
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 11, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, Everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

On this Veterans Day, we begin with the thank you, to the brave men and women who served this great country. Along with those that are currently serving, thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for keeping us safe. Tonight on the Fox News channel, you're gonna hear from one of the heroes we are so very thankful for today, the SEAL who fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden. It's an exclusive you will not want to miss. We've got a few clips from the two nights special, the premiers in a few hours at 10 p.m. eastern. Here's Rob O'Neill on how we first learned about the mission that would ultimately take out the world's most wanted terrorist.


ROBERT O'NEILL, 1ST SEAL TO SHOOT BIN LADEN: They told us a couple of things like, we're gonna read you eventually and there's gonna be there, and they set a few names that didn't make sense. You know, a few was talking a couple of days later about this person, this person, while he be there?
It's Bin laden, they found them, were gonna get him.


GUILFOYLE: It's really now, Dana and Eric you both were able to get out exclusive preview of this interview and the feedback, we got from both of you was -- it was outstanding. Dana, I'll begin at you.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: What -- we had a chance to do a screening yesterday, I will say that I -- to insist that no one tall sits in front of me. Who comes and sits in front of me? Eric Bolling. So, I had to move and I sat riveted in silence, I've been sat that quiet and that unmoving in -- in for two hours in a long time.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It's like the Smurfs movie.

PERINO: Yes, I'd love the Smurfs movie.


PERINO: Your role was amazing.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: Here's the thing that I love about this documentary, I think -- it makes you feel proud of everyone. Certainly, our military of the staff that help make it happen, the CIA in particular and the analyst. The president -
- both presidents, George W. Bush and President Obama, and then the families of the victims of 9/11, they make an appearance sort of on the second night and it all comes together, the camera -- not only is the content amazing, I thought that the quality of the production was great.
The camera angles are different and new, it's something that you would -- I would want to stay up and watch it again. In fact, I'm going to DVR so I can see it again over the weekend when my husband comes home from Europe because, it is worth seen -- you're gonna love the Navy SEALs and be very proud of what we achieved as a nation.

GUILFOYLE: And love this country and as you mentioned the point, the team effort, all the focus and energy and dedication and courage that it took on so many levels, the foreign agencies, form the CIA like Dana mentioned from the other teammates, Eric.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, this was probably -- clearly the best account of the Osama bin Laden killing that I've seen, could be one of the best documentaries I've seen. As Dana pointed out, we sat there for two hours, it was amazing, it's riveting. This guy, O'Neill, phenomenal, I mean just from his training, how he got to be a SEAL was interesting, how he fell into -- he wasn't supposed to be a SEAL, he actually went in to sign up for the Marines, the Marine recruiter wasn't there, so he has to SEAL -- that Navy recruiter -- to make the long story short, he ends up in the SEAL, it goes through his training, phenomenal what it took to become a SEAL. The commitment he had to the country throughout was amazing, taking orders, how to take orders, how to execute the plan and then he say, he takes us through the actual -- the attack from, on the compound. Everything changed, he wasn't supposed to be there, at first, it is supposed to be another group from the other helicopter, which crashed.

GUILFOYLE: Which crashed.

BOLLING: Burned out that his helicopter was the one that put SEAL's first.
At the door, they blow the door down, they goes up the stairs. Everything he said, was riveting, fascinating -- you have to see, I spent two nights seeing it. There is a line in there, they really got me though. There's a line that deep -- there are a lot of times you get chills where you get this amount of pride but though. But, there was a lot of work, O'Neill says, "It made me realize that if we wanted to take our gloves off and hurt people, we could." Now, if you could asks some, he says but we have rules, and he said this, "Because, we're the good guys." Now, that was a line where I just said, wow. That means -- what they did there if there wanted to do that in another place that they could, and you just made so proud to be American.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Is that was right that I didn't see the documentary, but did they say, that they say that they thought they were dead if they were not come back.

GUILFOYLE: Well, about a sec, we're gonna come to right now.

BECKEL: Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me.


GUILFOYLE: It's an incredible piece of the documentary, listening to Rob O'Neill in his own words, thinking maybe they're not gonna make it.


O'NEIL: The more we trained on it, the more we realize, this is gonna be a one-way mission. We're gonna go and we're not gonna come back. We're gonna die when the house blows up, we're gonna die when he blows up, or we're gonna be there too long when we get arrested by the Pakistanis and we're gonna spend the rest of our short lives in a Pakistan prison.


GUILFOYLE: All feel -- you know, very real possibilities, Bob.

BECKEL: Yeah, I mean, I think that's a remarkable testament to this guy and his fellow SEALS. But also, as I understand it, again, the way the CIA was did their job. On few was wondering about CIA listen, as the CIA really gonna feel this see if they're doing nothing but reading foreign newspapers. It's much more complicated than that, it takes a very keen intellect to begin, to realize and figure out and put a piece of puzzle together, it was really was a pretty piece of puzzle together. And last night he says is, "Do not tell the Pakistanis it was a smart move to do, but it was very risky all the way around."

GUILFOYLE: Yet very risky. Because, so many things could've happen on that particular evening, that the point on Veterans Day, Greg, that they went in to serve with a very real likelihood, that the outcome would be they would not return.

GUTFELD: Well, I think the -- lesson here for everybody else is that, guys like this should never, ever have to buy another drink again, they should never have to buy anything, again. They should have more groupies than Justin Bieber, and then Chris Brown combine, our priorities just so screwed up. You can see the priority of the modern world, that defending our country is seems as alien as Brylcreem and black and white television. But, if you look at the present day, academia, Bob, you know who the real, the real rebels are, you know, you have activists, who are the sheep, and the unlisted are really the renegades these days. These are the guys who are the real rebels, the real edgy individuals and who would you rather fight?
Wouldn't you rather fight terrorists than male privilege on campus?


PERINO: Yes, and I think the thing that they trying -- that you'll see in this documentary tonight is something about the military that we talked about, how it is the best organized, and if you really need something done, it's to the most trusted institution on earth to be able to get it done.


PERINO: There are scenes in there that -- this wasn't the first mission obviously, that Rob O'Neill had been on, he been on others. One of them was going to Liberia, I think it was 2005 I believe, or maybe it was more or like 2014, to basically evacuate Americans while that country is in Civil War. The Marines go in there, they actually were able to liberate that country from Charles Taylor, Taylor the dictator, nobody remembers if that happened. Then, his in -- he's in Montana where his from, hanging out.

GUILFOYLE: Hanging out.

PERINO: With his kids -- is with his kids, get a note like, you need to go buddy, you've got an assignment, didn't know he was going, say, fly to the Indian ocean, where there's a ship that holding Captain Philips, and they have the video, showing the training video of how the ships are packed up, and they dump some -- our boats into the ocean, and they follow afterwards.


PERINO: It is -- a testament to American followers, but also, if you're thinking about the military budget cut that happened last year.

GUILFOYLE: That was I gonna say, yeah.

PERINO: That actually who could reaffirm people's decision to restore those cuts, because our military does amazing things and they do it very well, and they are very quiet about it.

GUILFOYLE: You make a great point, this makes the case, where the importance of a strong military and national security and defense, that's will keep us all safe, that is a beacon of holding the virtue of liberty and freedom to be able to make sure that we have it and how incredible that Americans want to share that gifts with others in the world and gives so, a fearlessly of with there, volunteer on services, nobody makes you go in, that's what I think it's so incredible.

GUTFELD: Well, yeah. I think the mistake is on Veterans Day, to treat the military like a novelty like it compels us to give them free meals today, like the restaurant all over give them free meals.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Everyday should be a Veterans Day because each day that we were alive, it's because one man died, we wouldn't be here if so many thousands, hundreds of thousands of -- Americans had sacrificed their lives so, the idea of a single Veterans Day is nice, but it should be every day.

GUILFOYLE: And you know that's a great point, because what can we do? Not just today, today's a good day to get the discussion going, to talk about how we can give back to those who have given so much in our so little in return. Let's talk about jobs, Eric, and I want to ask you to react to this piece of sound from a Starbuck of CEO Howard Schultz about Veterans and about jobs and what we can do to make a difference.


HOWARD SCHULTZ, STARBUCKS CEO: Two and a half million extraordinary young men and women had served for almost 15 years now in an all volunteer service. A million veterans are now entering civilian life, with a million of veterans who have extraordinary skills and experience, to add value to our society and businesses. I am encouraging and really trying to convince or persuade CEO's and small business owners across the country, to hire a veteran. This is not charity or pity, this is good business.



BOLLING: Great. We need more CEO's that will do that, he's right though.
It's not only good -- it's not only good for the military, it's good for business. This -- the military people coming back, they know how to accomplish goals, that's what they're trained to do, solve the problem. We talked about -- a little about it -- the special tonight with the Osama bin Laden -- everything changed as they were going in the compound, and they fixed it on the spot, in a second. That would be great -- why would you want to hire someone.

GUILFOYLE: A transition to the work for. Yeah.

BOLLING: Who can think -- in anyway, it's not just top level Navy SEALS team 6 that are trained to do that. It's all the way down, he points out 2
1/2 million people, there are 2 1/2 million people in the armed services that are trained to do that, solve the problem. I hired people when I was working, downtown, the best people hire by far, the military people along with people who were heavily involved and enforce this. It was as the same thing was team work, it was solved the problem, and win it all cost. Those are the people you need.


GUILFOYLE: And great groups like, hire for heroes that who -- exactly this, put them in the right place, connect.

BECKEL: Here's ones gonna break, Greg, I think is it -- I found that it seem the fact that because terrorism has becoming more, more part of college curriculum because for obvious reasons. And the colleges, many of them are actively out, seeking and getting veterans to be professor so, they all not a bunch of liberal.

GUTFELD: That would -- that's a great thing, that would be the best thing that could happen to colleges is to have veterans coming to because, if anything.


GUTFELD: Unlikely aimless tools and tenure. These people have structure, they actually understand -- this is what, they get up early in the morning and they know that have to accomplish a goal, they don't demand, they deliver, and that what's refreshing. We always rag on young people, but we forget that there's a huge population out there that they get up and do a hell a lot of work. And the military offers lessons and responsibility and discipline that's really needed today.

GUILFOYLE: It sure does. I mean, we -- you know, we're entirely grateful but, I'll tell you, they have so much to offer, coming off the battle field, coming home here. And if -- when you think about the process of what they go through, coming home, part of when the biggest stresses, what do they gonna do now to support their family. How they continue to pay the bill, many of them struggling without, without transition is such a precarious time, Dana. I mean, what else can be done, do you think they help, you know, connect, so, they're getting in the right jobs.

PERINO: Well, one would be -- I actually think that -- I think that there's a lot of CEO's that agree with this, right all the managers I agree with this. Think of the most important thing, would be economic growth. We got to add jobs to the economy so that there are more options. And a good energy policy would help of that, and possibly a better tax structure. Can I say one more last thing about the documentary?


PERINO: I think the best documentaries are one that takes you an emotional rollercoaster, and this one does that. Over the two nights, you go from feeling, sort of happy, to a lot of pride, to feeling sad about what happened on 9/11, and then again, back up to pride, happy, and all the way on nervous, emotional. And at the end, you just -- you leave it thinking, that you definitely would not waste two hours watching this, and it's worth watching it again, I don't say that about a lot of things, but I would watch it again, for sure.

BOLLING: You guys touched on that? You leave thinking, we're in good hands.

PERINO: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: Makes you feel good about the military (ph)

BOLLING: No doubt.

GUILFOYLE: No doubt.

PERINO: What about the pockets were --


BOLLING: So what, all that.

PERINO: Do you usually wear it?

GUILFOYLE: Alright. I think we've made the case, you should spend your time tonight and tomorrow night watching this very important special, make you feel good about being an American.

At most workplaces, if you don't do your job, well, you won't have your job for very long, right? But not if you work for the government, especially after VA Next, how the new secretary put in charge of fixing the broken system for our vet, he's trying to change all of that, stay tune.


PERINO: Hasn't take longer to fire a guy who spent all day watching porn, on the taxpayer's dime that it takes to veterans who get an answer on a claim. Sadly, that's a reality of how our government works. But that could be changing with the new VA Secretary Bob McDonald who was working very hard to overhaul the broken system. He tells Bill Hemmer how he plans to do that.


ROBERT MCDONALD, VETERANS AFFAIRS SECREATRY: We have got disciplinary actions in place against people who have violated our core values. The values are represented by the ICARE acronym, the pin I wear and there's a lot of employees wear. The I stands for integrity, and so those individuals who violated our value of integrity, we're seeking disciplinary action against.

BILL HEMMER, AMERICA'S NEWSROOM CO-HOST: Is it the fat you want to trim?

MCDONALD: If we have an individual, who violated our values, we're going to act upon them.


PERINO: But how hard is it usually to get rid of government workers? 60 minutes reported on that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bob McDonald can't punish or fire 1,000 people right now. He's discovering how different the capital is from capitalism. To fire a government manager, he has to put together a case and prove it to an administrative judge.

MCDONALD: So we propose the action, the judge rules and the individual has a time to appeal. That's why we have a lot of people on administrative leave.


PERINO: Some good news is this, by the end of the year, unanimously passed legislation from last spring will hopefully grant McDonald the power to get rid of some of his top tier employees who haven't perform. That shouldn't necessarily Greg, the ennoble concept right? That you have to go through all this hoops in order to fire somebody who did something wrong, that actually put peoples live in diner, at veterans (ph)

GUTFELD: It's incredibly hard to fire a government employee because, first you have to find out what they do, and it is almost impossible to find out what a government hack does in his office, because they have so much red tape. The only thing government excels at is paper work, they've killed more trees than Dutch elm disease. It's like modern art, government bureaucracy is like modern art, it's worthless unless you're in it. Then it's absolutely, it's a great live, you're not to do anything for the rest of your life, except create more paper and kill more trees.

PERINO: And some people look at it and say, "Wow that is so beautiful."

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: I don't get.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: Trust me, I don't get it on a modern art.

Alright, Eric, let me ask you this. This law legislation that could pass by the end of the year, it was unanimous, both Republican and Democrats and yes, the secretary of Veterans Affairs, whoever that is going to be should have this authority. And it will only apply at this point to the very top level, called thinner (ph) executive service. But, if it does gonna happen at the VA and it's unanimous, couldn't happen at other agencies?

BOLLING: I would hope that would give them the model that they use assuming they do get it passed through. Can I talk about Robert McDonald for a second?

PERINO: Yeah, sure.


PERINO: The best thing that ever happen to the Obama administration.

BOLLING: Exactly the point that I was gonna make is that, they took him from Proctor and Gamble, the guy ran the Tide brand early in his career and built that up into a huge, huge P & G product. And then he oversaw when -- eventually made his way to CEO and oversaw P & G been going from over the counter stuff into pharmaceuticals and made that transition like it was nothing. If you are problem solver and they have a lot of problems to solve, you probably got the right guy. So you got to commend them for picking the right guy, hopefully he doesn't get -- you know he's gonna points out - pushed back from all the bureaucrats to say there are a lot of
-- you know, governments jobs that we're trying to protect here, because if you let this guy go, you probably could fix the VA pretty quickly.

PERINO: Well, it's a good example Kimberly, from what you're talking about a block (ph) about hiring a veteran, because he's a veteran himself, and so he comes back to it, maybe this will help other people realize the problem solving nature for veterans.

KINBERLY: Absolutely. And when you see -- you know, the emotions when he speaks about the veterans, you can tell it that it is hard. He deeply wants to do something to fix this seemingly intractable problem. This is not an easy job. I'm very pleased with his selection, I know that he's a man that's gonna stay the course and make sure it gets done. Hopefully, with the new legislation that's gone through, he is able to make some effective changes, because there's a whole host of problems, there was not being able to hire enough people, not being able to get rid of some of the top tier level people, they're taking salaries that could be disperse it out at their levels and be use more effectively. To the discovery that there were defective you know, medical devices being used on our military veterans. I mean, when you think about this, it really is shameful, right I'm glad that we were able to shine some light on it. Because the veteran who give so much and ask for so little in return, I mean, they deserve much better than this.

PERINO: In fact he talks about that Bob, I mean, have you listen to one more sound bite on what he thinks things he needs to be improve and a comment on that.


MCDONALD: We're in the customer service business. We have 22 million veterans in this country, we serve 9 million veterans in our health care system. We need to reorganize the department, improve the service, knocked down the barriers that exist inside the organization. Building and leasing new clinics, hiring the doctors and nurses, using IT technology to a better connect with veterans.


PERINO: And Bob, over the years, you've seen many attempts to try to reform the VA and improve it, but do you think this time it feels different?

BECKEL: Yeah it does feel different. I think he's right. But let's keep in mind now there are 1,000 executives on administrative leave from the agency
-- the administration rather, and there are 315,000 employees at the VA.
So, most of them, the vast majority of them do their job. They're short -- what I find most striking they're short 28,000 doctors and nurses, which is obviously the core, the medical treatment. But I -- I get some of this guy that he will get that legislation, by the way, it's not new, there are agencies and departments that have that, that allow the chief administrator to get rid of them. He should do that, I'm glad he does that, get this people out, the problem with administrative leave though is they're getting paid.


PERINO: Right.

BECKEL: So, and that can take up to a year. Although I think.

PERINO: And also, they have they -- some of them have recognized, seen the writing on the wall and they retire.

BECKEL: Retire.

PERINO: Before the.

GUILFOYLE: Getting the announcement. Yeah.

PERINO: The announcement, so that they can get their full pension. That's a problem.

BECKEL: Right.

BOLLING: Can I throw a quick throw on that.


BOLLING: They want us to go. But he -- when he instituted this -- his pointed out right there, a customer service system again, drawing from his private sector life, it's called my VA's but, so he's -- what he's is taking everything that worked in the private sector and try to applying it.

GUILFOYLE: Applying it at the mall, Right?

BOLLING: To the public sector, to administration.

PERINO: And you love it.

BOLLING: And we love it and we hope it will work.

GUTFELD: Still have to though, we really have to think about the priorities in this country and reassess what we consider to be important. Right now, there's a possibility that Chelsea Manning will get her sex change in prison before many of our veterans will get the treatment they need.

PERINO: And so many World War II veterans that are dying.


PERINO: Roughly that we have to get make sure that they have what they need, and in addition to the new veterans as well.

GUTFELD: Good point, Dana.

PERINO: Thank you very much. OK, ahead.


PERINO: Of Obamacare. Reveals Americans were lied to, in order to get the law passed. And wait until you hear what he called you, the voters, next.


GUTFELD: And a newly found video from October last year, one of Obamacare's creators, Jonathan Gruber admits they got the law through by building (ph) a stupid public. I wonder Gruber said lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.


JONATHAN GRUBER, OBAMACARE CONSULTANT: Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and they took it (ph) you know, call the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But they took it (ph) that was really, really for the cult (ph) to get in and take a pass.


GUTFELD: That's rude. So admits that one must deceive America and camouflage the bill's true intent to pass this law. They painted a grenade and called it an Easter egg. I applaud his honesty, Oh wait, and he says he didn't mean it.


GRUBER: The comment the video were made at an academic conference I was speaking of, speaking of the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.


GUTFELD: Why apologize for telling the truth. Thank God, Ronan understands.


RONAN FARROW, MSNBC JOURNALIST: Your point that you're making underneath the choice of words that actually quite new ones. You were saying, essentially, correct me if I'm wrong, that due to political pressures, the language of Obamacare had to be somewhat opaque, somewhat lacking in transparency.


GUTFELD: See, everybody, it's nuance, it was a smart versus the stupid. The fact is no liberal law would ever be passed if their consequences were known. Minimum wage, amnesty, housing subsidies, welfare, they think we're too stupid to handle the truth, but who what they really mean is the truth exposes their profound incompetence. So how do you trust people whose only major accomplishment rested on tricking you? And what of the media who didn't mind because they wanted to trick you, too? Obamacare was their ultimate lemon. The goal was not satisfying the customer, but getting the piece of crap off the lot before the buyer realizes he just bought a death trap.

Obamacare is the Pinto of legislation, a wrongly designed mess ending in misery. Like the car makers, the White House knew of the flaws before production and hoped we would be too dumb to notice. But we did. And yet, the shills in the media, they didn't care. After all what's a few casualties when you've earned your commission?

So K.G., he says he's sorry.


GUTFELD: So that's OK.

GUILFOYLE: Listen, I -- I like the guy. I like him. I'm so happy that he told the truth, and now the university has removed the video. Because the truth -- don't let that get in the way of passing Obamacare -- and perpetrating a fraud on the American people. I'm glad this came out. I don't know what happened that morning: he had too much caffeine. I like it, because now we've got it on the record, and they have to deal with it.
Hopefully, this is going to wake people up going forward and into the next election booth.

GUTFELD: But -- but Bob, the fact is the media knew this anyway and didn't care.


GUTFELD: They were -- because they believe the ends justify the means.

But you're assuming that everybody thinks that Obama care doesn't work, and it does. It's working very well. In fact -- in fact, premiums have gone down the last year across the board. You know who likes it a lot? The insurance companies like it a lot. You know who likes it a lot?
Hospitals, who didn't like it before. It is getting better and better and better.

And here's the other thing about it is, keeping this in mind, I don't care how many Republicans you elect. You'll never get rid of it. You'll fix it. It can be fixed, but it will never be gotten rid of.

BOLLING: Can we just find out where this premium number came from? The Beckel number (ph), I guess.

BECKEL: No, I will bring that in tomorrow. I'll bring that in with me tomorrow.

BOLLING: Can I just point something out: Jonathan Gruber, not just some guy. He was -- he's MIT professor. He was one of the architects of Obamacare, and it's not like he said this once. He's been out there for literally three years, saying that Obamacare; what we have right now wasn't what they were trying to do from the very beginning. It's nothing like it, and I probably shouldn't have been passed in its form right now.

So it's not like he made a comment and they're trying to pull him back. I think -- can I nuance a little bit here? I think Gruber was apologizing for the way he phrased it about the American people, the American voters.
However, I think he was still saying to this day, that it's not what he -- they had planned when they started putting Obamacare together.

BECKEL: If I could just say what you said. Many of you have said it's going to be a disaster. Has anybody seen disasters lately out of Obamacare? Did anybody see anything...

GUTFELD: Three point one billion fewer people signed up.

BECKEL: There's not as many people who have signed up. I agree with you on that. But the people who have signed up seem to like it very much.

GUTFELD: And the people that have lost their healthcare, they don't seem too happy.

BECKEL: A hundred and some odd thousand. That's all now. It was 5 million, remember?

BOLLING: What about when the whole law is implemented, Bob. What about when we find out how much the law is really going to cost. Because that's not going to happen for another year or two.

BECKEL: I don't know. My guess -- my guess is...

BOLLING: There was a food chain last week who said they were going to lay off somewhere around 2,000 people, because the cost of Obamacare was kicking in this year.

GUILFOYLE: The number is already inflated. It's not even accurate. It's so ridiculous. Because you had to un-insure the insured to get them to buy back in to pay more to insure the people that didn't have insurance.
You've got the healthy people insuring...

BECKEL: I'll bring you a Gallup poll tomorrow that shows you those people who resigned up are happier than they were before.

GUILFOYLE: Ay, yi, yi.

BECKEL: You want it to fail. This is the deal. You want it to fail, because it has Obama's name on it.

GUTFELD: Dana, what's the greater message here? The fact that they have to hide?

PERINO: I want to talk about Gruber, because these are Democratic elites.
Remember President Obama's famous whispered phrase in that fund-raiser was all these people, you know, clinging to their gods and guns. This -- it's just more of a theme.

The problem is for them, if they actually think that Gruber's comments, which are basically making like a wildfire across the country, if it helps them, if they think it helps to go on MSNBC on the Ronan Farrow show, who are they trying to convince? Not me.

They're trying to convince themselves. They're trying to do internal damage to that problem, if he was really brave and he's so smart, he should come on this network and do an interview.


PERINO: I would love to see that.

GUTFELD: Yes. I never trusted a Gruber. Not since die hard. Franz Gruber.

All right, coming up: 43's ode to 41 is out today. Both presidents sat down for a joint interview to talk about it, and you'll see that ahead on "The Five."


BOLLING: Democrats love to attack Rush Limbaugh, but this time he says they've gone too far. Now Rush-bo is threatening to sue the DCCC if they don't retract their allegedly inflammatory statements and apologize for distorting his comment that he made on his radio show in September.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, TALK RADIO HOST: "Consent must be frequently given and can be withdrawn at any time, and the absence of no does not mean yes."

How many of you guys in your own experience with women have learned that no means yes, if you know how to spot it? I'm probably -- let me tell you something, in this modern, that is simply, that's not tolerated. That would not -- people aren't even going to try to understand that one.


BOLLING: Did you hear the second part? Did you hear anything that advocated for harming women? No, neither did I. But the DCCC accused him of that in a fundraising e-mail to supporters, saying quote, "Rush Limbaugh is advocating for the tolerance of sexual assault. He should be taken off the air immediately." His lawyer fired back last night on "Hannity."


PATTY GLASER, RUSH LIMBAUGH'S ATTORNEY: Rush's comments were deliberately taken out of context for apparently political reasons by people who should know better. This was not an irresponsible blogger. This was a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee made up of people that we have elected to Congress. Shame on them.


BOLLING: K.G., what about on legal grounds?

GUILFOYLE: Well, what he's -- what he's claiming is that he has been defamed, that there's been harm to his reputation by a statement being made that he did not make. So what he's saying is they took this out of context, because they clipped it. They took the first portion, and the whole conversation is not in its entirety.

If you feel you've been taken out of context, and you have a claim like that, then you should go against them to correct the record. And that is exactly what he's doing, taking legal action.

I think the bigger picture is the fact that this is a government organization, that we pay the taxpayer dollars towards this, so shouldn't there be some accountability, some accuracy? And instead they're going on, you know, a smear campaign.

BOLLING: And Bob, let me talk to you about taking Rush's comments out of context and then using them as a fundraiser. I mean, they literally sent that to millions of Democrat supporters, saying, "Hey, let's get Rush off the air. Send us some money."

BOLLING: Well, first of all, I just have one correction. It's not taxpayer money. It's paid for out of campaign contributions. It used to be that way, but...

GUILFOYLE: But it's made up of people who we are paying.

BECKEL: No, no, no. The staff of that are all paid for the Democratic...

GUILFOYLE: Nobody's paid by any taxpayers?

BECKEL: No. No, no. They're not. But that's not the point. The point is, if Rush wants to take a lawsuit about taking things out of context, he is going to be absolutely bludgeoned on that. And by the way, take the Republicans, for example. He didn't build -- you didn't build it.
Remember you used that one over and over again about Obama saying "You didn't build your business"? No context of what he said, but you didn't build your business.

Well, I mean, it happens all the time in politics. People take things out of context. They use it, and they ask what's new here? And I feel absolutely no sympathy for Rush. Rush has taken a lot of things, quote, "out of context."

BOLLING: Dana, Steve Israel, who runs the DCCC, said they're not completely -- not at fault in this. Can you edit someone's comments like that and then use a portion of it? And then use -- I mean, the most egregious part for me was using it to fundraise.

PERINO: Well, I guess, of course, we'll have to -- I mean, if this actually goes to court, we'll see. I mean, Steve Israel is no...

BOLLING: Should you? How's that?

PERINO: Well, I would not. But look, Rush Limbaugh is the Democrats'
favorite villain, so maybe he wants -- if he goes down this road, and he is effective and is able to get what he wants out of the lawsuit, then I guess that we will have very changed politics. Because Democrats did this to everybody this year.

I hate to say (ph), I think this is just part of politics. Like what happened to Cory Gardner in Colorado, saying that he wanted to ban contraceptive, which he had never said. But Cory Gardner is not going to sue anybody. Besides, he won, so it doesn't really matter.

BOLLING: In fairness, Republicans did some of that, too. I mean, let's not just say this is just a Democratic issue here.

PERINO: Example?

BECKEL: Example, I'll bring some examples tomorrow, but there's so many of them that it would be impossible for me to begin to start.

BOLLING: All right, Greg, your thoughts on that? Any problem with this?

GUTFELD: No, you know what? We're saying that it's bad that they used it to fundraise, but we use it to fundraise. It's called making money. We take things out of context all the time. Cable shows do it all the time to make money.

BECKEL: They do.

GUTFELD: So we would be a hypocrite if we said he had a leg to stand on.
Rush does not have a leg to stand on this.

I like him. He's famous. He says stuff like this a lot. Sometimes he's being facetious; sometimes he's being serious. He has this act of moving in and out of both realms. They are times when I'm listening to Rush, and I'm going, this is a really interesting story about consumer fraud. And then I realize that it's a commercial. It's a commercial. Because I didn't notice that he actually changed and was doing a commercial. This is what he does.

So can you prove the statement was false? Maybe you can, maybe you can't.
The fact is, that's the way -- that's part of the job.

BOLLING: But the part about pulling Rush of air is also problematic for me. At least people at this people have always said, "You know what? If you call people out for saying bad stuff you don't like."

GUTFELD: By the way, I hate petitions.

BOLLING: ... petitions, boycotts.

GUTFELD: But you have every right to say, when somebody says something that's bad, you can say it. But I've always been against this idea of trying to limit people's speech through petitioning. I think that's wrong.

BECKEL: They're not going to get him off the air. I mean, the whole idea, that was a free one they threw out; it was silly. But Rush is good because Rush has had to do this very, very well.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it right there. When we come back, George W. Bush's new biography on his dad is out today, and the presidents sat down for a rare joint interview that you're going to see, coming up.


BECKEL: All right, agree or disagree with the Bushes on their politics, most would agree the father-son relationship between 41 and 43 is a remarkable one.

Today the biography W. wrote to his dad came out in bookstores. They did an interview together, and both spoke about how hard it was to watch one another come under attack during their presidencies.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When I became president, I was disciplined enough to ignore all the noise, but when he was president and people criticized him, I didn't like it. But actually, it thickened my hide for when I became president. Because criticism of my dad was a heck of a lot more difficult for me to handle than criticism of me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about you, though? When you heard people?

GEORGE H.W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Same thing, I did not like it. I know by then that it goes with the territory, but it's your own son. It's hard to take.



BECKEL: There's no question. They're both No. 1 in each other's books.


GEORGE W. BUSH: The kind of question people ask all the time is who's the most influential president? You know? And, like, it's no contest. George H.W. Bush.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would you say the same thing about him?

GEORGE H.W. BUSH: Unconditionally.



BECKEL: Let me go to our resident Bush expert. Dana.

GUTFELD: Let's go to Dana.

BECKEL: I wasn't going to go to you, because you're sick today. Dana, what do you think? You know, asking that question, the most influential president, I mean, do you think that they really believe that, or is that something that was sort of a personal...?

PERINO: Well, remember, one of the things President Bush was saying in the Oval Office, is there's that spot, Bob, you know, when you walk -- if you're sitting behind the desk, to your left, there's a place where the president is supposed to put whoever he thinks is the most influential president.

BECKEL: Right, right.

PERINO: And President George W. Bush had Lincoln hanging there, and what he told his dad was that "I have Lincoln hanging on the wall but a portrait of you in my heart."

And this book is called "A Portrait of My Father." I had a chance to read it. I think it is a great narrative. And it's not just for news hounds or political junkies. If you are a parent, are a manager, a husband, a brother, a son, it is a book that gives you lots of lessons.

And there's, like, little funny things and interesting thing. Like, for example, the story of George W. Bush's date with Tricia Nixon, which is hilarious.

BECKEL: Really?

PERINO: It doesn't necessarily go anywhere. Yes.

BECKEL: You dated Tricia Nixon, didn't you? No, you didn't.


BECKEL: But seriously, about the criticism...

BOLLING: Let's leave the politics out of this for a second.

BECKEL: Yes, sure. Please.

BOLLING: It's so heartwarming to see a father-son relationship like that.
I can't tell you. The pride of Dad seeing son as a president, and then having the son be so respectful to Dad. Whatever your politics are, whatever you think of them, you have to at least admire that relationship.
And I do.

GUTFELD: I don't know about you guys, but I'm over this. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the president and his son. What about Marvin? No one talks about Marvin Bush, the youngest brother. Everybody's talking about George and Jeb, the governor, but Marvin, Marvin is a great guy. Do you know anything about Marvin? He went to Woodbury First School, First School. His wife's name is Margaret. He's a great guy. Marvin, I'm thinking about you.

BECKEL: That's really nice of you to do that, Greg.

GUTFELD: Well, I feel bad for Marvin. Marvin is never talked about.

BOLLING: Like Cooper Manning. You hear about Eli Manning. You hear about Peyton Manning.

GUTFELD: You never hear about Marvin.

BECKEL: There you go.

GUTFELD: Bring back Marvin!

BECKEL: Let me ask Kimberly: what do you take away from all of this?

GUILFOYLE: I think it's very heartwarming. I love family. I think this is an incredible family. We've been so lucky to have him in this country.
They have served and I mean -- and 41, torpedo bomber. I mean, you know what the life expectancy is for a torpedo bomber? An incredible patriot.
I'm thinking about him on Veterans Day and his service to the country, as well. God bless them. I'm sure glad that that family exists. I'll tell you that much.

BECKEL: Well, let me just say this, closing. I have been as partisan as you possibly can imagine, always will be. But I've always had a warm spot in my heart for H.W. Bush, and I'm warming a little bit to W.

GUTFELD: What about Marvin?

BECKEL: Marvin I've loved from the beginning. Marvin, "One More Thing" is
up next, buddy.


GUILFOYLE: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Bob.

BECKEL: Well, we put this picture up on our Facebook page. It was Taylor Swift, who's trying to steal my moniker, suspenders. And if you'll notice, there's my Soprano suspenders. And we've had over 4,000 people so far who have commented on it. So if you'd like to comment, please do:
Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC. And Taylor, you stick to singing. I'll stick to the suspenders.

BECKEL: I don't know. I think you're both rocking the suspenders pretty well.

GUTFELD: Don't use "rocking" as a verb.

GUILFOYLE: That's -- Dana. OK, Dana.

PERINO: You know, everybody knows I love "Wheel of Fortune." Pat Sajak, one of our favorite hosts, he got a little frustrated last night, because his contestants were not up to speed. They were kept guessing wrong.
There was no "N" on the board. This was his frustration, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Riding a brown horse.

PAT SAJAK, HOST OF "WHEEL OF FORTUNE": That's amazing and it's wrong.

Three seconds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Riding a white horse?

SAJAK: Who said anything about a horse?


PERINO: The clue was -- the answer was "seeing a buddy movie," which certainly has nothing to do with a horse.


GUTFELD: Did you know that answer?

PERINO: Guys, I was doing that Jay Caruso podcast, the "Pocket Full of Liberty" podcast. I saw it. That's why I wanted to do it for "One More Thing."

GUILFOYLE: That was good, OK -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK. So watch this one free throw last night. And I'm going to explain it after why it's really important, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nothing but the bump of the bucket. Austin Hatch has scored for the Michigan Wolverines. John Beilein is on his feet, clapping.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And David, I have chills going up and down my body right now. It's such an emotion moment.


BOLLING: The reason why it was emotional was because Austin Hatch in 2003 was in a plane crash that killed his mother, his brother and his sister.
And in 2011, was in another plane crash that killed his father.


GUTFELD: You're kidding.

BOLLING: Survived them both. And his dream was always to be a basketball player.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that was incredible. My gosh, a terrible loss that he has suffered as a young boy.

On this Veterans Day, again, we've been giving thanks to all who chose to serve. There's an incredible Clint Eastwood movie about an amazing veteran, Chris Kyle, called "American Sniper." And you know he lost his life, but this commemorates it and those that served with him. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's carrying something. She's got grenades, got RKG Russian grenades, and got her hands on the kid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You say a woman and a kid?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got eyes on this? Can you confirm?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Negative, your call.


GUILFOYLE: Watch it. Time well spent -- Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. It's time for...


GUTFELD: Greg's Secret to Happiness.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. So loud.

GUTFELD: The secret to a happy relationship is always surprising your partner when he or she gets home from work in a delightful outfit, like this little chap did.




GUTFELD: Look at that, huh? I don't know how bad your work might be that day, but if you're greeted at your door and your significant other is in a teddy like that -- look at that teddy -- how could you not be happy? This is the secret to happiness. If you think your partner is unhappy, put on a teddy.

GUILFOYLE: Mine doesn't look like that.

PERINO: What are you saying?

GUILFOYLE: That's it for us. "Special Report" is next. Wow.

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