
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 30, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eboni Williams, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Welcome to "The Five" on this Memorial Day. We hope you're having a great holiday weekend. On this day we honor Americans who have died serving our country. And to our living veterans and those currently in the armed forces, we salute you, we thank you and we pray for you as well. We're very excited about today's show, because we're going to do something little different. It's graduation theme audition. Our advice for the class of 2016 and more, but first some valuable tips for grad this year from these commencement speakers.


JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Engage in the tireless pursuit of finding common ground, because not only will you be happier, you will be incredibly more successful. That's where you'll find your reward.

CLARENCE THOMAS, SUPREME COURT JUSTICE: Do not hide your faith and your beliefs under a bushel basket, especially in this world that seems to have gone mad with political correctness.

RUSSELL WILSON, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS QUARTERBACK: If you know what you're capable of, if you're always prepared and you keep things in perspective, the life has a way of turning no into yes.

OPRAH WINFREY, ACTRESS: Every stumble is not a fall and every fall does not mean failure. Being human means you will make mistakes.

SHERYL SANDBERG, FACEBOOK CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER: I hope that you live your life each precious day of it with joy and meaning. And when the challenges come, I hope you remember that deep within you is the ability to learn and grow.


PERINO: All right. We're going to take it around the table here. Greg, let me start with you. That was some very lofty advice and I'm assuming that you can keep that going.



GUTFELD: Done it all. I have four.


GUTFELD: OK, A, move to a place where you can find a combination of two factors; job prospects plus affordability. All these people keep moving to New York. They move into a closet with 12 people. One is usually is a psychopath who steals your underwear and your food. You want to move to a place where you can actually live a good life and save some money. Reject all identity politics in every way, shape or form. No one wants to have a whining, loser baby working for them. Don't overinflate your background either. That's also part of the identity. Don't do drugs, yet. Achievement must arrive before reward. It goes for all indulgences; drugs booze, womanizing, maninizing (ph). Save that until you're successful.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: You've given the last one up.

GUTFELD: And lastly, this is the most important thing. If you want to get rich, figure out what robots can't do and then do that. I have this idea -- create organic businesses, but not about like kale or food, human beings. You know, advertise that humans will do things for you, because in about 10 years that's going to be a delicacy.



ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I love -- display a common theme.

GUTFELD: That's not true.


BOLLING: Automation, this is going to take over the world.



BOLLING: Which I don't disagree with you. I just disagree in your time frame. I think the 10 years could be --

GUILFOYLE: Look at him.

BOLLING: Maybe 500 years.

GUTFELD: Oh no, no, no.

PERINO: Oh no, it's coming.

GUTFELD: I mean, it's (inaudible) --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, no, no, no. Now you've done it.

GUTFELD: I would go maybe between 10 and 50.


BOLLING: All right.


PERINO: Why don't we go to your advice?

BOLLING: All right. So, above all, when you graduate you have to be, whatever job you get you have to be the hardest worker in the office.


BOLLING: Make sure you're working harder than the next guy or gal (inaudible), and follow your dream. America is like the vat of opportunity. There's -- it's unending opportunity, just keep following your dream. Even if you don't necessarily have a job, that is your dream. So you have to work at Starbucks or the GAP, you do that. But always do whatever makes you happy, if you like photography .


BOLLING: . if you like music, if you like blogging, whatever -- I mean, like creating apps. You like video games. Just continue to do that .


BOLLING: . and find the opportunity. So that when, you know, when you move jobs, maybe one door opens and you say hey, look, this is something that I can get into and it will take you towards your dream and above all, my mom told me this on her final words -- never quit. Never quit.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.

PERINO: That's good advice. How about you, Eboni?

EBONI WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah. I'm going to pick up where he left off with the mother advice. I got this from my mother. She's a shot, straight, no chaser type of lady, talked about distinguishing between a dream and a goal. Dreams, we all have them, you know, commencement speakers talk about them, and they're fantastic. But when you put a timeline to your dream, now you have a goal. And she was very, very adamant about that. Something else I want to offer, make sure you try to get the room on your side. I don't care if you're working at the GAP. I don't care if you're working at the Goldman Sachs. There's going to be a room of people making decisions about you, and your future, and your trajectory. And just make sure you're a good person that you speak to the person that holds the door for you in the morning that you speak to the person that prints the copy. That you make sure everybody in your environment feels important and respected. So that when those positions are made the room is on your side.

BOLLING: What if you're the guy that makes the copies or holds the door in the morning?

WILLIAMS: You know what? --


WILLIAMS: I've been that person getting coffee, absolutely. And I was treating everybody with respect the whole way, and listening. You can learn a lot by doing that job --

GUTFELD: You have to do stuff .


GUTFELD: . to people's coffee.

BOLLING: That's true.


WILLIAMS: Like put cream and sugar in it, that's right.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.


GUTFELD: Wait a second.


PERINO: Now K.G., you have written a whole book about this.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I have, "Making the Case." So you know, I think it's really important to develop that self-esteem and self confidence early on to believe in yourself, no bad things --

GUTFELD: I'm against self-esteem, but go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Well, when you find some, let me know.



GUTFELD: Self esteem is a hindrance to success.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think so. I think you have to believe in yourself. And if you do, you'll be authentic, you'll be genuine, you'll be able to make your case compellingly to someone that you need a job, for where you need a partner with or you need advice or mentoring; any of these things.

GUTFELD: High self-esteem is among criminals.

GUILFOYLE: OK, that's -- no. That's your thought. No.

GUTFELD: It's true.

GUILFOYLE: You're getting into the DSM-5 access to where you live and for (inaudible), yeah. There's a lot of problem to say --

GUTFELD: How did you know?

GUILFOYLE: I know, right?


GUILFOYLE: So what I think you need to do is, yes, find something you're passionate about that you love. So even if it is a job -- yeah, you're making copies, you're doing whatever. Like my job in the delicatessen, I absolutely loved it. With something that I enjoyed, because I love sandwiches, I love salami, I love all of these, you know, (inaudible). And so it was very good for my job making sandwiches and so it was very good for me to be in that environment, because it was something I felt like I knew a lot about, even though it's an entry level person. And then you build from there, and then you build a resume. So you're not someone that graduates from college that doesn't have the experience or the internship. Don't be afraid to work for free.



GUTFELD: However --

GUILFOYLE: It's great to have job.

GUTFELD: You also have to put a limit on how far you will go in terms of working for free. You don't want to end up, you know, with the -- there's a lot, that's how the blogs start. You (inaudible) post that everybody like me, writing for free.


GUTFELD: You got to put a limit to that.

GUILFOYLE: At a certain point. But develop a skills set and be -- put yourself to the ear, you know, marketable about, that you're somebody who is desirable in the marketplace. The people want a higher and bring into the organization that has good energy, that's appreciative .


GUILFOYLE: . to have a job. I mean, you know, there are a lot of people out there that wish that they could work. Look at the coal miners.



WILLIAMS: Bring value to the table, (inaudible) that. You know, working for free, 100 percent, K.G., you agree. But make sure that you're cultivating value .


WILLIAMS: . in what do you. So that way, they have what, incentives to pay you, because now you're going to take your skills and go somewhere else.

PERINO: I have a couple -- I'm into routine. I think that when you're first starting out, like it's really good to have a couple of things that you do every day or that you at least, you have a routine like Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I would put exercise on the list. Reading, like choose something you like to read, like choose if there's a half hour you can spare, or have some sort of an app on your phone so if you have a commute you can actually spend it reading. Also personal notes to family and friends, a huge fan of it, you can do it by e-mail, I guess if you want, but if you really want to make a mark do the hard copy. And the other thing I think is important for this class is don't worry, your young lives away. These young people seem so worried.


GUILFOYLE: Do you wish you had that advice and followed it?


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, because --

PERINO: I mean I worried all the time.

GUILFOYLE: We were warriors.

GUTFELD: But you know where the worry comes from, that you're not getting there fast enough.



GUTFELD: If you put a lot of pressure on yourself, it's like you, why am I not already making this amount of money or why am I not here on this ladder? But there's also a new worry, social networks, we just -- one thing, we haven't touched on which is, kids these days have the option of ruining their lives before their lives you can start by doing something on Twitter or Facebook --


GUTFELD: Just any --

PERINO: Who is the --

BOLLING: Yeah, but you know what's going on now too, is people are getting numb to it. So all these stuff is the -- all these pictures, all these videos are out.


BOLLING: Michael Phelps smoking pot.

GUTFELD: Yeah. But it would -- he's a mess now.

BOLLING: But he is coming back. He's going to be another Olympian again and he will win more gold medals. I'm not saying, I'm not condoning, I simply saying where we grew up going, oh my, God, if that ever got out, we would be in trouble. How many times that have we said the hackers, but now it's like so much stuff.

PERINO: What kind of person who cannot do it.

BOLLING: I think that the world is getting immune to it, yeah.

PERINO: We, actually, I was going to bring that up. Just recently, the government said that it would start checking social media when they were doing background checks.

GUTFELD: I've done it. When I look at hiring, I look at people. I just put them right into Google. And if there's something crazy going on, I'm not hiring you.


PERINO: If you are .

GUILFOYLE: Sure, why not.

PERINO: . applying for a job, you Google that company.



PERINO: So I guess everybody has to understand that.

WILLIAMS: And that's not that new, Dana, because when I applied for my first law firm job, which wasn't, you know, it's kind of awhile back, it's been years now. They told me, they said, yeah, we went on your Facebook page. We did this, we did that, because you're a representative, you're a brand ambassador for a lot of these companies whether it's the firm or it's the DA's office. Whether it's, you know, whatever finance firm, you are brand ambassador. And so therefore, they want to make sure you're brand appropriate. It's true.

GUILFOYLE: No. It is true.


BOLLING: One more?


BOLLING: One more little piece? Find something you're passionate about. I mean, if you're passionate about your hobby, your work, great even better. But whatever it is, just be passionate about something --

GUTFELD: What if it's sleep?


BOLLING: Even that. I get it.

GUTFELD: Volunteer in a sleep lab.

GUILFOYLE: Work at Sleep EZ.


PERINO: But also --


GUILFOYLE: That's mattresses.

GUTFELD: Do they? I don't think so.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I sleep like an angel (inaudible).


PERINO: There's a lot of great ways to learn, to continue learning as well. You can actually learn to do all the stuff on YouTube, if you want to learn how to build a robot.


PERINO: For example.

GUTFELD: Learn how to play guitar.

GUILFOYLE: You can do that?

GUTFELD: Just from YouTube.

PERINO: Yeah, you can do that.

GUTFELD: Think of all those guitar instructors that are out of work, because everybody goes on YouTube and they just can learn all the chords.

BOLLING: Just a normal -- will be playing the guitar either.

GUTFELD: I think that's true.

PERINO: Robots.

GUTFELD: Robots.

BOLLING: Robots will be playing the guitar --

PERINO: In like five years.

GUTFELD: Well, it's like the "Guitar Hero." It's like you not just learn, you just play by --



BOLLING: Just hit it.


PERINO: All right. Well --


BOLLING: Can I say Greg --


BOLLING: At what point do you get to say kids these days? What age --


WILLIAMS: I'm saying it right now, kids these days --

BOLLING: Does this value?

WILLIAMS: I mean my goodness. Yes.


BOLLING: I would --

GUTFELD: I'm referring to 35-year-old.

PERINO: Well, there's much more to come .

GUTFELD: That's how old I am.

PERINO: . about this topic on The Five's Memorial Day special.


PERINO: We've spoken about the coddled culture on a lot of college campuses today. President Obama and Michael Bloomberg lectured students about it during their commencement address this season, and you're going to hear from them, next.



GUILFOYLE: Welcome back. A lot of college students these days can't seem to handle opposing points of view like this young lady. Remember her?


CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS, AUTHOR: I am here to provide adult, adult supervision --


SOMMERS: Calm down, young lady. Calm down.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep), (beep).



GUILFOYLE: What? OK. Students are shutting down speakers they don't agree with and their schools are shielding them with cold words and safe spaces. Even liberals like Michael Bloomberg and President Obama say it's time to grow up and suck it up.



MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY: The whole purpose of college is to learn how to deal with difficult situations, not to run away from them. One of the most dangerous places on a college campus is the so- called safe space.


BLOOMBERG: Because it creates a false impression that we can isolate ourselves from those who hold different views.

BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: Don't try to shut folks out. Don't try to shut them down no matter how much you might disagree with them; teach them, beat them on the battlefield of ideas. But life has never been completely fair. Nobody promised you a crystal stare.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, goodness. It's like what, 13 different accents.


PERINO: Doesn't it?

GUILFOYLE: Honestly, I don't know. It was very --

PERINO: I think they rhyme.

GUILFOYLE: He could like be on "Saturday Night Live" after this doing impersonations or something like that. What did you think?

GUTFELD: You know safe space is essentially moral suicide, if you -- what if you took it to the logical extension, complete removal from perceives (inaudible) and the risks of life. That's basically prison solitary confinement. Just join a cult where you no longer are, you know, involved with the community or people, or euthanasia. Just you know, life is really hard and suicide will one day become a viable option because life is too difficult, and this is happening in European counties right now. Where there are young people .


GUTFELD: . who are, opting out of life .


GUTFELD: . because it's risky. And when you think about it, that's the ultimate safe space, it's a coffin.

PERINO: We should have a debate about that. That was very --

GUILFOYLE: That was like very intense.

GUTFELD: Was it?

PERINO: It's true.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, totally.

GUTFELD: It's better than robots.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Bolling, please?


BOLLING: I can follow up on that?

GUILFOYLE: No robots.

BOLLING: I was hoping that you were talking about Chinese young people.


GUTFELD: It's terrible.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my, God.

BOLLING: Thankfully, President Obama did make this speech and said, hey, you guy got to cut it out. You have to have opposite points of view, able to be expressed on your college campuses in the form of commencement speeches, but as Greg points out, the safe space, the microaggression that going on every day and the protections for students who feel micro aggressed against for a he or she pronoun, it's over. Liberal -- liberalism is infected academia, completely, with the exception of one or two schools, maybe five schools in the country. It's over. President Obama -- That's a great speech President Obama, but push back on the safe spaces, and the microaggression, and defining people, and the throwing of them out of school for saying the wrong thing.


BOLLING: The college campus should be an open form of ideas and words.


GUILFOYLE: Open your minds.

WILLIAMS: And I think he did that when he went to Howard University and pretty much chastised those students for essentially bullying Secretary Condoleezza Rice off the graduation stage. I mean, it's horrible.

GUILFOYLE: Horrible.

WILLIAMS: And I think it's an old school/new school thing age. I really think even within the liberal camp, most old schools understand that you cannot shut down things you don't like and disagree with. I truly do. And I think that's why you're seeing that type of thing. I think new school generations, they do feel like that. They do not know to disagree with one another. And it's very sad, because I know --

GUTFELD: But they're (inaudible) by old school professors.

WILLIAMS: That's why we're talking about old school.


WILLIAMS: But it's almost like they're not listening.


WILLIAMS: They booed Bloomberg when he said that.


WILLIAMS: You know it's really sad. And almost all the jobs I've worked at I presented one of very few, you know, what I represented, and I have succeeded. You know, because I understood, I went to a university that allowed multiple types of people to influence my .


WILLIAMS: . perspective.

GUILFOYLE: Now Dana, you've had an opportunity, I mean to give so many speeches, reach a lot of people and young people.

PERINO: I love doing to a lot of campuses, though.

GUILFOYLE: But also with (inaudible) mentoring .


GUILFOYLE: Things like that. So what will --


PERINO: You know I love the millenials.



PERINO: I have soft spot for that.

GUILFOYLE: You are the millennial panel.

PERINO: What? I run the millennial panel. I think they like me because I'm like their size.




PERINO: No. I just want to pick up on something Eric said .

GUILFOYLE: Spring break next time.

PERINO: . about, this is, this liberalism has infected academia, but I think that speeches actually now and need to go back. These commencements type of speeches should be given in kindergarten, because the liberal integration is actually starts K to 12. They don't get to college and all of a sudden thinks that there's micro aggression. This is actually being taught much early on. And the interesting thing is how bad it is that you have to have a president of the United States in his last year in office spend time in a commencement speech telling college students that they should be willing to be open to other thoughts. I mean, that is -- that to me shows there's an epidemic on this issue. There's an example every week. Ben Shapiro, he's a Californian young republican, conservative guy, almost examples -- when to (inaudible), they try to shut down the speeches, or if they showed up, they protest them, trying to makes it impossible.

BOLLING: Well, you know (inaudible) I wanted this speech, right?


BOLLING: At room down.

PERINO: Yeah, I mean that, it's absurd. But I think the problem goes much deeper than just an academia --

BOLLING: can I follow that up?


PERINO: It starts early on.

BOLLING: It's -- absolutely in high school, as well. I mean if you ever spend any time in your kid's classroom in high school.


BOLLING: We sure that textbooks, they are completely liberal. They lean far left, they ignore things, they do, they day say things about weapons of mass. They say things that you would not believe. It's just almost ignoring history. So it starts in high school, and don't forget every high school teaches is what, part of a union, right? Part of the teachers' union. So they lean extremely far left as well.


BOLLING: Your kids, you're right. Their kids, your kids, our kids are getting it from --


PERINO: Progressives figured this out a long time ago and conservatives are playing catch up.

GUTFELD: But going back and we talk about this generation, but the people teaching these classes were in classes in 1970's and the 1980's. So they were part of the old freedom speech movement .


GUTFELD: . in Berkeley and elsewhere. So they're culpable. This -- when we talk about, you talked about, it's old and new. Actually, the old kind of wanted this. They kind of wanted conservative thought off campus. A lot of freedom of speech movement, a lot of those people just wanted freedom for them.

BOLLING: People would --


BOLLING: Do you believe the extent to which it went liberal and left? I mean, it's incredible. It went from, you know, 50/50 to 70/30 and now it's like literally, it's probably 90/10.



GUILFOYLE: Oh no, I was smiling at Allison.



GUILFOYLE: She's very charming. All right, next, a refresher for America's youth on what makes our country great. Look a live (inaudible), capitalism 101, baby, taught by our Professor Bolling, next.


SHANNON BREAM, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: I'm Shannon Bream in Washington, here are your headlines. President Obama is challenging Americans on this Memorial Day to fill the silence left by those who died serving their country with love and support for the families of the fallen. The president laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery today. And earlier he hosted a breakfast reception at the White House for family members of fallen troops and veterans groups. Halfway around the world, U.S. forces are providing air support and special operation assistance as Iraqi forces start pushing into the city of Fallujah. The Iraqi troops say a protracted effort to retake the strategic city from ISIS terrorists. Today militants killed at least 24 people in a wave of bombings in and around Baghdad.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, both formally off the campaign trail this holiday. Bernie Sanders has two events in Oakland. It's like of next big California primary. I'm Shannon Bream in Washington. Please join me at 6:00 eastern for a special report. For now, we'll take it back to "The Five" in New York.


GORDON GEKKO, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works.


BOLLING: Well, Gordon Gekko explained the importance of greed, but that pro capitalist position isn't resonating with America's millenials. A new Harvard survey shows more than half of those between the ages of 18 to 29 do not support capitalism. Now it completely surprise because we've seen droves of them at rallies for Bernie the socialist, self describe socialist a Sanders. Greg, you pointed out many times on this show that capitalisms saves lives.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. And if you actually get a head-to-head a comparison, capitalism has probably saves more lives than most vaccines. And if you actually took the word, you do, I know you're laughing, if you choose --


GUTFELD: And that probably exaggerated (inaudible). But actually --


GUTFELD: Capitalism helps get the vaccines out there .

BOLLING: Exactly, exactly.

GUTFELD: . at the free market system.


GUTFELD: Thank you, thank you. And they showed the free market, and capitalism does where it goes, makes long -- lives last longer. But if you just replace socialism with the phrase, "socialist most is and treated it like a disease." It actually, probably kills more people than you can imagine. By the way, I know you didn't pick that Wall Street clip. You wouldn't that. That's why capitalism gets a bad rep.

BOLLING: That was Gordon.

GUTFELD: Because no (inaudible) --


GUTFELD: Because the left makes it --


GUTFELD: Capitalism to greed. And that's an Oliver Stone movie.

BOLLING: Can I just tell you, though, I saw -- when I saw it was about 1983 .

GUILFOYLE: You loved it.

BOLLING: To 1984, five or so and through that I saw that like, I was in Chicago --


BOLLING: I'll never forget watching it and going --


BOLLING: I got to go to New York.


GUILFOYLE: I love that.

BOLLING: I drove for and I was like, you know, I want to be him. My aspiration is to be him. Dana --


BOLLING: Capitalism equals profits. Profit equals innovation, innovations makes our lives better.

PERINO: Yeah, but profit has, it's now become a four letter word to --




PERINO: I think that millenials have this romantic idea of what socialism is and that they don't understand what it has done in the past. Remember that we should do have them a documentary about what is happening in Venezuela right now, because that is absolutely where people are dying on the, in the hospital corridors because they can't get any care.

GUTFELD: I have a live feed, you know, we have live feeds of pandas.

PERINO: Yeah, yeah.

GUTFELD: I have a live feed at Venezuela supermarket.

PERINO: Great idea.

BOLLING: Yeah --

PERINO: But I think that they have .


PERINO: . mistrust in government.

GUILFOYLE: No toilet paper.

PERINO: That they have trust the government more than they trust the free market. I understand the free market is a little leap of faith, but it's definitely more efficient and produces more winners than the government.

BOLLING: At some point these young people -- by the way, Harvard, they didn't, they weren't exactly thrilled with socialism either. They didn't like anything. Maybe that's to Dana's point. The government will take care of us.

WILLIAMS: I have a theory about that, Eric, why that's a little bit different coming from Harvard. Depending on where you look I fall into the millennial category, sometimes right outside of it. This is what I think about my generation. I think that we operate from fear. And I think if you're at Harvard, you're already less afraid .


WILLIAMS: ... because there's indicators to tell you that you're doing something right, right? But I think a lot of millennials are very afraid of the very nature of some people doing better than others. They also believe the false narrative that, to do good in the world, you cannot do well. And that, I don't believe in it, to put it politely.

My mother raised me. She was a single parent. She was a small business owner, though, and she raised me to believe that it is absolutely within your range to do the best, but that's up to you. Right? So it's a risk, and that's, I think, what a lot of millennials don't like.

BOLLING: K.G., the only system in the world, the free-market capitalist system, the only system in the world that allows someone to have an idea and a dream, put it together, take the risk, put some money up.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.

BOLLING: And to see -- you can't do that in other countries.

GUILFOYLE: Get a patent and change the world and change lives and reach out and think big. And I love it. I mean, this is what -- you see that work. I mean, look at our country and then look at these other countries where people are, like, getting lit on fire for, like, stealing something that's $5. It literally happened the other day in Venezuela. It's shocking and appalling.

And when you look at, literally, the benefits of capitalism and a free market, look on the map when you see it. We've all seen it, right? North Korea and South Korea, just based on a government that allows one to have the free market and capitalism, the lights are on. The other one.

GUTFELD: Vitamin C, baby.

BOLLING: But Dana, before we go, we have about a minute or so, and the importance, like, the secret ingredient to capitalism, profit and succeeding in the free market, regulation. Keeping regulation under control.

PERINO: Right. Well, part. And it's also risk. So that's -- they're twins, right? So in order to succeed, you have to have a willingness to risk, like a tolerance to risk, like you did when you were an energy trader. Right? You woke up every day, like, "I'm going to put it all on the line." And then, like, maybe you had to go take some Alka Seltzer and think, "Did I do the right thing?" And then you find out at the end of the day, "I did the right thing."

So that -- there's a -- I think that there is a risk -- a reluctance to take risks by millennials, which is to your point in terms of fear. They also grew up in -- when they saw the financial crisis and 9/11, so they are thinking that the government can actually help take care of this.

Regulations are what is absolutely strangling the country. This is the presidential election. For millennials in particular, this is so important about who is going to take over 2,500 political appointee positions all across the government. Doesn't matter who's exactly in the White House. All those things that are happening right now.

President Obama, I think that they said 26,000 new regs are supposed to, like, hit the books by January, and all businesses -- all business sectors are complaining about this.

GUILFOYLE: So we've got to undo them. Delete.

PERINO: And it's not just at the federal level. City and states, as well.

GUILFOYLE: Delete, like Hillary's e-mail.

WILLIAMS: Final point, though, to Dana's point, which is so important. I would like to see millennials be more resilient. Because some of those days that Eric, you know, had to take the Alka Seltzer, he maybe made the wrong decision. You know what? You bounce back from it, though.

GUILFOYLE: It's just like in Pepcid AC.

BOLLING: I'll never forget the day I lost more money than I was willing -- I should have ever lost in my life, probably lost everything I had. The guy, my mentor in life brought me in his office, sat me down and called my father on the phone. He said, "Mr. Bolling, you know what your son just lost today," gave the number, and my father, who didn't have any mother either, was so let down. It hurt me so much. You know what it did? It taught me about risk. It taught me that risk isn't just a number.

GUTFELD: Why did he call your dad?

GUILFOYLE: That's brutal. It's so brutal.

PERINO: But you never did it again.

BOLLING: It worked.

All right. We'll leave it right there. Next, we answer your Facebook questions on the real world after college, coming up.



GUTFELD: It's "Facebook Monday," the graduation edition. For today's show we asked our viewers to send in whatever questions they had for us on college and life beyond.

Let's begin with Kimberly, because she's texting. All right. I caught you. This is from Louise T. Interesting. "What did each of you do after graduation, immediately after? Jobs, hiatus" -- I don't know what that is -- "Peace Corps, grad school?" First thing.

GUILFOYLE: We've answered all this before.

GUTFELD: Say it quickly, and I'll move on.

GUILFOYLE: I went straight to law school...

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: ... three weeks later.

GUTFELD: Wow. You didn't answer that. I didn't know that.

GUILFOYLE: The second youngest in the class.


GUILFOYLE: And trying cases by 24.

GUTFELD: Interesting. Eboni, can you beat that?

WILLIAMS: I would never dare compete with K.G. But I went straight from college to law school, as well, and then I went straight to law school -- this is a little more interesting story. So I graduated. I passed the bar, but I didn't have a job.

So I was staying with my mother still. She said, "So this is the deal. Congratulations on your license. You've got four weeks to get a law job, or you're going to be waiting tables at P.F. Chang's." She was dead serious, so hence the time line. Dream, go. I had a dream of practicing law, but then it had to become a goal.

GUTFELD: I love P.F. Chang's.

GUILFOYLE: That is so good.

GUTFELD: Yes, that would have been fun.

GUILFOYLE: So you got a job.

WILLIAMS: I did and started working at a prestigious firm.

GUTFELD: Very good.


GUILFOYLE: They're amazing.

GUTFELD: The wraps are messy.

WILLIAMS: But I beat the time line. I got a law job at a very nice firm.

BOLLING: So I graduated from college in Winter Park. I literally got a fellowship to Duke University. Got to Duke University, public policy.


BOLLING: I was going to do the fellowship, and I got drafted by the Pirates.

WILLIAMS: I remember you.

BOLLING: And I went to pro baseball for a while.

WILLIAMS: The Pirates saved you. You don't want to go to Duke.

GUTFELD: Saved by Pirates.

BOLLING: I loved public policy. I mean, that...

WILLIAMS: De Blasio, Eric.

BOLLING: Right, I forgot about that.

GUTFELD: Perino.

PERINO: I did go to graduate school, but in the three months in between for the summer I waited tables, like Governor's Park Tavern, on Capitol Hill in Denver.

GUTFELD: I heard about that. Yes.

What did I -- I went to The American Spectator. I was an intern there. That was my first job. Got paid crap.

My paycheck every two weeks was $330, and I lived with two elderly women in Arlington, Virginia, on George Mason Drive in their basement that I shared with a priest. We had to share -- I'm not kidding. We shared a bathroom. And I would come -- when I'd bring, like, a girl home I would lock the bathroom door and I'd forget. And the priest was locked out of the bathroom in the morning. He hated me. Anyway.

WILLIAMS: So that's why you're so eccentric.

BOLLING: Yes, I would say -- I would say that is the basis for a lot of...

GUILFOYLE: That was so, like, "Fargo" meets "Deliverance."

GUTFELD: It was bad news. I'm leaving out some things that happened.

PERINO: I'd love to hear his side of the story.

GUTFELD: He's probably not around. I don't think he's here anymore. He was an older gentlemen. One of them passed away.

GUILFOYLE: What a terrible life for him. Can you imagine?

GUTFELD: I had to lie and tell them that I quit my job and moved so I could move out, because I felt so bad. And then I ran into them at the Arlington Giant supermarket.

BOLLING: And they're all, like, going, "Thank God he finally moved out."

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: This is why you always say you're, like, living in the basement with Lou Dobbs.

GUTFELD: Yes, I actually did live in the basement.

GUILFOYLE: You have a penchant.

GUTFELD: Not with Lou Dobbs. That came later.

All right. Let's go this way. What kind of advice would you give to those who can't find jobs in their degree field?

PERINO: This is happening a lot. Because for example, let's say you go in and you get a communications degree.


PERINO: It's a very broad type of degree. And you think that you want to do like press secretary of work or something like that. It's not necessarily going to happen right away. And I sort of feel like you've got to just take a job, get working, get a routine, and then things start to happen.


BOLLING: Assuming you didn't go to school for a specific area, like you're an engineer, you've gone to engineering school, and then all of a sudden, you can't find an engineering job. I would just continue to try, continue to try and find a job in your field.

That's a tough question. A better question is, for people who are going to college, do you specify? Do you go into an area where it's so specific, a geology, engineering, et cetera, or do you go with liberal arts?

GUILFOYLE: Well, liberal arts, you can go anywhere with that. Like, people pick political science. I was rhetoric and communications, also with Poli Sci, and I was like...

GUTFELD: Poli Sci.

GUILFOYLE: ... which has really come in handy.

GUTFELD: Yes. What a fake major.

GUILFOYLE: What was yours?

GUTFELD: English.

WILLIAMS: Yes, exactly.

GUTFELD: In terms of me, I like -- I'm glad I didn't get in my degree field. What a relief.

PERINO: You would be a professor.

GUTFELD: I know.

GUILFOYLE: You were -- you were an editor in chief of magazines.

GUTFELD: I had to relearn how to write after college.

WILLIAMS: I think the take away is that you want to get a job that teaches you skills. So that Eric, for example, maybe you can't get an engineering job in your field, but you can accumulate some other skill that's going to help you moving forward.

PERINO: I don't think engineers are having any problems. Right now.

GUTFELD: That's a great -- a great gig.

GUILFOYLE: It's very specific.

GUTFELD: Yes, because I love trains. One last question.

All right. This is from Marilyn.

GUILFOYLE: The robots are going to drive trains now.

GUTFELD: Automated trains, baby, coming up. How near are each of you to the goals you set for yourself after high school graduation? Are you satisfied with your path so far? I'll start with you, Eric.

BOLLING: I'm thrilled with my path, but it wasn't a goal. I mean, my goal was to play professional baseball, and I got hurt. I was done with baseball. Then I ended up, you know, starting an oil trading business, and that was great. And then CNBC asked and said, "Can you do a TV show?" And I said yes.

So I just -- here's the point. Make the best of where you are, and if you love it, just continue to do it. I adore where I am now.

GUTFELD: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, obviously.


WILLIAMS: I'm thrilled with the path, Greg. I'm just never satisfied. I'm that person. Not even close. So I'll keep riding the waves.

PERINO: You can't plan it all out. One of the reasons I wrote, "And the Good News Is," is because I realized that I didn't have to worry so much if I tried to plan everything out, then it doesn't actually happen. Things come along, because you're prepared and willing to take a risk.

GUILFOYLE: You have to be fearless.

WILLIAMS: And prepared.

GUTFELD: My path is what was I doing in high school? I was sitting in home run making jokes and being a complete idiot, and I've been doing the same thing since 1983.

GUILFOYLE: Nothing's changed.

PERINO: You've really grown into the job.

GUTFELD: I've grown into the job.

WILLIAMS: You've mastered it.

GUILFOYLE: You're doing something you're passionate about, being ridiculous. I love it.

GUTFELD: I love it, too.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

GUTFELD: All right.

Want to know what we looked like way back when we graduated from college? Yes, neither do I.


WILLIAMS: Time now to go back in time, since this is a graduation themed show, we thought we'd show you our graduation photos, and we also included a couple prom pics, too. Brace yourself, folks. Let's go around the table, starting with the lovely Ms. Kimberly Guilfoyle.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So my brother found something somewhere under, like, a dirty paint can.

But this is graduation from high school at Mercy High School.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, look at that hair-do. Quite fabulous. I just want you to know that, at the time, that was considered a very good graduation photo. Everyone was like, "Wow, yours is really good." So my hairdo was like -- and this is prom. That is my brother, actually, because I went down to Army/Navy Military Academy where he attended in Carlsbad. And that's me, yes, again rocking the hair.

PERINO: That's a prom dress?


WILLIAMS: That's a great head of hair, K.G.

All right, E. Money. What you got?

BOLLING: It's me, not you? Going around this way? The first one is prom. Have it? There -- there I am with a white tux. And there's Colleen Keith, one of my first -- like, my first love.

PERINO: Are you in touch with her still?


PERINO: Colleen, call us.

WILLIAMS: I like the white jacket. It's hot.

BOLLING: That's graduation.

GUTFELD: We're getting a phone call right now from all of her friends.

BOLLING: It was the same tux, because it's, like, a week apart.

GUILFOYLE: No, and you know what? You love to do that. Remember when you did your -- was it your recommitment ceremony with Adrienne, and you both wore the white? Like you had the white on again.

BOLLING: I don't know why it's always white. But look at the size of that...

GUTFELD: You're racist.

BOLLING: ... that tie. Very quickly, my pride and joy right there. Put it up. Eric Chase, pre-prom right there.

WILLIAMS: That's very cute.


WILLIAMS: Looking good, Eric. Dana.

PERINO: I don't know which one is first so put it up there, and let's get it over with.

GUILFOYLE; Yes, let's like...

PERINO: Actually, that one's not bad. This is college graduation. My dad in the back. I think my mom is taking the picture. But the best part about that picture, that's my niece, Jessica Wilkerson, who just this -- last week had her first hearing that she ran on Capitol Hill for the House Commerce Committee on cyber security, and it went very well; going to mark- up. So she was only 2 or 3 at the time, and now she's 25.


PERINO: OK, then prom. So here is the thing. Why is there no guy in this picture? I'm the shortest one, and then there's Tiffany Ally (ph) in the middle. She looks amazing. And Andrea Bell (ph) -- Andray-uh Bell, excuse me. And the thing is that we had dates with all of our guy friends.

WILLIAMS: Are those your outfits?


WILLIAMS: Is this prom?

PERINO: What are you talking about?

WILLIAMS: What is this picture for?


WILLIAMS: They had little jackets, K.G.

PERINO: What are you talking about?

WILLIAMS: Maybe I can't see it.

PERINO: Yes, it was a dress.

WILLIAMS: Are those casual clothes?

GUTFELD: She's throwing shade.

PERINO: Wow! Wow!

WILLIAMS: OK. This prom...

PERINO: I think it was satin. Anyway, our friends ended up having to go to the national rugby team championship, unbelievably, because they got -- no offense, guys. Anyway, we all went as a group together.

WILLIAMS: I'm next. We can keep talking. Gosh, that's horrible. That's a glare. You can really barely see it. That's high school graduation, the ripe old age of 16, hot mess. And then let's go to college graduation, again, there's a glare.


WILLIAMS: Hot mess.

And prom, and as you can tell, I'm by myself.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, that's gorgeous.

WILLIAMS: This is junior prom. And I was not allowed to go with a boy, because I was only 15.

PERINO: Good for you.

WILLIAMS: And then this is senior prom. I had a date. His name was Damian White, but we broke up, and so I got rid of all the pictures. Because that's the kind of gal I am.

BOLLING: That's nice.

GUILFOYLE: I can't even see any of these.

GUTFELD: Let's go to my prom picture right here.

BOLLING: Is that you in the back on the right?


GUTFELD: I took Juliette Lewis.

GUILFOYLE: Angelina Jolie?

GUTFELD: No. Juliette Lewis. I could not stand her corn rows, so it didn't end well. And this is my graduation picture right here. I didn't wear a cap or gown, because I didn't want to mess up my hair.


PERINO: I'm doing that next time.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Why didn't you tell me I could do that?

PERINO: I'm doing it next time.

GUILFOYLE: This is so mean. Where's your ones where you look like Greg Brady.

GUTFELD: I don't know where they are.

WILLIAMS: I feel like this wasn't fair, because we are all shamed in this process but no, Greg.

All right. ""One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: My hair is like a Chia Pet.

GUTFELD: I cheated. I cheated.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing," and K.G. is going to kick us off.

GUILFOYLE: "Kimberly's Food Court." Talk about Olive Garden. All right. Just in time for Memorial Day, we've got a big kick off from Olive Garden. We've got specials here, including spaghetti pies, indeed. New breadstick sandwiches and infused pastas. For example, we have the spicy Calabrian chicken breadstick sandwich. Feast your eyes on that. The meatball deep dish spaghetti pie. It's got Greg's intestines screaming all over it, right? You would love that one.

And what else do we have here? The meatball deep dish, right?

BOLLING: I'm going to do that one and this one.

GUILFOYLE: And what else? Chicken alfredo. Deep dish spaghetti pie. There's a lot of spaghetti situations going on in here.

These fries I can personally attest to are absolutely delicious. I think they have some garlic on them. And then we've got these breadsticks. So you know what I still love about Olive Garden? Great value and a large portion. The food court.

BOLLING: Can you -- can you give us the calorie count on any of those?

GUILFOYLE: No, that would ruin it. That would ruin it.

BOLLING: Four digits. Four digits. I'm betting four digits.

PERINO: Eric. You get to go.


WILLIAMS: Chicken alfredo.

BOLLING: ... a little history behind Memorial Day. It was originally called Decoration Day, and that was just after the Civil War, as May 30 of every year. And then in 1968, it became the last Monday in May.

In 1971, it became an official holiday. That said, check out Haitian-born emotional Alix Idrache. You know why he's emotional? Because he just made it through the U.S. Military Academy. So he is now second lieutenant Alix Idrache. Congratulations, young man. That's fantastic.

PERINO: I love that.

GUILFOYLE: God bless him. Amazing.

BOLLING: Nine hundred and fifty other students graduated the academy.

PERINO: All right. We talked a lot about graduates, and you're going to meet a young man here who is only 12 years old and already accepted into University of California, Santa Cruz, and the University of California, Davis.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, baby.

PERINO: His name is Tanishq Abraham. He is from Sacramento. Take a listen to him.



When you speak of a genius, everybody is like mad scientist codes thing. I just think about learning is fun.


PERINO: He got his high school diploma a year prior to this. That was an accomplishment that got him a letter of recognition from President Obama. And he also said he was really glad to be going, because he's been waiting a long time for this.

WILLIAMS: Awesome.

GUILFOYLE: How cute.

PERINO: All right. Greg.

GUTFELD: Something new.


GUTFELD: Greg's Flick Picks


GUTFELD: Just leaps right out at you, doesn't it? All right. "Weiner," the documentary on Anthony Weiner, is out. You should check it out. It's a cringe-worthy masterpiece. His former campaign manager is a filmmaker, decided to follow him on his second try at being mayor as that new scandal unfolds when he was texting with -- what her name -- Cindy Leathers or what's -- Sydney Leathers. It's quite -- it's quite disturbing. It's fun. It's a fun movie.

PERINO: So we should see it?

GUTFELD: You should go see it. I gave it four unicorn horns.

PERINO: That's a new measurement?


PERINO: I like that. How many unicorn horns can you get?



Eboni, you get to go last today.

WILLIAMS: This is also a graduation one, really touching. So a retired Hartford, Connecticut, police officer carried this young woman to her safety almost 20 years ago. And in turn, she invited him to her high school graduation. This is so sweet.

So this is Josie Aponte. She was being carried out of a burning building...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: ... at 5 years old by Officer Peter Getz. And then Getz showed up. She invited him to her graduation. And she graduated magnum cum laude from Eastern Connecticut State University with a bachelor's in something very specific, accounting.

PERINO: Good for you, Eboni, for the "One More Thing" of the day.

GUILFOYLE: Wow. That was epic.

GUTFELD: I thought mine was good, too.

PERINO: OK. All right. Thank you for joining us on this Memorial Day. We will see you back here tomorrow. "Special Report" is up next.

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