
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 7, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So a professor at Milliken University, he's had a tough life. When he was a teen, his family was murdered by him.

Yep, James D. St. James killed his family 46 years ago. Placed in a mental hospital, deemed sane shortly after, then he changed his name. And now, he teaches psychology at a nice college.

The wrinkly killer has, of course, a gray ponytail, described as an older hippy to convey harmlessness. He's like Bill Ayers. Decades after trying to kill American soldiers, his earning makes the murderous line seemed so much more charming.

The school didn't know they hired a maniac until the newspaper or local newspaper exposed it, but they're still sticking by the psycho. Their statement, it's hilarious. Quote, "Given the traumatic experiences of his childhood, St. James' efforts to rebuild his life and obtain a successful professional career have been remarkable."

Yes, when you kill your whole family, it really is remarkable how you can bounce back from that. I'm also impressed how Nidal Hasan has handled his fellow soldiers' deaths so well. Now, some view this as model for rehabilitation, but it's also a model for gaming the system.

James St. James, what odd name to chose, was never insane. He hated his family and he said so and he planned to kill them. But Americans lend second chances, especially those who know to trigger the empathy of fools and cleverly played the victim. Only the sane use the insanity defense.

Where does a demon like this go? Well, to the campus lounge, that bottomless pit of deadly relativism that welcomes fiends from the Weather Underground, while shunning the ROTC.

And so, a mass murderer ends up running the psych department. He is probably the sanest professor they've got.

Bob, Bob, Bob, it's the academics. This guy should be dead. He should be dead.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: This one could not have been teed up better for you. I mean, it's perfect.

I will say this in the guy's defense. He was 15 when this happened. I think there may have been some circumstances we don't know about, and the guy was --

GUTFELD: Yes, he is a killer.

BECKEL: Well, yes, but he went to a psychiatric hospital and they let him go. He was 15. I mean, didn't you do things like this when you were 15?

GUTFELD: Yes, I killed my family, Bob. This guy planned it and then he tried to make it look like somebody else did it. So, he wasn't insane, he was thinking ahead.

BECKEL: What would you do with him?

GUTFELD: Oh, I would kill him.


KATIE PAVLICH, GUEST CO-HOST: Firsthand account of psychology and insanity. No one else has a better way to teach everyone what being insane means, not talking about insanity, talking about being evil and responsible for your actions.

BECKEL: Look at him right there. He looks insane to me.

GUTFELD: He looks like a hippy now, with the facade of the beard and little ponytail. The gentle hippy.


GUTFELD: Looks like Wilford Brimley.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Look like similarities of him and Beckel.

James St. James, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, if you're evil and you rehab

yourself, you get back out. Here is the thing, though. There was a 14-year-old recently tried in Florida for murder, if I am not mistaken, so the law is evolving. I guess back then, if you were under 18, you couldn't be tried for murder. Whether or not he was sane or insane may have gotten out anyway.

GUTFELD: Should he be fired now that they know this?

BOLLING: I would say so.

GUTFELD: Who would want their kids taught by a psycho?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Being taught psycho by psycho.

BECKEL: Every university has people like this.


BECKEL: Have you ever found a university you liked, didn't think it was full of communists?

GUTFELD: No, but I'm patiently waiting.


PAVLICH: Liberty University.


GUILFOYLE: I didn't mind UC-Davis. You know, I thought that was good.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, UC system. Very academic school.

GUTFELD: And the other thing that's bad about this, on campus, soldiers are mocked, ROTC is jeered, but they welcome people like this, they welcome the Weather Underground.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, what a double standard. I mean, that's why you should make careful choices what academic institutions you send your children to. If you want one with someone like this that has somebody with this horrible past, or somebody like a Bill Ayers individual, no, you don't. Do your research, check it out.

BECKEL: So, that's the point.

GUTFELD: I want to play --

BECKEL: Greg has an indictment of the entire university.

GUTFELD: I try to. Yes, I am opinionated. I just have some tape of I think one of his students defending him.

GUILFOYLE: Of course.


UNIDENTIFIED STUDENT: He has done exactly what our course system set up for him to do and he did it and he went above and beyond to, you know, use, I think, use that experience to teach us as students and to, you know, improve other people's lives.


GUTFELD: So, he is going to use the experience of killing his family to improve your life!

PAVLICH: Right. Looking forward to that!


BOLLING: Should get an A in that.

GUILFOYLE: They like take a couple credits away from her just from the idiocy.

BECKEL: He's like his daughter.

GUTFELD: Could you imagine office hours?


GUILFOYLE: Probably going to be girls that have crushes on him, want to do extra office hours and be with him, because that's how dumb.

GUTFELD: Yes, all right. Once again, we have proven the college campus --

GUILFOYLE: Like they write guys in prison, they want to be with him. Look at Aaron Hernandez, everybody was in love with him. This guy will probably get girls, too.

BECKEL: Anyone here has ever been in jail?

GUILFOYLE: No, Bob. Don't be ridiculous.

GUTFELD: Please?

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