
Captain Jake Anderson battled with his mentor Sig Hansen after the younger fisherman suffered a devastating engine fire and his crab haul was a dud.

That's what viewers saw on Tuesday night's episode of "Deadliest Catch."

On the Discovery channel show, Jake shouted at his crew men as toxic smoke and the blare of an alarm filled his boat The Saga.

Jake discovered the ship's clutch had burned out.

"My heart just dropped," Jake told the cameras. "We caught it just in time."

The fire could have affected the hydraulics system and erupted into an explosion and killed them all.

With the boat's owner breathing down his neck for a great crab haul, Jake had to halt fishing until a new clutch was installed—which took eight hours.

Finally able to fish, Jake and his crew pulled up almost empty pots and the captain dropped the F bomb.

"I really don't know where to go," Jake said.

He called Sig and told him about the fire in the engine room and how he wasn't catching crab.

Sig said he'd allow Jake to fish with some of his gear—and in exchange, Jake would have to haul Hansen's pots back to town at the end.

After taking over Sig's pots, however, Jake and his men experienced a disappointing crab catch.

The devastated young fisherman groaned, "Oh, my God, nothing," and said "it was not worth it" to make the deal with Sig.

"It feels like Sig was just looking out for himself right now, having me do his dirty work…make me his errand boy."

Sig told him on the phone they were averaging 70 crab in that area, but Jake had only found ten per pot.

Sig said he felt really bad about the situation, but Jake blurted, "I really thought you did that on purpose."

"If you're questioning the pots that we gave you, then that's f***ing stupid, Jake, thanks for throwing me under the bus!" Sig replied.

"We left you good fishing or we thought we did" he fumed.

Jake said, "Now I'm the bad guy who accused Sig of treason. I feel like such a failure."

Meanwhile, on the Brenna A, Captain Sean Dwyer agreed to take over Sig's cod fishing license after a subpar crab expedition.

Sean thought he would keep his business afloat through fishing cod, but his crew men turned up their noses at the idea. Sean was considering eliminating their jobs after the dispute.

And on Wild Bill Wichrowski's boat the Summer Bay, things went from bad to worse when his deck boss Nick McGlashan was ill and working at half speed.

Nick confided to another crew man that he'd been in the hospital in April and his white blood cell count was bad -- but he was afraid to find out more.

Suddenly, Wild Bill's team got a great crab haul that had the captain shouting, "Ch-chng!"—but Nick forgot to clamp one of the pots into the launcher and it nearly struck a co-worker when it came crashing down.

"I can barely do my job right now I'm in so much pain," deck boss Nick admitted.

Later, Wild Bill confronted Nick about his recent trip to the hospital.

Nick admitted to his father figure that he was worried he might have cancer.

Bill urged him to figure out his health problems.

"I love you," Nick said, hugging his boss.