
This is a rush transcript from "Justice with Judge Jeanine," September 8, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, HOST: Hello and welcome to "Justice," live tonight from Los Angeles. I'm Jeanine Pirro. Thanks for being with us tonight and thanks to all of you for once again making "Justice" number one last weekend.

And what a show tonight here in LA. I'll be talking with conservative firecracker Michelle Malkin, White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley, Congressman Darrell Issa and Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk. But first my "Opening Statement."

All of you have a decision to make. It has never happened in the history of this country, an ex-president viciously attacking his successor, trashing our Commander-in-Chief, his party and all those Americans who put him in the Oval Office.

This on the heels of an anonymous op-ed piece allegedly written by a gutless senior administration official, or not, and published in collusion with the "New York Times" a Trump-hating newspaper. There was so much hatred and resentment over the success of this President that they simply cannot handle it. I've got news for you. It's not going to stop. The haters aren't going anywhere. But if you are a patriot and you like the course America is on, just ignore them. Get behind this President and vote.

Yesterday, with a full throttle savage attack on the President, Barack's message, obstruct and resist. He pontificates about the reality of racial discrimination, slavery and the quote, "darker aspects of America's story," accusing President Trump as follows ...


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: He is just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years. A fear and anger that's rooted in our past.


PIRRO: Are you kidding? If anyone has stoked racial hatred and divisiveness, it's you and yourself-proclaimed wing man, Attorney General Eric Holder running off to Ferguson, attacking all law enforcement. Whenever there is a death, even before there is any investigation.

And in case you don't remember, Barack, no cops were found to have committed wrongdoing in Michael Brown and Freddie Gray's killings. You even stoke religious division. Are you serious? You are the one who shows up at A National Prayer Breakfast in 2015 after the beheading of Americans by ISIS having the gall to tell Christians to get off their high horse over atrocities committed the name of Islam. In fact, aren't you the same guy who in 2008 and 2015 criticized Christians and working class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses saying, we, Christians cling to guns and religion? You call Republicans elitists? You are the elitist looking down on hard-working Americans, and then you say ...


OBAMA: But over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party.


PIRRO: The politics of division has found a home in the Republican Party? That's as ridiculous as saying that this administration is cozying up to Russia. You want to talk about cozying?


OBAMA: This my last election, after my election, I have more flexibility.

DMITRY ANATOLYEVICH MEDVEDEV, PRIME MINISTER OF RUSSIA: I understand. I'll transmit this information to Vladimir.


PIRRO: What were you talking about? Barack, you never answered that question. What would you have more flexibility on after the election? Was it the sale of our uranium. Was it the money you were going to send to Iran? Was it meddling in our election? Was it money to the Clinton Foundation? How about your foundation?

Your narrative of Republicans as Nazi sympathizers is a dog whistle to your base. There is no truth to it, but you insist on repeating it to stoke up the hatred by your base.


OBAMA: How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad?


PIRRO: Maybe you ought to say that to the Antifa who claim to be anti- fascist, but they are all leftist from your party and they are the ones who want to suppress free speech and would rather burn down a building than hear what the right has to say. That's fascism.

And you have the unmitigated gall to say that you returned the economy to healthy growth and the longest streak of creation? You don't mention numbers here because there is nowhere to go but up from the bottom. And you say we took out Bin Laden and wound down the wars in Iraq and combat role Afghanistan. Who do you think you are, Douglas Macarthur? You couldn't make a military decision for your life.

You're the same guy whose feckless foreign policy couldn't figure out what to do with that JV team ISIS whether to contain them, dismantle them or destroy them, none of which you did. And you got Iran to halt its nuclear program? Really? How would you know? You didn't know anything about Natanz and Fordow in Iran as they were secretly spinning centrifuges, lying to you and your gullible team. You didn't even require that we be allowed to monitor their nuclear development.

You let out the worst of the terrorists from Gitmo for a deserter that your standby liar, Susan Rice, Bowe Bergdahl called him a hero. You ran the most corrupted administration, at least since Harry Truman and you can't stand it that every metric under the Trump administration is better off than when you were in office.

And Donald Trump is one of the biggest threats to our democracy? How dare you? This man is the President of the United States. Someone that we put in office, and he is to be respected. Your attack on him as a racist and a fascist is not about making things better for us, it's about you, your ego and your corrupt deep state power structure. You desperately tried to defeat Trump and it didn't work and you remain in Washington to support the resistance and the obstruction of a sitting American President while you stoke your racial cop-hating narrative.

Your version of America is not the America we want. To us, social justice is about justice for American citizens and not illegal criminals. To us, social justice is about taking care of veterans who come back to our shores with fewer limbs than when they left. To us, social justice is not about burning our flag, it's about raising it and lifting it.

I am sorry to say this, but there is one thing that you're going to have to live with, the only reason that we have an outsider businessman President is because of you, your lies, your policies, and your divisiveness. You, Barack, you elected Donald Trump and there is nothing you can do about the fact that he is sitting in the Oval Office now. So I guess I should say, thank you, Barack.

And that's my open. Remember if you are a fan of my opens, you will be a huge fan of my latest book, the "New York Times" number one bestseller, "Liars, Leakers & Liberals: The Case Against Anti-Trump Conspiracy." You can get your copy tonight while you are watching me.

And joining me now here in Las Angeles to talk about my open and the rest of the news this week, conservative commentator, Michelle Malkin. All right, Michelle, first of all, good to have you on set.


PIRRO: Thank you. All right, so what do you think about Barack Obama's coming back to the scene and trashing the president? What is it about?

MALKIN: He's much like the worst of the worst of the radical left. He can't help himself. This is the grievance mocker in chief, the complainer- in-chief is back, right, and the taste of bitterness and bile that we have seen this weekend is really just an opening preview and glimpse of what we're going to see every single day to the midterms. He's not fighting for the American people. He's not fighting for a prosperous economy. He's not fighting for a strong and safe America. He's fighting to protect his failure of a legacy.

And you exactly nailed it when you specifically talked about two things - one, the identity politics, the racial grievance mongering, the demonization of people who stand on the side of law and order and two, the fact that this man deeply, deeply resents the economic success that has been ushered into this country that is lifting all boats.

PIRRO: And you know, it is incredible, I mean, when you think about it, we now have the lowest unemployment for African-Americans and Hispanics in history and he is bemoaning that. He is trying to take taking credit for it. But even worse than that is when he was in the administration, or in the oval office, who were the people who benefited the most?

MALKIN: It was boomtown, Washington, DC. The jobs that were created that are lasting are the jobs that were created in that beltway swamp. I think it's deeply significant, too, that he gave this opening salvo in Chicago. What's happening in Chicago right now? Who is responsible for that? Not President Trump, not the people he demonized. It's the Democrats, it's where he grew up, that is his swamp and he brought Chicago to the Potomac.

And in neither place, Chicago or DC, has the actual people that live there, particularly the African-American community benefitted at all from President Obama's policy.

PIRRO: And you know, the amazing thing is the President's numbers among the African-American community is going through the roof which means, they are not concerned about this so-called racial divide. They are concerned about putting food on their table, having a job, the ability to reach the American dream whatever it might be for anyone and yet, he continues to stoke this hatred. Do you think it will work in 2018?

MALKIN: I think it's going to backfire hugely and you had it exactly right. It's Barack Obama and his politics of resentment that elected President Trump and if they keep going this we are going to see a red wave during the midterms.

PIRRO: Well, and I also thing that when you - look, Rahm Emanuel has just said - in talking about Chicago, he's not going to run for mayor again. I mean, the number of people who get shot in Chicago is what? Fifty to sixty a weekend. It is out of control. And yet, these are the cities that are run by Democrats and that is where the racial division is. Where if you are African-American, it doesn't matter if you are killed. You don't see any clearances of these cases where the solving of a homicide or prosecutions in these cases are rare.

MALKIN: Yes, and this is what the Democrats and Barack Obama fear most that President Trump's successes and the prosperity that he's bringing to these miserable hell holes is actually opening up the eyes of people who reflexively voted Democrat and were finally realizing they haven't done anything for me.

PIRRO: Okay, all right, well, Michelle Malkin, thanks so much for being with us, thanks for making the trip. And huge economic news, another bogus book and a spineless no-name editorial in the "New York Times." It has been a crazy week as usual for the President and his press team.

Hogan Gidley is Deputy White House Press Secretary and he is nice enough to take time to join me live tonight from Washington. Hogan, thanks for being here tonight.

HOGAN GIDLEY, DEPUTY WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Thank you so much for your time, Judge.

PIRRO: All right, good, now Hogan, you have got Barack Obama claiming that life is terrible right now when every metric is now improved under President Trump. But how does Barack Obama get away from the fact that he was there for eight years. He had the House and his Senate. He never did anything about immigration. The economy was in the tank. General manufacturing was leaving, (inaudible) he said, we can never get this stuff back, and yet, he has the unmitigated gall to stand up in front of the country because he hates Donald Trump so much and lie or am I wrong?

GIDLEY: Well, the reason he is able to get away with it is because you have seen we now know for the last eight years under Barack Obama, he had a complicit media. They never challenged him on difficult issues or tough questions. You see 93% negative coverage against Donald Trump, all of it was positive against Barack Obama and you saw that when he came out of the shadows to give that speech which was absolutely ridiculous.

Democrats have been saying since Donald Trump got elected, this economy is bad. These good numbers keep coming out. Democrats say, but the economy is bad. It's so bad that Barack Obama comes out and says I want to take credit for how good it actually is.

He has nothing to do with this economy, Donald Trump comes into office, changes all the policies. We are now open for business, almost four million jobs created in this short amount of time. For the first time, we have seen wage increases in this country. Thirty years of stagnant wages. This past report that came out, up 3%. That's the largest increase for a year in 10 years that has nothing to do with Barack Obama.

PIRRO: And you know what, Hogan, there's a whole other thing. It's about consumer confidence and the GDP - those bozos said 1% was the new normal. I mean, all of the metrics are in a better position than they were under him. I don't know where these people get off and can actually say what they say and make like they believe it.

But let's talk about something that I think is important. I have been going around the country, and that's one of the reasons I'm in LA now, talking on my book tour. And everybody wants to know, why doesn't the President declassify the FISA documents so we can get to the bottom of the deep state and what they did and continue to do?

GIDLEY: Sure well, he's talked about this and he said, "Listen, I didn't want to get involved. I want to have hands off," because the media attacks from every day, as I just they won't give him a pass. If he were to declassify these things, they are going to go after him even more than they already are. But he is looking at it. He said that publicly on many occasions because what he wants is transparency. He wants people to understand the level of the deep state in this country and we saw that with this anonymous letter coming out in the "New York Times," some gutless coward as the President put it, who came out and said that he's against everything this President is for, but he's going to show up at work every day and be deceitful and dishonest and quite frankly, disgusting.

PIRRO: But Hogan, listen. Hogan, I get what you are saying. He wants it all to play out. He doesn't want be accused of moving things along. In truth, I have got to tell you, it is time for us to understand what happened. I want to know who that FISA judge is. I want to know why they are not hitting the ceiling over the fact they were lied to. Are they too stupid to admit that they couldn't figure out what was in the warrant? Are they part of the corrupt deep state? It's time.

GIDLEY: Well, look, sure, and the President understands that. He's getting increasingly angry at the fact that the bias that existed out there at the highest levels of the FBI, not the rank and file, but the ones who are biased against this President and for Hillary Clinton - we now know that. He wants more and more of these documents to come out. He feels as though Congress is doing the right thing by pushing for them to be out there in the open and he's looking at potentially declassifying those documents.

PIRRO: Okay, look, Hogan, I love you. Here is the bottom line though. Congress ain't getting the stuff. Tom Fitton is getting the stuff because he goes to a judge to get it. But I mean ,it's no criticism of Congress and we don't want to criticize the FBI, but you know what? It's time.

This president is now coming out doing what has never been done in the history of this country - trashing a subsequent President, taking credit for what he did and blaming the guy before him for everything that was wrong. Anyway, they're telling me, I've got to go in my ear. You know, they talk to us in our ear. Hogan Gidley, thank you so much for being with us tonight.

GIDLEY: Thank you so much. It's great it being with you.

PIRRO: All right, and Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA is still on deck, but next, more on the documents that could blow the lid off the Russia investigation, a lot to talk about with my next gues, the Honorable Congressman Darrell Issa who joins me in a moment. Don't go away.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: They write more books now, I've never seen - I have books that are stacking up this high. Actually, the ones that are really good are number one, two and three on the best sellers list. The ones - the really good ones by Justice, I call her Justice, but she is Judge, but she's Justice to me. Jeanine, we love her. Judge Jeanine.


PIRRO: President Trump calling for an investigation into who wrote the anonymous op-ed in the "New York Times." Joining me now to talk about that and more, California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa. Good evening, Congressman. I am going to get right to it.


PIRRO: This letter makes me crazy. And I was going to do an open on it until Barack showed up yesterday, so I had to do my open on Obama. Okay, let's talk about this gutless person. First of all, do you believe that it's a real person who wrote this letter? Number one.

ISSA: I have my doubts, but as you could see with each of the Cabinet members making it very clear it wasn't them. We have got a long way to making it clear that it certainly wasn't anyone at a high level, but it could in fact be a treasonous person in what now we could legitimately say the "New York Times" has made the deep state.

PIRRO: Okay, you know what? This is what occurred to me. In the letter itself, it says that we are not the deep state - we are not the so-called deep state, we are the steady state. You know what that tells me, they don't believe there is a deep state, so they are part of it. they are the steady, they are the status quo.

Now, here is the problem, Barack Obama got rid of loads of people when he got there from the Bush administration and this President, and I have to tell you, I am not so sure the transition did what it should have done. But there are too many Obama holdovers. What I would do is I would have them all take a lie detector. Is that wrong or is that ridiculous?

ISSA: Judge, as you know, Obama did exactly that - have people take lie detectors. I think there is a better way to do it, and I think it's as simple as each and every person who had the kind of information that this guy says he has should simply publicly sign a letter saying to the "New York Times," go ahead and release any information you have from me.

In other words, free them from the anonymity that this individual claims. I can guarantee you that every member of the President's Cabinet, these people who have worked so hard to change America into the right direction after Obama, they would all happily to sign on to that saying, "Go ahead, and release any covert statement I ever made." Very quickly what you'd find is that there would be few people who wouldn't do it, and they should be gone. That simply - but it's not about a lie detector, it's about the "New York Times" claiming that this is a highly placed individual when I would bet, a great deal that the vast majority of people in and around the White House love what the president is doing, are on his agenda, and even if they disagree within the White House, they do it in a patriotic way.

PIRRO: Well, look, everybody disagrees with every President. Yes, to a President, that's absurd. There is always going to be back and forth. I mean, that's the way you run anything but I think the significant part of it for me is there is all this fawning over John McCain. Okay, wonderful war hero all of that. Why is that so much a part of this letter? What does it tell you? But let's keep going.

I want to talk about FISA. Do you think the president - look, you were the head of government oversight. Do you think the government should declassify now that Barack is out there? Isn't this the time?

ISSA: Well, I think the President should continue to order his people, the Attorney General and others to do their job and to do it as transparently as possible. I think it's important and you said so earlier, that he not personally do it, that's usurping a system, but he certainly can and should demand that they use the maximum openness and the professionals make as much available as possible.

For too long, President Obama had exactly the opposite. He and Eric Holder and Lynch, they were have much in the favor of giving us nothing, even when we were entitled to it; even when Obama appointed judges, ordered them to, they still held back. So the difference is leadership. I am glad the President is asking for it.

PIRRO: It is amazing. Okay, all right, Darrell Issa, thanks so much for being with us tonight.

ISSA: Thank you, Judge.

PIRRO: And is President Trump fulfilling the populist agenda? Steve Hilton joins me to talk about that, but next, they're the Joe Frazer and Mohammad Ali of political debaters, Dan Bongino and Chris Hahn trade punches next as they take on a busy week in Washington politics, the political panel is standing by and you cannot miss this one.

Plus, what a week I had. You will see some of the highlights of my speeches in California this week including a stop at the Reagan Library, don't go away - and the Nixon Library and a whole bunch of others.


PIRRO: So, I didn't realize there were this many people in California that I had anything in common with. Thank you.


ROBERT GRAY, CORRESPONDENT, FOX NEWS: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Robert Gray. Tropical Storm Florence expected to strengthen as it approaches the East Coast. The Governors of North and South Carolina declaring a state of emergency, calling on residents to be prepared. Florence is expected to make landfall Thursday as a Level 3 hurricane or greater, threatening communities along the East Coast from Florida to as far north as New England.

President Trump meanwhile conceding that some Apple products may be more expensive if his administration imposed additional $200 billion worth of tariffs on additional Chinese goods. But the President is saying the tech company can fix the problem by moving production to the US. This comes after Apple said this week that a proposed round of additional tariffs would raise prices on some of its products including the Apple Watch and the Mac Mini. I'm Robert Gray. Now back to "Justice."


PIRRO: What are you taking a knee for? Who are you? You are taking a knee for social justice? Well, you tell me the last time you fought for social justice. You tell meet last time you called your Congressman. Tell me the last time you voted, the last time you sat on a jury, the last time you wrote a letter, went to the school board. You tell me. He can't because he didn't.


PIRRO: That's how I addressed the NFL anthem controversy to a big crowd at the Reagan Library this week. Tomorrow is the first football Sunday of the year. And here to talk about that and more, the panel, radio talk show host Chris Hahn; NRA TV host, Dan Bongino. All right, guys, let's hit it. Tomorrow is the first Sunday - football Sunday. Chris, do you expect that they will be taking a knee, but not that you have a bird to you, selling you anything, but do you think that's the American thing to do?

CHRIS HAHN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Look, I think - look, I always stand for the anthem, but I thank God I live in a country where you don't have to. And if people feel that they can address some issue by taking a knee, God bless them. I will be watching the Giants win tomorrow and have a great year and I think we should all enjoy the NFL and enjoy football. It's something that used to just bring us together before this President decided that he wanted to use it as another wedge to divide us.

PIRRO: Dan Bongino, can we enjoy football if they are taking a knee?

DAN BONGINO, NRA TV HOST: I'm sorry. I just - I didn't know Chris was venturing into comedy. He's quite a skilled political debater, but the President is using this issue? I mean, is that a joke - are you being serious right now? Colin Kaepernick himself celebrates Fidel Castro. I don't know. I mean, yes, comedy. I don't know about political commentary.

But Colin Kaepernick, a guy who donated $25,000.00 to a charity named after a woman who was convicted of killing a New Jersey state trooper was convicted of this. This is who this woman is, right, Colin Kaepernick donated money to that charity. Colin Kaerpnick wore socks with cops depicted as pigs. This guy started this. This guy is - Donald Trump didn't start this. Donald Trump just put his finger on the pulse of America even for someone who defended them against a bunch of anti-American people who kneeled in front of our flag. Don't pretend that he started this.

HAHN: This whole thing would have blown over, but for Donald Trump being involved with it.

PIRRO: No, no. You know what, Chris, you are wrong. The reason it's not blowing over, Chris, is because they are taking a knee every chance they get. They are the ones who are proliferating this thing ...

HAHN: Yes, they're taking a knee in protest of the president of the United States be cof what he has been doing to push back on them taking a knee.

PIRRO: That was a low blow. You know what? I'm going to start taking the voting record of those guys.

BONGINO: And Chris, Judge, Chris mischaracterizes it.

HAHN: You're right. You and I - you, Judge, you, I and President Obama agree, everybody should vote.

BONGINO: Judge, Chris is mischaracterizing these two. He opened this up talking about the right. This is not about anybody's right. Of course, they have the right to do it. it is a dumb policy. The NFL should have taken a stand on day one that's why it's not blowing over because the NFL has no spine, that's why.

HAHN: Hey, Dan, look ...

PIRRO: Here's the bottom line, guys, the NFL is going to pay the price. The NFL is going to pay the price, I'm moving on. Let's talk about the disruption, something I have never seen before at the congressional -- at the Senate hearing on Kavanaugh. Cory Booker, his Spartacus moment says he's going to release confidential documents and he will suffer the consequences. Documents have already been released. Is he stupid? Chris?

HAHN: I don't think he's stupid. I think it was a good moment. I also think quite frankly, when somebody dumps 42,000 documents on you the night before a hearing. I know when you were a judge, you would have given a short adjournment so that they can review the documents. I don't see what the rush is here. When people are trying to get you to read something, you read it twice.

PIRRO: That's right, it's setting me up. Dan, hit it. Hey don't even start with that, and you know what, I'm going to go to the Obamacare bill, go ahead, Dan.

BONGINO: Chris is trying to defend again a completely indefensible judge. Cory Booker's office was notified that the document he made a big stink about were being classified. Cory Booker can't even break the rules the right way. This was the lamest stunt ever. His office was notified that the classified document was not in fact classified anymore. He can't - one other thing, Judge, what's hysterical about this is he wants to expose this classified document about racial profiling. It shows that Kavanaugh supported race neutral policies not racial profiling. This was the lamest stunt in Senate history, Booker should be embarrassed.

HAHN: You know, look, you can't win if you don't fight and I think that the Senate Democrats are putting up a good fight and I think they are placing doubts in the mind of people like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins of Maine who may want to be concerned about his - Kamala Harris became a star.

PIRRO: Kamala Harris, she's a white woman, okay, how dumb is she to interrupt these hearings. She looked like an obstructionist fool. You know what is that about? They know the rules, but they are willing to obstruct just to make everybody, the Republicans look bad. Go ahead, Chris.

HAHN: I thought Kamala Harris had a great hearing particularly when she asked him, name me a law that prohibits men from doing something with their body. I thought that was a great moment, I thought Kavanaugh looked foolish. I think it placed doubts in the mind of a couple of senators who may wish to vote against him in next week when it comes for a vote.

BONGINO: I don't know, Chris, again, I don't know where you - Kamala Harris had a great hearing for what? The 10% of the country that identifies them as radical far leftist? She challenged - and the most humiliating part of the hearing, I think - well not most humiliating, Cory Booker was the most humiliating. This is the silver medal in humiliation. She challenges him on contacts with a law firm and won't name the actual person as if Brett Kavanaugh knows every - Chris, do me a favor. Name for me every single person in that law firm, right now, go ahead. Come on. Let's do it, buddy. Now, you can't, just like Brett Kavanaugh.

HAHN: Knock it off. You know what he was asking, Dan. You know what he was asking. Brett Kavanaugh ...


PIRRO: Chris Hahn and Dan Bongino, thanks, goodbye. All right, Bill Maher does it again. Next, we'll tell you what honorable profession in Washington he says is worse than being in Iraq. The week's most of outrageous statements are next.

A special thank you tonight to HBO's resident liberal loud mouth Bill Maher for doing a live show on Friday nights and always providing me with a wealth of outrageous comments to use on Saturday nights. Here is my favorite this week. Comparing working in the White House to being in Iraq as well as expressing his love for the anonymous White House coward wimp.


BILL MAHER, AMERICAN COMEDIAN: I would like to say to them, thank you for your service. Seriously.

What comes next if these people who are preventing him from doing really crazy things go? I think General Kelly would love to leave. This has got to be worse than Iraq.


PIRRO: Worse than Iraq? Whoa, Bill. Joining me now to talk about this week's most outrageous comments, Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk. All right, Charlie, hit it.

CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT USA: Well look, Judge, the one thing that needs to be mentioned about this op-ed; it's a new strategy by the far left. If you read it, the most interesting part that they actually admit that President Trump is doing a good job. So some would kind of argue that he's not doing a good job because the results are undeniable, the results are historic are the results are making America better for all people. They are now trying a new narrative, that is not really him, it's the deep state underneath him that is preventing him from his own instincts that is making this country better.

And so if you think about it, they fail in trying to say that and I think that's an interesting take. Secondly, total outrageous comments by Bill Maher, it's reprehensible and disgusting to even say that working in the White House would be comparable to a war where we lost thousands of American brave souls, soldiers on the front lines and so, look, I think it's very interesting that the left is now using this line of attack against the President.

PIRRO: Yes, and it's an insult to those - the blood and treasure that we left over there. But now, Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday said this. Take a listen.


JIMMY KIMMEL, HOST, "JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE": First off, can you imagine having Donald Trump as a father-in-law? I mean, looking at you across the table with that orange puss on all the time. Judging - resenting you for all the disgusting things he knows you are doing to his shiny and beautiful daughter. Every day you come to work at the White House, your boss has his wife sitting in his lap. It's a lot to swallow.


PIRRO: You know, Charlie, with outrageous, I try to look for things that are funny. That's not funny at all to me. But what do you think?

KIRK: Well, I mean, the left has killed comedy in America. That's not funny. It's not even close to being comedic, but what I find interesting is now they are going after Jared. And look, I can speak from personal experience. Jared is one of the most of loyal, hardworking underappreciated people in the White House that is championing prison reform. He helped get the World Cup and the Olympics which got zero media coverage whatsoever. Obama tried to get it and failed terribly.

And so look, to go after Jared now is again totally and morally reprehensible. But with the left right now, and Judge, you know this and you articulate it so well in your book, the gloves are off. They are not playing nice anymore. They've hijacked comedy. They've hijacked our schools, they've hijacked the media, and now they are going after people that are going to work every single day and they are humbly serving our country such as Ivanka and Jared and look, we have to realize that we are in a fight for the soul of this country and it starts and ends with defending this President.

PIRRO: You know, Charlie, the amazing part of it is that there was a time when the media, if they made a mistake, they would do self-regulation and self-reproach of some kind, but that's not the case anymore. So, they promote these narratives and then they get more and more outrageous in their narratives. I mean, Jimmy Kimmel was out of control.

Anyway, Charlie Kirk, always good to have you here. Thanks for being with us tonight.

KIRK: Thank you.

PIRRO: And Steve Hilton bring his populist message to "Justice," he joins me next. Don't miss it.

PIRRO: President Trump, conservatives love him and liberals, well, not so much. But what about America's populace. Joining me now, one of the voices of that movement, author of the new book, "Positive Populism: Revolutionary Ideas to Rebuild Economic Security, Family and Community in America," and the host "The Next Revolution" here on Fox News Channel, my friend, Steve Hilton. All right, Steve, what's your book about?

STEVE HILTON, HOST, THE NEXT REVOLUTION: Well, Judge, first of all, I want to say how sad I am, I'm not there with you in Los Angeles where I usually am. It's always more fun where you are. I wish I was there.

PIRRO: Well, first of all, I'm sitting at your desk and I'm keeping it warm for next week, so - but I'm delighted to be here and I'm glad you can make it even though we're on opposite sides of the country. What's your book about, Steve?

HILTON: So it really picks up on the things that you were talking about in your open, Judge, and also in your conversation with Michelle. You know, you talked about the elitism that Obama represents, and the corrupt deep state power structure. Those are the words used, it's such an important term and then with Michelle, about how the elites in Washington, DC, all of those insiders, have they done well out of the economy for the last few years, but working people have lost out.

What my book is about is setting out a set of ideas to keep the populist revolution going, to keep it on beyond what we've already seen from President Trump and into the future so that we really help working people.

But more importantly, we really take apart that deep state power structure- all the bureaucrats, the permanent bureaucracy. This book is really full of ideas, specific ideas. Not everyone is going to agree with everything in there, but it's really radical ideas.

For example on the deep state, there is a specific idea in there, if we really want to do something about it, it's not just the leaker and the anonymous op-ed writer. It's actually those of thousands - hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats. Who are they? What do they do? What's their agenda? One of my proposals is literally publish their names and their job descriptions, what they do, and then we can decide whether we need them or not.

PIRRO: Okay, Steve, let's talk about - you are going to publish their names, their job description and all of that, but can we fire them? Are the civil service laws so tight that the presidents who come in can't fire them or at least their legal team says, "Oh, we can't fire them," let them stay?

HILTON: You are right. That's the real point. But you have got to know who to fire - you've got to know what you are dealing with. I tried this in the British government back in the day when I was there, and we didn't even know who they were. You have got to change the rules because cutting the bureaucracy down, firing them, not just a few here and there. My proposal was to reduce the whole thing by 90%, so you end up with 10% of what it is now, so it's not just a small cut, it's radically trimming it and sending those powers back to the states, back to local government, getting rid of this concentration of power that's been such a disaster.

PIRRO: And you know what that sounds so relevant to the news tonight, when you talk about anonymous, the alleged letter, or the letter that was allegedly written by someone in the administration, I mean, we should be able to know who in the administration has an agenda that's different than the President's. Lie detectors and Obama did the lie detectors all the way down to what is it? Level 15 in the Federal government. I mean, they shouldn't have to deal with these holdovers.

HILTON: Exactly. And it's holdovers - it's decade after decade actually because what's really has been going on in America, it doesn't matter who has won the election. It's the same people who have been in charge -- the insiders, the ruling class -- and that's what President Trump is up against, and so to help him advance this populist revolution that he started, we need these ideas.

PIRRO: All right, I've got to take a back seat. All right, good luck to you, Steve Hilton. "Positive Populism" is out in the stores right now. And "The Next Revolution" tomorrow night at 9:00.

PIRRO: Finally tonight, if you haven't bought my book yet, I'm mad at you, only because you need to have the answers to the left when you fight with them. You heard them tonight, even President Trump said it's great, "Liars, Leakers & Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy," it's the number one "New York Times" bestseller and it's available in stores and on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Keep up with me throughout the week on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out how to score yourself a signed copy and maybe a picture and remember, you never have to miss "Justice." If you can't watch, set your DVR. If you don't know how, send me an e-mail.

Thanks for watching. I'm Jeanine Pirro.


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