This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 10, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to “Hannity.”

Tonight, this is the real deal. We are now inching closer and closer to truth and to justice, and we're holding those that abuse power accountable. For two years on this program, we have watched a political persecution, all based on lies and a hoax driven by anti-Trump hatred, and literally wrecking the very fabric of our society. We have massive developments tonight on many fronts.

The Attorney General William Barr went before the Senate appropriations committee today and the boomerang that I have been telling you about is emotion. It is headed right back in the direction that I told you it would head.

And we also have a brand-new just released today closed-door testimony from the general counsel of the FBI under Comey. And it is full of massive examples of upper echelon FBI DOJ abuse of power.

And also just breaking moments ago, multiple outlets, including "The Wall Street Journal", reporting Greg Craig, the White House counsel for Barack Obama, expects to be indicted over his work in Ukraine. We'll have more on that in a moment.

Also, we begin with the “Hannity” truth watch with a question. How did all of this happen? How did it begin?

We've got to get to the bottom of this or we will not have equal justice and equal application of our laws. Future elections, and yes, potential presidential deep state coups will occur.

Now, today, the attorney general, he delivered a bombshell development during his testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee -- exactly what we have been telling you, over two years is true. Take a look.


WILLIAM BARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL: Yes, I think spying did occur.


BARR: The question is whether it was predicated, adequately predicated, and I'm not suggesting that it wasn't adequately predicated. But I need to explore that. It is my obligation -- Congress is usually very concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in the proper lane, and I want to make sure that that happen. We have a lot of rules about that.

And, I want to say that -- I have said, I am reviewing this, I am -- I have not set up a team yet, but I do have -- I have in mind having some colleagues pull this information together and letting me know whether there are some areas that should be looked at.


HANNITY: This is downright scary. Every single American, not political, not Democrat, Republican, blue, red, it is not about politics. We gave our law enforcement officials are intelligence officials the most powerful tools of intelligence, they are never to be weaponized against we, the American people, much less a political campaign at the height of an election or to undo an election.

Where are all of the several libertarians on the left? Where are the liberals calling for investigations?

We got Nadler, Schumer, Blumenthal, they are freaking out tonight. They are calling the attorney general -- they're calling on him to retract his truthful remarks. They clearly can't handle the truth. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that Barr was off the rails.

Imagine, Pelosi said that about somebody else. Funny.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: Let me just say how very, very dismaying and disappointing that the chief law enforcement officer of our country is going off the rails. He is the attorney general of the United States of America, not the attorney general of Donald Trump.


HANNITY: Well, apparently she and other Democrats, they don't want Barr to perform the proper oversight and follow the law, and the DOJ and the FBI, which is his job. They who advance the Trump witch hunt, they've who lie for years are exposed as the frauds that they are, they don't want the truth. And the mainstream media, they're trying their very best to play down all of the bombshells we have tonight.

"Washington Post," fake conservative writer Jennifer Rubin actually calling on Barr to be impeached. Her fellow far left conspiracy sycophants at MSNBC, tinfoil hat conspiracy MSNBC theory, fake news CNN, also trashing the attorney general. Gee, didn't do that to Rod Rosenstein, or Mueller. Take a look.


CHUCK TODD, MSNBC HOST: I spy (ph) attorney general giving credence to conspiracy theories.

It feels like that basically the attorney general gaslit the country.

RON KLAIN, FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF TO VP BIDEN: Bill Barr, one of the most respected lawyers, two-time attorney general, turning in his tortoiseshell glasses for a tinfoil hat.

UNDENTIFIED FEMALE: Barr has made really clear -- I'm going to be an engine for the president of the United States. I'm not the attorney general for the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The attorney general of the United States and a dog whistle to the Sean Hannity is a big deal.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is a flunky for Donald Trump. He is not an independent thinker. He sounds good, he seems sincere. But if you look at what he does, not what he says, you see the actions of a hatchet man here and it's really disturbing.


HANNITY: Conspiracy theorist for two and a half years lying, the very people that live for two and a half years. They don't want a tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, their lies exposed. They have been pushing it every second, every hour, every minute of every day, including their coverage of this very topic, just a few months ago. Take a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we have seen and heard from the president in the past five days may be the biggest lie of all. Repeatedly, and with no facts to back him up, making the outrageous claim that the so-called "deep state" spied on his campaign.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This phony baloney story about a spy in the campaign.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To call it a conspiracy theory is to give them too much credit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The notion that the FBI implanted, planted someone inside the campaign to spy on the campaign is just not true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This unproven narrative of a spy being placed inside his campaign.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did the intelligence community spy on President Trump and his campaign?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, we did not.


HANNITY: They did and they have been lying for two and a half years, and lying to you, the American people.

President Trump was right all along. We were right all along. They have no character, no ethics, no integrity. They should be apologizing, retracting, correcting all of the damage that they have done. They just double down on lying.

And the media, the Democrats, they are so blinded by this hate, this rage, they are incapable of seeing the stone cold truth right before their eyes. Let's look at this: July 2016, we know that the FBI opened up a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos after he spoke with an informant, maybe even before this.

We know in that same month, the FBI attempted to wiretap campaign associate Carter Page for no good reason. We know that in July 2016, top Obama officials including Susan Rice, the year 2016, they ramped up their own masking efforts a whopping 350 percent.

Final year, the election year, in October 2016, the FBI began successfully spying on Carter Page after getting that FISA warrant by committing a fraud on multiple levels to the FISA court, using Clinton's bought and paid for Russian lies. They never told the judges that. The bulk of information were unverified, uncooperated, information paid for by Hillary.

And guess what, they denied an American citizen his constitutional rights. And they got their back door right into the Trump campaign through Carter Page.

And in December the 15th of 2016, we know that the Obama officials, oh, they just incidentally spied on Trump officials after Rice -- well, she reportedly unmasked the names of Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, lieutenant general 33 year veteran Michael Flynn. Yes, there was fine -- as we have reported, more rightly so many, many times.

Now, sadly, that is only one small part of this abuse of power and corruption. Now, throughout the night we will show you in full timeline. We have reported everything.

But guess what, after months and months of waiting. The truth and justice and facts in spite of all of them are now becoming cascading down and will drown the proper people. Criminal referrals, the Horowitz report, the Huber report, the release of more closed-door testimony. Yes, we'll get those FISA applications, Gang of Eight materials, 302s. We are waiting on a Florida court to release information on Christopher Steele, that should be very revealing and enlightening.

And an answer to this important question. Watch.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C.: Would it be odd that the candidate was never really briefed by the department of justice that your campaign may be targeted by a foreign entity?

BARR: That is one of the questions that I have as I feel normally at the campaign would have been advised of this.

GRAHAM: OK. And can you think of a good reason right now why they would not have been?

BARR: I am interested in getting that answer. They had two former U.S. attorney in Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani involved in the campaign, and I don't understand why the campaign was not advised.


HANNITY: Clearly, there was extreme corruption by a powerful few at the highest level of our government. The evidence of this is riddled throughout the now public transcript of the bigger testimony.

Today, Congressman Doug Collins released yet a second day of closed-door testimony from the FBI's former top lawyer. Tonight, we are learning very revealing brand-new bombshells, according to Baker. The DOJ was having open discussions about appointing an independent counsel to investigate the Trump campaign long before Comey was fired. Quote: I don't even remember who said it quite honestly, but I am telling you that the topic did come up before the firing.

Now, wait, we are told that the eight days in May after Comey was fired, that's what triggered the special counsel. Well, as it turns out, it was in the works all along. Why? Because Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and all of these other deep state officials that thought that Hillary should win 100 million to zero, and that we are all smelly Walmart people that are going to vote for Trump, they were desperate to remove Trump from office, remember, they had an insurance policy.

In fact, Baker alleging that McCabe, Page, Rod Rosenstein were discussing removing President Trump, undoing an election by using the 25th Amendment. Even allegedly breaking that they had two administration cabinet members on board with the scheme, this plot, this coup. No joking matter.

Baker testified, quote: I took it seriously, because my assessment was that they took it seriously. Baker also revealing that Rod Rosenstein offered to wear that wire and spy on the president of the United States without cause, and that no one alerted the president or anyone else about this illegal plot. And keep in mind, prior to Trump's inauguration, James Baker was fed Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier by liberal reporter David Corn, and a lawyer associated with the Clinton campaign.

Now, the contents of the dossier were being passed around at the highest levels of the DOJ, FBI, intel community, around the same time that Clinton was cleared of all charges. Baker testified that he thought Hillary Clinton should have been indicted. He has the top lawyer under Comey.

Quote, I had that belief initially after reviewing a large binder of her emails that had classified information in them. That is a violation, 18 USC 793, that's the Espionage Act. Baker said that he was persuaded out of it by his colleagues.

Well, they want to the Clinton matter swept under the rug, even Page and Strzok said that the fix was in. They have no there there, but all of that decisions are made by Loretta Lynch and the Democrats at the Department of Justice.

Now, look at our new timeline, how did we get to this point? Let's start July 10, 2015, FBI opened a criminal investigation, code name "Midyear Exam" into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information on that private server. September 2015, Obama's A.G. Loretta Lynch asked the FBI Director Comey to refer to Clinton's criminal investigation, not as an investigation it is, but as a matter.

On March 4th, 2016, top FBI officials Strzok and Page are texting about their utter contempt for Donald Trump, one time calling him an idiot, saying that Clinton should win, oh, 100 million to zero, and that we are smelly Walmart voters of Trump. And in March 2nd, May 2nd rather of 2016, Comey, Strzok, others drafting a letter exonerating Hillary, changing the language from gross negligence to legal standard to extreme carelessness, which it is not before they ever investigated or interviewed Hillary.

And then on June 27, 2016, that's when Lynch met Bill Clinton in a secret meeting at a private plane on a tarmac in Phoenix. July 22nd, 2016, two months after the beginning of the exoneration. Other key witnesses, Hillary Clinton finally interviewed by Peter Strzok who hates Trump, and other FBI agents.

And on July 5th, Comey officially exonerates Clinton. In that very same month, then the FBI opens a counterintelligence investigation into Trump- Russia collusion. That one is called Crossfire Hurricane. In the very same month, the associate director Bruce Ohr meets with Christopher Steele on multiple occasions, but his wife Nellie works with Steele, and shares the dirty Russian dossier with McCabe, Strzok, Page, even Andrew Weissmann and others.

Ohr warns them that the dossier is campaign op research tainted with bias. It's not verified, Hillary paid for it and Steele hates Trump. In July, one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper reportedly meets with Trump advisors, Page, George Papadopoulos secretly gathering information for the FBI.

Then on August 15th, again, 2016, before the election, Strzok text Lisa Page about a scenario where President Trump gets elected, quote: we can't take that risk. And they speak of needing the insurance policy.

September 2nd, 2016, Page and Strzok text that President Obama wants to know everything we are doing. October 22nd, 2016, that's when the FBI obtained the FISA warrant to surveilled Trump campaign associate Carter Page, the bulk of the application relying on Steele's dirty dossier, with Russian lies paid for by Hillary. Wow, a whole entry into the entire world of Donald Trump and his campaign. On November 1st, 2016, the FBI fires Christopher Steele for lying and leaking.

December 15th, President Trump is president-elect, Obama intel officials accidentally, quote, spy on Trump officials. Obama national security adviser Susan Rice reportedly unmasking the names of Bannon, Kushner, and General Flynn.

January 2017, Comey briefed the president that the dossier's contents were salacious and unverified, but in October, well, he signed the first FISA warrant.

May 9th, 2017, the president fired FBI director Comey making Trump hater Andrew McCabe the acting FBI director. He is friends with page and Strzok.

May 17th, 2017, Robert Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller special counsel, Mueller immediately hires Strzok, Weissmann, Jeannie Ray. Weissmann, of course, was at the Clinton victory party, the attorney for the Clinton foundations, and all Democrats and builders to lead the investigation. The majority of the staff, big time Democratic donors, zero Republicans hired.

June 8th, 2017, former FBI Director Comey admits having engineered a leak of his own, memo to "The New York Times," to spur the appointment of the special counsel. Flash forward, march 2nd, this year. Nearly two years, $30 million later, no collusion, no obstruction, nothing. The evidence is clear.

The president was set up by a powerful group of unelected individuals desperate to stop him into getting elected, and help his opponent, Hillary Clinton get elected and then try to destroy him after the election.

Joining us now, Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.

Mr. Jordan, Congresswoman, anything I said you know is wrong? I know a few more details can be filled in, but that's the synopsis.

REP. JIM JORDAN, R-OH: No, it was well done. And, look, remember what Chuck Schumer said two years ago about then President-elect Trump, he said if you mess with the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you. Bill Barr is going to find out if that statement was actually carried out. And that's what I so appreciate what the attorney general said. And I think that the American people appreciate it too.

When you stop and think about, they want an attorney general whose focus on accountability in truth, and that's exactly what Bill Barr is going to get to, and he's going to find out if what Chuck Schumer said two years and three months ago if, in fact, that's what took place. And all the things you just went through, it sure looks like it did. It sure looks like it.

HANNITY: And when the attorney general said today, Sara, that, yes, the Trump campaign was spied on in multiple ways, correct?

SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, absolutely, I mean, he wants to get to the bottom of it. He says that the Trump campaign was spied on, he does not know what the predicate for that spying was. He wants to look into it. He wants to investigate it. He wants to understand it. And he is going to hold people accountable.

All of the sources that I've spoken to, Sean, have said that Attorney General Barr is methodical, he is calm natured, he is not going to be pushed around by anybody -- not by Mueller, not by President Trump, not by anyone, not by the FBI, not by the people in the DOJ. He is going to do his job. He is going to follow the rule of law. And if people broke the law, which we can see, based on the evidence that we have uncovered over the last several years, and based on the evidence that Congress has uncovered that there is so much evidence of malfeasance within the FBI and the DOJ, that there needs to be a full-fledged investigation.

And I think that this is why Attorney General Barr has now moved forward. He's openly stated that we have a team investigating this. And he is moving quickly. That's one thing that I think that people really need to understand.

This is not going to drag out for years on end. Barr says the I.G. report is coming out in May or June. Barr has notified Congress that he is looking into these allegations. And Barr has already said that he will release Mueller's report, redacted report next week.

HANNITY: Congressman Jordan, this is important, we now -- I know that everybody in the media cares about obstruction, maybe they care about subpoena, emails, deleted, acid wash, the hard drive, we now have the date. Maybe they care about beating up devices and removing SIM cards, that's obstruction. Well, maybe there is a line or two in the Mueller report, but we now have the Barr investigation. He will review the actions from the get-go here.

That probably means that Hillary Clinton's investigation should be reopened. We will start there. But then we have the inspector general, and the FISA abuse. Then we have John Huber, whatever he is doing, nobody seems to know. Then we have 302s that will come out and the FISA applications come out.


HANNITY: And a cascade of these interviews. By the way, you and Mark Meadows were phenomenal in these closed door meetings. You got to the truth.

And I kept asking you Mark, because he could not tell me. Is there anything that I am saying that it's wrong? Nope. Am I over the target? Yes. That's all you would say.

But you are right, because you are seeing this. And you are doing it behind closed doors. And both you and Devin Nunes deserve a lot of credit.

JORDAN: Well, thank you, and you deserve a lot of credit, so do Sara.

But, look, all of the things that you spelled out, all of the things that looked like they were wrong things that were done -- remember who did them. Jim Comey, who was fired, who as you said leaked information to "The New York Times" to get a special counsel appointed. Andy McCabe who lied three times under oath was fired.

Jim Baker whose transcripts are fully coming out, Jim baker, chief counsel was demoted and then left, currently under investigation by the Justice Department. Lisa Page, demoted then left. Peter Strzok demoted then fired.

These were the key people.


HANNITY: Will they be indicted in your view? If the rule of law is followed, will they be indicted?

JORDAN: Two things are going to happen. First, as Sara just mentioned, Inspector General Horowitz will bring its report forward as he attorney general late yesterday, late May or June. That will tell us a lot, and then Bill Barr's investigation will unfold as well. I think that will determine if they get indicted.

HANNITY: Do you see laws broken? I know that the criminal referrals from Devin are coming this week, probably tomorrow.

JORDAN: I do, I particularly think so with Andrew McCabe. I think he is trouble. I think potentially Peter Strzok. But we'll just have to see what Mr. Horowitz says and obviously what the attorney general says.

HANNITY: Sara, we're going to have the criminal probes. Do you see indictments in your crystal ball?

CARTER: According to sources that I've spoken with, yes, there will be indictments and people will be held responsible for the actions that they committed against country.

HANNITY: Is what one of them going to be James Comey?

CARTER: I don't know, I certainly hope so. We'll have to see.

HANNITY: Yes. Jim?

JORDAN: No, I need a little more. I am confident in Mr. Horwitz and I am confident in Mr. Barr, I think Mr. Barr is a kind of attorney general the American people want -- solid, pursuing the truth, and going to hold people accountable.

HANNITY: It's about our Constitution.


HANNITY: This is that important. This can't happen again.

We're going to hold them all accountable. Thank you both.

When we come back, Senator Lindsey Graham reacts to all of days breaking news.

Later, new reports Senator Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, are filthy rich. Glenn Beck is here to react to all of the 2020 -- well, let's say Democratic socialist extremists, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. As we continue our coverage of Attorney General Barr's commitment to review all of the FBI, DOJ conduct in the Russia probe, we always make the distinction not rank-and-file, not at all. I have an FBI flag pin here in solidarity with the 99.9 percent. It is the world's premier law enforcement agency by far.

Joining us now, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, I went through it all, you heard the attorney general today.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: We have already known a lot of this. But now it is all coming out.

GRAHAM: Right.

So, what did the attorney general say today, he is going to look at how this got started. You know, there is no doubt that they were spying on Trump's people and campaign, the question was, was it lawful? The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows you to follow her around people that you think are working with a foreign government. Counterintelligence investigation by the very definition is surveilling people that you think are spying. So, the question was, was it lawful?

HANNITY: Was it? No?

GRAHAM: Well, we'll see.

I tell you this, if the warrant was based on the dossier, that wasn't lawful. And I don't know why they did not tell Trump about people and his campaigning working for Russia if they really believe that.

HANNITY: Senator, I actually read something -- I know that something that exists that's called the Grassley-Graham memo.


HANNITY: There might be somebody you know when they are. And in that, the bulk of information for the FISA application was, in fact, Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for Russian dossier when they presented it to the FISA court, they never told the court she paid for it. They never told the court that it was unverified.

And, by the way, we know unverifiable, because Steele does not stand by his own dossier. And so, they never verified it. And they denied Carter Page's constitutional rights by committing a fraud on the court. Is there anything wrong with what I just said?

GRAHAM: Well, you know, what you said and what we can improve are two different things. I believe that the dossier is unverified to this day. I have a reason to believe it was the main reason the warrant was issued. I believe the court was never told it was paid for by a political party and that the person who paid for it hated Trump.

I believe that the counterintelligence investigation is questionable at best. And I still don't know why they would not tell Trump, hey, a couple of people on your campaign may be working with the Russians like they told Feinstein about somebody on her -- in her office working with the Chinese.

None of this adds up. Barr is going to look at it. I'm going to look at it. Horowitz is going to look at it.

Can I make a point about obstruction of justice?


GRAHAM: The Mueller team charged a lot of people with crimes. He has the ability to charge people with crimes. He chose not to charge Trump for a reason. He didn't think he could prove a crime.

So, Mueller charges a bunch of people with crimes. He gets some convictions. He chose not to charge President Trump with obstruction for a reason. Not enough evidence.

HANNITY: The general counsel, I mean, the top lawyer at the FBI under Comey believes Hillary should have been indicted. I think that investigation needs to begin anew now that we know the players, their political biases and also the fact that. That's real. We know there were classified materials. We know it's illegal. You want - Democrats care about obstruction. Look at Hillary's e-mail server subpoenaed e-mails. Here's the thing though. It can't be verified.

As a matter of fact, most of it's been debunked in terms of the dossier. And the reason it can't be verified is because the author, he won't even stand by his own dossier when he was put under oath and an interrogator in Great Britain. So, we know that was false and call me in - sign the first warrant application in October 2016 went to Trump Tower in January 2017. Then President-elect Trump said, he said it's not verified, but salacious. So, did Comey lie to Trump then or did he lie on the FISA application, but he lied on one of those occasions.

LINDSEY: Well, the point is that we're going to look at all of this and put it on the record for history's sake and try to deter other people from doing this. So, if in fact the dossier is unverified to this day which I believe how could you use it to get a warrant against an American citizen four times. If he really told Trump here it is, we can't verify it. Why would you use the same document before a court to say we believe it's accurate enough to get a warrant. If you really believe that Trump's campaign was being infiltrated by Russians, why didn't you tell him so he could do something about it. And how could Clinton get away with all of this and not have anything. No charges at all. When the average person would probably be in jail now. I think it has a lot to do about a political bias.

HANNITY: Andrew McCabe, no dossier, no FISA warrant. Last thing. Huge day, the one man that was on the world stage for many years alone identifying evil in our time was the Churchillian figure of Prime Minister Netanyahu. He won a big victory yesterday.

GRAHAM: He's beyond Churchill now. He's a legend and a great outcome for the United States. Bibi is the most reliable partner for the United States in the world, a strong man in a tough neighborhood. I'm glad he won. God bless him. Look forward to working with him.

HANNITY: And now with Trump as the biggest supporter of Israel in modern times, Jerusalem, the Golan Heights. The world's a safer place.

GRAHAM: Bad day for the Ayatollah. Bad day for the Ayatollah.

HANNITY: I'm so sad to hear that.

Glenn Beck on the radical 2020 Democratic candidates and what they would do to this country. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right, the 2020 Democrats are coming clean about one thing it definitely pays to be a socialist for example Bernie Sanders told the New York Times this week is in fact a multi-millionaire. Senator Warren revealed $900,000 in family income last year. So, while Bernie and Warren are reaping in big bucks while they're pushing the policies that will cripple the ability for poor working people to build the wealth for themselves in a country of freedom. They want sky high corporate tax rates 90 percent, 70 percent top marginal rates.

History is clear. Large scale socialism, it enriches those at the very top. Massive taxes regulation only makes it harder to do things like start a business and build factories and manufacturing centers and jobs and opportunity.

In the end, it leaves almost everyone worse off. Socialists love to spend other people's money. Joining us now the author of the book Addicted to Outrage, nationally syndicated radio TV and radio talk show host, Mr. Glenn Beck. How are you?

GLENN BECK, AUTHOR, ADDICTED TO OUTRAGE: Very good, Sean. How are you?

HANNITY: You know I've been thinking all the times you've been on recently, because your hair is whiter than it used to be like so as mine.

BECK: Yes.

HANNITY: And the beard is--

BECK: And I've gained 2 lbs. The what?

HANNITY: And the beard is kind of new too.

BECK: You don't think I look like - I am pitching for the job of doing commercials for Colonel Sanders. I'm just saying.

HANNITY: OK. I didn't want to say that.

BECK: That's what I want to do. OK. Well, I did. The scary thing is I looked at Colonel Sanders the other day, I'm fatter than Colonel Sanders. That's a problem.

HANNITY: Stop. I was totally teasing. I remember you had a chalkboard many days here at the Fox News Channel. You talked a lot about socialism. Do you ever think this would happen, what's happening now here?

BECK: I remember saying I hope this doesn't happen, but I think it's there in fact. I laid out a new chalkboard and I've arranged so - free for all of your viewers. I made it for Sean Hannity viewers and hopefully I know one of your viewers is the President and it's available at my YouTube channel, just look for Glenn Beck YouTube and it is about what's going on in the border, because what is happening you know that - I feel bad for the President because he is trying to fight something at the border but that's not where the problem is.

The problem as I lay this out in a chalkboard. We've done about a year's worth of research on this. The problem is actually coming from Chicago. There is a group as family that has a United Methodist Church. There are preachers. They're the ones that started the sanctuary city. They are directly getting money from George Soros and others and they are the ones that are if I may, "they are the ones that help charter the routes, arrange bus transportations and negotiate with Mexican officials to provide protection. That's from the AP.

But when you find out who these people are, let me quote another. This I think is from UC San Diego. They said these latest members a zealous group of college student's community orders young professionals strove to lead and build national immigrant rights movement vis-a-vis CASA, informed by far-left politics, Marxist, Leninist thought, a communist ideology based on the theories of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin with an international world view. They're calling for collective mobilization.

I lay this all out on a chalkboard, so where you can really follow it and see what's going on.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this.

BECK: Mr. President please. You're not going to solve the problem at the border. I know that seems rational. But when you look at the evidence, we can't fight the enemy if we won't call them by name. And these are communists, American communist in Chicago that are taking loads of money from George Soros and others. They are orchestrating this. And what they're doing now is a human wave. It was a tactic used in China or by China against us in the Korean War where they just throw wave after wave after wave of people until you just can't fight it anymore. That's what's happening. And Chuck Schumer and all of the others, they know about it and they are covering and encouraging this. This is an assault on the republic.

HANNITY: Certainly, a border wall is going to help because we know walls work. And certainly, the monies for technologies will help at the border. You know the cartels actually use drones so they can give human traffickers, drug smugglers the proper path. We can't take them out of the air unless we get a court warrant and its way back in Mexico.

Let me ask you this though because we get the border wall. I think that helps. I will look at your YouTube channel. But secondly.

BECK: Please do.

HANNITY: When you're proposing 70 percent personal marginal tax rates, 90 percent corporate tax rates. Everything is free. No more oil, gas, combustion engine, planes or cows. I guess I go back to my original question. I never thought it would ever be pushed this hard and adopted by so many.

BECK: So, I'm working on something now Sean that I'll share with you in a couple of weeks. I'm not prepared to share it all now. We found a document that was written by the Soviet historians, it was never made - it never meant to be made public. It saw the light of day in the 1960s, but it was how the Soviet Union got around all of the treaties that they had signed with Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt and how they flipped countries. How did they take Czechoslovakia which at the time was a very pro-free market kind of place and flip it communist without any tanks? They laid out a plan. It took them three years to do it. What I believe we are three to five years from seeing the end of this republic if we don't wake up, turn to God, turn back to God, beg him for forgiveness, ask him for help and then just name the enemy. The enemy is very clear. Please visit YouTube and look for the Glenn Beck site. And watch that video. Please.

HANNITY: I'll recommend one other thing I read many years ago. But it's relevant today, a synthesis of Russia mind control techniques. It's actually scary. Glenn Beck always interesting. Thank you.

BECK: Is that the name of the book.

HANNITY: Yes. I will get you a copy. I promise. Lawrence Jones went to an Ocasio-Cortez's district. Guess what, they thought about the Congresswoman. We have the answer. Here's a quick preview.


LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: What do you love about?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love it. She's from the Bronx. She hardcore. She doesn't keep her mouth shut.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is going to be her one only term; her 15 minutes is running very short.


HANNITY: Lawrence Jones, Joe Concha are next with reaction as we continue this busy breaking news night. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is how well the first set of climate change hysteria this week at a House Oversight hearing yesterday. Ocasio-Cortez suggesting the U.S. would have "well blood on our hands if we don't pass her insane climate change legislation". Watch.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Do you think that neglecting to address these threats is could contribute to American the loss of American life.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: And do you think that denial or even delaying in that action could cost us American lives.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: I think what we have laid out here is a very clear moral problem. And in terms of leadership if we fail to act or even if we delay in acting, we will have blood on our hands.


HANNITY: Now new pol is showing Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's constituents opposed her hardline stance against the Amazon deal in her district. Those were $150,000 jobs, we sent our own investigative reporter contributor Lawrence Jones out to the Bronx to see what her voters think about the job she's doing representing them in Washington saying the world is over and 12 years, if it is, I quit tonight. This is my last show. Take a look.


JONES: So, how do you feel like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is doing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I really like her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love it. She's from the Bronx. She hard core. She doesn't keep her mouth shut. She's new blood that we need.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I heard she was from Westchester.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever fam, she's from the Bronx as far as I'm concerned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's a charlatan. She's a fake.

JONES: She's a fake.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. She says woman of the people, the people is not seeing her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I haven't seen her.

JONES: Amazon was supposed to get here; she didn't want him here.


JONES: So, they pulled out of the deal. So, you're cool with that.


JONES: Why are you so upset about the Amazon deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 25,000 jobs. New York City is going to be reeling from that for years to come.

JONES: Did you vote for her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I didn't know who she was at that time. There was some new - she followed this guy Sanders you know.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From Vermont. He has promised to give you the whole world for free.

JONES: Do you believe that they all can give you the world for free.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is going to be her one and only term. Her 15 minutes is running very short.

JONES: Just give me one thing she has done?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't underscore her.

JONES: You know how you can fix that. Just give me one thing. I won't underscore, you give me one good thing.


JONES: Honestly.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's right. How honest has the President been.

JONES: That's the one thing that she's done for the community.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe that she is very, very honest.



HANNITY: Here is Fox News Contributor Investigative Reporter, Lawrence Jones. He is also with Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief and media reporter for The Hill WOR AM710 to talk of New York, New Jersey, Long Island and Westchester. Joe Concha, good to see you both. interesting, when you lose a lot $150,000, jobs and the property values go through the roof and you say no.

JONES: Yes, a lot of people have said about the Amazon thing because there was an opportunity for jobs to get back into the city for development, but AOC didn't care about this, she has our own agenda. I asked the voters though the people that do support her, just name one accomplishment, name something that she has brought. And the guy says honesty. I mean he was very agitated with me. But this goes back to the socialism policy. What do they deliver to the community? In most time, more taxes.

HANNITY: Listen, New York offer.

JONES: 100 percent, a fortune. It was the dumbest deal ever. But New York is losing population. And you know at least some people will going to get some real serious job.

JONES: Yes. As a libertarian I disagree with it because I don't believe in getting tax breaks. I think--

HANNITY: It was dumb.

JONES: The government picks winners and losers. That's a bad idea. But for someone like AOC that community is struggling. It was a good deal for the Bronx because they--

HANNITY: Good deal for her district.

JONES: Exactly.

HANNITY: She blew it.

JONES: And she could not advocate for her district because at large she wants a socialist country. And that hurt her and there is a lot of people upset about that.

HANNITY: Well you know the world's ending in 12 years, Joe.

JOE CONCHA, REPORTER, THE HILL: I've heard. Yes. Look the problem with Amazon not obviously them not coming here and the 30 billion in revenues that could have come, and you mentioned $150,000 jobs. What company now in their right mind will want to come to New York City knowing that this PR nightmare is waiting for them. As for blood on your hands like what she said during that hearing yesterday. She put together a proposal. It was then presented before the Senate for a vote. It got zero votes in the Senate by Democrats. So, she's saying we'll have blood on our hands unless we pass something. You had her at that, and you failed. She is accomplished at complaining, she is horrible at execution.

JONES: But she also says Sean that the climate change issue is what's leading to our border issue. That's why people are coming across. That's nonsense. OK. These people are paying the cartel. Look I get there is a lot of lovely people that want to get across this border because they want a better life. But at the end of the day, you don't get across that border unless you pay the bad guys. I went there. I saw it and it's terrible, they're terrorizing families in the community. It has to get to the point. We have to put our citizens first. We just reported on the campus reform. They're giving in-state tuition to illegals. It's not right.

HANNITY: So, Lawrence took a big hit from the media because he was out with ICE, you were there from multiple arrests and they put a jacket on him.

JONES: Right.

HANNITY: And Lawrence I find out you know read that and it bothered him. You've got to tell him that's not going to - that's just the beginning. You're being on this show with Joe, you're a target.

JONES: You're bringing all this bad hate. People used to love me. Now they say hey, you're Hannity's correspondent, you're a bad guy.

HANNITY: You know what. You do great work and the people will - it's sort of like if you build it, they'll come. You keep working hard, right. We're staying with you.

CONCHA: You've got to get off social media more and more. It only leads to bad--

JONES: I'm off.

CONCHA: Moods, right.

HANNITY: Except responding to people.

CONCHA: I don't even have my passwords anymore, my team - I have people that tweet out for me. There is no way you can win an argument in 280 characters. You just go back and forth. One more thing by the way.

HANNITY: Real quick.

CONCHA: As far as the asylum request. How do you walk up for the asylum request at the border and say you know what, climate change? That's why I want to come into the country.

HANNITY: Thank you, both. When we come back, fire exchange between Congresswoman Waters and Steven Mnuchin. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Villain of the Day, Congresswoman Maxine Waters after more than three-hour hearing on Capitol Hill this week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin explained that he had to leave for a scheduled meeting with the senior foreign official. And watch this response.


STEVEN MNUCHIN, TREASURY SECRETARY: I just don't believe we're sitting here negotiating when I come back.

REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIF.: This is a new way, and it's a new day, and it's a new chair and I have the gavel at this point. If you wish to leave, you may.

MNUCHIN: Can you clarify that for me?

WATERS: Yes, clarify. If you wish to leave, you may.

MNUCHIN: So, we're dismissed. Is that correct?

WATERS: If you wish to leave, you may leave.

MNUCHIN: When the Republicans, they did not treat the Secretary of the Treasury this way.


HANNITY: Claiming my time. All right. Well, I guess this is the new way. God help us. All right. Thanks for being with us. We will never be the rage to destroy-Trump -- rage-Trump media mob. Let not your heart be troubled Laura Ingraham, next. Hi.

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