Navy Yard shooter received positive military evaluations
Aaron Alexis described as 'highly motivated,' an 'asset'
A Newport, Rhode Island police sergeant reported Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis to naval station police last month after the suspect told cops he was “hearing voices” through his hotel room wall and that three people were following him and sending vibrations into his body, according to a police report obtained by
In the document, the officer said that on August 7, he was sent to a local hotel to check out a suspicious person report involving Alexis, who told him he was a naval contractor and travelled often.
The report said Alexis told the officer that while flying from Virginia to Rhode Island, he got into an argument with someone else at the airport who he believed had sent three people to follow him and keep him awake by talking to him and sending vibrations into his body.
He also said he thought he heard these three people – two black males and a black female–talking to him through a wall of his hotel room and through the walls, floors and ceiling of a hotel on the Navy base.
Alexis told the officer the trio was using “some sort of microwave machine” to keep him awake.
The sergeant wrote in the report that based on what Alexis told him, “I made contact with on-duty Naval Station Police [officer name redacted.]”
The Naval Station Police official told the sergeant “they would follow up on this subject” and determine if Alexis was, in fact, a naval base contractor.
There was no immediate response from the Navy about this latest revelation involving Alexis’ disturbing history of psychological problems and violent behavior involving guns.
Despite his past record, Alexis had his federal security clearance renewed just two months before his rampage Monday at the Navy Yard that left 12 dead before he died in a shootout with police.
Although Alexis was not a direct employee of the federal government, working as an IT subcontractor required that he obtain “secret” clearance, according to Thomas Hoshko, of The Experts, a Hewlett Packard subcontractor working at the Washington Navy Yard. Alexis had previously worked for the company under clearance, but when he returned in July, another background check was conducted, Hoshko said.
"We had just recently re-hired him,” Hoshko told Reuters. “Another background investigation was re-run and cleared through the defense security service in July 2013."
It is not clear what that second background check consisted of, but just weeks earlier, Alexis’ roommate in Fort Worth filed a criminal complaint with the police after becoming suspicious that Alexis had tampered with his car’s fuel tank.
According to a criminal mischief complaint filed on July 5, Alexis’ roommate told Fort Worth police that his “roommate put [an] unknown substance in gas tank to damage vehicle.”
Someone in the neighborhood remembered seeing the man now known as Alexis's roommate speak with the cops before getting his car towed. This person told the victim said his car wouldn't start because somebody put something in this gas tank.
That was far from the only brush with the law for Alexis, who reportedly was being treated for extreme paranoia when the mass shooting occurred. He had two firearms-related arrests in two different states—neither of which resulted in prosecution.
In 2004, Alexis shot out the tires of a car belonging to construction workers next door to his grandmother’s home in what he described to police as “an anger-fueled blackout.”
In 2008, he was arrested in Dekalb County, Ga., after causing a disturbance inside a club. According to a police report obtained by, he was asked to leave a club "for causing damage to furnishings. Once outside suspect began using profanity...and would not stop. Was told several times," the report stated.
In Fort Worth in 2010, Alexis was involved in another shooting incident, this time at his home, where he, according to police reports, he shot through the ceiling and into his upstairs neighbor’s apartment, “terrifying her.”
According to a Nov. 4, 2010 police report, a neighbor of Alexis said she was sitting in a chair and heard a loud pop, saw dust and then holes in both her ceiling and floor. She said her downstairs neighbor Alexis had called cops on her several times for being loud but police always said they didn’t hear anything and no further action was taken.
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