
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 12, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Andrea Tantaros, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Brian Kilmeade.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


TANTAROS: Vladimir Putin, the man who the White House has now entrusted to disarm Syria, has a message for America -- you're not exceptional. Stop meddling in foreign conflicts.

Comrade Vlad said he carefully studied the president's remarks in an op-ed in The New York Times.

Now, the president ignored questions about it from reporters at White House today. But Jay Carney said this.


JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Both in his op-ed and in the statements and actions that we've seen from President Putin and his foreign minister, it's clear that President Putin has invested credibility in transferring Assad's chemical weapons to international control and ultimately destroying them. This is significant. Russia is Assad's patron and protector. And the world will note whether Russia can follow through on the commitments that it's made.


TANTAROS: All right. So, Dana Perino, my question is two part. First, I want you to give the honest answer -- you're always honest --


TANTAROS: -- about, let's pretend you're in the White House. You open up The New York Times or you get it sent to you late last night and you see this editorial.

One, I want you to tell everybody what you would think honestly, and, two, how would you advise the president if you're in the White House now?

PERINO: Let me go backwards. So, I think that what Jay Carney was saying basically the national security advisor and council have basically said, this is the best thing that we can do. Don't take the bait. Don't just -- make Putin be in the driver's seat if that's where he wants to be and try to push him to do the right thing.

So, even though I think Jay Carney probably would have liked to have said something different, that's what he had to say. I -- if I had open had the up you last night, I don't think I would have been mad at The New York Times, because I understand business. OK?

So, they want a lot of eye balls to go to their Web site. They want to sell a lot of papers. They want to get a ton of attention. I understand that. That's their business.

But I -- what bothers me is the PR professionals that had been working for the Russians years. I can't imagine -- first of all, the PR firm said that Vladimir wrote that himself. I've briefed Vladimir Putin before. He can't speak English that well, OK? So, somebody, an American, sat down and wrote for him. I can't believe is that -- this is a guy that has invaded the country, uses energy as a weapon, has thrown journalists out of buildings, sells weapons to Iran, persecutes gays and lesbians with impunity, and The New York Times doesn't write a companion editorial to say, you're going to see on the opposing page something from Vladimir Putin, here's what we think. They just let it go.

And it was embarrassing. I don't think they should -- the White House doesn't need to worry about it too much. But I do think it was embarrassing for us.

TANTAROS: And, Eric, don't you think this is another example of Putin playing with the United States of America. Now, he's using PR, because specifically in the editorial, he goes against military action. He quotes the pope. He pretends to be this religious guy.

And we have put him in the diplomatic driver seat. We've never put pressure on Putin. If we didn't put it on him before, what leverage do we have now?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I have to tell you, I think, look -- I don't disagree with The New York Times running the piece. Dana is 100 percent right, though. Do another editorial that takes the other side, that counters Putin's claims. But they ran it and they were smart to run hit.

My problem is the same people are critical of Putin are the ones looking for bombs and boots on the ground. And, you know, Lindsey Graham, John McCain and some of the others. The fact is Vladimir Putin played us. He outmaneuvered. Rand Paul said Putin outmaneuvered President Obama. I agree, Putin outmaneuvered the American people.

Look, it's a game of high stakes international chess. So, I put together a big old chess board right here quickly. But somehow, here's queen and king, President Obama and John Kerry, and the bishop who shouldn't be able to do this, checkmated the queen and the king with the help of one little pawn.

So, the bishop takes out the king. Somehow that happened. It should never have happened. But, Bob, I guess when playing with this kind of king, maybe something like that may end up happening.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Where did you get that stuff from?



BRIAN KILMEADE, CO-HOST: Yes, we have a huge budget. Thank you very much. Tomorrow, checkers.

TANTAROS: Have you spoken to the White House -- you don't have to answer it. But answer honestly. You see this editorial running in The New York Times, you're back in the White House -- what's your first response?

BECKEL: I think it's fine. I mean, I think, look, first of all, Putin didn't play anybody. This was a John Kerry screw up and he picked it up and Putin did exactly the right thing. Putin and the Russians do not have influence in the Middle East beyond Iran and Syria. They have been trying to get it since they were knocked out of Egypt a long time ago.

And so, now, I think -- let them do it. Let them go out front.

Now, the question is, is he not going to do it? I mean, is he going to go through all this and not going to do hit? I think it's not in his interest not to do it. I think the real question is going to be, are you going to get a line in there that says if you don't get rid of these chemical weapons, United States can use weapons to get rid of them. That's going to be the issue.

But I think he's (INAUDIBLE). I really do.

TANTAROS: Brian Kilmeade, this language about the United States not being exceptional, this was included in the editorial, OK? Where have I heard that language before that we're not exceptional, that we shouldn't be involving ourselves in these foreign conflicts? I'll get --


KILMEADE: You're 100 percent right. And --


KILMEADE: By the way, it's President Obama.

TANTAROS: That's right.

KILMEADE: As early back as Cairo, he's indicated that. That it really doesn't work. Everyone thinks their country is most important. So, if we're exceptional, so is every other country.

But here's the thing. Let's put that aside for a second and let's say that President Barack Obama says that's not going to work for me politically and that's not actually the truth. This is actually an opportunity, because if you look at responses, it's very rare. All the responses go across party lines. Senator Menendez says he wanted to vomit. John Boehner says, I'm insulted. Now, you have Jay Carney come forward and say, retort back how we are exceptional and what we don't do.

This is an opportunity to pick out a common enemy. Our common enemy is Vladimir Putin. We are insulted as a country.

So, if I'm President Barack Obama and I want to play this chess piece, my chess piece is, I want to let this play out. But I remembered that you called out our country, not the Democratic Party, and you --

BECKEL: Why is Putin our enemy? Can you tell me that?

KILMEADE: Because he has called out the fundamental things about our country --


BECKEL: Wait a second --


KILMEADE: Romney nailed it when he said they are our geopolitical --

BECKEL: Show me one place where the influence of Russia has gained --


TANTAROS: Iran and Syria.

BECKEL: Iran, we've never had. Remember --

TANTAROS: That's their biggest customer, Bob.

BECKEL: I know. But it's been that way for 30 years. If you guys would just pay some attention to what happens in the Middle East, they used to be strong in Egypt, they were not anymore.

TANTAROS: Excuse me. If I would pay attention to what's happening in the Middle East --


TANTAROS: -- its president would pay attention to what's happening in the Middle East. We know what the Russians have been doing for decades. And President Barack Obama has said nothing. He has not pushed back.


TANTAROS: I take that back, Bob. He did say something to him, on an open mike. I'll have more flexibility. That shows naivete. And they're telling me I've got to go to the sound.

Speaking of naivete, Brian Kilmeade brought up vomiting. Senator Menendez said he felt like vomiting when he read this. Look at this pain shock by these senators.


SEN. ROBERT MENENDEZ, D-N.J.: I got an email with what President Putin had to say. I have to be honest with you, I was at dinner, and I almost wanted to vomit.

SEN. BOB CASEY, D-PA.: It's unfortunate that President Putin is using the kind of language he is using in that op-ed. He's -- I think he's trying to be clever.

LEON PANETTA, FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARY: President Putin should be the last person to lecture the United States about human values and our human rights, and what we stand for.


TANTAROS: They're really shocked? Really shocked?

BECKEL: Can I ask Dana a question? Wouldn't he -- why not write it that way? That's his message. He wants to get it across. He's not going to -- what do you expect him to say, the United States is exceptional? I mean, come on.

PERINO: What he did was he basically -- this was in "Rules for Radicals". You use your opponents' own words against them. You make them meet the standards that you have set.

BECKEL: Right.

PERINO: President Barack Obama is the one who said in that interview and speech that he didn't think America was more exceptional anymore than Greece or Britain, thought they were exceptional. Then the other night, at the end of the speech, right before the "God bless America" line, he said America is exceptional.

We actually -- we don't feel that way. You know what it feels like when I read that op-ed? It's like, if you had a drunk as a stepfather and they're at the football game and they make a fool and get in a fight, and you have to slink out of there behind them, walking several steps behind like I'm so embarrassed right now.

BECKEL: From a message standpoint, forget Obama. From Putin's standpoint, was that not the right message?

PERINO: Of course. Sure, but who's buying it?

BECKEL: It was not the question of who's buying it.

BOLLING: Can I be honest with you? I buy it --


PERINO: Do you guys realize he's a killer? Do you realize -- we -- we're all OK with President Putin now? Honestly? This is a guy who throws people out of buildings that are his political opponents. Unbelievable.

BOLLING: Wait. Can I just clarify? I'm not saying I'm OK with President Putin. I'm saying it's a smart chess maneuver. It's an international game of chess --

PERINO: Right, I won't.

BOLLING: Hold on. Here's what happens. Putin and Assad are clearly afraid of our military might. They are clearly afraid of it. That's why there's a deal on the table put together by them.

Had President Barack Obama done what he wants to go right away, this wouldn't even be -- we wouldn't be discussing this. They put together a deal because they're afraid. When they recognize President Barack Obama lost support of the American people in Congress, that's when Putin said, let me step in. This is going to be good for both of us. They've got President Barack Obama in the -- painted in the corner, in the crosshairs and can't figure out a way out.

BECKEL: Do you concede if it wasn't for American military force off their shores, this would have happened?

BOLLING: I absolutely think that our military might is what's actually going to make --


BOLLING: Obama is doing it the wrong way.

TANTAROS: I think it was our incompetence. I think it was the window of competence that prompted Putin to do it. Not the threat of military action.

BECKEL: Oh, come on.

TANTAROS: I think he knows he can play this president. This president does not have the stomach to go to war. I don't think he took him seriously about military action.

KILMEADE: I tell you what's wrong with the message. The message is, if you wanted to do something proactive and put yourself as the king of the Middle East, you'd say, hey, this is my proposal. Let's see if we can do and put everything behind us and here's where we stand. He goes in, he goes with Iran, he sees what happens, we're getting weapons out of Syria. He looks good.

However, he went too far. He called us for American exceptionalism. He says we're too aggressive, looking at Iraq and Afghanistan.

Going to a momentary blackout, there 35,000 of his people were killed in Afghanistan in a shorter period of time.

BECKEL: What do you expect him to say?

KILMEADE: He's going too far. What I'm trying to say is calling out America, the fabric of America, our foreign policy, it goes beyond Syrian chemical weapons.

BECKEL: Can you tell me the emperor of the Middle East beyond Iraq, I mean, Iran and Syria?

KILMEADE: He is expanding.

BECKEL: To where?

KILMEADE: You have given him -- you have given him additional power --

BECKEL: Where?

KILMEADE: -- to expand his influence through Iran. He now has access now more than ever.

You know what he's saying now? I'm going to give them more arms. I'm going to build them another reactor. I'm going to send my ships to the Mediterranean. He wasn't doing that six months ago.

TANTAROS: He can further control Syria by doing this exact move.

BECKEL: He's been controlling Syria for decades.

TANTAROS: He can continue to ship the weapons. He knows the addresses because he mailed them to Syria. He can control the situation --

BECKEL: What are you supposed to do about that? What are you supposed to do about it?

TANTAROS: He can keep his air space. He can continue to sell weapons to Iran and Syria and make it look like he's in control.

BECKEL: You tell me then, what is it -- show me one place in the Middle East in places that are already bought which are those two countries --

TANTAROS: Rather than have you do your little liberal trick of trying to box me in a corner --

BECKEL: No. I'm not boxing -- I want to know another country in the Middle East where he's headed for.

TANTAROS: Roberto, I would like you to try and explain how this president defends this editorial or backs out of it.

BECKEL: Why would he have to defend it?

TANTAROS: He has said these exact same things about the United States.

BOLLING: Can I add something here? I agree e with Bob. Putin is irrelevant to us right now. Absolute -- we're all looking at Putin going, we hate that guy. He hates us. We hate him.

It's not. We have to figure out a way to diplomatically solve the crisis in Syria without killing anymore people.

TANTAROS: I totally disagree with that. I absolutely disagree with that, that Putin is irrelevant.

PERINO: John Kerry is meeting with Putin in Geneva --

BECKEL: He's never been more relevant? Is that what you're saying?


KILMEADE: Go ahead. Finish your thought.

PERINO: I was saying, diplomatically right now lies with Putin because President Barack Obama said so in his prime time address. And John Kerry is meeting with him right now, asking him --

BOLLING: Because Obama gave him the opportunity to become relevant and the key player --


KILMEADE: True. I agree with you. You brought this guy off the wrestling mat where he feels comfortable and where unfortunately he didn't get MRSA, you have all of a sudden put him back center stage and now, he's somebody to build off of. And he looks like the guy going back to the U.N.

BECKEL: You name me one country in the world where Russia has gotten themself more and stronger position in diplomacy?

KILMEADE: I'll put it this way -- by building up and basically taking ownership of Syria, he now has more influence in Lebanon. And you get in that area, you look at Egypt which is more influx and fluid than ever before, it's time for him to assert himself as additional power.

BOLLING: To do what though, Brian? To do what? What does Putin -- how does he become a bigger threat to the United States now?

KILMEADE: Right, to the United States right now -- perfect question. If you look at our relationship with Egypt, how is it now as compared to once before? Is it indeed an opening for another government to come in and to continue to add influence there? Then, he has Syria continue to expand influence in and around that.

And then you have somebody now at the Security Council as everyone points to the U.N. weapons inspectors who's now going to be the linchpin and the go-to guy to decide what goes forward and what goes back.


BECKEL: He paid for those generals in Egypt a long time ago.

BOLLING: That's the point. You don't think President Obama already blew the relationship with Egypt when they ousted Mubarak and put in a guy that's now been ousted?

KILMEADE: Clearly, by kissing up to Morsi and putting him, giving him instant credibility, and us to look at those elections and allowing that to go forward, and not using our influence, cost us Egypt. No doubt about it, not understanding that there was no -- Mubarak as bad as he was, is good to America and we've got to be more practical --


BECKEL: Do you think he could have altered those votes?


BECKEL: The United States could have altered those votes in that vote in Egypt?

KILMEADE: No. By holding off the vote, you could have --

BECKEL: Oh, we could have held off a vote? We could have just said don't have a vote?

KILMEADE: Absolutely.


KILMEADE: You could push it back.

TANTAROS: And he followed suit. And the Democrats, including Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden said the Muslim Brotherhood would never run for the elections and let alone win. They were wrong.

The point is this, they have ceded, this administration has ceded U.S. superpower status, allowing Putin to rise up and maintain an access of evil that includes Iran, North Korea, Syria --

BECKEL: You think the United States asked Mubarak to get out? Come on, man. Get out of here. Million of people --


BECKEL: Oh, they did not.

BOLLING: I agree with the first half of that. Yes, we did. We blew it, we failed.

It's not going to change. That same map looks exactly the same today as three months ago.

TANTAROS: The giant arms dealer that we've seen in control of a region --

BECKEL: A region? What region? That includes Israel?


KILMEADE: It's sad to see that you do not see Iran as a threat anymore and as a premier threat in the region. It's sad that you actually feel that way.

TANTAROS: Yes, I agree.

KILMEADE: Two number, now, they feel bold enough to send ships to confront our ships right in that region. Now, they say we're going to build in Iran if you try to do anything in Syria. Now, when it comes to Syria, they're in total control of that area --


TANTAROS: Got to get Dana in here. Dana?

KILMEADE: They're in control of chemical weapons how they exit and when they exit.

PERINO: This is kind of our closing argument. I would say that one of the things that America must focus on is our own economic growth and our own energy independence, because if you go to the root of the problem in the Middle East and Russia's play there, it's about pipelines and access to oil and to be able to control and build his own economy at the expense of ours.


PERINO: We need to do the Keystone pipeline, do some fracking rules. We don't need to do this thing on the front page of "The Wall Street Journal" that the administration is doing, curving (ph) new coal power plants.

If the goal is for us to not be involved, then we have to do something here at home so that can be a stronger power here.


TANTAROS: Speaking of back here at home, yesterday, we ran a video on "The Five" of General Petraeus walking to teach a class being heckled by students at the university. This is really disgusting. Look at the way that they're treating General Petraeus.

Two-year-old students, Eric, at CUNY, heckling General Petraeus right now. He handled it like a total professional. Michael Moore has tweeted "good for those students" basically in support of them.

BOLLING: It's amazing. It's amazing. We saw this yesterday at the end of the show. I was like -- I'm looking at him trying to see this.

If you look at this guy on the right-hand side of the screen. He's in Petraeus' face, the restraint not to punch that kid in the face, he really deserved --

BECKEL: This worth showing the second day in a row?



BECKEL: That's disgusting. Can you imagine these kids? These are our youth. This is our country.

KILMEADE: Greatest general of the generation and that's the way he's treated? This guy ate sand for eight to 10 years, designed you strategy to make military history.


BECKEL: They didn't protest generals for years.

PERINO: The good news is, I spoke to somebody who was in the class and they said that the honor students who were there could not have been more respectful. That there was a great discussion and that it actually went really well. They think whoever they were, whether they were paid or part of a protesting student group, it didn't fluster him apparently.

TANTAROS: And nor should hit.

KILMEADE: The guy is in Sunni triangle for four years, meeting with terrorists.

PERINO: The S-U-N-N-I, not CUNY.

BECKEL: So, why would you worry about two handfuls of students giving him a hard time?

KILMEADE: Because I'm embarrassed for this country. Not only is he not cheered. He's heckled. That's an embarrassment.

PERINO: What happened to manners for crying out loud?

BECKEL: Well, I agree with that. But it didn't keep me up all night.

TANTAROS: Not shocking that Michael Moore, though, agreed with it.

Before we go, we want to let you know about the six alarm fire burning on the board walk in Seaside Park, New Jersey, right now -- the same boardwalk that was badly damaged by Superstorm Sandy. The blaze reportedly started in an ice cream store and has spread to at least 19 other buildings. No word reports yet of any injuries. But we'll you posted on any new developments.

Coming up, we've got proof the IRS was, in fact, targeting conservatives and that Lois Lerner, the woman who pleaded the Fifth, was involved. Details, up next.


TANTAROS: All right. Nice choice, Joshua, producer.

OK. With the news lately, there's one scandal we almost forgot about. The IRS scandal. Thanks to House Ways and Means Committee, that's actually what it's called, new emails have just been unearthed that further prove that the agency was targeting conservative groups and that the orders came from the top.

In one exchange, from February 2011, Lois Lerner, the director the division under congressional investigation wrote to staff members, quote, "Tea Party matter very dangerous. Council and Judy Kindle to be on this one. Cinci should probably not have these cases." Cinci meaning Cincinnati.

That certainly contradicts what former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller told lawmakers in may when he threw two, quote, "rogue agents under the bus."


STEVEN MILLER, FORMER IRS COMMISSIONER: I do not believe the partisanship motivated the people who engaged in the practices described in the treasury inspector general's report. I think what happened here was that foolish mistakes were made by people trying to be more efficient in their workload selection. The listing described in the report while intolerable, was a mistake and not an act of partisanship. We were not politically motivated in targeting conservative groups.


PERINO: So, you wake up this morning, Eric, you read The New York Times op-ed by Putin and puked like Menendez. And then you read The Wall Street Journal editorials and you saying, oh, my gosh, no wonder Lois Lerner pled the Fifth.

BOLLING: I love that line, it's 100 percent right, Dana. And here's the line I love out in the email -- Tea Party matters very dangerous.

OK. A group that calmly protest bigger government, higher taxes and crony clowns like Lois Lerner and the rest of these idiots, I just -- everything we say from a long time ago that they denied a long time ago is clearly, obviously true. They targeted conservatives. That's sad and illegal.

PERINO: Bob, she has been on paid administrative leave since May 23rd. That's 113 day, she's collected $56,000, hasn't had to go to work since.

Who's getting the raw end of the deal now?

BECKEL: Well, I assume now, because of these disclosures, that she probably will no longer get paid leave. But when you said, this shows it goes to the top. It hasn't shown it's gone to the top any place else but IRS, hadn't gotten to the White House at all.

Secondly, if I were a political guy in the White House or in the IRS and saw these Tea Party related groups raising millions of on tax-exempt status and using it for campaigning, I would have done exactly the same thing.

PERINO: OK. Andrea, what's the danger? I mean, they're raising money. What is the danger to Democratic political machines? What's the danger?

TANTAROS: Think of time of targeting. Bob would have done it because the Tea Party was starting to form and rise up --

BECKEL: No, I would have done it against Karl Rove.

TANTAROS: -- before a midterm election, and that's why they were nervous. Plus, Chris Christie won in New Jersey. McDonnell won in Virginia. Scott Brown won in Massachusetts. So, they had to take measures.

I actually think, Dana, that Lois Lerner got this position because they knew of her resume before she arrived at the IRS. And kudos to "The Weekly Standard" for uncovering this months ago. She was head of the enforcement division in the 1990s. She has a history in the '90s going after a Christian coalition group. She cost them hundreds of dollars by targeting them and also did funny business meddling into different elections, trying to coax Republican candidates out of races in Illinois to benefit Democrats.

So, she's got a history of doing this. That's why she got the job.

PERINO: What do you think, Kilmeade?

KILMEADE: What do I think, Perino?

PERINO: About anything?

KILMEADE: About anything, wow.

PERINO: No, blow it wide open here. Bring the hammer down.

KILMEADE: Here's what I think. I would just like to know, now I like to focus -- by the way, how did they get these? How do, all of a sudden, this turn up and they weren't out before?

Number is I just like to know now, to continue to follow it consistently, whether it's Darrell Issa or anybody else, to find out who hired her? Who did she answer to? Who did she interact with? Can we get her American Express and Visa card to find out who she's having dinner with and talking to?

And then we start focus on Tea Party groups.

BOLLING: Very dangerous, very dangerous.


PERINO: That's like Carlos Danger.

BECKEL: Tea Party groups who spent hundreds of millions of dollars against Democrats --

KILMEADE: They were within the law.


BECKEL: The law said they were tax exempt because they're not supposed to be involved in politics. Do you think Karl Rove wasn't involved in politics? Is that what you're telling me?


KILMEADE: The IRS is doing illegal investigations on these groups. You're mad at Karl Rove?

BECKEL: I'm saying --

PERINO: This is what I maintain -- the left actually thinks that this is no big deal. They agree with what she did. They supported it. The problem is, it was the president of the United States who made a rare East Room appearance at 6:05 p.m., remember that night on primetime, he came out and said, this is outrageous, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

And here we are, several months later, she's getting paid. Many Americans don't have a job. She should be fired. I think you're right, that they should let her go, just cut it off because she knew about these emails. That's why she pled the Fifth.

BECKEL: Let's not forget hundreds of millions of went to campaigns against under tax exempt status.


KILMEADE: They went rogue, that should bother you.

BECKEL: Doesn't bother in the slightest, not if I knew these guys are illegally doing what they're doing.

TANTAROS: Don't Democrats do the same thing?

BECKEL: I hope they do. It's been a while, I'd do it if I could do it. If I were like Rove, would I do it? I'd do it.

PERINO: All right. Our old enemy straw man Karl Rove.

BECKEL: No, he's the best example of where you use money and politics and get around it by tax exemption. That's all.

KILMEADE: Staying within the law, moving his group forward.

BECKEL: He's within the law?

KILMEADE: So, he broke? We should arrest Karl Rove?

BECKEL: No. I don't think you should arrest him. Unlike any other super PAC, I'm sure other Democrats have some, too.

PERINO: OK, then -- OK, Bb had a Red Bull. This is explaining everything.

We're going to bail out of this because we're going to come back after a break. Time is running out for Congress to avoid government shut down, and both times at a stalemate. Fiscal feud, coming up.


PERINO: This is my favorite song.

KILMEADE: Dana, it's called the Outfield.

PERINO: No, there were my favorite song for the summer.


BECKEL: Dana, I didn't know that, all about that.


BECKEL: What else did you do in the summer?

TANTAROS: I love that song, too.

KILMEADE: Do they have another album?

PERINO: No, I think that was their only one.

BECKEL: Brian, you only have three and a half minutes.


KILMEADE: I'm happy that you're happy.

Hey, a big meeting in Capitol Hill today of the big four. You got Boehner, Reid, Pelosi, and McConnell, gathering to talk about how to avoid a government shut down. We're doing this again, with a long to do list and a short timetable.

To the list we can add the debt ceiling, the budget, Obamacare, entitlement programs and more. Now, Congress, they cancel it's upcoming recess to tackle it all. A final decision will be made next week.

Here's what happened when the leaders emerged from the cordial meetings.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE JOHN BOEHNER, R-OHIO: There's all this speculation about these deadlines that are coming up. I'm well aware of the deadlines, so are my colleagues. So, we're working with our colleagues to work our way through these issues.

HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: We're here to do a job for the American people. And just because you're an antigovernment ideologue who has landed in Congress doesn't mean you should be shutting down government.

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER HARRY REID, D-NEV.: The anarchists are winning. Shutting down the government obviously is what the majority of the Republican caucus wants to do in the House.


KILMEADE: What the Republicans, I understand, actually saying is before we raise the debt ceiling, there's got to be some legitimate cut. And factoring sequester and factoring the facts that Republicans aren't together.

Eric, where do they go from here? Where is this heading? There isn't much time.

BOLLING: Yes. Here's what I see. You say the big four. And I'm thinking the big four what? Big four time to move on?

I like the final four, I like a different four. I like -- people who I talk to, good friends of mine, where I am in the world, I look on my side. Boehner and McConnell -- I want people saying we can't keep raising the debt ceiling.

We have to attack spending for real, instead of, we're going to -- you know they're going to fund the government through the end of the year and come back at the end of the year and do it again and again. I mean, there's no change. You need change, new blood. Sure, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz.

KILMEADE: And looking at Obamacare, Andrea. But the Republican Party is divided. Boehner had a plan. And he was told that you can't go forward to that plan. He didn't have the background.

TANTAROS: There is no political will in the Republican Party for tax increases, period. So, Democrats should just forget that. But the party is divided, because they don't want to be painted as anarchists, which I think -- forget that line. Who cares what they say?

There has to be some leadership. There has to be spending cuts. Two interesting proposals that Republicans have put forward which I really like, some Republicans are trying to restore cuts that were made to military in light of the Syria issue.

KILMEADE: $1.2 trillion.

TANTAROS: That is I think a deal point for Republicans that they should explore. They've also very shrewdly talked about delaying the individual mandate. I think that would favorable to people who are about to pay a lot of money in health care premiums. These are two issues I want to give Republicans credit for putting forth.

KILMEADE: Is that all they can do in terms of linking Obamacare, Dana, because that is what most of the Tea Party representatives in the House want.

PERINO: We'll see and I think the play that leadership hasn't made yet is to say to people who think that they could defund Obamacare is that, you know what, here's the ball. Run with it. You show -- you convince, you persuade. If you can show us you can do that. We'll sit back and see what happens.

The problem is that's a long walk off a short pier. I think that they'll probably -- Eric is right. They'll get this done and they'll move it on to September because we're going to have something to talk about in December.

KILMEADE: We have October first. Is that enough time, Bob? Because I do know Harry Reid in a very put down, said, I like John Boehner. I do feel sorry for him.

BECKEL: Well, I mean, listen, Boehner -- they had to pull a bill, continuing resolution, off the floor because the Tea Party wants to fund the Obama care. Boehner and Cantor obviously say you can't do that. I think they're going to work out a deal that goes through the end of the year. But it will not be linked to the debt ceiling.

I think Obama is absolutely serious about not negotiating on the debt ceiling. If they want to take on the full faith and credit of the United States, let the Republican Party do it.

KILMEADE: I'll tell you what, I think the Republicans aren't budging either. So, it's another example of both guys just staring at each other.

BECKEL: And who gets blamed for it?

KILMEADE: America.

BECKEL: No, who --

BOLLING: You know what ends up happening, Brian, I've done so many of these shows where you stay until midnight on the day they're shutting down the government at midnight. At 11:59, they come up with a deal. We all oh my God, thank God they didn't shut down the government.


BECKEL: In the '90s, that actually happened.

BOLLING: I wasn't around?

BECKEL: You were a kid.

KILMEADE: The good news for you guys is they're working on animation where the "Red Eye" covers the debt ceiling right now. You will not be forced to stay again like last time.

Meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, a real serious topic. This drunk driver put out an Internet video confession and saying he wanted to full responsibility. So, why do the 22-year-old Matthew Cordle just plead not guilty in court? It could make sense. We'll try to figure it out, straight ahead.


BECKEL: An update now on 22-year-old from Ohio who posted a confession on the internet to killing a man drinking and driving. Despite his admission, Matthew Cordle pleaded not guilty yesterday in court to aggravated vehicular homicide. Sixty-one-year-old Vincent Canzani was killed in a wrong way crash June 22nd. Cordle say plans to change that plea to guilty next week when he's arraigned before a new judge.

I take it this is some kind of maneuver to get out from under the judge that's upset he did the public service announcement. Do you think, Dana?

PERINO: Well, them the breaks. You don't get to choose the judge. You have to go with the judge. You go to war with the military you have, not the military you want. You go to court.


PERINO: Here's the thing I want to say. We gave this a lot of attention. I watched a network news over the weekend. They played it on the weekend - - dedicated an entire news story to it.

Here's the thing -- I don't think we should fall for this stuff anymore. He just go ahead and go to the judge. We shouldn't give him some sort of glamour shot commercial to make a fake confession that hurt the family of the victim.

BECKEL: Brian, do you know who we did this for? I mean, did he do this for somebody or just something he did himself?

KILMEADE: The way I understand it, I've been reading it, the legal maneuver says Matt pleaded not guilty because he needed to get a random judge to maintain the integrity of a sentencing. A legal maneuver, he says he wants to plead guilty, stay in jail until he got his court date.

So, here's the thing -- I actually think he deserves leniency. And here's why -- he's admitting he was egregiously wrong. He's saying don't drink and drive. So, he's got a message behind it.

What else can you do? He drank, he was wrong, something horrendous happened, he killed somebody. But, finally, somebody admits when they're wrong.

BOLLING: Except in court when it counted, then he said I'm not guilty.

KILMEADE: I'm not a lawyer, but evidently I asked for a read-out on this. He is actually, it was a legal maneuver to prove -- it had nothing to say he was guilty. His lawyer told him to do it. But it's not him backing off on the confession.

TANTAROS: It may have been legal but it was really stupid to do. And I actually think he's playing games with this courtroom, Brian. If he's going to go to the trouble of filming a video to hopefully get leniency from a judge, I said on Tuesday, if I am this judge, I don't want confessions except anymore in my courtroom. That's exactly what she said the next day. If I were her, I'd make an example and go the extra mile to show others out there. If you want to try and mess around with the legal system and use PR tactics, it does not work when it comes to the judicial - -

BECKEL: Didn't he do this for some group? Wasn't this for some group?

PERINO: He did it himself though.

BECKEL: I know he did it for himself but I mean --

KILMEADE: You have a good point, Andrea. I will say this -- I think he decided to produce his confession. He just wasn't doing it in a way that's going to stop people from drinking and driving.

TANTAROS: I don't -- I don't see anything authentic. If he was really genuine, he would have showed up in court and he would have said exactly what he said in the video.

KILMEADE: He wouldn't have got the message out to people about not to drink and drive.

TANTAROS: Why wouldn't he? He would have said --

BECKEL: We've got to take a break here. "One More Thing" --

TANTAROS: Eric, you've got Dana.

BOLLING: I want to forego my time.

BECKEL: I asked you a question, didn't I?

BOLLING: We have this next story coming up is really important, kids and parents. It's a good story. Let's move on.

BECKEL: Why don't you go ahead and read it.

BOLLING: No. Tease?

BECKEL: Why is the father of seven wearing Daisy Dukes in public? I don't know who Daisy Duke is. Dana has the answer when "The Five" returns. You'll want to hear it I guess. I'm used to having one more thing, man. I never get up this far --

KILMEADE: You're yelling at people too early.


BOLLING: Welcome back. We love "Fox & Friends" here at "The Five". I've sat in for Kilmeade and Doocy from time to time, so I know what it's like to work with those fellows. On Monday, Elisabeth Hasselbeck will join the team, but I'm not sure if she knows exactly what she's gotten herself into.


ELISABETH HASSELBECK: Hi, everyone. I'm so excited to share a morning with you on "Fox & Friends" with Steve and Brian. We cannot wait to have nothing but a good time. Steve and Brian could not be more friendly and welcoming and informative. I feel like they're my brothers.

Joining the FOX News family is the equivalent of growing up as a Boston Red Sox fan or Yankees fan and being asked to play for the team. This is an honor and privilege. I'm just -- I'm beyond thrilled to be on the team.


BOLLING: I love Elisabeth. She's a sweetheart.

But, Brian, she sure thinks you're friendly and welcoming and informative like a brother. How long do you think that's going to last, my man?

KILMEADE: Probably until Wednesday. That's about it. But I'll tell you one thing already. I sat on the couch with her. Friday, we're going to have rehearsal. Saturday, we --

BECKEL: You did what in the couch?

KILMEADE: Never sat in the couch with her? I think it should be fun. And Gretchen did a great job for seven years. So, she's moving to sometime in the afternoon. But to have Elisabeth will be fantastic.

Sadly, she's the best athlete in the building.

PERINO: She knows more about sports than you do.

KILMEADE: Right. And his husband is Tim Hasselbeck, one of the stars on ESPN.

TANTAROS: Which means I would not challenge one of their kids to any of the sporting things that you've been challenging little children for the last couple of months?

BECKEL: We should tell Elisabeth that Brian is a child molester --


BECKEL: -- and be sure that a child doesn't get hit --

BOLLING: Not a child molester.

BECKEL: I didn't mean it that way. You knew what I meant.


BECKEL: He's a child molester and --

KILMEADE: We'll change that for the West Coast.

BECKEL: Did you get it right with that kid, by the way?

KILMEADE: We're all set.

BOLLING: See what happened today.

BECKEL: Welcome to Elisabeth and I think she's going to be a great asset there and maybe -- she looks better than those dudes.

KILMEADE: She's much more attractive than both of us guys. She's going to be fun.

BOLLING: She's definitely bringing up the hotness chart on --


BOLLING: Dana, your thoughts?

TANTAROS: Kind of like Bob does for us on "The Five"?


TANTAROS: I'm happy for Gretchen, too, because she'll have a show I guess sometime during the day?

KILMEADE: Yes, sometime during the day. They are going to announce it this week. She gets a week off and then she's back in action.

PERINO: Just a week? She deserves more than a week off.


BOLLING: We're going to leave it there, but we played a trick on Brian. He didn't know. All day long, we had the editorial call, sent out editorial notes and whatnot. We told him we'd do another segment. So, we pop on you.

PERINO: What was the segment supposed to be?

BOLLING: The kids that bring parents to job interviews.


BECKEL: Don't feel about that.

TANTAROS: You were supposed to give Elisabeth pointers on how to deal with you. And so, clearly, Elisabeth, he's easy to surprise.

KILMEADE: Yes, easy to surprise. Naive dare I say?

TANTAROS: No, you know what? In all honestly you are one of the nicest men in television, a total sweetheart and a true professional. She's lucky to work with you.


BECKEL: Can I have a date with you tonight?


BECKEL: Listen, don't feel bad. Don't feel naive. I thought that was a blocker we were doing too.

KILMEADE: So very nice of you guys.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to have to leave it there. "One More Thing" coming up next.


TANTAROS: It's now time for "One More Thing" and I will kick it off.

I'm a big fan of "The Howard Stern Show". I always have been.

And part of the reason is not just because he's a good interviewer but because of his side kick Robin Quivers.

Now, Robin Quivers has been fighting cancer for the past year. But just the other day, she had this fantastic announcement.


HOWARD STERN: Let's get to the miracle part of this.

ROBIN QUIVERS: About three months ago, I go into my doctor's office. She just looks at everything, and she goes you're cured.

STERN: Fully cured.

QUIVERS: You're done because you're cured.

STERN: The thought of losing you, we just -- it was unbearable.


TANTAROS: Yes, she's indispensable to that show. And she's a wonderful person. I've had the pleasure of doing her radio show. And, Robin, I can't wait to do it again.

So, congratulations. That is just awesome.


BOLLING: OK. So, I always wear this U.S. Secret Service lapel pin right here, the American flag. I'll continue to wear that.

But in a meantime, a good friend of ours, a friend of a friend, gentleman's name is Ed McMahon. He's the U.S. Marshal Service fugitive task force supervisor and inspector, sent me this set of badges for the U.S. Marshal Service. Fantastic set, very cool.

These guys the do great work. They put their lives at risk for the country, taking bad guys off the street.

He wanted to point out the issue going on right now. In New York, it's the only state in the Union, the only one where once an arrest warrant is issued for a fugitive, that perp is automatically lawyered up. And they would like to have it changed to the rest of the states in the country.

They catch the fugitive. They can take a statement and he can ask for his lawyer and get his Miranda rights.

So, U.S. Marshal Service doing great work.


PERINO: And the most famous deputy marshal of the day, Raylan Givens of "Justified".

Marshal Service is a great place to apply for a job. They do amazing things. Check it out if in law enforcement and want to go into it. I suggest the Marshal Service.

TANTAROS: And, Dana, you're up.

PERINO: I'm next. OK, I love this story. Dads have a big influence on their daughters. Sometimes dads get frustrated and embarrassed about what daughters are wearing out of the house. This dad, his name is Scott McIntosh, he decided to, you know, show his daughter what it was like to walk around wearing Daisy Dukes.

He believes modest is hottest. So, he made the family go on a trip on a Monday night. Putt putt golf just like this. They had to go to the shake stand. She didn't want to go in --

KILMEADE: Like that? Oh my goodness.

PERINO: Yes, just like that. And the video went viral, the photographs and everything.

I think good for you dad. What an amazing thing. I'm looking forward to Bob doing the same with his daughter this weekend.

BECKEL: I've been trying to get Andrea and Kimberly do the same thing because they --


TANTAROS: I don't want to see you in short shorts, that's for sure, or high heels.

You're up next.

BECKEL: OK. There's little known groups, didn't spend much money, $250 million in the 2012 election cycle. Guess who's behind it? It's called Freedom Partners. And the hidden secret contributors were the Koch brothers, who have been out there. They're right wing people who try to change America. They gave $63 million.

Congratulations, boy. Another attempt trying to get tax free to change this country. It ain't going to work because we're going to find you wherever you are.

BOLLING: Legal contributors.

PERINO: Brian, final thought.

KILMEADE: Congratulations to the U.S. men's soccer team. They qualified for Brazil. Unbelievable, decisive victory over Mexico. Congratulations - -

TANTAROS: Bob, do it. Go, take us out.


TANTAROS: Thanks for watching. We'll see you right back here tomorrow.

"Special Report," up next.

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