This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 21, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I am Greg Gutfeld with Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and a twig is her javelin, Dana Perino -- "The Five."
As Joe Biden releases his first ad, his wife tries to help.
JILL BIDEN, WIFE OF JOE BIDEN: Your candidate might be better on, I don't know, health care than Joe is, but you've got to look at who's going to win this election and may be have to swallow a little bit to say okay, I sort of personally like so-and-so better. But your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump.
GUTFELD: Swallow a little bit. Talk about a ringing endorsement. Please vote for my husband, he's really not that bad. But I get it, it is hard to nail Trump when everybody has got a job, the U.S. economy is humming along and peace is breaking out all over. So what is left, the psychological and the hypothetical? First, the psychological from Joe's ad.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Most of all, he restored the soul of the nation, battered by an erratic, vicious, bullying president.
GUTFELD: That's great, because things are going well, these attacks now about an emotional feeling toward a president. It's funny. Could you imagine any other country saying please get rid of our leader because he's a big meanie or a coach saying Joe has taken us to the championship but he's a jerk, so cut him.
If this were a good idea, every brilliant M.D. would be out of work. The dems cannot separate Trump's personality from how well he runs the country. They conflate words with deeds, the real world with the Trump show. It saves them from having to come up with anything better, which they lack.
Then there is the hypothetical. There is no big war but what if Trump gets us in one. There is no proof of collusion, but what if there was. There is no recession, yet, but what if there was one? Maybe the media can talk one into existence.
It's been all hypothetical for three years. At any moment, unstable Trump could lead us somewhere really bad as he actually leads us to someplace good. But as you scan their choices for president, you got to feel bad for the dems. They are playing pin the tail on the donkey in a room full of asses.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: That will hurt.
GUTFELD: Yes, it surely is. I don't even know what it means.
PERINO: You've never played that?
PERINO: Pin the tail on the donkey.
GUTFELD: Yes, I did but I don't understand the joke I made is what I'm saying.
GUTFELD: OK. They are targeting feelings.
PERINO: Yes, but that's what elections are about. It's how you feel about somebody. And I imagine that they chose the words erratic, vicious, and bullying because they were poll-tested and focus-grouped to death. And that these are things, especially women are saying, that these are the things we can't take.
And so the thing about the electability argument that his wife was using is that that doesn't usually motivate primary voters.
PERINO: It might motivate you in a general election if you're like, well, it's like one or the other. But primaries, like, you want your person. You're really going to go out there and support them. And she's basically saying he's the most electable so vote for him.
And he in his ad then is having something different. He's like this is a character contrast that he's trying to push out. The other thing that's happening is that he's the most electable now until Warren and Sanders takes -- one of them has to go.
PERINO: And when that coalesces --
PERINO: -- then they will also be able to make the electability argument.
GUTFELD: Yes, because then they will be around -- that person will -- they will like mold into like a two-headed socialist monster and they will have 30 percent, Jesse, so they could actually go in front of Biden and get the plurality.
JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I don't even think if you add those two up it gets to 30. I think it's like in the mid-20s.
GUTFELD: I think it's like 35.
WATTERS: I think it -- I would be surprised if it was that high.
GUTFELD: Well, you think you're surprised.
WATTERS: I think there are more moderates than there actually are crazy left-wing socialists radicals in the party. I agree with Dana. I think electability and experience are overrated in politics. Hillary was the most experienced and she lost. Barack Obama was the least experience and he won.
And remember, Donald Trump was completely unelectable and he won. So you can throw that out the window. Right now, the American public believes someone that's experienced in Washington, D.C., just seems like an insider that's been there their whole life.
Or someone that's electable like Joe is just someone that the pundits predict is electable and the pundits are always wrong, except me, of course. Biden's big strengths are his association with Barack Obama, and two, he's clinging desperately to that moderate lane by his fingernails.
But he has been piling up so many gaffes and he's having a lot of trouble with the small donors and they are trying to cut back his schedule because he's too sleepy. And he's just not inspiring. He doesn't draw any crowds.
Liz Warren had about 12,000 the other day. Biden I think hasn't cracked 1,000 from the last couple of months that I've seen. So, he's also promised to give health insurance to illegal aliens, eliminate coal and natural gas and raise taxes for the middle class. Really, really body blows if you look at a general election.
But something he's going to have to deal with this winter when spygate is finally exposed, Williams. He's going to have to answer, what did he know and when did he know it. If he knew anything at all, and then if he didn't know anything at all, where was he?
GUTFELD: Yes, Williams!
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Really, really, really. I'm going to say electability is the number one issue for Democrats. I don't think it's any question as CNN has a poll out today and they have close to 60 percent of Democrats saying we want someone who is proven in their ability to win against Donald Trump. And I think Trump is mad -- he is mad at Fox and Fox polling because we have an ongoing --
GUTFELD: Not mad at me, though, Juan.
WILLIAMS: No, that's true. Not you and not Jesse.
KATIE PAVLICH, CO-HOST: You're his new favorite, Greg.
WILLIAMS: He is mad at me. So, but in Fox polling we have four people beating him. But the key for Democrats -- forget everybody -- it's just Democrats, is can you beat Trump?
And this is interesting to me. What's interesting is, he is actually up right now in the polls. Before he ran this ad, he had increased in the CNN poll by seven points, now back up to 29 percent. You get Sanders and Warren and I think it's like 15 and 14, so it's about 30 percent, Jesse -- all of that.
But the key for me is looking inside the numbers and when you look inside the numbers, what do you see? It's moderates, it's older Democrats, some of the young folks, but really strong number of conservative to moderate Democrats who are backing Biden.
They see him as the alternative to Trump. In other words, Trump is the bully, here's a guy who we can see as a nice guy, Joe from Scranton who you can trust and who they think, if this is going to be a referendum on Trump -- he allows it to be a referendum on Trump because Joe is not objectionable.
PERINO: Can I mention one thing, because you've showed that poll. I think also look, Kamala Harris had had that bump and then a complete collapse back down to 5 percent.
WILLIAMS: And the other good news and that poll is for Julian Castro who is now made the debate stages up to 2 percent. And by the way, you should know, guys, he has put forward an animal welfare plan.
GUTFELD: Oh, fantastic.
WATTERS: And he is watching THE FIVE.
PAVLICH: Federal plan, more laws.
GUTFELD: Katie, I find it interesting that, you know, this is a party that is, you know, it's 2020, 100 years after women getting the right to vote and they're going to coalesce behind a white male born in the 1940s.
PAVLICH: Unbelievable.
GUTFELD: I know. That is when the war took place, Dana.
PAVLICH: That is when the war took place. You said electability is important to Democrats, that's true but it's always miscalculated. Mitt Romney is also another example of someone who beat Barack Obama, and that's where I ever had to go into the moderate lane.
Joe Biden is not a nice guy. This is a myth that he is this like nice player on the field. He's actually pretty brutal when it comes to things that he says on the campaign trail.
But if you can't get an endorsement from your wife or like at least some enthusiastic support and she has to say, his health care plan which is the number one issue among all voters, might not be good as anyone else in the field but you should vote for him anyway?
PAVLICH: They have to talk about why his policies are better for Democrats and the country, and if they are not going to talk about it, Elizabeth Warren's going to talk about it and she is the one who is rising in the polls faster than anyone else.
GUTFELD: Yes, my prediction is Liz now. I've changed.
WATTERS: I thought it was Kamala?
GUTFELD: Yes, but I think -- Liz has got that energy. She's waving her arms around and dancing operatively (ph).
WATTERS: But you reserve the right to change your prediction in a month.
GUTFELD: Oh, I will change my mind at least four or five times before this evening is out.
GUTFED: What about you? Got plans?
WATTERS: I know you're going to go see a Quentin Tarantino movie --
GUTFELD: I am. I am. I am.
WATTERS: No. I think -- I don't see how Biden gets it. I think Warren right now has a lot of momentum.
WILLIAMS: I think if -- you know, the thing about having the wife do it, you know, you want surrogates who can inspire you and uplift you --
WILLIAMS: -- and it's a little bit of like desperation. Oh, my wife, I mean, gosh. If your wife didn't endorse you it will be trouble.
PAVLICH: I mean, they can play a pretty decent and important role in a campaign trail, but when your first statement out of the gate is he might not be as good as the rest of you, it's like Joe Biden when he's on stage - -
WILLIAMS: But that's not what he's saying.
PAVLICH: -- and he goes, oh, I'm done with my time --
GUTFELD: It's that thing that Dana always says, look for the bark that -- the dog that isn't barking. She is talking, Obama isn't.
WILLIAMS: Oh no. He's not going -- that's not -- that's not fair.
PERINO: But he's not going to until the convention.
GUTFELD: Oh, that is such conventional opinion.
PERINO: But you have the right to change your mind.
GUTFELD: All right, want to know how much the media hates Trump? Some are now openly rooting for a recession, really? We'll see that next.
WATTERS: The left must be sick and tired of all this winning. After striking out on Russia collusion and accusing the president of being racist, some in the media are trying to topple Trump by literally cheering for a recession. Watch this.
BILL MAHER, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I have been saying for about two years that I hope we have a recession.
A recession will be very worth getting rid of Donald Trump and these kind of policies.
STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC HOST: Seeing that we have been an economic expansion for the better part of 10 years, it's about time we get a recession. So when the president says this is the best economy ever, it's not. And if we did face a recession, it would be normal and it would be okay.
WATTERS: Trump's hitting back against these mainstream media talks though.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think the word recession is a word that's inappropriate because it's just a word that the -- certain people, I'm going to be kind, certain people in the media are trying to build up because they would love to see a recession. We are very far from a recession.
WATTERS: OK, Katie, so last two quarters we've had 3.1 - 2.1 growth, you have no -- very not the high gas prices, you have no bubbles in real estate or tech, low unemployment, strong wages. Without saying yield curve --
GUTFELD: Thank you.
WATTERS: Tell me where you think all this is coming from.
PAVLICH: I only take a few business classes so I won't throw the yield --
WATTERS: Please.
PAVLICH: -- curve ball at you, Jesse. But this is pretty gross, right, because the very people who will recession hurts are the same people that the media and Democrats claim to stand up for. And they are struggling in a lot of ways because Trump and his administration have been able to take away a lot of the arguments that Democrats have been making on the economy for years.
So, wage increases for example were stagnant under Obama and for a couple years before that, they have gone up. The middle class has been bolstered. The tax cut actually did affect middle-class families more than the rich as the Democrats are saying. They are having a very hard time going into an election where racism being thrown, the wall is not working.
The economy is something that people can gauge no matter who is in office and say are they working to make my life better? That's the argument Elizabeth Warren is trying to make and it's the argument that President Trump is trying to make.
But for people to say that we need a recession to get Trump out is disgusting because it actually hurts people's welfare. It hurts their families. And it makes living really difficult. So I think they should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to push that.
Having a recession is like saying there's going to be another sunset tomorrow. Of course, we always go into a new recession, but hoping for a political gain is pretty gross.
WATTERS: Yes, and the rest of the country doesn't believe that because consumer confidence is at an all-time high and retail sales and spending among consumers, two-thirds of the economy, very, very high right now. There's just a big disconnect, Juan.
WILLIAMS: I don't think there's a disconnect at all. Look, I think Wall Street is not the media. And so right now we've had a roller coaster market for the last month or so, especially the last week or so. And that's evidence of people who are in the money making business who think that we are on shaky ground in terms of our economic future.
WATTERS: Wait, I thought this was Obama's economy.
WILLIAMS: It certainly has been in terms of getting us out of the old aged recession.
WATTERS: OK, but now that it's going down, its Trump's economy.
WILLIAMS: Well, what you see is Trump has tried very hard in terms of saying, oh, well, I cut regulations, I cut taxes for the rich, Katie, not for the -- most of that tax cut went to the rich and the big company.
PAVLICH: Juan, "The New York Times" did a fact-check on that.
WILLIAMS: No, the fat is --
GUTFELD: I paid more taxes.
WILLIAMS: The fact is 25 percent of the cut went to the 1 percent. And you see, here's the other tell, Jesse. Donald Trump, who is he going after? He's going after the fed, Jerome Powell. Who's he going after? He says, oh, you know what, the fed is a bigger threat to our economy than China.
He says we need more tax cuts. I think he says, well, let's think about cutting the payroll tax. He sees that there is trouble coming. He wouldn't be saying these things if he wasn't worried. So that anxiety tells you this is not the media saying anything. This is Wall Street and this is Trump.
WATTERS: I don't think the president seems worried at all. I think he just wants to juice an already hot economy to compete with China and the E.U.
PERINO: Well, and true -- I don't think that the media is as powerful with business as some are making it out to be. I think businesses watch the markets. And there are things concerning overseas, not necessarily in our country but especially like Germany for example.
PERINO: And obviously the trade war is a little bit of a concern. So, only fundamentals can actually cause a recession. The media can't cause a recession but I agree cheering on a recession is not a good look for anybody.
The Republicans need more for messaging than just the media wants a recession. And I think that's -- that the president talking about tax cuts goes right back to where the Republicans are very strong. And even if Nancy Pelosi will never allow a vote for tax cuts, for me politically, that's why Republicans should talk about it all the more.
The president, the week before the midterm elections in 2018 at a rally said, we have a big middle-class tax cut that is coming and he promised it. Then nobody ever talked about it again. And now they are starting to talk about it and I think they are trying to say what tools do we have.
And a payroll tax cut doesn't help the rich. People who are actually working tough jobs, maybe two or three jobs, they are the ones paying the most payroll tax.
WATTERS: Yes, and we had a payroll tax cut under Barack Obama, Greg.
GUTFELD: Yes, we did and thanks for bringing that up.
WATTERS: You're welcome.
GUTFELD: For the media, recession is like Beetlejuice. If you say it enough times, may be the monster will appear. I will -- I kind of disagree with you, Dana. I know. I know.
WATTERS: You're not allowed on the show.
GUTFELD: No, no, no. Because -- and I think you will -- you and I both read a very important book by Robert Cialdini called "Influence."
GUTFELD: We do know that a lot of the structures in our country are psychologically influenced. The media psychologically influences a lot of things and our markets are affected by optimism and fear. And Trump has benefited by an optimistic population. People are excited and they want to invest.
If you can mess with optimism, you can mess with the markets. If you can instill fear, if you can instill the idea of -- with the police, they created this idea that all police were -- created brutality wherever they went. Doing it now with race, everybody is a racist.
So, they can definitely influence our culture. I think they can influence the economy and I do think it's selfish because they are doing it because they just hate this guy.
I remember when President Obama, under President Obama, Osama bin Laden was killed. That was a very proud moment. You know, I didn't say damn it, I wish he hadn't gotten him because I can't stand Obama. I wish that Osama bin Laden was -- that's kind of the same thing. I want a bad economy because I hate this guy. It's very selfish and you should be ashamed of yourself, Juan Williams. I just thought I would add that.
WATTERS: And Juan is so rich he can afford to ride out a recession.
WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, yes.
WATTERS: This guy's made of money over here.
WILLIAMS: Thank you.
WATTERS: All right, brand new details about the days leading up to Jeffrey Epstein's death -- what he did just two days before he hanged himself.
WILLIAMS: Brand-new evidence in the Jeffrey Epstein case, it's raising this question. How long was he preparing to die? Court documents now obtained by Fox News show the convicted sex offender signed his will just two days before he killed himself in jail.
The mysterious financier leaving behind an estate worth $600 million. This comes as Epstein lawyers are "not satisfied" with his autopsy results. The New York City medical examiner concluded that Epstein died by suicide from hanging.
But Epstein's legal team, they say they plan to do their own independent investigation. Katie, does the fact that he was signing a will two days before he died, does that convince you this was suicide?
PAVLICH: I'm not convinced of anything yet. I'm amazed that you can do this kind of business from prison, that you could turn over your will and get in touch with all the right people and make sure everything goes smoothly and find all the paperwork.
But it does seem more logical that it was a suicide, considering it happened two days before and then he was taken off suicide watch two weeks prior to that. So the timeline of events and the pattern of behavior certainly suggest that.
However, the lack of other evidence and transparency from the prison, still don't have video of what happened, no witnesses. I think a lot of that, there are still lots of questions about exactly what happened.
WILLIAMS: Jesse, the legal team says they still have doubts about the suicide conclusion coming from the autopsy, but they don't offer any reason. So what is going on?
WATTERS: I don't think they have to offer a reason. I just think they just have doubts. But it is standard to knock out a well while you're holed up in confinement, while you have nothing else to do all day except talk to your lawyers.
And he's sleek because the will, I guess, pours all the money into a trust so in a way it can protect it from lawsuits and things like that. The fine art, I guess, might be auctioned off so maybe people will get a chance to place a bid on the --
GUTFELD: You're going to bid on that --
WATTERS: -- Bill Clinton oil painting wearing the Lewinsky dress. We will see what that goes for. But my main concern here is it hanged or is it hung? What is the proper use of the word -- I would say he hung himself.
GUTFELD: No, he hanged.
WATTERS: Everybody at the table said I'm an idiot.
GUTFELD: He hanged himself.
PAVLICH: You know why Jesse? The word hanged is reserved for a person. The word hung is reserved for objects like picture frames.
WATTERS: That's not what Juan said in the break.
PAVLICH: That's the definition.
WILLIAMS: All right, so Dana, let's move along before we get in trouble. But you know what's interesting to me is now there's lots of talk about people who are tied into this. So, there is Ghislaine Maxwell, I think is how you pronounce it, and she was out in L.A. She got a picture in a burger joint.
Now people are saying that was a set up to push the feds and the investigators off her trail. You have this man who was a model scout out in France and questions about his behavior and what he was doing, even possibly sending young women to Epstein in this country and then they ship her up. Do people tied into this case think that they are now scot-free or do you think that they have reason to worry?
PERINO: No, I think that -- I think they are probably very worried because while Epstein was alive, there was a possibility that he could also talk about them, but all the focus was on him now that he's past.
Then you have all of these people under the bright spotlight of the U.S. Attorney's Office or the federal prosecutor who basically are saying we are not going to give up on this which means that they -- because they are embarrassed, right.
Epstein was under their charge, under the Bureau of Prisons. He is no longer here so the victims can't even have their day in court. He can't have his day in court. Now, he can't defend himself. And it's a $500 million estate, you know, with all of these lawyers and all of these things.
Like, I don't know if there is going to be actually a victim's compensation fund and I'm skeptical about this will. He was supposedly, even though we don't know where all of his money came from, a financial planner. He was somebody who was advising people on finances.
And I would like to know what his will said before the will that he signed on that day was because if you are that wealthy, I'm assuming you have some sort of a will, some sort of a financial plan. And he didn't have that. So, how he changed that at the last minute is curious to me.
WILLIAMS: And Greg, do you think the prosecutors -- the prosecutors say they're going to continue their investigation despite the death. Do you trust that?
GUTFELD: Well, I think -- I'm interested in the people that were accused by their primary accuser, Virginia --
PERINO: Giuffre.
GUTFELD: Giuffre? Giuffre. And I'm wondering like why isn't -- any of these powerful men who were like denying the suing, and it's because she has litigation privilege so, any accusations made in connection with court proceedings are immune from defamation actions, which seemed kind of interesting to me, like, what do you do in that case?
So, they have to be accused in public in order for you to be able to sue them and whatnot.
I'm interested in that, because like those are some pretty serious charges and nobody's really talking about that other than the people deny it.
WILLIAMS: You mean - wait, so they cannot sue for defamation.
GUTFELD: It has to be done in public. It has to be a public slander, not in a court proceeding.
PAVLICH: So, you're talking about other men who have been accused of--
GUTFELD: Yes. George Mitchell's, Georgia (ph), Richardson, the people that were named.
WILLIAMS: But they say that nothing happened.
GUTFELD: Nothing happened.
WILLIAMS: But they now can't sue her.
GUTFELD: No, they can't sue her unless if she slanders. If she accuses them publicly behind a court proceeding. I'm not a legal expert. How did I get here, and it is hanged?
WILLIAMS: But by the way, do you think that the Feds are really going to pursue this, or do you think that this is just going to blow away like you know with the fall winds.
GUTFELD: Well, it is about a will. William Jefferson Clinton.
PERINO: Where there is a will?
GUTFELD: There is a - what.
WATTERS: And you know probably the reason that he may not have planned an extensive will is because he didn't have a wife, he didn't have children usually that, if you have that that might.
PERINO: I don't know--
WATTERS: Motivate you to make those plans.
PERINO: I think the whole thing about wealth management is about figuring out a way to deal with taxes.
WILLIAMS: Yes, but remember what you said.
WILLIAMS: We don't know how he got his money. To this moment--
PERINO: Right.
WILLIAMS: It is a puzzle. This guy out in Ohio who owns Victoria's Secret.
PERINO: Wexner.
WILLIAMS: Yes, Les Wexner. How can you say, yes, I meant to mention he stole millions from me? I mean how does that happen. PAVLICH: Well, to your question Juan about whether federal prosecutors are going to continue to pursue this. They clearly have been because they went to the island, they've got more evidence even though it has been changed. There are big questions about that.
But the victims that were in the lawsuits that have been filed that were filed before Epstein died got the phone call that the indictment has been dismissed because when the person dies, the indictment is dismissed on Jeffrey Epstein.
PAVLICH: Now, if they find other enough evidence to indict other people then they will bring charges and prosecution. But you have to remember how long this took for them to get Jeffrey Epstein on an indictment with all the proof, because the bar for proof is very high.
WILLIAMS: So, give me a date for the case.
PAVLICH: I can't give a day.
WILLIAMS: It could be years.
PAVLICH: It could be years.
PERINO: Really long time. And one of the things that some of the lawyers are recommending is, like we've had in the past - in the recent past, a victim's compensation fund.
PERINO: But that means that people have to agree to be a part of that and that could take forever. PAVLICH: They say to go to a trial, right.
WILLIAMS: Well, see I was hoping that you would get a case whereas Greg was saying, you could have everything in court. Everybody could say this is transparent. We know what happened now, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It doesn't seem like that's in anywhere near taking place.
And I think politically Jesse, this is not about any one party, but it could damage people who are in-charge and you know which administration is in-charge at the moment.
GUTFELD: Yes, but who scrub the server.
WILLIAMS: A dangerous new trend landing dozens of teens in the hospital and now, the CDC, the disease control folks they've launched an investigation. The details behind this next on THE FIVE.
PAVLICH: A popular trend among teens is being blamed for putting almost 100 people in the hospital across the country. Some of the patients say, vaping gave them severe respiratory problems, but doctors haven't been able to figure out the specific cause. So, now the CDC is getting involved to investigate the potential link between electronic cigarettes and these mysterious lung diseases.
The symptoms ranging from shortness of breath to extreme examples like this.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHANCE AMMIRATA, FORMER TEEN VAPER: It felt like I was genuinely having a heart attack.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're having a heart attack.
AMMIRATA: Like I was having a heart attack. I just freaked out and they said your lung has collapsed. You have to go to surgery right now.
PAVLICH: So, Greg.
PAVLICH: These are people who vape, but they are not conclusive on whether vaping is the cause of these symptoms that they're saying. GUTFELD: Yes.
PAVLICH: Do you have some opinions on vaping?
GUTFELD: It could be what type of product they're using. It could be the THC and the media loves stuff like find something go, disturbing trend, but we have to remember this and it bears repeating that vaping existed 50 years ago, a lot of our relatives would be alive right now because vaping is nicotine without the tar and it's the tar that kills people.
So, people do get injured from airbags. Right. But airbags save lives. So, you've got to weigh the benefits and the risk. Vaping is pretty new, so maybe they will find out that there is stuffs that's wrong with it. But I would like to think that this is saving lives and I think it's getting - it got me to quit smoking. I mean - I moved on to vaping and then I didn't even smoke anymore. I don't even vape anymore. Basically, I just sit by myself. PAVLICH: So, Dana, it seems like - just sit by yourself, yes. Teenagers are using this as not to quit smoking, but as like a fun and--
PERINO: A lot of it--
PAVLICH: Cool habit, it's cool.
PERINO: Right. And a lot of the cases where there have been problems have been younger people like the young man that we just heard from there. Also, and I don't know about his case in particular, but some are adding things into the vape.
PERINO: So, THC or some sort of additional thing that Dr. Siegel was talking about today called acetol. They're not exactly sure what it is, and it could also be as Dr. Siegel said maybe an allergy to those particular products and those things. What I'm concerned about is that adults should not be barred from being able to buy a product like this, because teenagers abuse it.
PERINO: That's not the way that we should do things.
PAVLICH: So, Jesse, do we need more government regulation on jewels and other e-cigarettes. WATTERS: Yes, they're probably going to tell them don't target kids with the marshmallow flavor.
PERINO: They already did that.
WATTERS: Watermelon.
PAVLICH: Marijuana flavor.
WATTERS: I think that's a good thing and then they've stopped. But listen, I act like a teen because I skipped smoking cigarettes and I went straight to the Jewel and I did it all last summer and then I kicked it. It's not that hard to quit. And Greg's right. It's much better than actual tobacco, because that stuff will kill you. So, this is just kind of like a smooth off ramp from that.
But you know, it's not good for you. They don't think it's great for you, but as the studies will show probably in 10 years, you know it couldn't be that good for your lungs.
PAVLICH: So, Juan, the CDC is looking into this. They're working with a number of local health departments in California, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin. The FDA is also investigating. 127 reports of seizures after vaping. So, when big companies who are selling these products that people under 18 can buy oftentimes as we know Washington D.C. comes knocking on the door. Do you think that they're going to be holding hearings about some of these problems they say that are connected to vaping? WILLIAMS: Of course. And Jewel is already backed off what Jesse was talking about, the flavored smoke so that people can you know - especially for kids. They say oh it's just like its candy, it's fun. They - Jewel no longer sells those, but other people that have come into the marketplace to sell the flavored smokes. My point and I think you know my retort to all that you're saying is, it still contains nicotine which is highly addictive. And so--
GUTFELD: So, is love, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Thank you. Thank you. Tell Marianne, your pal Marianne about this. And so, it may be as you say oh it's a less dangerous than smoking a cigarette. But it doesn't mean it's not dangerous.
GUTFELD: Well, it's way less.
WILLIAMS: And it certainly doesn't mean that not addictive. So, to my mind, they market this as a safe alternative. In my mind that is nonsense. And that is again a way to draw people into get them attracted, get them hooked on--
GUTFELD: Typical blaming the jewels.
WILLIAMS: Yes, the jewels, the family jewels to blame.
GUTFELD: You know what it is?
WATTERS: Jewels, Juan.
GUTFELD: This is the consequences to freedom. We know if we inhibit freedom it's going have the opposite effect, right. People like to smoke cigarettes when you were told you couldn't smoke cigarettes and the drug war hasn't done anything really other than jail people who are seeking relief. So, what are we going to do, you just tell your kids to knock it off and they're going to do it? You see where it goes. I think what Dr. Siegel said that I thought was really interesting was when he talked about that because the behavior is spreading, you're going to find a pocket--
GUTFELD: You're going to find more people that have - are allergic to it. Right.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: So, if all of a sudden you know they invent peanut butter and everybody is eating it, then you find out that people are allergic to peanut butter and let's not forget that sometimes better technology gets a bum rap.
For example, why do we have blimps, but we don't have Zeppelins, right. Because Zeppelin's, the Hindenburg - Hindenburg, they had one event, no more zeppelins also one is helium and one is hydrogen I believe. PAVLICH: OK. So, Dana--
WILLIAMS: But we still have cigarettes. We still - I mean I smoke cigars.
WILLIAMS: We still have these things Greg, it's not that they are illegal.
PAVLICH: Worse than a Jewel.
WILLIAMS: But I don't think - but the thing is when you say to a kid you know what cigarettes are not hip, they're in movies. But you know what, it's bad for your health.
PERINO: That's why--
WILLIAMS: They were being told oh no jewels aren't as bad. Try this. That's wrong.
PERINO: I think that--
WILLIAMS: Nobody should be doing this. PERINO: Peer pressure is something but also, I feel the same way. I'm not susceptible to celebrity endorsements or comments. But younger people can be. And if some celebrity that these young people admire says that's - you look dumb when you do that. I wouldn't be vaping if I were you.
GUTFELD: I remember the ad with Steve - who was selling vaping, it was Stephen Dorff, it was a commercial with Stephen Dorff. That does not sell vaping.
PAVLICH: No, yes.
WATTERS: Well, Juan's celebrity and if he says no smoking, the jewel, you better listen to Juan.
GUTFELD: But he smokes cigars, which is worse than smoking to Jewel.
WILLIAMS: There you go.
WATTERS: Yes, Juan.
PERINO: Yes, Juan.
WATTERS: Typical hypocrite.
PAVLICH: Let us live everybody. WILLIAMS: Thank you.
PAVLICH: Anyway. Up next, the most annoying thing co-workers do to get on your nerves.
PERINO: Every office has one, the chatty co-worker who doesn't realize or care how busy you are. Instead they just keep talking about their weekend or favorite TV show, The Bachelor. Well, now there are scientific research that shows that if this sets you off, you're not alone. A new study says most people find over talkative co-workers to be the biggest workplace distraction. Greg, do you have any experience with this?
GUTFELD: Well, let me tell you something, we often complain about smokers but at least smokers go outside the building and don't bother you, right.
PERINO: No, because they've been banished.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. But it's not about - OK, it's not about talking about work. We're now in these open plan situations and I have office privilege, we all have offices, but there's an open plan for everybody. Work talk assimilates into the environment like it just tunes out, right. You don't hear it--
PERINO: What's in the A block.
GUTFELD: It's the non-work conversations that get into your heart and soul and make you murderous inside because it doesn't assimilate. So, you're working and the person next to you like, I've just got a rescue dog. Oh, you've got to see pictures of my rescue dog--
WILLIAMS: Are you talking about the person next to you?
GUTFELD: No, I was talking about--
PERINO: In general.
GUTFELD: I am using examples of people who don't work here anymore. But they're like or I'm going to see this band, and they start talking about this crap and you're like - going like I'm working.
WATTERS: Greg, you know what's going on here. This is someone on my staff who sits outside of Greg's office.
GUTFELD: Terrible.
WATTERS: Yes. You've been talking about this for two weeks.
GUTFELD: You are so bad.
WATTERS: There is someone that has been driving Greg crazy because maybe there is a concern that he or she went to and everybody knows about it. And do I have to discipline this person because Greg's annoyed or do I like the fact that Greg's annoyed, he gives us good content. GUTFELD: I can't believe you did that.
PERINO: Well, regardless of that.
WATTERS: You did it.
GUTFELD: What are you talking about?
PERINO: I think all the plans are not a good idea for the workplace. I don't think they're good. But also, if you have over talkative co-worker and they are negative about the company, you have to separate yourself from that. PAVLICH: Yes, definitely. Because if you don't respond, they notice, but if you do respond, it can make you look bad and you just sit and engage. But the open concept thing was like this good idea for everyone to be creative and talk to each other and every survey they take about open concepts, everybody hates it because they can't get any work done.
PAVLICH: You feel distracted.
PERINO: So, now--
PAVLICH: There is privacy.
PERINO: Everybody gets an office now.
PERINO: Juan, you like it.
PAVLICH: They thought that was a great idea.
WILLIAMS: I do like it. And I've got to say, I had a T-shirt. I love T- shirts and I had a T-shirt that said Cool Story Bro. And my daughter had to tell me that's an - I was telling people to shut up and let you do your thing. I was like I didn't realize it.
PERINO: I didn't know that.
WILLIAMS: I didn't either. But in response to all I'm hearing I think this. We're not robots. We should not be silent.
GUTFELD: Are you sure?
WILLIAMS: I hope not, Gregory.
GUTFELD: This is a simulation.
WILLIAMS: But I think ideas come from good conversation and you want to know, I want to know if Jesse's having an issue, so I can say OK, well Jesse is going to be in the pits today. He's not in the mood.
PERINO: Jesse has no issues.
GUTFELD: You never come down and talk to me, Juan. What are you talking about?
WILLIAMS: But office gossip is currency brother.
WILLIAMS: It's very important that we know what's going on among us, in the company. PERINO: You know the worst thing about open plan are the notifications of emails that are coming in. That's--
WATTERS: You don't like the ding, ding, ding.
PERINO: Ding, ding.
PAVLICH: And people talking on the phone. PERINO: You're right at your computer.
WATTERS: Yes, but Dana, you have a nice corner office that separated from everybody else on the floor. You don't hear a lot of ding, ding, ding. The ding, ding, ding you hear is the cash register. WILLIAMS: Whoa.
GUTFELD: Whoa. What I like to do is I like to close my door and have fictitious loud threatening conversations on my phone that everybody can hear and then ended with, good day talking to you Mr. Murdoch. Then I walk out, and everybody changes, everybody's like, wow.
PERINO: They're like, wow.
WATTERS: What did you take before the show? GUTFELD: It was another show.
PERINO: OK. One More Thing is up next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)
GUTFELD: Whatever. One More Thing, Dana.
PERINO: All right. It's time to school to start up again. You know I love back to school and so does this little girl here six-years-old, Ariana. Watch her.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bye, Ariana. Have a good day.
PERINO: All right. She is six-years-old, when she was two-years-old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her father says she loves school because she gets so much positive attention from classmates and is very interactive. She loved it and the bus drivers were excited to have her on there. So, good luck to you, Ariana.
GUTFELD: All right. Let's do this. Animals Are Great. All right. Let's go to China, shall we? This is such a beautiful story. You're going to check out this little furry guy. See this little furry guy, notices his other furry fellow, small dog drifting downstream in a rowing boat, perhaps in grave danger. The dog is trying to figure out what to do when he sees the rope. He says you know what, I'm going to go out there and get my friend and save him.
And he pulls the little guy in and saves the dog's life. And they both made a lovely meal. Together.
PAVLICH: Look at that. Very cool.
GUTFELD: And that is why, Animal Are Great.
PAVLICH: Smart dog.
GUTFELD: Dogs helping out dogs, Dana. PERINO: I love that. Those are great, Greg.
GUTFELD: Yes. You didn't mean that, Juan.
WILLIAMS: OK. You've heard the phrase Touched by An Angel. Well, take a look at this video because it looks like heaven sent help.
WATTERS: Yes. This is good.
WILLIAMS: Yes, that's Romulus McNeill. He barely escaped death when that bolt of lightning hit inches from them as he walked to his car in South Carolina. He said all he felt was a rush of static and dropped the umbrella. He had no idea what was coming. What really makes this incredible to me is McNeill had just stepped in water, had keys in one hand and umbrella in the other and a cell phone in his pocket. All of that could have brought the lightning current right to him.
By the way you should know 12 people, 12 Americans have died from lightning since May. Most of the men, Romulus says, he was saved by an angel. And after watching that, I think he's right.
PAVLICH: Yes, it's scary.
GUTFELD: All right then, Jesse.
WATTERS: Greg, do you consider diving a sport?
WATTERS: What about belly flopping?
WATTERS: Because belly flopping is a sport in Norway. Check out these guys. Right here. Ready.
So, he's kind of like hold the position that exposes yourself way up into the last second. You can kind of come through in Norwegian. This is called Dodson. I've never tried it nor never will try it except maybe tonight on Hannity if I flopped big time. But I never do.
PERINO: We should buy Norway.
WATTERS: We should. You know why?
GUTFELD: They're doing with water.
WATTERS: For half price, two for one.
PAVLICH: I will say as a diver for many years, it is a sport.
PAVLICH: So, Jesse, this part.
GUTFELD: All right, Katie. Take it out.
PAVLICH: All right. So, there was a family in Northern California over the weekend who had an unexpected visitor at their house. Greg, you want to avoid this at your lake house. It was a black bear looking for a midnight snack in the Sherman family's kitchen in Cherokee, California, north of Lake Tahoe.
Teenagers in the house heard the refrigerator beeping, so they went downstairs and saw the bear rummaging around the cupboards. They called the cops right away and where you knew it, the local sheriff's department stopped by to let the bear out of the house and took a picture with the two boys.
PERINO: Oh! My Gosh.
PAVLICH: So, pretty crazy that bears can get in your house. But actually, growing up, there that's bear in our neighborhood. He went through a doggy door and was eating the dog food in someone's kitchen. GUTFELD: I think that's just a naked Alec Baldwin.
WILLIAMS: Katie, did he open the fridge.
PAVLICH: He opened the fridge. Yes. Bears are smart. They have hands.
GUTFELD: Yes. I accuse of up to 180.
WILLIAMS: But how did he know that there was food in the fridge.
PAVLICH: Because he could smell it.
PAVLICH: Yes, they're smart.
WILLIAMS: Amazing.
GUTFELD: All right. Well that was exciting. Again, we end with a bear. And we leave it to a 'Baier.' Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five."
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