This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," May 21, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
INGRAHAM: All right, thank you. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is The Ingraham
Angle from Washington tonight. Could the pressure campaign to vaccinate the
entire American populace be putting those already infected at risk? Two
doctors from our medicine cabinet say, yes. And they're here to reveal the
evidence. But first, the racism Gold Rush. That's the focus of tonight's
Because public schools have become cesspools of far-left political thought,
many parents whose views don't align and who can't afford private or
parochial schools, rightly feel that their children are trapped. Plus, many
of those private schools are just as bad anyway, if not worse. Now, I can't
tell you how many parents I run into complain about this dynamic. Well,
today former Attorney General Bill Barr delivered one of the most important
speeches in recent memory on the dire state of public education in America.
BILL BARR, FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL: The state of our public schools is
becoming an absurdity that is scarcely to be believed. Well, an astonishing
number of public schools fail to produce students proficient in basic
reading and math. They spare no effort or expense to draw in their drive to
instill a radical secular belief system that would only - that would have
been unimaginable just a few years ago.
INGRAHAM: Thus, the obvious question. Why should we send our tax dollars to
schools that end up teaching our kids to hate the country? So, by choosing
an aggressive secular humanist focus, which is now laced with critical race
theory, teachers and administrators have created their own taxpayer funded
fiefdoms radicalism. They think they shouldn't answer to anyone outside
their own sphere on issues like curriculum, on sports on anything related
to life at school.
They want complete and total control, no questions asked. Well, parents,
forget it, be damned. We saw this during COVID, where teachers summarily
dismiss parents' concerns about remote learning.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you're going to call me out, I'm going to f you up.
Already, that's just me.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They want to pick on us because they want their
babysitter's back.
INGRAHAM: Babysitters. And now with the backdrop of COVID and the death of
George Floyd, these school dictators feel like they got the wind at their
backs. Many are eager to embrace critical race theory throughout their
curricula across every subject and every aspect of schooling. And all this
wokeness cost big bucks and variably funneled to anti-American race
Courtesy of Judicial Watch, we learn that schools in Montgomery County,
Maryland, paid nearly $0.5 million on something called an anti-racism
audit. And they gave it to a group called the Mid Atlantic Equity
Consortium, which now get this is funded by your tax dollars via the
Department of Education. Of the $19 million, the group has raised since
2001, $17 million is from taxpayer backed cash, what a scam.
In the past four years, these race hustlers haven't received a single
private donation. So, in Montgomery County, Dr. Monifa B. McKnight, and
she's now the acting superintendent claimed the anti-racist audit would
examine the district's systems, practices and policies that do not create
access opportunities and equitable outcomes for every student's academic
and social emotional well-being and what analyze policies and practices
that impact staff.
Now let me translate this for you. They're preparing as are many schools
across America to bring racial propaganda into school subjects, every
syllabus and every academic award given out. They're going to higher scores
of rabid anti-American ideologues, destroying what is left at this point of
objective merit for students and faculty alike. So, if you're white, you're
de facto guilty.
Now, if you're not white, you're given special status and consideration.
Now, they call this diversity, equity and inclusion, DEI, but it's really
just plain old racism. Now, here are the types of DEI consultants and
lectures hired for the reprograming.
Meet Loyola Marymount, University Psychologist, Sheri Atwater recently
hired by the Hermosa Beach City School District in California to lecture
faculty on anti-racism.
things I like to do in my multicultural accounting class. First question
when I walk up there is, raise your hand if you're racist, right. Ones
raised their hand that they're racist, and they're all telling the truth,
but also by the end of this, lecture and discussion and you'll understand
that you're telling the truth, and you're also lying at the same time. And
that's because we have implicit biases, so you can't tell me that you're
not racist.
INGRAHAM: I like her two fingers up. Now, of course, Ms. Atwater's cliche
written idiocy is the product of decades of educational decay. She's just
repeating what she heard and some other tedious seminar, very deep
thinking, Well, not quite, but it is dangerous. And things are just as
toxic in our state universities, again funded by the taxpayers.
Last month, the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, the Board of
Governors meeting, showcased a pathetic array of race groveling buffoons.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When we teach philosophy, we teach the old dead white
philosophers. And yet there's a lot of people who wrote philosophy besides
as individuals.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to stress. I've spoken to students about this,
and the absence of a diverse curriculum is the absence of affirming their
humanity for our campuses are well underway with implementing the DEI
training module for students and many of our campuses, they are including
it as part of their freshman orientation. So, there it would be required.
INGRAHAM: Yes, freshman orientation, you got to get those kids early from
the moment they step foot on campus just in case, their high school wasn't
woken up to set them straight about how racist America really is.
The Republican majority in the Pennsylvania legislature should shut this
down. Not a single taxpayer dollar, state or federal should go toward the
promotion of what is a corrosive, and racist philosophy, not in K through
12 and not in higher education.
BARR: Confronting this issue, I think, is the most urgent task for people
who are concerned about religious liberty. Religious liberty is not safe in
the United States, as long as we have the kind of public school system. We
have the forced monopoly and the indoctrination of children into these
radical secular progressive orthodoxies.
Now bar has it right. And he went on to say that the solution here is to
give parents universal school choice, where their tax dollars travel with
them, and they get to choose where to send their kids to school. And while
things are dire on college campuses, there are rays of hope.
The Board of Trustees at UNC Chapel Hill struck a note for common sense
yesterday by revoking a tenure offer to Hannah Nikole Jones, that creator
of the widely discredited 619 projects. Of course, in response to that the
race mongers claim that the college boards of trustees are themselves
racist. Well, look, it's all they have.
Naturally, the Biden Administration is full steam ahead with critical race
theory in the schools. The U.S. Department of Education issued two proposed
priorities last month that would direct federal grant money to projects
that incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally and linguistically
diverse perspectives into teaching and learning and projects that promote
information literacy skills.
Come on, screams boondoggle. But they've poked the bear 20. State attorneys
general are fighting against these plans that oppose any government funds
going to any projects that characterize the United States as irredeemably
racist or founded on principles of racism, or that assign fault blame or
bias to a particular race or to an individual because of his or her race.
Folks, it's my firm belief that Democrats will rue the day that they linked
arms with the Marxists on this issue. I think most suburban women who voted
for the decent Old Joe Biden, they didn't think this was part of the
bargain. And the next time they walk into the voting booth, they're going
to have a chance to strike a blow against the racial industrial complex
that wants to wreck America, as it robs us blind. And that's the angle.
Joining me now is Glenn Loury, Professor of Economics at Brown University.
Professor, it's good to see you tonight. Now, this Hannah-Jones dispute
leads to a larger question. Why was a woman who distorts history, even up
for a tenured position at any university in the first place?
professional distinction, Pulitzer Prize, the MacArthur, and her initiative
at the Time magazine makes her an appropriate candidate for a lectureship
of some kind in a professional school of journalism, channeling young
journalist and so forth and so on.
But 10 year, 10 years right at the heart of the University, where is the
big book, where's the sustained body of work, where's the Ph.D., she's got
a Master's degree, God loves her. There's nothing wrong with not having a
Ph.D., but you think making someone a permanent member of the faculty of a
serious university, you might want to see a little bit more depth. So, I'm
not at all surprised the trustees might have been putting the political
issues to the side at having that be a 10-year appointment from the start.
My understanding is, their position is, let's see, five years, it's a
renewable appointment, let's see how you do it and what you produce. And
we'll see that strikes me as a quite liberal way of handling it.
INGRAHAM: Professor, the other thing that's - I think, just driving people
bonkers about this critical race theory is ultimately what it intends to do
is to equalize outcomes, across the board. Now explain what that ultimately
does to the pursuit of excellence in education.
LOURY: So, the issue is the distinction between equality of opportunity,
and what's been called equity. Of the equity position is that as you say,
we want to see disparities between the groups go away, we want to see the
same number of black and Latino, white and Asian doing this or doing that,
whether it's the School of Engineering, the medical school, the calculus
department, whatever it is.
Now, the groups are not performing to the same extent. If you insist upon
equal outcomes, but you don't have equal performance, the only way you get
it is by lowering standards. So, from my perspective, the insistence upon
equity, to the - over and against equality of opportunity is a concession.
It's a concession that we're going to not look at performance too closely,
if doing so would prevent us from getting our numbers, right. And that's a
bad thing.
INGRAHAM: Also, this idea that everyone has his or her truth, they usually
like pound their chest, when they say that this is my truth. They always
say that. But there is also objective truth. And yet that seems to go just
completely out the window. Even in sciences today, it goes out the window,
but it's always, this is my truth. This is my understanding. And you have
to validate it, even if you don't agree with it, you have to validate it.
LOURY: Yes, this subjectivity thing is a real problem. I call it identity,
epistemology. So, identity politics is one thing, you know, I'm a group,
I'm in this group, I have this identity, therefore, I got a voice, my voice
must be heard. But identity epistemology is another thing altogether. I am,
therefore I know that you can't know it. If you're not me. I have in virtue
of my identity, a special insight into knowledge that's not communicable
between groups. This is very anti-intellectual.
INGRAHAM: Glenn, there aren't many conservatives on college campuses, in
faculties across the country, I think Harvard, out of $200,000 in donations
to presidential race, I think, 2000 went to Republicans in 2020 or
something like that. What do you say to conservatives who might want to go
into academia today? What should they do? Where should they go? If they're
being blocked?
LOURY: Well, it's a tough call. And it's not just conservatives. I was just
speaking today with a young scholar who is - I wouldn't say that person is
a conservative at all, they're centrist. But they despair - the guy has
deciding whether he wants to go and get a Ph.D. in economics. He's very
smart. He should get a Ph.D. in economics. He's passionate, he's
knowledgeable. But he's saying I can't bear the idea that I would have to
day in and day out deal with this implacable one dimensional unanimity of
opinion about stuff that's hard for which it's not clear what the right
answers are.
And I told him, you should go ahead and get the Ph.D. there is more to life
than being in the university. there plenty of good jobs for economists
outside of the university. I'd hate to see him cut his intellectual
development short because he can't build a thought of being out of faculty
INGRAHAM: A lot of fat endowment insulate a lot of these universities from
any scrutiny or having to change their ways. Glenn, great to see you
tonight. Thank you so much.
And UNC's denial of tenure to that 1619 project mastermind has set off the
racial radicals in the media. MSNBC's Joy Reid tweeting university should
not be denying tenure, based on Right-wing sensitivities to the
uncomfortable truths of history. Daily Beast Columnists Wajahat Ali, cancel
culture to appease white rage and white anxiety.
Joining me now is Mark Meadows, former North Carolina Congressman, Trump
White House Chief of Staff. Mark, why would a school such as UNC have ever
entertained the idea of bringing Hannah Nikole Jones into the university
system, given the fact that even liberal scholars have panned her work as
flawed throughout?
here is not just bringing her in, but the recommendation originally was to
give her a permanent position and so when you look at 1619, really the date
you should be looking at is 1620. Because what we know from our history is
that actually a group of pilgrims came over here for religious liberty in
And we somehow are trying to redefine it. And so, we've got someone being
offered a job at UNC Chapel Hill, that quite frankly, the very work that
individual did, would not pass muster in most history classes. And yet it's
being applauded by the Left of progressives across the country. It's just -
it's redefining history in a way that is not consistent with the facts.
INGRAHAM: Joe Biden today continued if he even understood what he was
saying to demean the country, he actually leads. Watch.
flourish, you make a lot of who we are, as a nation, we cannot let the very
foundation of this country continue to be eaten away, like it has been at
other moments in our history and happening again.
INGRAHAM: Mark, I thought he takes the presidency, he was going to calm the
waters and everything is going to be healing and unity. And now, it's just
like a horrible, awful, rotten racist place that he's president of?
MEADOWS: Well, listen, we continue to see that the racial divide, that's
racism narrative, from the Democrat Left is all that they have to offer.
They are looking to divide. I believe it was Martin Luther King said, when
he was talking about his children, that he was hopeful that they wouldn't
be judged on the color of their skin, but their content of their character.
And yet this critical race theory throws that upside down and says the only
thing that you should be focused on is the color of skin.
It's not who we are, it's truly trying to remake the civil rights movement
into something that it was never intended to be. And quite frankly, it's
dividing us, not bringing us together.
INGRAHAM: When you look at what's happened at our border, and now over a
half a million people have been apprehended at the border, and Lord knows
how many just were not detected and just made it across the border. We find
out today that apparently, they're keeping in place Trump's order while
broadening it enough to please Left-wing activists, senior Customs and
Border Protection official told the Free Beacon today, if they rescind
Title 42, they can't deport single men. Mark, what about this?
MEADOWS: Well, they've gone from just an inept policy on the border to one
that is so convoluted that it essentially provides no border at all. Part
of that is when they say that, again, if you try to address that they say
that you're racist in trying to address a secure southern border.
But when we look at the policies that the Biden Administration are putting
forth, it's really a policy of no decisions. Really, they're looking at not
making decision. They're not making decision of Middle East, not making
decision on jobs. And it's more inaction than it is action.
INGRAHAM: Mark, great to see you. Thank you. And police departments from
coast-to-coast are being gutted by selfish politicians and the results have
been devastating for communities. In moments, we talked to two business
owners in the middle of the storm with a powerful message.
INGRAHAM: Since last summer, BLM supporters have claimed that defunding the
police would make communities safer. The city of Oakland's police manpower
is a six-year low now homicides are up by more than 100 percent since last
year. In Portland, police are resigning in record numbers. Meanwhile,
homicides soared 1900 percent in the first three months of this year than
over in Minneapolis ground zero for the defund the police movement.
The city has lost over 25 percent of its officers. Meanwhile, violent crime
spiked 21 percent. And over the last 18 months, Seattle's police force
shrank 20 percent and now homicides are rising to levels not seen in two
decades. Seattle officer Clayton Powell is retiring early and described
what his job had become.
bottles, and in some cases, cinder blocks thrown at you and we have to
stand there and take it. It's discouraging.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you told not to react?
POWELL: In most cases, yes. When you see, businesses get destroyed and
families lose their livelihood because of that destruction. And we can't do
anything about it. We're not allowed to intercede.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're not allowed to intercede.
INGRAHAM: So, what's it like trying to run a business in this atmosphere?
Joining us now is Lonnie McQuirter, the owner of the 36 Lind Refuel Station
in Minneapolis. Also with me is Todd Biesold, the owner of Merlino Foods in
Todd, you heard that former Seattle officer and I believe you actually say
the violence is so bad that delivery trucks won't deliver now to certain
real deal. We saw our build our businesses in Soto which is in the
industrial part of Seattle. And over the last year or so, we've had
multiple instances of truck drivers. These are long haul drivers, not to
say the other ones being assaulted at gunpoint, threatened and we had
issues where truck lines will not deliver to Seattle, that's other
businesses, we have had issues with customer or truck lines, also saying we
just don't want to go to Seattle and considering there's a trucker shortage
right now, and they can sort of pick and choose where they want to go, we
could add to a place where they're not coming.
INGRAHAM: That's unbelievable. Now, Lonnie, you took a picture of business
in Minneapolis completely in flames. This is only one mile from your own
business. And you saw firsthand a lot of the looting and unrest there. At
some point as you know, I've spent a lot of time in Minneapolis, including
quite recently. Do you feel like you have to fend for yourself there that I
mean, I never see police in Minneapolis when I'm there rarely?
it's made life difficult with the smaller police, active police that are
here in Minneapolis and also really the loss of trust between us and our
community and the different members that used to be active and walking out
that are scared once the sun comes down to leave their house or scared just
to talk to their neighbors and get to know them.
INGRAHAM: When you think of Minnesota, you think of Minnesota nice and
Minneapolis is such a great city and wonderful people. I mean, what's just
- what run through your mind over the last 14 months of what's gone down.
MCQUIRTER: You know, from the reaction to the COVID epidemic up until the
George Floyd events that have unfolded and also last month with the officer
involved shooting in Brooklyn center. Society is really delicate. And the
fabric that holds things together is really delicate and really challenging
now, when people are hurting, and they have different ways of coping with
it, but it's really problematic when - you don't trust your neighbor,
you're not sure how you feel about anything, and you are kind of grappling
to try to figure out, where society is going.
And for those that don't have a value system and really sound view of the
future. It's been really tough on them.
INGRAHAM: Todd, we have a lot of focus on January 6th, and what happened on
January 6th in the Capitol, and I know Lonnie also has thoughts on this.
But I mean, there has been a huge amount of damage across the country done
with this increase in crime and major American cities and suburbs too, by
the way, and it gets some coverage, but not to the extent that we see
endless coverage of January 6th investigations. Meanwhile, the country is
falling apart, beyond the Capitol dome.
MCQUIRTER: That's correct. I would say--
INGRAHAM: Let's get Todd first, then Lonnie.
BIESOLD: Yes, I agree. I mean, we still have major parts of downtown
Seattle that are boarded up, they're graffitied over, there's graffiti
everywhere. We've got - there are places in the city that you just don't
want to go. We've got tents. Our place gets tagged all the time. We've got
broken into our fences; it happens all through the whole business
districts. I mean, they take batteries, catalytic converters, and they
think they just know there's a total vacuum of police because there aren't
enough and it's not the Seattle police's fault.
There just aren't enough of them. And again, I think they're sort of told
don't intercede. I mean, you can walk into Home Depot down in Soto and walk
out with a power tool and nobody is going to do anything.
INGRAHAM: Nothing.
BIESOLD: The bad guys, they know it.
INGRAHAM: And Lonnie, what about a commission to investigate why crime is
sweeping the country? We have a commission on January 6th, what about a
commission about what is happening in our cities?
I'm glad you mentioned January 6th. I think we've had a ton of January 6's
in the year 2020 as well that no one seems to remember as firmly as those
of us who were there at ground zero. The events unfolded, and we see many
more thousands of individuals victimized and continually traumatized with
the violence that's been going on, specifically in certain parts of
Minneapolis where the gun violence this past week has changed lives forever
of three young kids here. So again, we focus so much on one date without
looking, broadly speaking, at all of the other cities that have been
impacted severely by all of the events that are taking place throughout
these metropolitan areas.
INGRAHAM: Todd and Lonnie, thank you for your stories tonight.
And here's a question, do the communities most at risk actually want to
defund the police? We already know the answer. Amid last summer's BLM riots
Gallup found that 81 percent of black Americans wanted police to spend the
same amount of or more time in their neighborhood.
Here now with me, Dr. Ben Carson, former HUD secretary, founder of the
American Cornerstone Institute. Dr. Carson, these racial radicals are
signaling to someone out there, thinking they are connecting with someone
on this message of defund the police, but these cities are in a freefall.
DR. BEN CARSON, FORMER HUD SECRETARY: Well, obviously, the people who need
the police the most are the people who are in dangerous situations like
many of these inner cities. And when you stop and you think about what the
police go through, we need to just learn how to be a little more
compassionate and put ourselves in other people's shoes. They get up every
morning, put that uniform on. They don't know if they are coming back home.
Every time that telephone rings their spouse's heart jumps up into their
And now you stop a car, you don't know what you're going to encounter. And
the sad thing is, there are a few bad police and a few incidents, but there
are millions of encounters with police every week. And you see only a very
small number of these aberrant cases, but we take those and we magnify them
and to make it seem like that's what's going on with everybody. If every
profession was treated that way, nobody would look good. Doctors, dentists,
lawyers, TV correspondents, everybody would look bad if we always judged
them on the basis of the bad apple. It makes no sense whatsoever.
INGRAHAM: And meanwhile, as we were talking about Minneapolis, just over
the last 12, 13 hours, it was reported that a six-year-old, seven-year-old
little girl was shot and killed in the city. Again, very small police
CARSON: Absolutely.
INGRAHAM: It's just --
CARSON: And what would you expect, what would you expect if the police are
not able to do their job because there are so few of them, because so many
of them are retiring? And I wonder, and I hope it's just an aberrant
thought, but I wonder if they are trying to get rid of the police, make
them all go away, so that they can call on the military, and we can have
the same kind of situation that was in Washington, D.C., after January the
I hope that we don't get to that point. But this is the kind of thing that
would set that up. And we need to understand that there are consequences
for these kinds of actions. And we want to continue to have freedom, and
the only way you can have freedom is that you have order, law and order in
the right proportions, and that there is no question that there are things
that can be done with the police and with policing. There are all kinds of
new technologies that are available that are nonlethal. We need to be
talking about the various options that exist and how they can be utilized,
but more importantly, community policing. I talked to a police officer. He
said he walks through the community every day, everybody knows him. He
never has to buy lunch. Everybody loves him. And if there is a problem,
they tell them. Those are the kinds of things that we can do.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Carson, thank you so much for being here tonight.
And the well-funded campaign to vaccinate every living American could be
putting lives at risk. Two doctors are here to explain what they found in
three new studies. Don't go anywhere.
INGRAHAM: Democrats love to talk about the right to privacy. Well, that's
now an obstacle to their goal, though, of forcing COVID vaccines on every
American. Case in point, California Governor Gavin Newsom is sending out
roughly 2,000 door knockers to show up at citizens homes to inquire about
their vaccination status. And the media, well, they're joining in. This is
from "USA Today," "Fact Check, businesses can legally ask if patrons have
been vaccinated. HIPAA does not apply." Of course, the prospect, though, of
widespread vaccine shaming has Dr. Fauci and friends very excited.
my mind or many of my public health colleagues that we are already starting
to see steps in that direction where independent entities will likely be
requiring proof of vaccination before you can either get on a plane or step
into a university campus.
INGRAHAM: Why stop at vaccines? But speaking of this, could they actually
be endangering your health? Here now is Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the
Yale School of Public Health, and Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist,
internist, and epidemiologist. Dr. McCullough, quickly summarize these
three new papers have you worried about this.
having me on, Laura. It's important that we have made great progress in
COVID-19. Patients are being treating early. Rates of hospitalizations and
deaths are way down. But a common question I get in clinical practice is,
do I need the COVID-19 vaccine if I've already had COVID-19? And very
importantly, is there any risk to that?
Well, the randomized trials, the registrational trials excluded patients
with prior COVID-19. So we have no safety data, and to this day we have no
studies demonstrating any clinical benefit. Now two studies out of the
United Kingdom and one out of New York City show higher rates of vaccine
adverse events when COVID-19 recovered patients are needlessly vaccinated.
So in my view, these patients, it's contraindicated for them to receive the
COVID-19 vaccine. No evidence of benefit, and only evidence of harm.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, even though Dr. Fauci has no grandkids of his own, I
guess, he wants yours to get vaccinated.
grandparent, yet. Hopefully soon, but I'm not. But I were, I would say that
six years old and four-years-olds would likely be able to get vaccinated by
the time we reach the end of calendar year 2021, and at the latest, into
the first quarter of 2022.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you would recommend it?
FAUCI: Oh, absolutely. If I had grandchildren, I would certainly recommend
they get vaccinated.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, how irresponsible is this?
young children particularly do not get very sick with COVID. They get
fevers and headaches and tiredness and that's it. They don't spread the
virus. They certainly don't die from the virus. So neither they nor the
society around them has any interest in vaccinating them. And the only
thing that could happen to them is they get some harm from the virus. And
now we've started to see in the VAERS database 15-year-old children getting
heart attacks, two years old dying a day after the vaccination, a six month
old dying from the child's mother's vaccination and getting it through
breast milk. So children have no reason to die from vaccination. That isn't
going to help them or the society either.
INGRAHAM: Dr. McCullough, is this all about a constant stream of money that
the drug companies make from the vaccines? Now we are talking about booster
shots. We heard Fauci talking about that today. So presumably the kids
would have to get booster shots forever without any concern of natural
immunity or acquired immunity after having been exposed?
MCCULLOUGH: The vaccine stakeholders, the manufacturers, the NIH, the CDC,
and the FDA, they made a great gamble. And the gamble was the epidemic was
going to be closed out with vaccination alone. And what we found is the
vaccine does not provide complete protection, and now we're seeing really
alarming rates of harm in the adverse event reporting system. So the CDC
really immediately needs to have an external, unbiassed event adjudication
committee and data sifting monitoring committee as it would in any clinical
INGRAHAM: And the CDC Director Walensky, by the way, Dr. Risch, encouraging
pregnant women, you referenced the breast milk issue, to get vaccinated.
DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: We have no reason to suspect that
these vaccines result in any infertility now or in the future. We have no
reason to believe that getting vaccinated should change your menstrual
cycle or make your periods any heavier. There have been decades and decades
of research in MRNA technology that has led to the science that allowed us
to meet this moment.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, setting aside the creepy music, what about this?
RISCH: Well, the absence of information is not information on the absence
of risk. And pregnant women have not been study in the clinical trials of
safety that were used by the manufacturers, and they haven't even been
studied long enough to know what outcomes from first trimester
vaccinations, so the first third of pregnancy, if women get vaccinated, we
don't even know what happens to their offspring, if there's risks of
stillbirth, genetic abnormalities. We know that fevers in the first third
of pregnancy increase risk of genetic abnormalities in their children, and
these vaccines frequently cause fevers when they're given. So they have not
been studied. There is the complete absence of information about what
happens when you vaccinate pregnant women.
INGRAHAM: Anti-science. Doctors, thank you.
And Democratic Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania did his best to ruin that
state with his destructive COVID lockdowns. But the voters stood up, and
they just delivered a huge rebuke that provides a roadmap for people across
the country. We'll explain it next.
INGRAHAM: These draconian pandemic controls that everyone endured for the
last 14 months, it ended up creating a big backlash against the power-
hungry blue state governors. The latest example came from Pennsylvania
where citizens were for months living under Governor Wolf's reign of
GOV. TOM WOLF, (D) PENNSYLVANIA: I'm asking all Pennsylvanians to wear a
mask any time you leave your house. Schools will remain closed for the rest
of the academic year.
Indoor dining for this three-week period will be suspended.
We out to avoid any congregate settings.
The guidance from us, recommendation is that we don't do any sports until
January 1st.
INGRAHAM: The voters got sick of all this, and they approved two measures
early this week to curtail the governor's use of emergency powers. Joining
me now is one of the legislators who led the charge against Wolf's COVID
tyranny, Pennsylvania state senator Jake Corman. Senator, could this be a
model for other states given how these emergency powers were used and
abused and reupped and reupped and reupped?
JAKE CORMAN, (R) PENNSYLVANIA STATE SENATE: I believe it will be. I've had
communications with a lot of other states, a lot of other legislators. And
the issue of legislative responsibility and the executive branch
responsibility was the main topic of all these states, whether they have
Democratic or Republican governors, Democratic legislatures, Republican
legislatures. The legislative branch of government is the voice of the
people. And to be shut out for this period of time is just unacceptable,
and it's not what our framers had intended. And so I believe that we're the
first out, and we're excited about that, but I believe other states will
INGRAHAM: Senator, this sounds a little, maybe, fresh, but why did it take
so long? Most of these rules are slowly winding down, but are you preparing
for the next declaration, whether it's a climate or racial emergency? Or is
that why you're doing this now?
CORMAN: Yes, we had to go the constitutional route. We passed a statute,
and the governor took us to court, and we lost in a court to a very
Pennsylvania Supreme Court. So then we went the constitutional amendment
process, which takes two sessions to complete. We completed it this year,
went on the main ballot this primary, and the voters overwhelmingly
supported it. So that's a process that we needed to do.
But yes, we are preparing for not only the completion of this one, but for
the next one so that people won't be subjected to the same type of
unilateral control as this governor has had for the last 14 months.
INGRAHAM: The governor responded to the vote this way.
GOV. TOM WOLF, (D) PENNSYLVANIA: I met with the leaders in both caucuses
and both chambers to figure out how we're going to move forward with that.
So we are starting that conversation. You can't just flick a switch and
make the change. But the voters have spoken, and we're going to do what I
think the voters expect us to do, and that's make the best of it.
INGRAHAM: Does it sound like he might be dragging his feet? You can't just
flick a switch? The language is pretty clear.
CORMAN: Yes, the language is clear, and now we could end the emergency at
any point in time, or after 21 days he has to come to the legislature for
an extension. So that's what the two ballot questions were. So we're
planning on working with the governor. Our whole idea was that we needed to
be at the table to have discussions, to be part of the process on how we
govern Pennsylvania. And so we'll be jumping right in. We've already had
some discussions with the governor, and we're going to be putting our
opinions at the table on this. And then if we don't agree with the governor
we'll end the emergency. But hopefully we can work together now as our
framers intended.
INGRAHAM: And State Senator, we really appreciate you giving us Rachel
Levine in the Department of HHS. So thanks for that.
Is the secretary of the interior hiding workers in her office? The Last
Bite will explain it, next.
INGRAHAM: The Department of the Interior seems an odd place to work.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was sworn in by the very first woman vice president,
also a woman of color. That was really probably the best --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry, Secretary, I'm going to interrupt you real
quick. You have a staffer who fully crawled on the carpet behind you, and
it's the greatest thing I've ever seen.
Sir, sir? We know you're behind the desk.
INGRAHAM: That happens to me every time my earring drops.
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