This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 13, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. Along with Lisa Boothe, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."

Brand-new headaches for Democrats heading into 2020. Freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib creating a new controversy over her comments about the Holocaust while discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): This is kind of a calming feeling that I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors. Palestinians who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, the human dignity. Their existence in many ways had been wiped out and some people passed. I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews.


PERINO: President Trump and Republicans are slamming Tlaib as anti-Semitic and want Nancy Pelosi to take action against the congresswoman, but Tlaib is refusing to back down. She is responding by saying critics are twisting her words in an effort to silence her.

And Pelosi tweeting "Republicans desperate attempts to smear Rashida Tlaib and misrepresent her comments are outrageous. President Trump and House GOP should apologize to Representative Tlaib and the American people for their gross misrepresentation."

So, we'll take this around the table. Greg, do you think the Republicans hit the mark here or maybe a mistake?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: You know, this is terrible for a Monday, because you are forcing me after a calm week that I have to defend this lady.

PERINO: OK. Here we go.

GUTFELD: All right. So, I'll going to defend her and then I'm going to criticize her.


GUTFELD: First of all, the outrage over the Holocaust phrasing is distracting from her actual legitimate mistake about history. She did not find the Holocaust calming, she said she found the idea of Palestinians providing safe haven to be calming.

So, this is no different than the fine hoax myth where people thought that Trump was talking about white supremacist and Antifa when he was actually talking about the debate over the monument.

So that's wrong. They are misinterpreting her; they're taking it out of context and we should all have sympathy for her because people do that to us on THE FIVE all the time.

They will take something we say whether it's a joke, and then they'll put it on a blog and say Jesse says everybody should die. And you were talking about your hair, that you dye your hair. So that --



GUTFELD: That outrage is displaced. It's misplaced. But her claim that the Palestinians were open arms about this, that's a troubling part. I'm not a historian. I don't know enough about this, but I read up on it.

I mean, the Palestinian leaders were collaborating with Hitler. Right? They prevented safe haven for a lot of people who ended up dead. So, her history is what is the outrage, the Republican should focus on that and not about pulling it out of context thing, the calming word which is kind of cheap.

PERINO: Which gave her an opportunity to say at least --


PERINO: -- in her words were taken out of context.

LISA BOOTHE, GUEST CO-HOST: But I think part of the reason is that she doesn't really deserve the benefit of the doubt. And the reason she doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt is it's not that, it's not just the words that she chooses to use that are under scrutiny, it's also the policies that she chooses to support.

She supports a one-state solution, she's also been called out by members of her own party for supporting the boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement which Jerry Nadler, chairman of the judiciary committee and Bradley Schneider said that basically is asking for the elimination of Israel.

So, it's not just the words that she is using, it's her policies that she supports. And if you want to look at an area where the Democratic Party is deeply divided it's on the issue of Israel. I mean, remember Steny Hoyer going to the AIPAC's stage and calling out Omar and Tlaib, and these freshman members of Congress and their progressive viewpoints that many views as anti-Semitic.

PERINO: There was an opportunity, Juan, for the House Democrats to pass in anti-Semitism resolution. They decided not to do that. Let me read to you President Trump's tweet about this. He said "Democrat Representative Tlaib is being slammed for her horrible and highly insensitive statement on the Holocaust. She obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. Can you imagine what would happen if I ever said what she said and says?"

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: You know, I'm just -- I'm just flummoxed about this, it seems to me, we talked Tlaib creating controversy. It seems to me the Republicans are creating controversy and President Trump is taking the lead, because he sees some political advantage in this and trying to portray and smear her as somehow anti- Semitic.

I mean, we can have arguments about the history, totally legitimate, but I, you know, I just take my hat off, Greg. Exactly right. This woman was talking about the potential bond between Palestinians and Jews something you almost never hear about. Because she said in fact, who had to give up their land not voluntarily. She made that very clear not voluntarily, but people who gave up land to create the safe haven that is Israel for Jews post-Holocaust.

That's what she said, and yet, here we are back to the same all refrain that somehow the first Palestinian-American in the Congress along with a woman who has come from Somalia or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Latina woman, women of color somehow demonized here conveniently, not only by Trump but by the number two and number three Republicans in the House again for a political advantage.

To me, I just -- I think that this is excessive. I don't think this is right. I don't understand how it's going on.

GUTFELD: But it's not just them. I mean, I learned my history today from all places, CNN. I mean, CNN, John King took her to task with historians. That's where I am. I'm going like, it was a big -- her history was wrong, but anyway.

PERINO: And then but she -- but because of this, so this is what she tweeted, Jesse. "Policing my words, twisting and turning them to ignite vile attacks on me will not work. All of you who are trying to silence me will fail miserably. I will never allow you to take my words out of context too push a racist and hateful agenda. The truth will always win."

And what I think about that is the truth on the history side, that's where -- that's where the truth should lie.

WATTERS: Right. Well, someone very smart one time told me never to invoke the Holocaust unless you absolutely have to, because you never want to use in an analogy, you never want to compare your political opponents to Hitler or to Nazis. And you definitely don't want to compare the suffering of Jews during the Holocaust to the suffering of any other people.

And she kind of almost did that in a way. So, the facts that Jesse Watters is giving us advice to anybody else on how not to be offensive, let that sink in, Representative Tlaib, because we've come a long way.

But looking at the context of what she said, she was more clumsy than she was anti-Semitic. But there was a little anti-Semitism strain in there. And that's about revising the history of the Holocaust.

And it is a slippery slope, because when you talk about what Greg said, the Palestinian leadership did not welcome --


WILLIAMS: That's what she said.

WATTERS: -- the resettlement of the Jews with open arms.

WILLIAMS: That's what she said, Jesse.

WATTERS: They met with Adolf Hitler. They sided with Adolf Hitler. And then since that time period the Palestinians and the entire Arab world has tried to exterminate the Jewish people. If you look at anything that anybody has said in Iran and Iraq and Saudi Arabia. That's their entire agenda. That's what people have trouble with. Whitewashing history and then when she is attacked for it saying, you know, I will not be silenced.

GUTFELD: Can I add just for the bigger thing, because this happens a lot. We see this the Republicans will strongman an argument after the Democrat strongman an argument when they hear a quote by somebody on THE FIVE. Right?

WATTERS: A great quote, by the way.

GUTFELD: Yes. And then you go you seek the worst possible interpretation of a quote. This is the contagion that the media has infected the world with, which is that when you say something, I'm going to think that it's the worst. The left does it to us and we do it to them.

WATTERS: And the Washington Post who actually defended her here is guilty of the exact same thing that Republicans do all the time, and now they are on their high horse talking about context?


BOOTHE: But it's also --

WATTERS: They always remove context when they attack Republicans.

BOOTHE: But it's also beyond just the statement alone, as I mention before. You have Democrats on her side of the aisle calling her out for the policies that she supports. The Zionist Organization of America recently called on the Democratic Party to kick her out, kick her off committees. They named terrorist -- like terrorists and sympathizers that she associates herself with, so I think this is much deeper than just a simple comment.


WILLIAMS: So, you are going to -- so in other words --

BOOTHE: I'm talking this is what the Zionist Organization of America said.


WILLIAMS: No. But you want to put it in a box and say everybody is this way or that way. And you are with the Zionists. And the Zionist that have been taken --


BOOTHE: Well, do you support the BDS movement?

WILLIAMS: Are you kidding me? No, I don't. But I'm trying to say --


BOOTHE: Well, there you go.

WILLIAMS: -- you can't trust the Zionists to go after Tlaib.


WILLIAMS: This is -- but again, I'm sure that morning newspapers will say, well, President Trump tweeted about, so we got to say Representative Tlaib creates the controversy. No, Trump created the controversy --


BOOTHE: She also sorted out --

WILLIAMS: -- and the Republicans have made --


GUTFELD: But you just did the same thing you are accusing her of.

WILLIAMS: No, I am not. No, I'm not.

GUTFELD: It doesn't have to -- you don't have to have two polarizing positions.

WILLIAMS: But it is in this situation. I know we all sat here and said the woman was taken out of context.


BOOTHE: And she was --

WATTERS: Juan, she was sloppy and she got taken to the woodshed.


WATTERS: That's all it is.

PERINO: Well, and that was our a-block.


PERINO: Bill Nye, the Science Guy attacking Republicans with a foul- mouthed to defend climate change. I was shocked.

GUTFELD: Were you?

PERINO: We'll show you next.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. We got one more speaker.


WILLIAMS: Democrats holding climate change rallies today like this one where New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was heckled inside Trump tower. Meanwhile, Bill Nye, the Science Guy, taking a shot at Republicans for not supporting the Green New Deal.


BILL NYE, TV PRESENTER: What I am saying is the planet is on (muted) fire. There are a lot of things we can do to put it out. Are any of them free? No, of course not, nothing is free, you idiots. Grow the (muted) up. You're not children anymore. I didn't mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12, but you are adults now. This is an actual crisis. Got it? Safety glasses off (muted).


WILLIAMS: Wow. I've never seen him like that. Jesse, what do you make of it?


WATTERS: Well, I mean, --

GUTFELD: Desperate.

WATTERS: -- if it was a real crisis, he wouldn't be joking like that. The whole global warming hysteria is the perfect encapsulation of the Democratic Party.

WILLIAMS: I love this picture of you with the fire extinguisher.

WATTERS: That's right. I'm going to use it on you, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I'm on a fire.

WATTERS: I'll tell you what.

WILLIAMS: I'm on fire.

WATTERS: Because it hits both nerve centers in the party. Their psychological problems, and their policy priorities. Because, one, it makes them feel superior to other people, it makes them feel like they are saving the world even though they are really not.

And it also makes them feel like they are in touch with nature even though they are the ones that live in the cities and it's the conservatives doing the hunting and the fishing in the agricultural and rural America.

In terms of policy they just make people feel guilty and use fear in order to do what they need to do. Because if you think about it all of their solutions to everything is the same. Global warming hysteria is just the Trojan horse to get in to all the things they want to do.

Regulations, tax hikes, ridiculous amounts of spending and attacking oil and gas companies, because this is all about feeling guilty for the success of capitalism. They can't control capitalism and that drives them crazy. So, the Green New Deal just gives them the opportunity to control capitalism.

WILLIAMS: Well, thank you for your --


WATTERS: You are welcome.

WILLIAMS: We love hearing from Richie Rich and the plutocrats on this show.

Lisa --


WATTERS: I am the lowest paid guy here. Yes, you probably are.

WILLIAMS: Let me ask Lisa. When you see something like Bill Nye go wild like that or you hear about all these rallies today, they had a big one in Washington at Howard University, it makes me think the Democrats see political advantage in talking about the Green New Deal, climate change and the like.

Republicans don't see an advantage, you just heard from Jesse, but they don't have any plan, what do you make of that?

BOOTHE: Well, I would say Democrats are dumb if that's the assumption that they're making. If you look at something like the Green New Deal it's going to be detrimental in states like the rustbelt states.

I would say for Republicans the irony of this, is if you look at part of the reason why we've been leading the world in reducing carbon emissions is because of innovations and things like natural gas vis the private sector.

Yet, what Democrats want to do is move us entirely off of fossil fuels which mind you, it makes up, you know, over 80 percent of the United States energy consumption. But pertaining to the rustbelt states, like, have fun going out to Michigan, Wisconsin and talking about how you're essentially going to get jobs there, jack up energy prices which mind you, disproportionately impacts lower income Americans.

So much so what you got union groups like AFL-CIO putting out statements condemning the Green New Deal and talking about the fact that it's a threat to jobs, a threat to families in the way that they live their life. So, you know what, if Democrats think this is a good idea, like, be my guest, have fun with it.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, let's take a look at this. Remember when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this?


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): How many years until the world ends again? We have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50 percent, if not more. And for everyone who wants to make a joke about that, you may laugh, but your grandkids will not.


WILLIAMS: The congresswoman now saying those comments were, quote, "dry humor," she said that she was being sarcastic. Dana?

PERINO: Well, it's funny. Actually -- so they always say that about President Trump as well.


PERINO: Right? So, they always say, he'll say that the president will say that obviously was a joke. And they make fun of him for it. So, I actually think wasn't it in the Green New Deal documents that it was post on the web site --


PERINO: -- hat it was 12 years? So, ha, ha, hilarious. I do -- the Green New Deal rallies, I think that's pretty interesting. I don't understand the day or the significance, and of course, like we could use all global warming. kidding. I know you guys hate that when we all say that. But I do think that's pretty interesting.

I sent an article to Greg yesterday, because I couldn't believe it. On the same weekend that they are doing Green New Deal stuff, in Illinois they are planning to introduce a bill into the legislature to tax people that bought an electric vehicle $1,000 apiece per year. Guess why? Because they are not buying gas.

So that means that they are not paying into the gas tax but they are still on the roads. So, it's really like an anti-carbon tax.

WATTERS: Hilarious.

PERINO: That is why the circular argument gets frustrating for conservatives.

WILLIAMS: And guess what? We also have Jay Inslee, other Democratic candidate, Greg, he's out on a motor scooter and saying, you know, this could be the future. You have Joe Biden saying there are ways that you can look at this that won't alienate anybody because we rejoin the Paris deal. There is Inslee on a scooter. You know, that there is a middle ground for conservatives.

GUTFELD: There is a huge middle ground, and we're in it right now. You see people from the Sierra Club, you see Bill Gates, they are right there. It's called nuclear power. It's the cleanest, safest, more environmentally -- most environmentally friendly type of energy that we have right now. And whether you like it or not, that's going to solve climate change.

I want to make two points. A couple of things bug me about, you know, nuclear energy has a bad rap because it's always been associated to the bomb. Right? The nuclear bomb.

PERINO: And accident.

GUTFELD: Yes, renewables, where the accidents are few. And the solution --


PERINO: But that's why they gave it a best.

GUTFELD: Yes, the research shows, anyway. Renewable energy is somehow immune to a serious environmental reporting. When was the last time anybody read an article about solar power waste? OK?

Solar panels create a ton of waste. By 2050 there's going to be like 70 million metric tons, and this stuff is difficult to recycle and it contains toxic chemicals like cadmium which can leak out into the soil and the water.

WATTERS: Cadmium?

GUTFELD: Cadmium. So, what I am saying is no one talks about this, but this is going to blow your mind. Do you remember when there would be an oil spill and they would show the little ducks and everybody felt bad, because they were cleaning the little ducks, have you ever seen any footage from any photographers on the millions in billions of large and rare birds that have been murdered by wind farms?

Wind farms are now the leading, probably one of the leading predators of birds, second to cats, I believe.

WATTERS: Bird murderers.


GUTFELD: So where -- OK, so where is PETA? Where is PETA? Where is Audubon Society? Where are all the green groups? Where are the bird watchers? Are they all bought for and paid for by PETA? I don't know. Or by the green groups? The point is, we used to see these oil spills, we don't see the dead birds, that tells you something about the media. I don't know what --


BOOTHE: Where's the justice? Where's the justice for the birds?

GUTFELD: No. The fact --


BOOTHE: It's a great point.

GUTFELD: It's actually -- it's actually millions of large birds.

PERINO: And actually, under the Migratory Treaty Act companies that if you are responsible -- you can get responsible for it, you actually are fined.



PERINO: So, they blame the companies, but nobody talks about the actual birds.

WILLIAMS: Yes, there is so much roast chicken available.


WATTERS: I'm still in my lawn.

PERINO: The migratory birds --

GUTFELD: He's talking about Eagles, and he's talking about Condors.

WILLIAMS: This is going into the weeds about birds and the like.

BOOTHE: Save the birds.

GUTFELD: You don't care about the birds, Juan, great. Good for you, Juan. You're going to get the letters.


WILLIAMS: Republicans have no ideas for dealing with climate change.

GUTFELD: I just gave you one, nuclear power. Listen, Juan. You got to listen.

WILLIAMS: Zero. All right. An author could --

GUTFELD: An exit in segment with B.S.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, that's what you gave us. All right. An author could --


GUTFELD: Nuclear power is not B.S. Do your research.

WILLIAMS: -- over a backlash. Greg's take on the latest social media mob attack as he calls it, that's next.



GUTFELD: All right. This next story contains everything I hate about modern life, callout culture, company cowardice, and people eating on subways.

So, writer Natasha Tynes, I call her fink, tweeted a photo of a D.C. subway employee eating on a train and then reported her to her metro bosses saying, quote, "I thought we were not allowed to eat on the train. This is unacceptable."

What a narc. Transit officials thanked her, but of course, social media backlash ensued. And I get it. Even though eating on a train is banned, no one likes a tattletale.

But then the writer's publisher a book company halted printing of the lady's book citing her thinking on a black worker. Now did you see new variable? Yes. If things weren't already a barrel of nonsense, the outrage addicted media had to add race to this mix.

So, California cold-blood books who stop the printing say they hope Natasha learns that black women feel the effects of systematic racism the most.

So, there it is. Everything that makes the present day a drag, all wrapped into one story. Annoying busybodies who use Twitter to exercise power, government employees breaking rules we got to follow, and of course, knee- jerk instantaneous calls of racism.

The only thing that could make the story more annoying and more depressing and more stupid as if somehow the producers here work Maroon 5 into it.

Well done. Well done. All right, Dana, I don't think the story needed a racial component, but why not throw one in, right?

PERINO: So, I was like, if I am trying to think, I am on the subway a lot.

GUTFELD: You do.

PERINO: You see a lot of things on a subway, but I'm not the boss of those people.


PERINO: It's not --


GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: It's not my place to say you are not supposed to bring your bike on the subway.

GUTFELD: I hate narcs.

PERINO: Because may be that guy really has to get to his next job, or like, what if you have the dog on the subway.

GUTFELD: And what if you eat on the subway because you are working through shifts.

PERINO: Starving. I have eaten a bagel on the subway.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, that's gross. But no. You know, she might have two jobs, her kid might be sick. You don't know what's going on in her life, Jesse. I argue though that the writer wasn't racist, because she didn't notice the workers race, or else she wouldn't have done it, because she knew that she would have gotten in trouble.

WATTERS: Here's why I like the story. You can see what hand beats another hand in identity politics poker.

GUTFELD: That's funny.

WATTERS: So, you have right here a black female --

GUTFELD: Government.

WATTERS: -- Republican union employee.


WATTERS: She, her hand beats a female Muslim Republican immigrant author.

GUTFELD: She was Muslim?


GUTFELD: I didn't know that.

WATTERS: I researched it.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WATTERS: So, yes. She is a Jordanian immigrant.

GUTFELD: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: So, but that's not what this is about. This is snitches get stitches.


WATTERS: This is what that's about. And I have rules for stitching.

GUTFELD: Do you?

WATTERS: There's only three times it's acceptable. One, snitching on a sibling.


WATTERS: Two, snitching on the deep state, that's called whistle-blowing. And three, if you are paid to snitch like if you are videotaping or truck idling in Manhattan (Inaudible) thought of thee fine.

But here is the real story.

GUTFELD: Terrible.

WATTERS: This woman was not shucking corn. She like had a contained package and a sandwich. It was neat and tidy, there is no reason to do anything about it. The bigger story is the publishing company.



WATTERS: They could have capitalized on this thing. This woman has created an amazing controversy with race and class and social media and they fired her instead of I don't know, giving her a three-book deal. They can have her on NPR, The View. They can arrange a sit down --


GUTFELD: You are so backwards.

WATTERS: -- with the author and the victim.

GUTFELD: You are so backwards. That makes no sense.

PERINO: You know, just to take identity politics a step further --


PERINO: -- do you know who would have gotten a three-book deal if they had done that?


PERINO: An older white male.

WATTERS: That's right.

PERINO: Kidding.


WILLIAMS: It's OK. I think that was right.

GUTFELD: All right. Of course, you would, Juan, because you have white males.


GUTFELD: Yes, too many villains in this story, I think.  WILLIAMS: True. But I tell you what, I don't like people eating on the subway. I think it's wrong. I think it's against the rules. When I saw Dana eating that bagel, I sent a picture to our boss.



Do I get the black man kind of response?

GUTFELD: You got a corner office out of it.


WILLIAMS: No, but here's the thing. Here's the over-response, we know from THE FIVE, this program, that in fact the people who are on Twitter is a very small group.



WILLIAMS: It's not representative of most Americans--


PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: It's not the reaction most people are having.


WILLIAMS: These are people who I think are bored and looking for something to get upset about, and they did in this case. I think the woman was out of control in terms of trying to get the woman fired and get her to trouble.

OK, but do I like eating on subways? No. And do I like employees breaking rules at the job? No. But to me, the real - the reality here is Twitter out of control, and we just deal with this now, it's part of our lives. Unfortunately, everybody's tweeting on social media.

GUTFELD: But the thing is - this is another case where Twitter cost somebody a job. And Twitter is free, you're not getting paid to do Twitter- -

PERINO: Right.

BOOTHE: Right.

GUTFELD: But you can lose your money.

PERINO: Right.

BOOTHE: I was also going to say it's not just Twitter out of control, it's also these companies allowing themselves to be held hostage by Twitter and people on Twitter, right. Like the idea that somehow racism had anything to do with this is utterly insane. The writer, as Jesse pointed out, calls herself a minority writer.

And I also think right now with throwing around charges of racism so cavalierly, you actually devalue the term and the accusation, right, so I guess everyone's a racist, if you call someone a racist, that loses its potency.

So I think all of this is just dumb. But I will say, I used to live in DC and rode the DC Metro, and you don't want people eating on it because that's how you get rats and it gets gross, and then it's just stinky, like the New York subway.

WILLIAMS: You know what I think--

GUTFELD: I hate the rats.

WILLIAMS: I think we're short though on empathy. She had no empathy for that woman as a worker.

PERINO: Also she didn't give it much thought.


PERINO: Sitting casually like taking a picture, you are bored, you're like tweeting and saying--

GUTFELD: I hate - I have to say I hate the writers. She's like somebody - nobody wants to eat on the subway unless they have to.

BOOTHE: Right.

GUTFELD: So obviously she had to eat because she had to get somewhere. And this lady - I think the lady approached her and said like you can't do that and she said mind your own business, which is the--

BOOTHE: I love it.


BOOTHE: I think she needs to write more and spend time doing other things.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, I think she will have free time to write more. Publishing is the next big thing - what's her name again - Natasha.

All right, Hollywood's boycott over Georgia's new abortion law could be backfiring. And a new smear against the Covington students, that's next.


WATTERS: Hollywood lashing out against conservatives. Liberals lining up to demand a boycott on filming in Georgia over the state's Heartbeat abortion law, but their plan's already starting to fizzle out.

Actors and some small production companies say they won't work in the state, but big studios aren't budging. And Alyssa Milano is being mocked for taking things a little step farther. The actress actually called for a sex strike to protest Georgia's abortion law.

Greg, I don't think women understand the power they have with the sex strike thing.

PERINO: Yes they do, why do you think she's--

WATTERS: I know, but I mean if this didn't caught on, I honestly think if the right people had a sex strike, we could do the - sign the trade deal next week.


GUTFELD: OK, this is a very, very old idea, it's based on a play, and I think I've seen it in a movie where they try to get people to quit smoking by not having sex. The best - but this is misogyny actually because Alyssa Milano is demanding women to forfeit their own choice to engage in a pleasurable behavior under the assumption, and get this, under the assumption that sex is a reward for men, not fun or rewarding for women. So, it's actually an incredibly old-fashioned point of view.

WATTERS: So you are saying men should throw a sex strike?


WATTERS: You think that would--

GUTFELD: I do that when I go bowling.

PERINO: You think that will solve the China trade deal?



WATTERS: No, I don't think so.

WILLIAMS: Count me out.


WATTERS: All right, Dana, what do you think is going on down there in Georgia.

PERINO: Well I think that The Devil Went Down to Georgia.



BOOTHE: Her name is Alyssa Milano.


PERINO: Here's the thing I would say to states. You don't need these guys, you don't need to - you don't need to bend over backwards to invite the movie industry into your state. The best way to get people to move to your state is to cut taxes, streamline your regulations, have good law and order, and good schools.

That's it. And then you don't have to have these shenanigans and these people threatening you because your state legislature passed a bill that was representative of what the constituents asked for.

WATTERS: And these boycotts don't work. Even one of the Democrats in the state said I have constituents, Juan, who benefit from the film industry in Georgia. Instead of boycotting, let's just take back the House and the Senate in the next election.

WILLIAMS: That makes sense. But I think what you're seeing here, I've said before, is an effort by people in the pro-life movement to circumvent roe v wade with these Heartbeat laws that are now in so many state legislatures. I think you're up to six or so.

But the point to me is boycotts are American tradition. We know this wide and far. We just saw one when people were saying oh these NFL players, why they kneel, let's not watch the NFL for a while. Well it worked for a while, but that's their right, they can watch what they want or not watch.

And people who want to say that they really don't like the fact that a woman's right to choose is being so politicized in these southern states for the most part, you know what, they have a right to also say this is wrong. So let them go.


BOOTHE: Well, I think we have a lot of pro lifers applauding Alyssa Milano because it's less people that would be apt to have abortions that are going to be having children and getting pregnant.

But I'll say one thing that's interesting about the Heartbeat Law to me is that it gives full legal rights to unborn children, right. And so obviously there's a legal significance to that. But also just to conversational significance in the way that we talk about an unborn child, because the Left goes to great lengths to dehumanize that unborn child in a woman's stomach, right.

They say that it's a lump of cells, they say that - a CNN commentator recently said that an unborn child is not a human, right. And they do that because it's easier to abort something if you dehumanize it and you take away the fact this is a unique life living in a woman's womb.

And so I think there's a shifting in the way that we converse about abortion, particularly on the heels of Ralph Northam's comments as well as the Newark law regarding third trimester abortion.


BOOTHE: And I think Republicans should welcome these conversations.

WATTERS: Alright, and Law & Order: SVU is being accused of smearing the Covington High School students. In a new episode, they feature characters that look like Nick Sandmann and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Watch.


ARI: You're an anti-Semite!

NASAR: Stop spitting in my face like some kind of an animal.

ARI: Hey, don't you dare call me an animal.

NASAR: Did you try to rip off my hijab?

ARI: What?

NASAR: You all saw, an act of aggression. No different than Israeli--

ARI: You are a liar.

NASAR: --oppression against the Palestinian people.

ARI: She's a liar.


WATTERS: I mean, Greg, you just saw the words right out of my mouth.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's terrible acting. I'm not sure because I have not seen this episode, whether we're watching like one of those he-said she-said things, where she's telling this story, and that didn't really happen because in reality of course it didn't happen. And maybe Law & Order is doing one of those daring switcheroos where you think it's one thing, but then it's another.

If you ever want to know how deliberately misleading the media entertainment complex is, become the subject of the media entertainment complex. If you've seen the commercials for that Fox News movie - the - whatever, on Showtime, last loudest guy in the room for whatever - it's hilarious.

I'm looking at it, that is not Fox News. I'm looking at it, that is not Fox News. Nobody talk--

PERINO: --and it's the caricature.

GUTFELD: Yes, nobody walks around talking like this. Like, oh we have to do it.


Everybody's loud, everybody's talking. Russell Crowe's like this, this is what we are going to do. Nobody talks like that.

WATTERS: Lisa, you actually saw this in real time, didn't you?

BOOTHE: Yes, like I don't know if I should admit to that. It was on TV and then I was like this is uncanny, this is just like the Covington incident. So I kept watching, and to the police credit in the show, they do figure out that she lied about the hoax and that she called the media to come over there.

GUTFELD: There you go.

BOOTHE: But yes, I actually watch this.

WATTERS: Yes, a lot of lawsuits still flying around there.

BOOTHE: It's a popular show, yes.


WILLIAMS: Well, first of all, Law & Order doesn't solve all the crime. I must say my wife watches incessantly, unlike Lisa.


So, I get to see some of them. And to me, it's all very predictable, because they try to rip stuff out of the headlines every time. I think they've run out of story ideas.


WATTERS: I can give them an idea. How about Kavanaugh, that would be a good idea.

PERINO: So they would probably do that. Yes so, I watch - I'm quite partial to Madame Secretary.

WATTERS: Oh okay.

PERINO: And they try to - they often will have real-life scenarios. They're usually pretty responsible, except for the Cuba episode.


GUTFELD: I agree completely.


WATTERS: Felicity Huffman pleading guilty in the college admissions scam. How long she could spend behind bars?


BOOTHE: Welcome back. A big update in the college admissions scandal, actress Felicity Huffman pleading guilty in federal court today to paying $15,000 to have someone rig her daughter's SAT score.

The Desperate Housewives star broke down when discussing her daughter. Prosecutors are recommending that she gets four months in prison and pay $20,000 fine. Huffman will be sentenced in September.

So Greg, I'm going to start with you. So one thing I found interesting, when all this stuff broke, is the U.S. attorney saying that there should be no separate - there should be no separate admission system for the wealthy or criminal justice system, but isn't there?

GUTFELD: Yes, I think she should be executed.



GUTFELD: No, I think--

BOOTHE: I thought they wouldn't do it again.

GUTFELD: I think everybody loves a story because it's got celebrities and you get that shot in Freud, did I say it, when people are more successful, you fall, you get happy.

The one lesson here I get from it is for companies. Why don't you place more importance on schools and life experience outside the orbit of elite colleges, military experience, entrepreneurship, some other schools that aren't as important?

If companies like revise their priorities on these schools and elite colleges will lose their stranglehold on parents seeking to virtue signal with inflated diplomas.

BOOTHE: So Dana, do you think to Greg's point, does this change the way that people view the admission system in the sense that like Americans will want more fairness in it? Because there's a Pew Research survey not too long ago basically showing that people prioritize college grades, test scores above gender or race being entered into the admissions process. So, do you think that this moves the needle in terms of people wanting a more fair system?

PERINO: Well, I do agree with Greg on that point.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: That even for us, like so if you have a resume that comes through, it might be a mind shift right, change the way that you think about it, there's some really great schools all across this country that are not considered elite.

GUTFELD: I don't have anybody from Harvard. I actually invite them in, just so I could yell at them and take them out.



BOOTHE: And tell them they are not hired.

PERINO: You are nothing to me.

GUTFELD: You are nothing, you are dirt.

PERINO: It could be a long summer for her waiting to be sentenced in September. You can't just find somebody as punishment if you're - if it's a financial crime. She has the money to pay it, so that's not a big deal, so she is going to have to do some jail time.

And then the others that pled not guilty, maybe they'll get away with it, if it goes through a jury trial. But I think the judge will be quite lenient with her.

BOOTHE: So, Juan, how do you think this impacts the Lori Loughlins who pled not guilty or people who have refused to plead guilty to this point, how does this impact them, what kind of pressure does it put on them?

WILLIAMS: Well obviously, she's going to get the lower end of a sentence because she entered in a plea deal. She not only saved the prosecutors the time, she saved us the taxpayers the money that would - the cost of a prosecution.

So I think now everybody else is in a real bind here, because if they don't plea out, they're going to get a longer sentence than what Felicity Huffman's got.

I mean it's also interesting, there are a lot of interesting levels to this, William H Macy, her husband, he apparently knew about the deal, but he's not - I don't understand why he's not under any penalty here.

The second thing to say is, look this system is rigged against everybody, it's particularly rigged against people of color and the poor in America, because you can see it's the legacies, it's people with big money who get into the best schools and it's supposed to be about achievement, I wish.

GUTFELD: Tell it to the Asians.


They're the ones that are getting screwed right now at Harvard.

WILLIAMS: I think Asians are used as a beard (ph) by people who especially- -

GUTFELD: Asians are used a beard (ph).

WILLIAMS: --the most upper elite rich whites who want to do what we've just seen in this scandal.

BOOTHE: Jesse, why do you think that this has gotten so much attention?

GUTFELD: I would agree with Greg, it's a celebrity factor and people love watching other people crash and burn. But I got a look at the silver lining here, Lisa.

PERINO: What is it?


BOOTHE: Is there a silver lining?

WATTERS: Yes. If you're a method actress, if you're a Felicity Huffman, doing four months in prison is the opportunity of a lifetime. Think about the character research--



WATTERS: --the dialect research, the writing you could get done.


WATTERS: --the meditation, the self-discovery. She can get into prison shape. She comes out of there and leverages this thing into a book deal, you get an advance. You leverage this thing into a Netflix documentary. There's a lot of money to make here.

GUTFELD: You are right.

WATTERS: I think this is a good opportunity.

BOOTHE: I'm not going to lie, before you said that, I was also thinking about a great opportunity to get in shape.


WATTERS: To get in shape. Yes, the prison workout.


BOOTHE: Greg, any parting words of wisdom?

GUTFELD: Oh you came to the wrong person.


It's Monday, no wisdom from me. No I think that - I'm with Jessie, she's going to - this is going to - they're going to turn lemons into lemonade. I'm afraid I just coined now.

PERINO: Very good.

BOOTHE: Yes, that's going to be alright.



Alright, One More Thing is up next.


PERINO: Time now for One More Thing. Juan?

WILLIAMS: In case you were watching Game of Thrones last night, you missed one of those heart-pounding time has stopped you can't believe it moment in sports. Take a look at this video, it's the last shot in game seven the 76ers vs Raptors playoff series.


WILLIAMS: If you ask why Leonard is the shooter, as you can see his shot from the corner bounced high off the rim four times before falling in to give the Raptors the game and the series. It took so long, emotions went up and down as the ball went up and down, and Leonard had time to squat down and wait for the outcome.

As you can see the arena went crazy, but so did people outside the streets of Toronto. It was the first buzzer beater in game seven in NBA history. Jesse's hurting because he's a Sixers fan, but I got to tell you, it's been a great playoff season for hoops fans.

BOOTHE: I didn't even know there was playoffs going on right now in basketball.

PERINO: Wow, Lisa, even I knew that.



OK, you know I'm scared to go whale watching and there's reason for that. Check this out, whale watcher Kate Cummings captured this video of a giant humpback whale leaping from the sea next to a small fishing boat. Happened out in Monterey, California. I guess it's salmon season out there, so they come to eat, they come to play and to put on a show.

But I mean I'd rather watch it on video than be in that fishing boat for sure. And then, oh yes Greg--

GUTFELD: I give props to the lower third rider for a whale of a time, very clever.


PERINO: And then look at this, so there's somebody on a paddleboard. This is Rich German, he's paddling alongside a blue whale.

GUTFELD: A rich German?

PERINO: Well, his name is Rich German.

GUTFELD: A rich German, I don't care if he's rich or he's a German, Dana. Please.


PERINO: Anyway, obviously I would be very nervous to do that, but congratulations to them for checking that out.

GUTFELD: What's the guy's name?

PERINO: Rich German.


I didn't even think about that.


PERINO: No, I don't think so. I think he's an American.

GUTFELD: It'd be ironic if he was.

PERINO: --Middle Class Joe.

GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: You are next.

GUTFELD: Greg's crime corner. We were talking about Law & Order, how about law and emu?

WATTERS: That was so bad.

GUTFELD: Thank you. This is - emu got loose in Phoenix, Arizona, had a crime spree like you wouldn't believe. You were talking about a sex strike earlier, it went on a sex rampage, Dana. I have no idea what I'm saying, so I have no idea what to say about an emu, except that he was arrested for emulating an officer.


PERINO: You turned him into that stuff you put on for your muscles.

GUTFELD: Ooh what's that stuff called?

PERINO: I don't know, Miracle Rub, or something.

GUTFELD: I have no idea.

WATTERS: Miracle Rub?


GUTFELD: Miracle Rub, that's something I put on--


WATTERS: Vladimir Putin, tremendous athlete, don't you guys agree?


PERINO: He's incredible.


WATTERS: Put on a clinic in Sochi the other day. How many goals did he score did you ask?

PERINO: Eight, wow.

WATTERS: Totally legit goals, but the best part about this, skidding along, Dana, down goes Putin.


What do you think happened to the guy that forgot to take the rug?

PERINO: He's probably dead.

WATTERS: He's probably dead.

BOOTHE: Yes, he probably fell out of an apartment window this weekend.

WATTERS: That's right.

GUTFELD: You know, you're probably not going to make it through the night Jesse.


WATTERS: What did I say this time?

GUTFELD: I'm just saying he has people in America.

WATTERS: Oh really?


WATTERS: Yes, they're working for Hillary.


PERINO: Oh no, we had to get Russians here somewhere. Lisa?

BOOTHE: Ask Christopher Steele. All right, well it was a snowmencement (ph) to remember, get it. I think there's a video we got to show, yes there we go.

All right, so that's at University of Colorado, Boulder students. They were unfazed even though the snow came tumbling down. Many of them accessorized their caps and gowns with ski goggles. But the best part came when they started pummeling each other with snowballs and celebrated this big achievement with a snowball fight.


PERINO: That's why they wear goggles.

WATTERS: That's what you call global warming, Lisa.

BOOTHE: I think it was like a lot of fun.

WATTERS: It snows in May.

BOOTHE: Snowball fights are the best.


BOOTHE: There's nearly 9,000 students that hurled snowballs at each other.


WILLIAMS: I don't understand why they didn't move it indoors. But on the other hand--

BOOTHE: That's more fun.

WILLIAMS: Well it's fun, but it's snow in May.

PERINO: It's also Colorado. And I remember just a few years ago, it snowed on Memorial Day weekend in Colorado.

GUTFELD: You know, that's a great story.

PERINO: Thank you.


I always love to end with a bang.


Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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