A billboard high above Watts Street and 6th Avenue in lower Manhattan is raising eyebrows over its anti-abortion message which includes an image of a Black girl.
A billboard in lower Manhattan is raising eyebrows over its anti-abortion message which includes an image of a black girl.
The pro-life organization Life Always, is responsible for the billboard which reads: "The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb." A news conference held by Life Always is scheduled for Noon in Manhattan, MyFoxNY.com reports..
The web site thatsabortion.com is listed on the billboard.
According to the site, Life Always "use(s) advertising, research and confrontational truth to gain awareness, inform and educate individuals to choose life, always!"
A spokesperson for Life Always said that the group believes the abortion provider Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods and they wanted to draw attention to that effort, MyFoxNY.com reports.
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio issued a statement on Tuesday:
"This billboard simply doesn't belong in our city. The ad violates the values of New Yorkers and is grossly offensive to women and communities of color. Women of all backgrounds have a right to reproductive healthcare in New York City, and we must not let the current campaign of attacks undermine New Yorkers' longstanding support for a woman's right to choose. A mix of intolerance and bad judgment put this ad up-common decency demands it be taken down."