
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," October 25, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Halloween can be scary, and not just because of all the ghosts, goblins and haunted houses. There are a lot of weirdos out there who don't dress in costumes. And they are dangerous, especially to unsuspecting children — now a project in one town to protect children from convicted sex offenders.

Joining us is Jim Wingate, the project director for the Allen County Sex Offender Risk Reduction Court in Lima, Ohio.

Welcome, Jim.


VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, Halloween is coming up. And your city has sort of a unique plan. Tell me what it is vis-a-vis sex offenders and children.

WINGATE: Actually, as it pertains to this particular instance, myself and another parole officer by the name of Alex Chloe (ph) were sitting around, and we were discussing supervision techniques for sex offenders, at which time he suggested that we implement this from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon, when the city of Lima has their trick-or-treat or beggar's night out, that we bring in our 40 or so sex offenders that are under supervision for parole or probation, bring them into the probation department, drug-test them, have them submit to Breathalyzer tests.

We can also ensure that their transmitters on their ankle bracelets are working properly.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, let me ask you. I mean, the whole point of it, I suspect, is to get them off the street from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; is that right?

WINGATE: Yes. That — that's exactly right. We coincided...

VAN SUSTEREN: All right.

WINGATE: I'm sorry.


WINGATE: We coincided bringing the probationers and parolees in at that time, with the beggar's night out. That way, we kill two birds with one stone.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are they required to do these drug tests anyway, and these — and have the bracelets checked? Is that something that they are required to do anyway?

WINGATE: Yes. Normally, they are subject to random drug tests and Breathalyzer tests.

And we, on a regular scheduled basis, do, in fact, check their ankle monitoring. But we thought, since Halloween was coming around, and in order to separate the convicted sex offender from the minor children in the community, we would bring them in, and we would have hands on, eye on them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anyone complain?

WINGATE: No. No offenders have complained.

We — we had one negative comment from a defense attorney. But that's — that's his job. He is an advocate for his — his client.

VAN SUSTEREN: And, in terms of from 3:00 to 5:00 — so, at 5:00 — 5:00, everybody can go home?

WINGATE: Pretty much. That — that's pretty much the situation.

Now, say, for example, you have an individual who may be working from 3:00 to 5:00 that particular afternoon. What we would do then is send somebody out...

VAN SUSTEREN: And figure...

WINGATE: ... either a uni..

VAN SUSTEREN: And you know what, Jim? I'm sorry. I got — I got to go, because we are going to get cut off. I'm sorry to do that to you.

But I figure you will be flexible on that one, and figure a solution out.

Jim, thank you.

WINGATE: OK. Well, thank you very much.

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