrd’s hand.

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“I’m in Central Park all the time, there are raccoons,” Byrd explained. “I don’t go and touch them or anything. I guess I disturbed the raccoon and he didn’t like it and he let me know.”

Byrd claims that after she called local police they told her: “It’s their land,” and to “leave them alone.”

She says that the experience has been “very traumatic. I’m very afraid.”

Byrd who also appeared in 1970s films “Hot Honey” and “Debbie Does Dallas,” has started the series of shots against rabies.

“I had my second one yesterday,” she said. “The shots were more painful than the bite.”

Click here to read more in the New York Post.