
Chris Christie says tonight is the night to get serious. It's like the hometown date on "The Bachelor," but with too many homies.


CHRIS CHRISTIE, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When I get to the Oval Office, I'm not going to sit in that chair, spin around and go gee whiz, isn't it great to be president. Isn't this cool? It's not time to bring some amateur and put them behind that desk. It's too serious. It's too important. So it's time. It's time to have a serious conversation over the next seven weeks, about who's going to be the next president of the United States. Who is ready.


Hmm. Christie implies that no one was taking it seriously before. True, most people watched the debates because it's fun. And why not, its star is a bonafide celebrity, an unpredictable chap who's prone to shock. That's why nearly 70 percent of the American public have already tuned in to parts of it.

But it's time to listen to all the candidates. Seek specifics, not slogans, persuasiveness, not platitudes. And please, candidates, can some of you go home? Seriously, what if we promised you a talk show?

Now the previous debates have been informative but misleading. Where we think we're choosing the leader, but what chooses a leader are events, like Paris or San Bernardino. It's why President Obama evaporated like a puddle in a Florida parking lot. He's a man out of time for the world has moved on to an adult era and he's alone, a sullen windsock, his legacy gone limp.

Events call for a serious person who gets national security and terror. Don't look to the Dems. For progressives see their world as a mall, each store an identity or grievance that exists independently. If one of those stores closes, another one will open up. It can go on forever and ever. Conservatives however, see life as a skyscraper, and the base of that tower -- national security, and all other issues or floors rely on that. Remove that base, the tower collapses. We don't need another one of those.