
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 20, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Katie Pavlich and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: ObamaCare is on everyone's mind today. The American people don't like it. According to the latest Fox News poll, 60 percent had an unfavorable opinion of ObamaCare, versus 34 percent who have a favorable. Unions don't like it.


RICHARD TRUMKA, AFL-CIO: When the act was put together, it wasn't thought completely through. We're working to try to solve problems.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You allow an ACA bill to go through like this, I guarantee you, by your next convention, four years from now, you won't need a quarter of this room.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's clear that the ACA as it currently stands is not meeting his promise.


GUILFOYLE: Well, conservatives don't like it either. This is one creepy ObamaCare ad.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, I see you choose to sign up for ObamaCare.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, it's actually my first time here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Let's have a look.



GUILFOYLE: Wow. What can you say about that?


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, President Obama, despite opposition from just about every direction, still defends it.


INTERVIEWER: Fifty-two percent believer the law will raise their health care costs. Is everybody wrong?


The problem we have is over the last four years, billions of dollars have been spent misinforming people about what this law's about. All the horror stories that were talked about have not come true.

It's going to be a good deal. We expect that once it's fully implemented, a year from now, two years from now, five years from now, people will look back and they'll be asking, what was the argument about?


GUILFOYLE: If we could just only understand him properly, and when does he get the Nobel health care prize? Like, do they make that? Because I'm sure he thinks he deserves it.

Why won't he listen, Bolling?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Because he's king of the universe. He thinks he's king of the universe. Look, Richard Trumka, the AFL-CIO president, didn't like it, but he used to like it. When it was a bill trying to become a law, he loved it. In fact, they spent a lot of money making sure people would vote for it and making sure they would support people who voted for it. So, they've got the law, but now, he doesn't like it.

I think it's very interesting that President Obama's trying to sell it this way, that it's working.

It's not working. By any metric, by cost -- the cost is double, $890 billion was the original cost. Now, it's $1.8 trillion. And we haven't even implemented.

By premiums. Premiums are up as least as fast as they prior to this health care law bill turning into law.

There's no metric that you can say, numeric metric, that you can say it's working. It's not working. Now doctors are saying we're not taking ObamaCare. I'm sure you can't keep your doctor to cost more.

What's working?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, so why is it a good thing? Why should people buy into it, Katie?

KATIE PAVLICH, CO-HOST: Well, they shouldn't, and they're not, which is why the Obama administration's been panicking a little bit about young people not signing up for this. Doctors and employers leaving the industry, leaving the health care industry. Health care providers in the state of Maryland, for example, have completely left the state.

And it's funny that President Obama would say people have spent millions of dollars to talk about the bad things in ObamaCare. People are simply reading the bill now. The more they find out about it, they don't like it.

And it's not about people telling them and giving them propaganda, telling it's bad. It's people, individuals, moms, dads, you know, teenagers, children, seeing the effects in their home budget and in their health care when it comes to ObamaCare and the effects on them. They don't someone to tell them. They're feeling it every day in their lives at home.

It's not about someone spending money and giving it to them and telling them it's bad.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it seems like the more people are finding out about and they're protesting and actually understanding it. Maybe like Nancy Pelosi, too. So, we're going to have to read it to find out exactly what's in it, Greg.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, the problem is, everybody's playing catch-up, which illustrates the scary nature of this debate. We listened to the media for years about this bill and how great it was.

Now, you listen to the people that are dealing with it, which are the real doctors, who are exasperated. To them, ObamaCare is a fatal disease.

It's hazardous to your help. It's like smoking and that it saves money by cutting a decade off your life.

Nobody in the medical industry, like, sees this as a good thing. You can look at the numbers of doctors leaving now because they can't see themselves making a livelihood out of this.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, I'm going to let try to clean up. You may want a sip your bleeding heart liberal cup before you --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I don't have to take a sip of this. Trying to correct this stuff is difficult because there's so much misinformation here.

BOLLING: Like what?

BECKEL: Which is --

BOLLING: Like what? Give me one.

BECKEL: Premiums, premiums.

First of all, there are a lot of people who benefit right now, including me, who have a pre-existing --

GUILFOYLE: You don't sound too good. This is like another commercial



GUTFELD: And your cough is not as bad as ObamaCare.

BECKEL: OK, listen -- and, by the way, my providers are in Maryland.

And they are and they haven't left the state of Maryland, Katie. You can probably keep that one and put it back --

PAVLICH: Your provider, but other providers are.

GUTFELD: Why are your providers in Maryland if you live here?

BECKEL: Because I don't live here, Greg.

GUILFOYLE: He doesn't pay New York, he's in Maryland.


BECKEL: You think you people going to give me a chance to say something?

GUILFOYLE: I'm just been sitting here enjoying this. Go ahead, you have the floor.

BECKEL: The health care insurance industry has been one of the most corrupt, ridiculous insurance industry. They've been raising prices every year. You find me a year where they ever went down. Now they're taking advantage of ObamaCare.

Here's where Obama made a mistake. They got outsold. There was no media trumpeting this thing. That's ridiculous.

The right wing was after this thing from the very beginning. They hit it. They hit it with ads and everything else, misinformation. People said, of course I'd rather not have it.

BOLLING: But what have we said here that's incorrect? We heard the numbers, $1.8 trillion, the latest CBO estimate. Insurance premiums since the health care bill became law have gone up at least at the same pace.

Now you're going to say everyone's trying to get their premiums --

BECKEL: That's right, exactly right.

BOLLING: But it didn't work --

BECKEL: It hasn't been implemented yet!


BOLLING: It was sold on signing this bill saying the costs going down.

BECKEL: Wait a second, you all don't have a clue what's in this, number one.

GUILFOYLE: You do? You do?


BECKEL: Well, that's right. Nobody does --

GUILFOYLE: You call the Psychic Friends Network?

BECKEL: I remember when Medicare came in and people complained about it, saying it was a horrible idea. The polls were against it. Look at it today. It's one of the most popular entitlements we've got.

GUTFELD: Can I make a point, this is the whole point of expanding government. If you get this thing in, people will get used to it. It's like taking a drug. Now you can't get them off the drug now that they got the free stuff.

And you're dealing with an ideology so surrounded by those who agree with them, it's a moat of intolerance. If you say you're against a program, they say you're evil. You almost need deprogramming to convince liberals that this is destructive.

BECKEL: It is the law of the land. You better get used to it. If you want to make it better, then amend it.


GUILFOYLE: You know how you amend it? You leave the front page and throw away the rest. I mean, what can you do, it's unworkable.

BECKEL: It is law of the land --


GUILFOYLE: I get it. Amend it --

BECKEL: Ridiculous right wingers --


BOLLING: You just compared ObamaCare to Medicare. Now you say it's one of the most popular. Popular. Popular.


BOLLING: Two hundred -- there could be $200 billion of fraud in Medicare, $200 billion.

BECKEL: Sure --

BOLLING: We should do more of that?

BECKEL: Why don't you try to take away Medicare?

BOLLING: No, I'm not saying --


BOLLING: Greg points out, once you give someone something, you can't take it back.

GUTFELD: You're basically a junky. A drug dealer. You're a drug dealer.

BECKEL: I was a junkie. Correct.


GUTFELD: You're handing something to people and you're saying, here it is, we know you're going to like it. You're never going to get rid of it.

Sadly, we live in a society where that's true. I didn't mean to call you a junky --


BECKEL: The cost of prescription drug has gone down for seniors.

GUTFELD: By the way, the profit margins of insurance company are much slimmer than "The New York Times."

GUILFOYLE: So, let's give Bob a little bit more tough medicine to swallow on a Friday. Let's talk about the Cleveland Clinic. He said there's no examples this is hurting anybody, nobody's losing any jobs.

But take a listen to this -- this is President Obama talking about and praising the Cleveland Clinic when, now, the news just came out they're going to cut jobs, slash 5 percent to 6 percent of its $6 billion annual budget to prepare for President Barack Obama's ObamaCare. Take a listen.


OBAMA: Part of what we want to do is to free doctors, patients, hospitals, to make decisions based on what's best for patient care. That's the whole idea behind the Cleveland Clinic. They've set up a system where patient care is the number one concern. Not bureaucracy, what forms need to be filled out, what do we get reimbursed for.


GUILFOYLE: His favorite can't even handle it.

BECKEL: Well, first of all, the Cleveland Clinic is taking a cut in their budget. It's nothing directly related to ObamaCare, number one.

Number two --

GUILFOYLE: That's incorrect.

BECKEL: Well, it's --

GUILFOYLE: I mean, did you hear the statement?

BECKEL: I heard a statement. I heard you read a statement.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yes, that's the news, Bob. Those are facts.

BECKEL: Let's cut right through this thing. You're not going to get rid of this ObamaCare. You're going to have it.

So, the question is, there's two things that ought to get done. One is, you ought to be able to sell insurance across state lines and they ought to have tort reform and put a cap on amount of torts. If you can do those two things, I think would be an excellent road.


GUILFOYLE: The problem is, the president hasn't been able to make the case, right, Bolling?

BOLLING: Well, he doesn't have to. He's got the law. He doesn't have to make that case.

GUILFOYLE: But nobody wants it.

BOLLING: No, but the Senate Republicans have to make that case. The Senate Republicans have to push and say, look, if it is the law of the land and we have to deal with this because Obama will never sign it away, ever, even if we were on board, they have to throw things like, yes, great idea, make insurance saleable -- commerce-friendly across straight lines, and tort reform. Those would be things that maybe would make some senate Republicans or maybe House Republicans get on board with it.


PAVLICH: Republicans also have to win the war of words when it comes to ObamaCare, because you keep saying ObamaCare's the law of the land.

Well, it is, is but why then is President Obama continuing to delay ObamaCare and just going and writing the law on a whim? We're going to delay this portion. Oh, not for individuals, the people who it's hurting the most, but these big corporations.

My question is, why aren't Republicans out there, in even more full force than they have been, saying, the guy who claims to be for the little guy, who claims to be for the middle class, just gave a huge ObamaCare break, which is a tax, by the way, to these big corporations? Not only now are you losing your health care if you worked for one of these corporations like Walgreens or these others who are dumping these people into the government system, now Obama wants you to foot the bill for it, while your premiums go up, and while you no longer have health insurance.

BECKEL: The problem Republicans have is that nobody believes for an instant they'd care one way or another about the middle class. They go out there, try to save --

PAVLICH: The difference between rich and poor right now under Obama is worse than it's been since the 1920s (ph).

GUILFOYLE: It's a bigger disparity.

BECKEL: The -- well, the middle class is shrinking, that's the bigger problem.

PAVLICH: Under Obama.

BOLLING: Under Obama, correct.

PAVLICH: There's no job for the middle class.

BECKEL: It has been shrinking for a long time.

BOLLING: It's not shrinking because they're moving up the ladder.

BECKEL: I see, they're shrinking because of Obama, is that right?

BOLLING: Well --

BECKEL: Everything has gone wrong --

BOLLING: Because or definitely during the Obama administration. The middle class is falling into the lower class.

BECKEL: You know, you talk about $200 billion in fraud and Medicare.

I think there's at least that much or more in the military budget. You'll fall flat other for any military thing you want because they're all heroes and we'll just give whatever they want.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, wow, are you going to get lit up now. Wow, Roman candle, lit up.

BOLLING: I can't report this as fact because I'm not sure. Here's the whisper on the street. Home Depot, one of the biggest employers in America, Home Depot --

BECKEL: Right.

BOLLING: -- may be laying people off because of Obama care.

BECKEL: I read that.

BOLLING: You did read that.

BECKEL: Yes, I did read that.

PAVLICH: But this is a goal, though, the goal is to get --

BOLLING: But you're still in favor of this?

BECKEL: Absolutely.

PAVLICH: The goal is to get people dumped into the government system, into ObamaCare.


PAVLICH: And guess what? Now that we have these places like the Cleveland Clinic and all these clinics closing and you have all the doctors leaving the industry and retiring early, there will be -- right, there will be no more options left except for the ObamaCare system which will eventually go into single payer and --

GUILFOYLE: And that's going to roll back health care and the quality of health care for so many people that really desperately need it.


BOLLING: -- lit up on the military thing, I'm not talking about soldiers, I'm talking about the ridiculous weapons systems they have, which are bloated, they don't need them. Even the military doesn't want them.

They got shove down their throat.



GUTFELD: Katie's right, it's a victory when people start unloading their employees. Long term, what ObamaCare will do, it will create two classes. First class, what Bob refers to coach as steerage. So you're going to have -- you're going to have Congress, you're going to have unions, you're going to have the rich, they're all going to get great health care.

No one's going to get affected. The rest are going to be in the back with the goats and chickens. That's what happens.


BECKEL: Thirty to 40 people --

GUILFOYLE: Like Titanic, right?


GUTFELD: And they're paying for it.



BOLLING: You can probably put this together better. But ObamaCare is the Titanic and Jack is in steerage. Everybody's going to be pushed down to steerage and there will be no one left.

BECKEL: What about you? Is your health insurance going to get changed?

BOLLING: I work for Fox --

GUILFOYLE: Only Kate Winslet will survive.

BECKEL: So, what's Fox doing? Your insurance going to be different?

BOLLING: I don't know, you tell me.

GUTFELD: That's the point, Bob.

BECKEL: You guys are all weapons of mass disinformation.

GUTFELD: I like that.


GUILFOYLE: OK, it's getting heated here on a Friday.

BOLLING: Or did the White House send that to you?

GUILFOYLE: They texted it to him.

Directly ahead on "The Five": another violent night in Chicago, 13 shot, including a 3-year-old boy. Is anyone looking out for the people who live in these communities? We'll analyze it.

And later, a Facebook Friday, the current events edition. We want to answer your questions. Well, at least some of them. Go to Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC and ask away.

Stay right there.


GUTFELD: The numbers are boring but if they make you nervous, then they are ignored to the suffering of others. Last night, 13 people were shot in a Chicago park, including a three-year-old boy hit in the head.

This is not rare there. Yet, the same people who scream about gun control after a horrible mass shooting are always AWOL in these cases.

Both atrocities suck. The one gets a spotlight and the other, cricket. There are way more victims of daily gang shootings but they are forgotten by the media and political classes, because it's easier to condemn a phantom rifle than gangs for you escape uncomfortable truths about besieged communities plagued by thuggery and government cowardice.

By ignoring the terrible numbers in Chicago, we turn communities in animals, and by animals, I mean, sitting ducks -- targets at a fairground that's anything but fair.

Is it a statistical coincidence that since the stop and frisk law was ruled unconstitutional in New York, shootings rose 13 percent as gun seizures dropped 17 percent? Weird. Perhaps the police reduced frisking for fear of legal hassles, which emboldened prisoners to pack heat.

And who are the victims? Look at communities where stop and frisk was

used. It's the minorities who get hurt. So, if ending stop and frisk,

it's a racist dream.

Meanwhile, New York has appointed professors to review police behavior which is like hiring Bob to write a book on etiquette. I doubt they see the numbers too. Although stats speak louder than words, it's doubtful anyone will listen. If there's no microphone nearby that can boost their career, then why bother?

GUILFOYLE: I liked it.

GUTFELD: Speaking of microphones, this is a press conference -- Garry McCarthy, superintendent of the Chicago Police, at a presser talking about the shooting last night.


GARRY MCCARTHY, CHICAGO POLICE SUPERINTENDENT: Based on ballistics evidence at the scene, and information and intelligence from the scene, we believe the weapon used in this incident was an assault-style rifle, with a high-capacity magazine. And based on evidence in our initial interviews with witnesses, this appears to be a gang-related shooting. However, that by no means justifies or lessens the seriousness or the nature of this particular event.


GUTFELD: So, Eric, this is an interesting statistic. FBI calls Chicago the murder capital of the world. They've had 500 murders, compared to New York's 419. But Chicago is -- New York is three times the size.

BOLLING: More populated.

GUTFELD: They've had to have a thousand more murders.

BOLLING: Murder rate is -- another way of saying the murder rate is more than triple the New York murder rate.


BOLLING: Two things, the police chief there said it's an assault- style weapon they believe and the gangs have it.


BOLLING: No crap, chief, that's the problem. The gangs have the assault weapons. They want to take people who want to defend themselves

against high-powered weapons out of the hands --

BECKEL: Why not do away with assault weapons?

BOLLING: Because the gangs will always have assault weapons --


GUILFOYLE: They'll always get it.

BOLLING: I have something out here with the monologue. The stop and frisk hasn't gone away. The cops can still stop and frisk. They just have a different standard to adhere to when they make the stops.

Also, it's only been, like, a month.

GUTFELD: A month, yes.

BOLLING: So it may be a statistical error. We have to wait and see.

GUILFOYLE: But, nevertheless, I think it's significant enough to take note. I'm not surprised. If I had to bet my last dollar, I would bet the numbers are going to continue to rise.

BOLLING: Don't bet your last dollar.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going with it. As a former prosecutor, and have anticipated all this -- you know, law enforcement investigations. The criminals, the perpetrators know. They pay attention. And now, they're going to take advantage of it while they can until the point where New York will correct itself.

GUTFELD: But think about it, Bob. If you ban stop and frisk totally, which you want, then the police is strictly there to wait until after a crime is committed which is what you see in Chicago and in Detroit.

BECKEL: Well, can we put this a little bit in perspective. In Chicago, there is a seven-year gang war over drug territories.

GUTFELD: Of course.

BECKEL: These things are gang-related. And they are using assault weapons and they are illegal, I understand that. But the fact of the matter is, it's not like New York where you don't have gangs fighting over drug territory. It's like a war.

And I also want to give the Chicago police a lot of credit. They've gone into these areas and done the best they possibly could. But they're up against thousands and thousands of gang members who are fighting it out for drugs that are highly profitable for them. You're going to have a very difficult time doing something like that.

PAVLICH: Right. The problem with that is, look, the police have been there. They've tried everything they can. You've had a couple people come in and talk about why gangs are bad, but the fact is, unless you allow people in these communities to help themselves, they're never going to get out of it.

The gang war will never end unless you allow these people to protect themselves and to fight back.


PAVLICH: And that's never going to happen with the gun control that they have.

Here's the statistic for you -- speaking of minorities, Greg -- African-American ages 15 to 24-year-olds, the primary cause of death is by gunfire. The majority of those occurred in Chicago. It's gang related, but it also has to do with this idea that of -- speaking of prosecutions, Chicago is dead last when it comes to prosecuting gun crimes.

Guess what that does? When criminals are not prosecuted -- let me just finish --


PAVLICH: Let me just finish real quickly. When criminals are not prosecuted for gun crimes, guess what, they don't get inputted into the background check system that everyone claims to love. Then they go forward and commit even more gun crimes.

GUILFOYLE: They're emboldened.

PAVLICH: If they're using guns that they even purchase legally, which they're not.

And so, based on all things, you have to let the community help themselves and you have to prosecute gun crimes or it's never going to --

BECKEL: Explain to me how you want people to defend themselves. You talk about, let them all have guns, right?

PAVLICH: If they want one, yes.

BECKEL: Be clear on that.


GUTFELD: We want law-abiding citizens to have guns, not the gangs.

BOLLING: Outside of D.C., Chicago probably has the most stringent gun control laws in the country. And how's it working out for them?

BECKEL: Like in D.C., for example, they get them in Virginia and bring them --

GUILFOYLE: Well, because the criminals will always have them, that's the bottom line. You're just preventing law-abiding people of getting it and exercising their Second Amendment rights.

BOLLING: Not only three times New York, the murder rate in Chicago is probably five times the national rate.

BECKEL: It's -- New York has pretty strict gun control laws, doesn't it?

GUTFELD: Yes, they have low murder rates.

BECKEL: There you go.

GUTFELD: How come gun control -- what I don't understand is how come gun control advocates only go after the NRA and not gangs?

BECKEL: Is that a question -- I mean, I go after gangs all the time -


GUTFELD: No, you shrug, Bob. You go, oh, it's just gangs.

BECKEL: No, I --

GUIILFOYLE: They're doing the best they can, eh --

BECKEL: What would you do about gangs? What would you about thousand



GUILFOYLE: I would aggressively prosecute people, the criminals that have the guns.

BECKEL: Do you think they're not doing that because --

GUTFELD: They aren't enforcing the law and the sentences.

GUILFOYLE: They're not.

GUTFELD: These guys are getting out.

GUILFOYLE: Revolving door.

GUTFELD: All right. We get back. You got questions, and I think we might have answers, I probably won't, go to Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC right now, and ask us about hottest current events topics.


GUTFELD: Our Facebook free-for-all is up next.


BOLLING: All right. Time now for one of our most popular segments, Facebook Friday. We change it all around.

It's the current events edition, first question for all five of us.

So, here we go. First one, Cheryl S. asks, "Where is Waldo? I mean, Joe Biden, with all the scandals, there have been next to no blunders.

Does he have a gag order? Where are they hiding him?"


BECKEL: Well, let me just say, this used to be a fun segment where you got in and ask about personal stuff. Now, of course, we're turning it into an anti-Obama administration series of questions.

So, the answer is, he's in Mexico. He's meeting with the president of Mexico to talk about trade.

BECKEL: OK. All right, let's go on. That's excellent.

By the way, I agree with you, Mr. Beckel.

Sonja S. asks, "What do you think about the new EPA laws?"

BECKEL: Here's another person.

BOLLING: Katie, go ahead and start. I want to back you up on this one.

PAVLICH: I think that the EPA laws are exactly what President Obama promised, which is to the necessarily skyrocket all of these electric bills for regular everyday people. These new rules, even though they say that people can comply with them will essentially ban coal -- not ban, but run coal plants into the ground and they're not going to be able to --

BOLLING: Let me back this up. Single-handedly, President Obama is destroying an industry --

BECKEL: Get out of here, please?

BOLLING: I've got the numbers -- 174,000 jobs in the industry, ready for this, under President Obama's watch. These are the biggest coal companies in America. Walter Energy, Arch Coal, one of the biggest, down

71 percent. James River down 85 percent. Consol Energy down 31 percent.

He is destroying the coal industry.

GUTFEOLD: He gave America a coal-noscopy.


GUILFOYLE: Can I have Syria?


Ed B. says, "What happened to Syria does not turn over the weapons of mass destruction list in time?" Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: This is sad, but the answer is absolutely nothing, because right now, we don't have any kind of enforcement capabilities. We can ask them very politely and, you know, hope they comply. I don't have very much faith they'll do that or comply within the time frame specified.

Kerry has strong rhetoric on it. But I think that's it, at this point.


BOLLING: All right.

BECKEL: I just wanted to say I'm boycotting the rest of the segment, so don't ask me any questions because somehow the producers --


GUILFOYLE: That will give us more --

BECKEL: -- have turned this into an anti-Obama thing.

BOLLING: You can turn camera three off.

Amanda T. asks, "President of Iran and the U.S. might meet at the U.N.

But personally, I think it's quite interesting." That was from Amanda.

PAVLICH: I want to say, after Greg.

BOLLING: Let me get Greg in here.

GUTFELD: I think that President Obama is very lonely. Brazil, remember Brazil, canceled a dinner with Obama. Nobody cancels a state dinner.

So, he's looking for people to hang out. If this were a movie about the president, it would be called "desperately seeking stature."

PAVLICH: The last time he met with Iranian officials face-to-face in this capacity was Jimmy Carter and then the Iranian hostage crisis happened. So, I don't really think this will go that well.

BECKEL: I'm going to break my --

BOLLING: Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute --


BECKEL: You think there's a real problem with talking to people, huh?

That's good. That's good.

BOLLING: You know what --

GUTFELD: Did you like his "Washington Post" column? Did you read it, the Iranian column?

BOLLING: Rouhani? Yes.

BOLLING: You know, it's called the First Amendment, I think.

GUTFELD: They have that in Iran?

PAVLICH: They have that in Iran, yes.

BOLLING: They might not even have it in Russia.

BECKEL: Let's get another dump Obama question here.


BECKEL: OK, good.

BOLLING: John says, "I'm 43 years old --

BECKEL: The one segment I thought I was going to have a break in.

BOLLING: -- and household incomes just went below what they were when I graduated from high school when I paid 99 cents a gallon of gas. What are we going to do?"


GUILFOYLE: I thought --

BECKEL: Get rid of Obama, impeach Obama, do everything you can, blow out the door. Let's do everything we can to get rid of Obama. Let's make this another bash Obama segment and it will be fine.

GUILFOYLE: OK. If we can invest in more crony programs like Solyndra that don't work if we're worried about energy.

BOLLING: John makes a very good point -- when President Obama took over, gas was 1.93.

PAVLICH: Yes, I know.

BECKEL: He said 99 cents, I think.


GUILFOYLE: I bought a bike.

PAVLICH: Yes, where's Nancy Pelosi with her press conferences in front of the gas stations demanding he do something? I remember her doing that with George W. Bush. She's been silent on it now. And when you have the cost of everything going up, guess who it hurts, the middle class.

BECKEL: I think the answer her is let's impeach Obama. Let's impeach Obama. Get the dogs out of the White House. And, you know, get some right-wing wacko nut in there.

GUTFELD: I wouldn't go that far, I would say maybe let's improve a pipeline here and there.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, get some jobs.

GUTFELD: It might be nice.

BECKEL: Yes, impeach him. I think you just impeach him. That's what we ought to do. We'll impeach this whole segment.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's too late, because it's done.

BECKEL: Sure I'm going to hear from our producers, you shouldn't be dumping on your own show -- well, I am.

GUILFOYLE: You said that out loud, Bob.

BOLLING: All righty. Thanks for sending in all of your questions.

Ahead --

PAVLICH: Fun Facebook Friday, whoo.

BECKEL: Yes, that was fun.


BOLLING: -- common sense to America's food stamp program.

BECKEL: Impeach Obama! Now, right now.

BOLLING: -- Nancy Pelosi are making some wild accusations --

BECKEL: Get rid of Bo.

GUILFOYLE: Bo the dog?



BOLLING: -- next on "The Five".

GUILFOYLE: Bob is losing it.


PAVLICH: All right. Well, do Republicans actually want to starve kids, old people and our military? Nancy Pelosi thinks so.

Check out her tweet after yesterday's House vote to cut food stamps by

$39 billion over 10 years. "Shameful House Republicans just voted to take the food out of the mouths of millions of American children, seniors, veterans and military families."

So, let's take a look at some of the numbers here. In the past 10 years since 2003, participation in the food stamp program has more than doubled. In terms of the cost, it has more than tripled in the past 10 years.

This bill would prevent lottery winners and college kids from collecting SNAP or food stamp benefits, allow states to drug test people applying and people receiving food stamp benefits. And this is my favorite one, would prevent convicted violent rapists, pedophiles and murderers from applying for food stamp benefits.

So, Bob, do you think people who won the lottery should be able to be eligible for the welfare state system?

BECKEL: No, because Obama -- this is another problem with Obama. You just can't have this, a guy who's going to be president of the United States would is going to see food stamps and all this corruption, the rest of it.

Let me just put it this way. Just one thing I'll say. They are cutting food for kids. They are cutting food for seniors, for veterans and for active duty personnel in the military.

That's all you need to know about Republicans. It smells like Republicans. It looks like Republicans. It is Republicans. They've never seen an anti-poverty program that they like.

BOLLING: K.G., just point something out, in the last five years, the food stamp program has doubled. Forget the number in 10 years --


BECKEL: -- great recession --

BOLLING: Just allow me. Five years, it's doubled. What the Republicans are proposing is $40 billion over 10 years. That's $4 billion a year.

We spend nearly $100 billion. It's a 4 percent cutback from the high number. Five years ago, it was way down here.

GUILFOYLE: How do you explain that, Bob?

BECKEL: Is that inflation?

BOLLING: So people can't buy porn and liquor with their food stamp.

BECKEL: I see, that's what people do, right? Those old people go out there and buy porn and liquor?

PAVLICH: Greg -- that's not the issue here, Bob. On a serious note, there's a lot of fraud in the foot star program. So, Greg, don't you think it's good to take a look at the cost of the fraud and get rid of it through these basic criteria in the bill?

GUTFELD: Well, wherever there is government, there is fraud, because it's not the government's money. It's our money. So they don't look at it as anything to watch over. If it was there their money, they'd feel differently.

But I want to go back to the central theme, which is demonization of Republicans, which is a very old central theme that appeals to the child intellect of liberals. What it's like - I love it. It's like a drug dealer tell, a kid, don't listen to your mother and father, they're mean.


GUTFELD: Hang out with me, have some stuff.

PAVLICH: I'm cool.

GUTFELD: Smoke this.

That is what liberals do. They tell you that anybody that has some kind of authoritarian belief is evil and somebody that gives you something is good. It's a pernicious belief. It influences society. And it gets people hooked on free things for life.

BECKEL: Yes, sure does.

GUILFOYLE: The liberals are very good at messaging and convincing that Republicans are evil, they want to hurt old people and children, they want to take away your food stamps.

Let me tell you something -- I'm all for rooting out corruption and abuse. And there's a lot of abuse. There's room for improvement here.

And to make sure we take some lean cuts that make sense, because ultimately I feel the middle class will be the beneficiary.

BECKEL: Are you willing to do the same thing with the Defense budget, take out the corruption and --

GUILFOYLE: I'm willing to look at all the budget.

BECKEL: OK, fine. Impeach Obama, you won't have any of these problems.

PAVLICH: The problem with the overspending and fraud and not willing to look at something like the $40 billion is when you overspend, then you don't have money for emergencies. You don't have money to actually help the middle class and the poor people who need it.

And so, I think these reforms are probably a good thing -- Eric.

BOLLING: Five years ago, it's $33 billion, now it's approaching $100 billion. Give me a break, Bob, we can't cut $4 billion off that number? I thought things were getting so much better in the Obama economy.

PAVLICH: Yes. All right.

BECKEL: What was the military budget last year?

PAVLICH: It was big.

All right. Coming up, a new twist in the story of the teens who trashed the home of a former NFL star costing thousands of dollars in damage. Their parents are angry at him. Bob will explain why after the break.


BECKEL: Well, at least the music is good today. And now, an update on a story we told you about yesterday.

Parents of the hundreds of teens who broke into and trashed former NFL star Brian Holloway's Upstate New York vacation home might sue him for naming their kids on Twitter, saying it might spoil their chances of getting into college. But that's not how the former Patriots offensive tackle sees it.


BRIAN HOLLOWAY, HOUSE THRASHED BY TEENS: All the things that were broken can be fixed. Everything stolen can be returned. There are 300 lives at stake. And I've got parents upset at me. I go, I didn't put this up there, your child was at my house breaking in destroying stuff and you're going to get mad at me? Because I just put what they put?

This is happening all across the country. So, really, the most important thing is how to take a moment and turn it into a movement.

Because all parents need to educate themselves as to what's really going on, what their children are talking about, and be able to have a response to it, and teachers, too.


BECKEL: I think the place before they worry about them going to college is they should worry about then going to prison.

But this is what happens when you have an environment that's run by liberals. It's a permissive thing.


BECKEL: And Obama as president has allowed peep to break into houses and do this stuff.

My answer is very simple. Any ought to put their names and ages on the front page of the newspaper. If I were a college, don't take them.


BOLLING: Can I -- so this interview was on this morning on "Fox & FRIENDS." And my son, we're getting my son ready to go to school. I drive him to school. I stopped and I pointed this out.

I put myself in those parents, the parents of one of those 300 kids in that house, I got to tell have to tell you if he was there I would want Holloway to post his name and want him to get punished for this, because it's parents that go easy on kids that do crap like that are the ones who are ruining for their kids. Even if they're going to get into college, they're going to end up on the wrong path somewhere down the road after college.

I stand up and applaud Brian Holloway for what he did.

GUILFOYLE: I do, too. And it's not popular necessarily to sit there and call out these kids. All the parents (INAUDIBLE).

But he is doing the right thing. If these parents acted more like he did, held their kids responsible and educate them, instead of cuddling them, they are just going to be one of those entitlement types that expect the job, whine about it, they're going to stay at home with their parents, because they've never been held accountable or show responsibility or respect for other peoples' personal property or belongings because they haven't worked hard to understand the value of a dollar.

BECKEL: It's an entitlement society.

Now, Greg, when you were thrashing houses --


BECKEL: -- did you ever get in trouble for it?

GUTFELD: You know, this is you raised a good point. I will confess there were times that there were some wild times, but there were no Internet, so we never posted pictures. These parents -- if you can find the kids, you can obviously find the parents. I say organize a moving rave and go throw parties at the kids' parents' house.


GUTFELD: Do it on their front lawn. Let them experience it.

BECKEL: Katie, you think that these people can't be serious about suing him?

PAVLICH: No, they probably are. I think that he is right when he talks about this culture of this happening all over the country, because it does happen all over the country, where you see this actually in high schools a lot. My father is a high school teacher -- the parents don't want to hold their kids accountable. They want to hold the teachers in the school accountable for what they do.

And I think that public humiliation, best way to go. I think that their names should be plastered everywhere and they should be doing community service for what they did.

GUILFOYLE: And you know what? They're not going to be able to sue him, because these kids posted these pictures already and put them out in the public domain. So, fat chance, like good luck doing that. These kids are little criminals, snot-nosed, and they should be punished. It's disgusting behavior.

And this is what's wrong. I'm telling you. I hate to sound like an old person, or whatever. America's youth. But look at the behavior.

BECKEL: Morality has just broken down, particularly the last six years.

OK, "One More Thing" is up next.



GUILFOYLE: God, I love the banjo.

OK, it's time for "One More Thing".


GUTFELD: All right. Yesterday, we covered how Pat Sajak from "The Wheel of Fortune" denied a young man, a contestant, from winning a puzzle, because of a pronunciation mistake. Let's just roll that to remind people.


PAUL ATKINSON: I'm going to solve.

PAT SAJAK, TV HOST: All right.

ATKINSON: Corno curo (ph) cabinet.


SAJAK: Lewis, your turn.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Corner curio cabinet.

SAJAK: Yes, that's it.


GUTFELD: Unbelievable. So, I contacted Pat Sajak and he wrote back to me. Let's roll this.

"As a clear-thinking conservative, I assume you understand the value of rules. We enforce them not to deprive people of winnings but to be fair of all our players, past, present and future. It's easy to say, `Just let them have it', but then there would be really no game. Finally, Gutfeld, please resist the temptation to thrash me again on the air. I am after all, an icon, a living legend, if you will. One word from me and the show will be renamed `The Four'."

Well, listen, Mr. Sajak, it's not surprising you would hide behind ideology when it's you who really hates America. I'd say you need to buy a vowel, but, sir, you need to buy a heart.

BECKEL: Very good.

GUTFELD: Thank you.



GUTFELD: I like it when you show a picture of his a couple.



GUILFOYLE: Let's move on to other things that might make sense.

All right. Katie?

PAVLICH: On a happier note, I want to wish a happy birthday to my dad and brother. Dad's birthday this weekend, and brother is next week, and they are both named Paul.

GUTFELD: Wow. And they're armed.

PAVLICH: And they are rather out doing some manly things. So, there you go.

Dad and brother.

GUILFOYLE: Happy birthday.

BOLLING: Very good.


BOLLING: OK. So, tomorrow, a really, really hot "CASHIN' IN." We're going to take -- we're going to debate the Starbucks CEO and his first -- Second Amendment -- attack on the Second Amendment. Here's a little clip.


BOLLING: If you have a carry license, you have a gun, you go, there is a Starbucks, there is a Dunkin' Donuts, you know what? I'll go to the Dunkin' Donuts. I could bring my gun to either one, but I just may go to Dunkin' Donuts next time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I think it's also part of the brand. I mean, when you think of the Starbucks, you don't think of conservatives. I mean, you usually think of young yuppies going there, a lot of liberal people. So, I think he thinks that this is probably good for his brand, right?


BOLLING: All right. Don't forget, 11:30 tomorrow morning Eastern.

Great show tomorrow.

BECKEL: I thought you did that show live. Maybe you don't.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, it's you.

BECKEL: This is a very important one, folks. This is the honor yoga, which I am a major proponent of. As you all remember I did this in Times Square. There I am having a great time, and I can tell you this, that the women were beautiful, and the people were healthy except for me.

And I can all encourage you to do yoga, do the dipping dog --

GUILFOYLE: The downward dog.

BECKEL: Downward dipping dogs, dogs do that stuff.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, Bob, all you did was out there and you keep trying to pick up on women. Remember that?

BECKEL: A guy got --

GUILFOYLE: He got mad at you.

BECKEL: And said I was trying to pick up his wife.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, that happened.

BECKEL: Yes. Well, tough luck, because I did.

GUILFOYLE: I think they are going to yank your yoga card.

BOLLING: Obama's fault.

BECKEL: It was Obama's fault for sure.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So, I have a special birthday I want to acknowledge.

My sweetheart, Ainsley Earhardt, is her birthday today. There's the two of us. Actually, that's a Fox function that honored Geraldo Rivera. That is us out of town. We've got a nice shot on the bus, see that? Without makeup and riding public transportation.

GUTFELD: Oh, wow. One of us.


BECKEL: Was that a negligee show you -- oh!

GUILFOYLE: Anyway, I just want to wish her a birthday. She's a wonderful person and I'm proud to call her my friend, and if you can't get enough of Ainsley like me, you should check her out at 5:00 a.m. on "Fox AND FRIENDS". It's a great way to start your day.

Don't you think, Bob?

BECKEL: I couldn't agree with you more.

GUTFELD: Impeach!

BECKEL: Yes, I mean, if you impeach Obama, then you wouldn't have to worry --

BOLLING: We have to ride the bus.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly, exactly. All our problems would be solved.

All right. Well, that's it for us "Five." Thanks for watching. Have a great weekend. We're going to see you back here on Monday.

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