This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 24, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox news alert. We want to update you on the school shooting near Seattle today. Three victims are in critical condition, another is in serious condition after an attack at a high school north of the city. Two people are dead. One of them is the gunman who was the student. Let's go now to Fox's Dan Springer who's at the scene at Marysville, Washington with the very latest stands.
DAN SPRINGER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Kimberly, this all went down at about 10.45 local time. This was the school's first lunch period, and we understand from eyewitnesses that the gunman, who was a student, took the gun out of his backpack, this is a no locker school, so he had to carry his gun around him all morning long. Walked up to a table of people, a people that he was apparently friends with, two boys and four Girls and started firing. Witnesses heard up to seven shot and then when the gunfire ended, they done them and turned the gun on himself. We understand that there is an officer who was assigned to this school, at Marysville Pilchuck High School, a campus with 2,500 students and faculty, but the police officer was not in the vicinity before the gunman took his own life. We understand that three people were taken to Providence High School in nearby Everett, they are in critical condition. Another one was air lifted to what Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. As far as the motive, which coming clear now is this was a freshman who was kind of trouble, he had gun, an access to guns at home, he's a member of an Tulalip Indian Tribe. Later stand that he was in a fight about two weeks ago with a number of football players, and it centered around a girl. He apparently broke up with a girl a couple of days ago, a girl that he's been dating a couple of years. That fight that he had at football practice lasted a while and then he was suspended at school and just was allowed to come back a couple of days ago and now this. Again, we're looking for the condition of these four people who were taken at local hospitals, with only three are in critical and one is in serious condition. And again, the gunman, the lone gunman killed himself after shooting these fellow students. Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: All right, thanks Dan. We're going to bring you up to speed on any new developments on the shooting this hour as they come in. Now to a terror attack right here in New York City. That's what police are now calling it.
WILLIAM BRATTON, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: As I'm looking at this particular quite time, I'll be comfortable, preliminary evaluation is this was a terror attack.
GUILFOYLE: Yesterday, a 32-year-old Muslim man went after a group of NYPD police officers with a hatchet, in broad day light. He was ultimately shot at death by police. Zale Thompson may have been motivated by radical Islam, with his profile picture on Facebook, appearing to be a Muslim warrior with images of Islamic prayers. This is now the 7th Islamist terror attack on America, since 2009. Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, Peter King said, "This is how we should deal with these threats."
INTELLIGENCE: The NYPD used to do until those morons, the New York Times editorial board and in search to press (ph) a Civil Jihadist Union went after them. The fact is, we have to find out what people are thinking, we have to find out who the radicals are, we have to find out what's going on in the mosques, which often incubators of these types terrorism. And with ISIS, making a conservative effort to bring about these domestic attacks, we have to go all out with surveillance.
GUILFOYLE: And former Director of the CIA, General Michael Hayden says, "We need to be concerned about terrorist's online recruitment.
MICHAEL HAYDEN, FORMER DIRECTOR OF CIA: What we have now are these lower threshold attacks, they are very, very difficult to stop particularly, when these individuals appear to be self-motivated. It doesn't look as if were able to stop some of these radicalization is going on and the recruitment that's happening on the World Wide Web. At what point, does that radicalization process transfer from protective free speech and free though into something that's inevitably violent in which we as a people, as a community, have a right to interfere.
GUILFOYLE: So as a country, how do we move forward from this? When we are faced with evil, directly confronted by multiple attacks, a reluctance by the administration to embrace the exactly (ph) which what happened in this country and call it terrorism not call it workplace violence, or something else out of irrational fears. Plus, a need to be able to proceed forward with counter intelligence, surveillance, without people saying their liberties are being violated. That's the conundrum as we see it. Greg here is shaking his head.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yes, well I agree, remember the AAP won a Pulitzer exposing the NYPD surveillance on mosques on them. This isn't -- the most important thing to know is this isn't criminal activity, because criminals want to get away with a crime. When they rob a bank, they want to live with their money, when they kidnap somebody, they want to live with the money they get there. Their desire for martyrdom and their desire for death, removes the deterrent, deterrent that is supply by the police.
Which is why it's easy for them to attack the police with the military because, they want to die. So your immediate thoughts as well, why kill them, then? There needs to be a fate worse than death, and we need to be OK with employing it. And I don't know exactly what it is, but there has to be something that makes it so that they won't even consider doing this, and maybe it's something that involves removing, I don't know, their skin.
GUILFOYLE: But Eric, in this country, we tend to treat these things as a law enforcement matter, especially when we have people who are radicalized, who come over here and commit acts of terror against us instead of treating it even in a military tribunal on a class.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: And that's a great point and this is -- that's why what the NYPD did today is so fantastic. It's literally hours after the attack, they called it terror, and here's why it matters, we did a little research. When you immediately call it terror, when you call it terror, you allow the FBI to lead the investigation, rather than a local authority. It also frees up the joint terrorist task force which has a lot of assets that can help you assist to not only gain evidence, but also prosecute, and then the prosecution part of it. It ups the level of offense by 12 levels or increase into a minimum of 32, which means the penalties are much, much more rigid, starting at 17 1/2 years going up to 22 years and then on, on familiar. So number one, you employ more assets, and number two, you're allowed to increase the penalty portion of it. Which would be a somewhat of deterrent makings?
BOLLING: But along the lines of your idea, maybe you can use the same methods that they're using on.
GUTFELD: All right.
BOLLING: Our citizens back on them and that may be a deterrent.
GUILFOYLE: Dana, if you're an administration trying to formulate a plan, an overall approach to terrorism in this country, because it's something that unfortunately, we have to get used to a custom and develop astomic (ph)to deal with. What would you suggest if you're advising?
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think that we had a good one, because it was very clear and definitive, the global war on terror. That phrasing robs some people the wrong way. They wanted to change it, because they felt like it was too in your face. But I think that, if you look at that map of all the things that are happened, this is what General Hayden is saying, is that this lone wolf attacks, when you have, fill a small board attacks, where is not catastrophic, like in the world trade center where you lose 3,000 people in a morning. This is sort of one off attacks where they pick off -- people who should not be vulnerable right? The police and the military. Then you have to ask, what General Hayden is saying is that we have to calibrate, when does their right for civil liberties infringe upon my right for protection and for people that we care about and that we pay for, to protect us, to have the ability to track down these people to prevent them from carrying out whatever sort of lone wolf attack they have in mind. That is just world to part harder, and I think that the local NYPD today, they did a favor for the administration by not worrying about what they're going to call it, they called it today this is an act of terrorism. I think that sends the exact right message to the rookies and the people who are thinking about becoming cops to know that the leadership in the NYPD understands the fight and will give them the resources they need to fight it.
GUILFOYLE: Because this is so much about the asset in which we are able to do with surveillance and access, like you pointed out Eric, with bringing the FBI in. That was a smart move, instead of trying to go back afterwards and correct it and fix it and losing time and resources, they nailed it from the top, Bob.
BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Well, you know, a couple of things, one, Fort Hood came under the preview of the uniform code of military justice, the FBI would not be able to be in there, anyway, two, does anybody really believe that they call Fort Hood terror? Will they be.
BOLLING: When you call it terror.
BECKEL: Who calls it? That's some universal guide that stands up and says, "I'm not making this terror."
GUTFELD: Language matters.
BOLLING: And Eric holder made that call. Eric holder said, "No, it's not terror, its workplace violence."
BOLLING: Eliminating the ability to bring the FBI and all these joints terrorist task force assets and increase the penalties.
BECKEL: The FBI that you're saying can go on the grounds of Fort Hood and get out your military justice System?
BOLLING: I'm thinking yes, probably it could. It could be wrong, but if you call it terror -- correct me if I'm wrong.
BECKEL: I'm just wondering, I think the assumption here is that if you call something terror, all of a sudden, terrorism is not going to happen. I don't see if the one difference if you call that terror in Fort Hood or not, these things still would have went on but.
GUILFOYLE: It does matter what you label it.
GUILFOYLE: Because that is complete miscarriage by calling it workplace violence, when we know quite clearly that, that was not the case. Why would we do that? Canada has no problem doing it, NYPD has no problem doing it.
BECKEL: Glad, are you finish?
GUILFOYLE: No, yeah.
BECKEL: OK. If we had not -- we have called that terrorism, you think that anybody of those other pictures would not have appeared on that map? They did -- that would have stopped these people from doing it?
GUTFELD: I think the proper answer to that is, we are a country that obsesses over what we're calling something while our enemy kills us. We should just be destroying them. We should assume it's terror because they're terrorizing us and we shouldn't even be having this discussion, unfortunately, we're having this discussion because our leaders are timid about calling a spade a spade, and that is why we're having this discussion. It's a pointless waste of discussion.
BECKEL: No, it's not. Because the one place where this, we have not called it terror, was at Fort Hood because it's under the jurisdiction of something that is not yet.
BOLLING: That is not why.
GUILFOYLE: That is absolutely incorrect.
BOLLING: That is not why, that's absolutely incorrect.
BECKEL: How is it incorrect?
BOLLING: They -- that was, all right.
GUILFOYLE: Everything you've just said.
BECKEL: You is that wrong.
GUILFOYLE: I'm actually not wrong.
BECKEL: No, you're wrong.
BOLLING: Here it why it matters Bob, because once you prosecute somebody under terror, they don't have the same rules of evidence, they don't have the same rules of contrying (ph) them, they don't have the same rules of a speedy trial, apply to them, it gets you to other thing.
BOLLING: Here's a good example, Mumia a convicted murderer right? He killed a cop and now does a radio show from prison, you think a terrorist would get a radio show from GTMO? Absolutely not.
BECKEL: What I'm suggesting here for a second, is not go to easier on terrorists. That is -- do you really believe that -- do you really believe.
GUILFOYLE: He's talking about predictive outcomes, just to whether or not if we label this thing and thought this happening in the future.
BECKEL: I just don't what would use for words is going to affect crazy people like this, if you don't want to be marked.
BOLLING: Have at least.
PERINO: I think there's a difference all between insanity and Jihad.
PERINO: And that label matters. And matters in.
GUILFOYLE: Sure does.
BECKEL: But what we got to be -- Greg.
GUILFOYLE: Dana is making the great point. It also affects the defenses that is available to.
BECKEL: I heard that, but I would -- go ahead.
PERINO: I lost my (inaudible)
GUTFELD: Well, how about this, OK. We have two threats that are going on, one is that terrorism and one that is Ebola. Ebola is an easier threat to confront, because you don't have any of these linguistic gymnastics, it's a virus. So to apply (ph) you can throw all this weight and all this politic at Ebola because, there's no language problems there there's no feelings, there's no emotion. We can't throw our resources that terror, because of language, because of phony tolerance in Islamophobia, we have to tiptoe around things. So in a weird way, language and the poison of political correctness has made our country less safe.
BOLLING: Here's the difference, why do you not see this?
GUILFOYLE: Bob, the Oklahoma beheading. There's a label there.
BOLLING: If this is criminal, the defending can lawyer up immediately and shut the hell up and that's all the information you're going to get, unless the lawyer decides until it allows more.
GUILFOLE: It also affects the victims, if I may say.
BOLLING: You can interrogate a terrorist, right? You can't interrogate a criminal.
BECKEL: Eric, I made this.
GUILFOYLE: It puts limits on detention, on questioning on about what right.
BECKEL: Can it be just answer that.
GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, we're just trying to.
BECKEL: I asked you simple question, that's all.
PERINO: Part of it Major Nidal Hasan actually lived, OK? After committing his act of terror, that we called workplace violence. The man yesterday, wielding the hatchet was shot dead by the police officers, which I think is the right outcome. But I think what Greg was saying is that, in order to figure out a way to get ahead of this problem, that the fate has to be worst than what they want. What they want is to be martyred, OK? So then what can we do to hold them or -- I'm not going to suggest the main in thing necessarily, but it was an interesting idea.
GUTFELD: Yes, a bit of hyper agent (ph).
BECKEL: Do you think, Dana, that this, that doing that would affect other crazy people down the road from doing things they do?
BOLLING: But we might find out about another plot.
GUILFOYLE: You're missing the point. It does matter, it matters the victims of this crime.
PERINO: They play the western world as fools, right? So that's what they have done in Britain, as they have gone forward and they come up with all these ways to attack western civilization, by getting away with things to the court system and by playing us for fools.
PERINO: That's why I think that today -- I love what the NYPD that today they don't waste any time to say it was a terrorist act.
GUILFOYLE: Smart move. And Bob, this is what you're saying there will be 30 seconds.
GUILFOYLE: I'm just warning you. Ahead, new information on the first ever Ebola case.
GUILFOYLE: You're going to hear from the director of the mom of one of those little girls ahead on The Five.
PERINO: From good news and bad news on the Ebola front today. Let's start with the good news, Nurse Nina Pham has officially been declared Ebola free and she spoke outside the National Institutes of Health in Maryland, earlier today.
NINA PHAM, DALLAS NURSE CURED FROM EBOLA: I feel fortunate and blessed to be standing here today. I believe in the power of prayer, because I know so many people all over the world have been praying for me. Though I no longer have Ebola, I know that it may be awhile before I have my strength back. So with gratitude and respect for everyone concerned, I ask for my privacy and for my family's privacy to be respected as I return to Texas, and try to get back to a normal life and reunite with my dog, Bently.
PHAM: Thank you.
PERINO: But on the bad news front, here in New York City, Dr. Craig Spencer is being quarantine at Bellevue Hospital, a week after returning from West Africa, where he was treating patients. Health officials are now checking everyone he was in contact with, after he traveled though out the city, before he was diagnosed. And these moments ago, we received word that a woman, who read recently, then treating Ebola patients in West Africa as well, was quarantined upon landing at New York airport. So this is I think the reason that, last week the White House decided to appoint on Ebola czar, that is Ron Klain, and not without controversy but they realized that they were going to be more of these. Greg, last night --you're a man about town around New York City.
GUTGELD: That is true.
PERINO: You worried about all?
GUTFELD: No, not at all. The doctor, however, he went bowling and went to a number of places. It proves what New Yorkers have known forever the social insecurity of the New Yorkers is that no matter how sick or tired you are, you still have to go out. Because you always feel that if you stay home with the sniffles or your sick, you're going to miss something, that there's something going on, so got to go bowling, you got to go somewhere.
But his contracting Ebola proves that the only folks at risk are those
brave ones who are tending to the sick, and that's the irony, that's the
cruel irony of this disease is that it only punishes the people who try to help. Because generally, in the community nobody's getting it, but the people are treating those with it are the ones who die, or the ones who barely survive. The good news is the survival rate in America is what it's about eight out of nine people, I believe which is great and that's also a positive thing.
PERINO: Anyone feel that the doctor acted irresponsibly last night or in the last few days?
BOLLING: I do and I pray for him to get better and I hope he does. But I also think we have to release and on what he did. I mean, the menu, with all the stuffs that is going on, look, I know he didn't show symptoms, I think he had 100.3 temperature.
GUILFOYLE: 101.3, they correct the.
PERINO: I thought it was 100.3 temp. Yeah.
BOLLING: They believe it ways -- whatever, here's the point though. He had been treating people with Ebola in Liberia, you come back, are you not on -
- I would push back a little bit on that, Greg, I don't think I would go bowling yet, I think I would wait to the 21 days, the incubation period that make sure they don't have Ebola, or give it to a cab driver, or give it to the bowling alley, or give it to anyone else.
GUTFELD: You just can't give it if he's asymptomatic though, that's the issue.
PERINO: But when we start to feel fatigue, you seem there is -- it is curious why it would.
GUILFOYLE: The problem is it comes on pretty quickly without warning, you'll be perfectly fine, we saw you know, Sir Duncan at the airport and photos that his family has taken, looking fit, looking happy, healthy and next thing you know, a man down. And this situation, I just don't understand why in abundance of caution, you can't quarantine for the 21 days, and were not as clear, then allow travel to return to the United States. Just to make sure, situation like this doesn't happen. While still being respectful for the people that are most.
PERINO: He did go through screening, Bob, when he came back from Africa and there's a question whether or not we have the right screening procedures.
BECKEL: I don't know the answer but I will say this, I'm going to pass on this out of an abundance of caution.
PERINO: You're going to pass, a pass on talking? OK. Let me just take a look at Governor Cuomo's comments last night. He's very proud of how New York handled it, let's take a look.
ANDREW CUOMO, GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK: We feel good about the way we are handling the situation from a public health point of view, I feel confident that we're doing everything that we should be doing, we have the situation under control. It's my first point of privilege to thank my team for the good work.
PERINO: So hopefully that continues Greg, if you think that they've got it under control.
GUTFELD: Yeah, I mean, the fact is, it was inevitable that Ebola and Ebola case would come to New York, it's you know, everybody comes to New York and every communicable disease comes to New York, and you do going to create -- you know he's trying to create calm. The other positive things to get from Ebola and you have to -- it is such a debilitating disease, which is what you said, quickly, that it actually corrects you from going out. So once you get it, once that you become symptomatic, you aren't going out, you aren't going bowling, you aren't getting in cabs.
GUILFOYLE: Unless you're a New Yorker.
GUTFELD: Yeah, unless you're a New Yorker. And so you, the families are fine, but it's the health workers, it's the nurses, it's the doctors, who are at risk, who get the disease and we should make sure that they're protected and they get the proper training and then they're okay.
PERINO: And we just to keep in mind that the mortality rate in West Africa is opposite what it is here.
BOLLING: But it would be smart just to follow the people who come back.
BOLLING: Especially outdoors who's working with Ebola.
GUTFELD: If anything to calm the populous, there should be some measures.
PERINO: 21 days isn't that bad.
PERINO: Next, a video accusing the NYPD of Islamophobia and racial profiling is getting a lot of attention on the internet. But, all is not as it seems what really happens when we come back.
GUTFELD: They made it fake for publicity's sake. Two video bloggers or bloggers, Dana, got press after posting a video they said showed the Islamophobia of the New York City police department. The video starts with the guys wearing western clothes, arguing and pushing each other, as the cop stands by and does nothing. And then the pair, they did the same thing but dressed in Muslim garb and they get a different reaction, watch.
(UNKNOWN): What do you mean by this? I don't like it. I don't like it, we don't leave.
(UNKNOWN): What's going on over here?
(UNKNOWN): No, no, it's nothing, we.
(UNKNOWN): You're still arguing about. Why are you dressed like this? What is this?
(UNKNOWN): We're talking.
(UNKNOWN): It looks like there's a disturbance over here. Get against the wall.
(UNKNOWN): Hands up. Put them up. Open your legs. Open your legs. Do you have weapons at you?
(UNKNOWN): I don't have nothing. I'm not doing anything.
(UNKNOWN): Get against the wall. Put your hands up, spread your legs.
(UNKNOWN): Look, look, look.
(UNKNOWN): Hey, mind your business.
GUTFELD: The video was tweeted out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations and picked up by The Huffington post, which called it a small glimpse into the ugly world of racial profiling, may be so if it worked real.
GUTFELD: But surprised, it's not, and yes, the cop smearing dopes eventually came clean admitting it was a hoax.
(UNKNOWN): We sincerely apologize to anyone that might have misled that is not a national event. Over the dramatization, our reenacted on what happens to us, when we film the traditional clothing on. We just want to bring awareness to the world that we weren't getting be treated on justice. Our intention was not to make the NYPD look bad. If you feel those feel like it was such, then we do apologize to you.
GUTFELD: So they're really sorry, but for what? For being caught? After all, if the stunt was indeed a dramatization, why didn't they label it as such? They didn't because they assume that they can get away with it. Even more, to justify their fakery, they claimed that profile and have it to a lot to them when they film, so when this one's faults, it's the thought that counted.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: Well, that's true, and it happens constantly why create a fake one? Just show the real thing. They couldn't because they couldn't.
And so, of course, they did this to raise awareness of racial profiling.
Yes, the all-purpose excuse to defend deception and wrong-doing, raising awareness. It worked: they raised awareness that they're morons.
So Eric, they apologized, but they kind of saying that -- what they're implying is it's OK to fake things to prove a point.
BOLLING: And we literally talked about the -- that line, raise awareness.
We're going to talk about it in the next segment, too, the little girl (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Oh, they're raising awareness on income inequality. You can't do that. No. 1.
No. 2, Huff Po and CAIR both pointed to this video, saying, "Look at the Islamophobia that goes on within the NYPD." Are you kidding me? Did they do any research at all?
GUTFELD: But CAIR actually did, to their credit, when they found out about it, like disowned it.
BOLLING: Why couldn't they find out in the first place?
BOLLING: Right? If CAIR is so interested in what was going on, why wouldn't they contact the people who made this, these two idiots and say, "Hey, what's going on?"
GUTFELD: I think they did.
BOLLING: And they lied to CAIR. And they lied to...
GUTFELD: They finally -- when they realized they had gotten on the bad side of CAIR, they decided to...
BOLLING: I don't accept that apology.
GUILFOYLE: Don't accept it. Sometimes sorry isn't good enough. That's the problem here. I mean, they're creating more problems and hostility and misunderstanding by their actions. I don't think this is a good idea at all. There should be repercussions for this.
GUTFELD: I don't know what it could be, though.
But Dana, a lot of bad timing, given that cops were just attacked, the two actually create some fake bigotry about cops?
PERINO: In the A block, I said that they tried to play the western world for fools. That's what they were doing, and guess what? The media fell for it.
PERINO: At least Huffington Post did. I'm glad that they came out and apologized. But I also -- I am disturbed by the number of attacks against police officers across the country, not just for fakery like this, but seems to me we're headed in a really bad direction, and we need a course correction.
GUTFELD: Correction. Well done.
Bob, shouldn't be president come out and denounce this video for inciting people to do bad things, and perhaps should the filmmakers be thrown in jail?
PERINO: That would be a novel idea.
GUTFELD: I don't know. Maybe there's this Benghazi thing I heard about.
BECKEL: I don't know if it's despicable or not. But I will stay this.
I'll say it for myself. I don't know about anybody else. But when I get on an airplane...
BECKEL: ... and I see people dressed in that traditional garb...
GUTFELD: ... I get nervous.
PERINO: Are you quoting somebody? Or are you saying...
GUTFELD: Yes, yes. Sounds familiar.
BECKEL: Something Juan said, you mean?
BECKEL: I had the same thing. That's why I thought it was unjustified for him to get knocked off for that. I think -- I don't know...
GUTFELD: So you're admitting you're biased?
BECKEL: It's biased, and if you want to call it biased, call it what you want. But anybody who really says, if you get on a plane and you're sitting right next to somebody in garb...
GUILFOYLE: I think we should go.
GUTFELD: All right. Up next, remember the video we showed you of the little girls cursing to, quote, raise awareness for feminism? I never want to see this video gain. The director and of one of the moms are defending the video. You will hear from them directly ahead.
(commercial break)
BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...
GRAPHIC: Fastest 7.
BOLLING: ... the "Fastest Seven" minutes on television. Three humongous stories, seven humming minutes, one humble host.
BOLLING: First off -- what? What?
BECKEL: We've been waiting for that for a long time. There's a whole dictionary to get to before you got that.
PERINO: With a straight face.
GUTFELD: You've got to get a thesaurus.
BECKEL: All right, we showed you disturbing videos of little girls as young as 6 dropping "F"-bombs in the name of gender equality awareness.
Here we go.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not a pretty (EXPLETIVE DELETED) princess in distress.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And ready for success.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what is more offensive?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Or the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) unequal and sexist way...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... society treats girls and women?
BOLLING: One of the girls and her mom were interviewed an "Entertainment Tonight." Here's their explanation.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On FOX News's "The Five," they even suggested that this could be child abuse. What's your response to that?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Child abuse to me is rape, you know?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I would think that child abuse is standing by and letting our society pay women 22 percent less than men, allow "A" student girls to make as much as "C" student men. I mean, that's an outrage. To me that is child abuse.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you realize the weight of what you're saying?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you understand what you're talking about? And did you know those curse words? Did you...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What was the most fun part of it for you?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Saying the lines and -- for a good cause.
BOLLING: K.G., we'll start with you.
GUILFOYLE: That's terrible.
BOLLING: Almost as bad as the original.
GUILFOYLE: How about the ignorance of the statement, child abuse is rape.
I mean, that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what constitutes child abuse, and it is abusive to put a child in a profane situation like that. I mean, it's just shameful. It really is.
BOLLING: That was the mom saying that.
GUILFOYLE: I know. That's what I'm saying. It's awful.
PERINO: I'm sure that the mom will think it's really funny when the girl is 14 and using those words, right back at her.
BOLLING: At her, right?
GUILFOYLE: When she's using them next week, in fact.
BOLLING: Did you hear the director there saying, "Oh, you know what child abuse is? It's when there's income inequality, when they're 28."
GUTFELD: And its logistics are flawed, and hiding -- what they're doing is they're hiding behind this cause to create publicity for a website that sells T-shirts. They're just greedy, shameless punks.
And the parents -- the parents, I mean -- I mean, it is amazing. By the way, I tweeted with the host, Brooke, and she said that the kid was crying on the show, and I think that should have been shown, that the kid was actually crying. So that's a great mother.
BOLLING: We need to play -- the full interview will air tonight.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, but what about "What was the most fun about it?" I mean come on.
BOLLING: Dropping the "F" bomb.
BECKEL: I mean, it's terrible they did it. The only thing I have to say about this is I've noticed the increase, maybe in my own children, but the increase of swearing among kids is driving me crazy.
BOLLING: I'm an adult.
GUILFOYLE: How interesting.
BECKEL: Adults swear all the time. It's bad, except...
BOLLING: One thing out of the A block. Next on "The Fastest Seven," Zach Galifianakis has hosted Brad Pitt on "Between Two Ferns." behold the awesomeness.
ZACH GALIFIANAKIS, ACTOR: Is it hard for you to maintain a suntan?
GALIFIANAKIS: Because you live in your wife's shadow.
Tell me what it was like the first time that you laid eyes on Angelina.
Was it, like, one of those classical love stories like when -- I don't know, when Ross first saw Rachel? You know that show, "Friends?"
PITT: I like that song.
PERINO: I like the show. I think it makes me laugh. It's good stuff. I don't know if I could pull it off as well as Brad Pitt or President Obama did. I like it.
GUTFELD: It's funny, but I don't actually -- it's intentionally awkward, so that takes away the pleasure of it because it's all orchestrated, so I don't -- I don't really get into it. I get it, but I'm like, I like unintentional awkwardness, like "The Five."
GUILFOYLE: Every day with Bob Beckel!
GUILFOYLE: Friday, yay, but we hug later.
GUILFOYLE: Like this.
GUTFELD: Usually in the hot tub.
GUILFOYLE: I do like hot tubs.
I think this is very clever. I'm a big fan of both of theirs, so if you
can't make fun of yourself, then you've got no sense of humor.
BOLLING: Bobby boy?
BECKEL: I'm feeling awkward right now myself. And so I've got to get between two ferns and get beat.
GUTFELD: Like him?
BECKEL: As I explained last segment. Why did I cut it out?
BOLLING: This instead. Last but not least, Toys "R" Us has pulled the plug on that "Breaking Bad" action figure that sports a bag of meth in one hand and a wad of cash in the other. No surprise, right?
Well, that's not sitting well with one of the stars, and the other stars of "Breaking Bad." Aaron Paul tweeted, "Wait, so Toys 'R' Us pulled all the 'Breaking Bad' figures from the shelves but still sells Barbie."
PERINO: Come on.
GUTFELD: You know what's more damaging to me? The concept of collectible
-- collectibles. Toy dolls for adult males. This is a modern concept that, if you tried to explain to a World War II vet, would probably beat the crap out of you. Like, "You're a man who collects dolls?"
Having said that, I do have a Bill O'Reilly doll. And it only does this.
BOLLING: Where did you get this?
GUTFELD: I made it. I made it out of discarded squirrel fur and a pillow case.
PERINO: What about your unicorn?
GUILFOYLE: You have so many stuffed animals. The unicorn. You have so much to say. You have a unicorn.
BOLLING: K.G. on -- first of all, I think Toys "R" Us said they're temporarily pulling it. They may not...
GUILFOYLE: All right, so I covered the story and basically, they're saying this is marketed towards 15 years old and up. But still, how is it appropriate? They have, like, a bunch of narcotics in a bag and cash? And it's just, like, glamorizing and glorifying drug dealing? It's horrific.
PERINO: The other thing, in the show, Aaron Paul plays Jesse Pinkman. He breaks your heart. And he ruins -- the parents give him every opportunity to succeed, and he throws his life away. I think that that's worse than Barbie.
BOLLING: can you tell me what the reference to Barbie meant?
BECKEL: We talked about there was some story line or another survey done that said that if people who buy Barbie are less likely to get into colleges.
But two things that struck me about this, I agree with Kimberly. The idea of selling anything with drug paraphernalia, any story is horrible. But secondly how easy it is to get online and stop something. You couldn't have done it -- if you had to go out and get 8,500 petitions the old way, and go door to door, maybe. But you can go online and do something like this, it's not that hard to get 8,000 for anything.
GUTFELD: But you know -- you know what I didn't realize? What Aaron Paul was talking about, he wasn't talking about -- He was talking about Klaus Barbie.
BECKEL: Never mind.
BOLLING: Klaus Barbie.
PERINO: Have you heard about Divorce Barbie?
PERINO: It's a joke. I'll tell you.
BOLLING: In the break?
GUTFELD: The audience will love that.
BOLLING: Maybe we can hear about it in the next block.
All right. When we come back, a showdown will Governor Chris Christie. In one corner, Mr. Bob Beckel. In the other, you don't want to miss this.
BECKEL: Yesterday, I played this ridiculous remark from Republican governor Chris Christie before I was rudely interrupted as "One More Thing."
GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), NEW JERSEY: I'm tired of hearing about the minimum wage. I really am. I don't think there's a mother or a father sitting around the kitchen table in America saying, "You know, honey, if our son or daughter could just make a higher minimum wage, my God, all our dreams would be realized."
BECKEL: Well, let me just say, Governor, there are a lot of people don't sit around the table because they are making minimum wage and have to work two jobs.
Eric, what do you think? Do you think it's going to hurt him?
BOLLING: I can't really comment. Here's the problem. An entry-level military person makes $8.60 an hour. These idiots want 15 bucks an hour or 10.10, whatever.
BECKEL: Is that minimum wage?
BOLLING: Protesters want $10.10 an hour. President Obama wants a national minimum wage of $10.10 an hour. Some other food protesters want $15 an hour. You know, our military enters the service at $8.86, 84 cents an hour if you're getting shot by ISIS in Syria. Instead of worrying about the burger flippers getting 10 or 15 bucks an hour, they should increase the military. Do that for us.
But you liberals, you fight -- you fight...
BECKEL: Let me tell you something. It's apples or oranges.
BOLLING: ... till the end of day so you don't decrease any spending.
BECKEL: Well, go ahead. What position are you in, to raise the military pay.
Just leave people who can't leave on that crap alone.
BOLLING: I said raise the military pay, forget the burger flippers.
BECKEL: OK, good. Dana, have you had a thought?
PERINO: I think that Chris Christie in his way was trying to say that he's tired of people suggesting that the minimum wage is a panacea.
PERINO: And that it's actually not the policy problem that we should try and -- be trying to solve. The real cause is something people don't really want to talk about, which is the breakdown of marriage and the family; and education and the soft bigotry of low expectations and how you even have Mayor de Blasio preventing young students here and in New York who are low- income families from getting the opportunity to have better schooling.
PERINO: That's the issue that he wants to talk about, not raising minimum wage. And it's not going to make a big difference when all of the costs in America are going up. All those costs because of regulations are going to eat up anything you would increase in your paycheck.
BECKEL: All that -- all that being said, the problem is, if you're running for president of the United States, Greg, this is the kind of thing about Christie, these sort of off the cuff comments, which -- and you're not going to have much time to explain it after you've said it. The cat's out of the bag.
BOLLING: It's not off the cuff, by the way.
BECKEL: Well, OK. That's even worse. That's even worse.
GUTFELD: I think you can. You have to explain the minimum wage and explain that it's an issue that relies almost solely on emotion and not on facts.
You can say, OK, here's a pizza that has eight slices. If you make the -- that feeds eight people. If you make the slices bigger, then you have six slices for six people. That means two people go hungry. That's the problem with the minimum wage.
When you raise the wage, you shrink the number of jobs, because you don't make the business bigger. The minimum wage, these are facts, they're for first run jobs -- first run jobs for teens to get work experience.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: That's all it is. The percentage of primary heads of family that are on minimum wage is so low, I doubt you have a stat for it. So if you wage -- if you raise the wage, finally, final fact. McDonald's will eliminate jobs through automation.
Another fact: none of these rely on emotion or feeling.
BECKEL: Can I give you one fact? In New Jersey, they raised the minimum wage and not one person lost their job.
GUILFOYLE: OK. The point is, these are supposed to be entry-level jobs and positions, the beginning of a career path, but not a dead end, right?
We've all done them. I worked for minimum wage. Great jobs, and I loved the opportunity, and you try and progress and move forward.
PERINO: Country music D.J., that was minimum wage. Back in the day.
GUTFELD: Bussing tables, at Rubens in San Mateo.
BOLLING: Yesterday's meeting (ph), you told us about McDonald's. When you put your order in at the drive through, where does it go?
BECKEL: Well, some of them, they go to India.
BOLLING: Yes, why?
BECKEL: Because they were getting bad orders.
BOLLING: No, no. Because it's cheaper labor.
BECKEL: No, that wasn't it at all. It was actually more -- it was actually more...
BOLLING: Indian order takers are more competent than American order takers?
BECKEL: Absolutely. True. Yes.
BOLLING: I'll go with the other one. The wage.
BOLLING: Do the Indians people get an increase in minimum wage?
BOLLING: Should the Indians then get an increase in minimum wage?
BECKEL: I don't know. I don't need an increase in minimum wage. Just let that go and say that Christie is -- that's the problem with him running for president of the United States. He's going to make a mistake.
GUILFOYLE: I think people understand.
BECKEL: "One More Thing" is up next.
GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing."
We want to alert you at the top of this segment, to let you know that a story that we're following regarding a potential serial killer, remains of Hannah Graham have been positively identified by the medical examiners office. The remains were found in Albemarle, Virginia. And in fact, this is something that the family has been waiting for the results and the outcome of this, so our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this hour.
Now it's time for "One More Thing."
I want to take a special opportunity to honor a brave veteran and soldier who passed away as a true American hero whose service has spanned three decades. His name is Sergeant Major Robert Gallagher, and they called him Bob Gallagher. He parachuted into Panama during Operation Just Cause, served as a platoon sergeant with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu, the Somalia battle made famous by the movie "Black Hawk Down" and fought on despite being wounded as Task Force 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry, made its way into Baghdad in 2003. He was just 53 years of age and also served faithfully the Wounded Warriors program. So we remember him tonight, and very proud as a country for his service -- Greg.
GUTFELD: All right, it's time for -- well, are you going to roll it or not?
GUTFELD: Greg's Medical Tips.
GUTFELD: Boy, somebody fell asleep. Gee whiz.
All right. My medical tip today, if you want to live longer, don't assume old guys can't fight. Roll it.
So the guy in the interesting Cosby-like sweater, his name is Ernesto Bergamasco. He looks like a cab driver, some guy, you know. Maybe he lives upstairs, borrows a lot of your milk, and he's with this young boxer, right? Whoa, look at that. The young guy's going, what the heck did I get into? And look at this guy, destroying him. And then he walks away.
Like, the young guy is going, what the heck just happened, which is the Bill O'Reilly segment I'm doing later tonight.
Anyway, just so you know, Ernesto was in the Olympics in '72. He's a retired Italian boxer. Never underestimate an old guy.
GUILFOYLE: Good. Very good.
GUTFELD: Especially when you're out at night.
PERINO: All right, it's been a long campaign season. This guy, the South Carolina gubernatorial candidate, Vincent Shaheen, is running 17 points behind Nicky Haley, and I know he's tired at the end of a long race, but look what he said today.
VINCENT SHAHEEN, SOUTH CAROLINA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: She vetoed our public school teachers' pay raises the same year she gave her own staff 25 percent pay increases. That is the worst kind of politics, and we are going to escort whore [SIC] out the door. We're going to escort her out the door. Huh? Oh, no. Listen, you got to tell the truth.
PERINO: Desperate Democrats are demeaning the entire party.
GUTFELD: War on women.
BOLLING: All right, it's Friday, so it's time for...
GRAPHIC: Fool of the Week
BOLLING: Here's why America's a great country. Capitalism free markets allow this to generate a ton of income. Listen.
JUNE THOMPSON, REALITY TV STAR: There's a lot of people bigger than me.
They got five chins. I only got about two or three. But I embrace it.
BOLLING: So the bad news is TLC just cancelled that show, because Mama June right there was seen with an ex-lover who happened to be a pedophile child molester. For what it's worth, Mama June says the picture is a fake, but TLC said the cancellation is real, folks. For wasting a golden opportunity, Fool of the Week.
BECKEL: We don't have time, (UNINTELLIGIBLE). But don't you think that little girl should just go away?
GUILFOYLE: All right.
BOLLING: She is now.
GUILFOYLE: Have a great weekend. "Special Report" is next. Thank you.
BOLLING: It's all right.
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