
This is the complete transcript from "On the Record," March 23, 2006.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Deputy police chief Gerald Dompig tells CBS News' "48 Hours" that he strongly feels Natalee Holloway died from alcohol or drugs, it wasn't murder. But how much did Natalee have to drink that night?

Joran van der Sloot told us Natalee did not seem drunk when they were on the beach together that night.


VAN SUSTEREN: Are you able to estimate how long you were on the beach with Natalee?

JORAN VAN DER SLOOT, CHIEF SUSPECT IN NATALEE HOLLOWAY DISAPPEARANCE: Yes, it was probably an hour, maybe not even an hour.

VAN SUSTEREN: So besides walking north in the direction away from her hotel, what else were you doing?

VAN DER SLOOT: Nothing really, just holding hands and talking about, yes, everything.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was her condition?

VAN DER SLOOT: To me, she seemed like she had something to drink, but she seemed fine. You know, she knew what she was doing.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us from New York is former Westchester DA Jeanine Pirro. In San Francisco is former assistant DA Jim Hammer. Here in Washington, defense attorneys Ted Williams and Bernie Grimm.

Jeanine, I confess, I would love to have this interview that CBS beat us out for. What would be your reaction, if you were Karin Janssen and Dompig got on camera and said these things?

JEANINE PIRRO, FORMER WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY, DA: Well, you know, I have three reactions, Greta. Number one, I am very concerned about someone in law enforcement who gets on television and says, you know, We think she died not as a result of a homicide, not that anybody can even be sure of that, at this point, but rather the use of alcohol and drugs. I mean, that is slanderous in terms of this victim. What we're doing is, we're trashing the victim now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, let me stop right here. Let me just stop right here, and let me run through this a little bit because I got a little bit of history on this. I've got in my hand a June 9 statement that Deepak made while he was in custody, and this was after they left the bar that night. Deepak says, "She was, after all, drunker than before. I thought she talked too much. She talked pretty loud." He's talking about her intoxication.

I have an FBI 302 form — the FBI would probably have a stroke if they know that we got these. But it says in an interview with one of her friends on June 3, her friend, Lee (ph), and she says, "During the early morning hours, they were drinking alcohol, something called red fires."

I've got another 302 of an interview done on June 2 with Catherine Whatley (ph), another friend, and says Holloway was drinking red fires, which had 151 in them. That's talking about Sunday night. There's no question there was alcohol, but she didn't deserve to die because she was drinking.

PIRRO: But not just the alcohol. And you have someone in law enforcement saying the alcohol and drugs, when he can't even say that she was using drugs. He can only say that a credible witness said that she possessed drugs. How dare you say she died of a combination of the two!

VAN SUSTEREN: Oh, I agree with that. I agree with that.


PIRRO: OK, we are not suggesting that she wasn't drinking. She was a college kid on vacation. But to say that it was the use of alcohol and drugs that caused her death, that's my first concern. I don't like it!

VAN SUSTEREN: Actually — let me stop there. I agree with you on that.

PIRRO: All right, second concern is this. If you believe that the body was buried and reburied, stop talking about it and go do something! Get it done instead of getting on television to talk about it. Number three is this, Greta. It's quite possible that law enforcement is using the media to smoke out more information or to get someone to start talking about or doing something while they are under surveillance.

VAN SUSTEREN: You're giving them more credit on number three, I'll tell you, because they don't even return my phone calls. In fact, I'm even a little bit wanted down there.


VAN SUSTEREN: So anyway, Ted?

JIM HAMMER, FORMER ASST. SAN FRANCISCO DA: There's an arrest warrant for you, Greta.

TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Let me just say this. This is the most disrespectful, most insensitive thing that Dompig and a chief of police could do to this family. Look, you go, you find the body, and then you talk about the fact that she was on some drug.

PIRRO: Absolutely!

WILLIAMS: The mere fact that you go on television and you announce this without having a body — and then to say that she overdosed? Well, if she overdosed, did she then become alive and take herself somewhere and bury herself? This is ridiculous!


BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think Jeanine had 57 points. I agree with 47B13 that she made...


GRIMM: ...which is if you're doing an interview with "48 Hours" and you have specific information from a credible witness that he said — and he said it's impossible this person could have made this up, we believe that she's in place X — not to be crude about it, why they hell doesn't he have a shovel and dig in that place right now? I mean, it's time to get going on this! He had this tip a long time ago. May is sort of around the corner now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, I'm anxious to see the rest of the interview. I mean, that's the stuff that we're hearing about now. And they're going to bring some of the tape tomorrow night, but they're going to show all of it on Saturday night. Jim?

HAMMER: You know, the person I want to hear from, Greta, the one we've not heard from these nine months, is Karin Janssen. I think, if, in fact, she said today what Dave claimed, Dave Holloway, that is, this is an old tip, that makes sense to me. If this were such a hot, credible tip, any cop worth his salt would be out there with a team of people digging in those sand dunes. I think it's probably not a fresh tip or a credible tip. But to drag the family through this, like Jeanine said, is really unforgivable. The first phone call ought to be to a victim's family, not to the news media.

PIRRO: Exactly.

HAMMER: And for this poor family repeatedly to have to learn on the news what's happening in this investigation — which is usually nothing, by the way — is unforgivable!

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I honestly don't believe this sand dune tip for the simple reason is that in my wildest dreams, I cannot believe if police have a tip where a body is, that they sit in the office and talk about it.


WILLIAMS: And take it one step further. If you are going on "48 Hours" and talking about you know where the body is, well, the crook or the criminal knows where it is, so why doesn't the criminal go and move the body again?


WILLIAMS: That's so stupid!

PIRRO: Ted, that's exactly the point! It is so outrageous and so beyond the pale, that the only credible excuse you could give them for saying it is, maybe they're trying to smoke out the criminal to see if he's going to go dig out...

HAMMER: You're giving them too much credit, Jeanine.

WILLIAMS: Yes, you're giving them too much credit.

PIRRO: If we can't give them credit, then what we have to say is it's just plain stupid!

WILLIAMS: It is! It is stupid.

HAMMER: They make the Keystone Kops look like the FBI!

WILLIAMS: Let me say it for you, Jeanine. It is stupid and it's disrespectful!

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it stuck on stupid?

WILLIAMS: Greta gave me the words!


WILLIAMS: It's just stuck on stupid!

VAN SUSTEREN: Bernie, I'll give you the last word on this.

GRIMM: You know, we laugh about it, but I mean, we all feel terrible about it. And Beth Holloway's been in the studio and she's a very engaging person. But when she was asked, What do you know about this, and she said, I'll just have to watch the rest of the program...

HAMMER: That's outrageous!

GRIMM: No one's told her. No one's told her.

HAMMER: Outrageous!

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, this family's got a broken heart, and this has been bizarre!

PIRRO: But this is part of the ripple effect that families go through. You know, when someone becomes the victim of a crime, it's not just the victim, it's the family. And the heartache goes on and on and on.

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, but wait a second, Jeanine. Jeanine, not every crime can be solved. Not every missing person is a crime. But you can...

PIRRO: But they deserve dignity!

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, right. You can do it with manners. You can stay in touch with the people.

WILLIAMS: That's right!

VAN SUSTEREN: You can show that if you have a tip that a body is buried there, you can get out there with a shovel!

WILLIAMS: You can conduct a professional investigation. You don't conduct an investigation like Dompig! And if anybody needs to boycott that island, they need to boycott it to get rid of this chief of police!


VAN SUSTEREN: How do you really feel, Ted?

HAMMER: I thought you were against that, Ted.

WILLIAMS: I'm against the boycott of Aruba, but this chief needs to go!


VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Panel, thank you. Ted takes the last word on that. He will not be going to Aruba.


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