
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 25, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


THEN-SENATOR BARACK OBAMA: There is not a liberal America and a conservative America, there is the United States of America!


There is not a black America and a white America and Latin America and Asian America, there's the United States of America!




OBAMA: You don't deserve a bunch of name calling.


OBAMA: You don't deserve a bunch of mudslinging.


OBAMA: You don't deserve a bunch of Internet rumors and scandal mongering.



OBAMA: Because if you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters.


OBAMA: If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.


SEAN HANNITY, HOST: That was Senator Obama's message to voters before the 2008 election. But over the course of the past four years, he's either gone through a dramatic transformation, or he simply wasn't telling us the truth while he was running for office. Because nowadays, all he sees are red states and blue states. All we hear are distortions about Romney's record.

And to be sure, the president is doing plenty of name-calling out there on the campaign trail. Now, as a matter of fact, during a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine, he called Governor Mitt Romney a, quote, "BS-er" -- only he said the actual word. So much for "President Civility"!

Here with reaction to the R-rated president's brand-new tone of desperation, former New Hampshire governor, Romney adviser, a one-man Romney-supporting wrecking crew, John Sununu, and the former New Mexico governor, Obama supporter, Bill Richardson.

You know, I listen to this, Governor -- what -- what are we hearing about? We're hearing about binders, Big Bird, bayonets, Romnesia, anything but Obama's record of $6 trillion in debt, 25 million underemployed, 17 million new Americans needing food stamps, 49 million Americans on food stamps and 1 in 6 Americans in poverty in America.

What happened to "President Civility"? Where did he go?

JOHN SUNUNU, R-FMR. N.H. GOVERNOR: Well, look, that moment of using the BS word was kind of a self-defining moment for the president. No class. Wants to be cool. Sacrifices being -- you know, the dignity of the presidency for appearing cool to a magazine that works for some of his base.

I think it really hurts him. I think when people think about the fact that he has screwed up this economy and failed to rebuild it, that he wants to gut defense and now he is clearly not the guy you want as a role model for your kids our your grandkids. The president's beginning to panic.

HANNITY: Governor, I mean, this is beneath the dignity of the office, isn't it? Aren't you a little embarrassed? I mean, the president of the United States -- Big Bird, Romnesia, BS-ing. Isn't that beneath the dignity of the office, Governor?



RICHARDSON: This is a very heated race.


RICHARDSON: Right now...


RICHARDSON: Right now -- look, I want to see my friend John Sununu get out of this one. Colin Powell, Republican...

HANNITY: I'm not asking you about...

RICHARDSON: ... former secretary of state...

HANNITY: Wait! Stop with this! Governor, wait a minute! You...


HANNITY: We've been friends a long time! I asked you a question! The president of the United States -- that was a message to a 6-year-old girl that Mitt Romney is a BS-er! This is a guy that said when you don't have big ideas, you start smearing people.

RICHARDSON: No, look...

HANNITY: His campaign accused Romney of murder!

RICHARDSON: There has been negativism on both sides. This is the last 10 days of the campaign.


RICHARDSON: What you're seeing...


SUNUNU: This class warfare -- Bill, this class warfare...

RICHARDSON: Oh, come on, John!

SUNUNU: This guy has tried...

RICHARDSON: John, now...

SUNUNU: ... tried to create some racial divide!

RICHARDSON: What did Colin Powell say today?

SUNUNU: He's tried to create a sense...

RICHARDSON: He said...

SUNUNU: What did he say?

RICHARDSON: Colin Powell said today he's endorsing President Obama because he has revived and moved the economy forward, he has got a foreign policy where he got us out of Iraq, brought our troops home, has a plan for Afghanistan. And then the last thing he said...


RICHARDSON: Mitt Romney's foreign policy...

SUNUNU: And Colin...

RICHARDSON: ... is a moving target, a moving target...


SUNUNU: Colin Powell is doubling down -- and Colin Powell is doubling down on the mistake he made in 2008! His endorsement probably makes sure that Alma votes for him. The fact is, is that what we have is a failed...

RICHARDSON: This is the most respected man in the country!


RICHARDSON: John, get out of that endorsement.

HANNITY: Let me get back to my point. Hang on a second.



SUNUNU: No! The guy he worked for, George Herbert Walker Bush, is the most respected man in the country! And George Herbert Walker Bush has solidly endorsed Mitt Romney. So don't give me your lines off the Obama talking points, too, Bill. You're too good a man to go that route.

We have a serious problem in this country and a president that's so distracted that he's running around to all the evening shows because that's the only place he can put out his venom and his lies and get a receptive audience!

It is time that we got down to the big issues! We have an economic problem. He has no plan. We have a national security problem. He has no plan. We have a dead ambassador in Benghazi, and he's lying about it! It is time we got the serious issues with at least the 12 days before the election!

RICHARDSON: John -- John, how many more positions is Governor Romney going to switch on? Is he going to endorse ObamaCare next week? I mean, look, every position he's shifting.

SUNUNU: Bill...

RICHARDSON: He's moving to the middle so fast...

SUNUNU: He hasn't shifted, Bill! He hasn't -- he hasn't shifted. He's a budget-cutting, tax-cutting governor. He's a budget-cutting, tax-cutting candidate. He has always believed in a strong defense. He's supporting rebuilding our Navy and our military and giving our young men and women what they deserve!

Mitt Romney has always been a pro-life governor in terms of how he practiced as governor, and he's a pro-life candidate now! Mitt Romney has stood for dealing in an empathetic way with people who have needs, and his personal life is a classic example of somebody that has empathy for those in need!

There's no change of policy here, only distortion of words by the Obama campaign!

HANNITY: Governor, I can -- Governor, let me ask you, do you think when the president's campaign goes out there and accuses Mitt Romney of being responsible for a women's death of cancer -- do you think this crosses a line?

Do you think when President Obama himself says that Mitt Romney, his plan is for dirty air and for dirty water? Do you think the ads of Paul Ryan throwing granny over the cliff -- now, I argue that this is the nastiest, meanest campaign I've ever seen. You say, Well, it's the final 10 days of the campaign. Any of this embarrass you? In other words, does any of this...


HANNITY: ... embarrass you...


HANNITY: ... and shouldn't the president be focused on getting jobs for people, getting rid of the $6 trillion in debt that he's accumulated?


HANNITY: I'm listening.

RICHARDSON: ... this is -- this is the end of the campaign. This happens every four years.

SUNUNU: Sure is.

RICHARDSON: Negativism on both sides. I don't want to cite some of the things that Governor Romney...

HANNITY: Cite them!

RICHARDSON: ... and his team have done...

HANNITY: Cite them!

RICHARDSON: No, because it involves my friend...

HANNITY: I don't think you can.

RICHARDSON: ... Sununu. I don't want to -- I don't want to embarrass Sununu, who's my friend.

HANNITY: So cite them! We're ready. Go ahead. Cite them.

RICHARDSON: No, look...

HANNITY: I don't think you can, Governor.

RICHARDSON: ... I think the last -- look, the last 10 days, the president was in 8 states in two days. It's all going to come out to turnout. And this is where I think the Democrats -- there's nobody better than the Obama...

HANNITY: You don't want to talk about the negativity...

RICHARDSON: ... campaign...

HANNITY: ... negatism (SIC) of this campaign. You don't want to talk about the shallowness of this campaign. You don't want to talk about the negativity of a president that said this isn't about blue America, the United States of America. You don't want to talk about a president that's lectured this country...

RICHARDSON: This president...


HANNITY: ... and is now not being civil.

RICHARDSON: ... to bring the country together. He wants to bring the country together.

HANNITY: By saying that...

RICHARDSON: And he wants...

HANNITY: ... Mitt Romney is a BSer?

RICHARDSON: ... four more years.

SUNUNU: He's created more racial division than any administration in history!

RICHARDSON: Oh, come on!


HANNITY: ... back in chains, I think...

SUNUNU: The data shows it!

HANNITY: ... his vice president said.

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