
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," January 15, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Tonight, people could still be alive. They are buried under those flattened buildings. And Griff Jenkins is standing by in Port-au-Prince, Haiti -- Griff.

GRIFF JENKINS, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Greta, it is a scene of devastation and despair. You've heard that from reporters since this catastrophe hit, but once you put eyes on it in person, it is heart-wrenching.

These people here in Port-au-Prince have three things on their mind. It is immediate search-and-rescue and medical attention, it is immediate food and aid, and the third thing is security. We saw no evidence of that, spending four hours driving extensively around Port-au-Prince. And here at the airport, when we landed in an aid cargo plane, we did not see any of that out there.

What you're going to see is just a sample of the tragedy that is unfolding here. We took our cameras so you could see what's really happening here. Take a look.


JENKINS: The collapsed devastated building behind us is Fry Alexander (ph), a high school. Jimmy (ph) is the director here. Farah's (ph) going to help us translate. Jimmy, what happened here? Tell me about the school.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Through translator): I was sitting in front of the school. I was letting the student go. And when I moved, the school fell behind me. After that, there were a lot of students that died because there was not enough material (ph). Because there was no material, many lives have not been saved. Until this afternoon, there were children crying for help.

JENKINS: Did you think you might not make it out?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Through translator): Yes.

JENKINS: It was very frightening, very shocking? Are you OK? What are your injuries now?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My foot. In my right...

JENKINS: The right leg?


JENKINS: Your right foot -- yes. I looked. It's badly damaged. Are you getting medicine? Are you getting some aid?


JENKINS: No. And you need more aid here? You need more aid?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oui! Of course. Of course.

JENKINS: Do you know who to go tell that this boy is hurt? Can you call someone to come out?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I don't think anybody know. They just hope somebody will come.

JENKINS: Here on top of this (INAUDIBLE) was once a school, you can see rescue workers and Haitians trying to make a larger hole to penetrate the roof in hopes that there are any survivors. We've seen evidence that some people certainly did not make it. It's a very strong smell here. There's this very sense of desperation, and obviously, the destruction you can see.

From this vantage point, Greta, you can see helicopters trying to bring in aid. Beyond those helicopters is the port, where cranes were badly damaged and ships are not having success getting in there because of the damage there. You can see as the helicopters fly over, in the hillsides, house after house, building after building, just absolutely devastated.

We're not sure what the impact of making a larger hole in the roof we're on is going to mean for the safety of everyone here. So we wanted to give you that look, but we're going to go ahead and pull out of this area.


JENKINS: Greta, it's not exaggerating to say it looks like a bomb went off. That young boy you saw hurt, he has a badly injured foot. My cameraman, Jeff (ph), and I took that address of that neighborhood and the street of where that school is. We told every aid worker we can find here, from local Miami rescue people to the U.N. folks here, We want someone to help that boy. And as you heard from Farah, the English-speaking Haitian woman, that help isn't readily available. It seems at best disorganized, and at worst nonexistent.

Now, we did come across another English-speaking Haitian. His mother is in New York. And so Greta, I handed him the microphone and I said, You tell her that you're OK. This is a young man named Curson (ph). Roll the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name is Curson Losin (ph). Hello. Cami (ph), Moyel (ph) -- this is my cousin. We're OK. Don't worry. So we still -- we still -- we still alive. My mom is OK. Cami -- Cami (INAUDIBLE) don't, like -- don't worry. We OK. So we still got a life. We still got a life. So thank you, Fox News TV. That's the name. So thank you for your help. So I don't know what's going to -- what's going to happen in the next week. So we'll be OK. Don't worry about us. So thank you for the TV.


JENKINS: So we're glad to get that message out.

Now, I mentioned the security issue. It's very real. We were driving around with two hired guards in an armed vehicle. As the sun came down, they wanted us back here at the airport. They did not want to be on that streets, and they didn't want to be in that neighborhood where we were. But they did stay at my request because I wasn't going to leave without getting all the details.

I can also report, Greta, that Haitians -- the folks in Port-au-Prince have something intact, it's very important to point you, and that is their respect. They have respect for themselves. They have honor. And I have the clearest example I can offer of that -- bodies, as you've heard, litter the streets as you drive around. I have not seen U.N. vehicles taking them out or any other aid. But I have seen everyday average Haitians carrying dead bodies out. We did not turn our cameras on them out of respect. But they are trying to do something about their situation. But what they need is immediate aid and they need materials to start clearing this rubble. We need to get into places where that boy was hurt and where that school was to find out if anyone's left -- Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Griff, you get the sense -- you used the word "aid." And let me just go to something basic like food. Is food actually coming into the airport and flowing into the community, or are there chokepoints so that food and water is not getting to people?

JENKINS: As best I can offer my viewpoint, I came in on an aid plane. There's water. The plane that we were with, with Reverend Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse plane that was having trouble getting in here, had 25,000 pounds of blankets, water, water filtration systems.

But as you saw when our cameras went into the community -- and we were in some of the harshest hit parts of Port-au-Prince -- nothing is getting there. The only aid workers we saw was on that rooftop, and those guys were from Martinique. It must exist, but there's a disconnect when it touches down here at the airport and when it reaching to folks we went out and saw today.

VAN SUSTEREN: Griff, the problem that we -- the problem that we confronted yesterday was the fact there was congestion in the airspace, or at least on the ground, that planes weren't -- had no place to park and they couldn't take off and -- and a lot of them didn't have fuel to take off. Has that problem on the ground with the airport ended, so planes can land and take off?

JENKINS: Well, it's gotten better. Let me offer that. It certainly was congested. But since we've been at the airport -- you can probably hear the planes behind me. It's a steady flow of planes coming in. And I believe that the U.S. military has taken a stronger lead, at this point, at getting more of those planes in.

The Samaritan's Purse plane that I tried to get on starting at 2:00 o'clock this morning -- and I left in the Turks and Caicos to get on a Coast Guard to get in here -- did finally get in here late today. That's a good sign because they were afraid they were being held out. So things have improved with that regard.

VAN SUSTEREN: Griff, thank you.

All right, now, this picture -- it says it all. You are looking at Frank Procaccini, reunited with his family shortly after midnight this morning at JFK airport after surviving the earthquake in Haiti. Frank is a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. He was in Haiti with his church when the quake struck.

Frank, nice to see you. And boy, that picture -- must have been quite an experience seeing your family this morning, or at least around midnight. Was it not?

FRANK PROCACCINI, SURVIVED EARTHQUAKE IN HAITI: It was amazing because what we went through, I'm so glad I'm able to come home and see my family. It was devastating there. And we were -- God was watching out for us. There was no doubt about it. If he wasn't there, we wouldn't be here now.

VAN SUSTEREN: When did you arrive in Haiti?

PROCACCINI: We arrived Saturday afternoon with 30 suitcases of supplies for orphanages, hospitals, clinics and many other places that we visited.

VAN SUSTEREN: And how long did you intend to stay when you arrived on Saturday?

PROCACCINI: Oh, we were supposed to stay until this Saturday coming. I guess tomorrow, we would be home at night. And we had many more places to visit, but of course, it was cut short.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, where were you when the earthquake hit and what did you see?

PROCACCINI: We were very lucky. If you went by our itinerary, we were supposed to -- that was the only place we would have survived. Every other place, we would have been inside a building that I know 90 percent of them are collapsed now. So we were in an open field, in an orphanage. Picture it as a soccer field and an orphanage in the corner with a 12-foot wall all the way around to protect the children. And luckily, we were in that field and we were able to avoid all of the buildings that were collapsing around us by being in that open field. That was our only time that that earthquake would have not killed us.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, I take it you had to leave behind all the children in the orphanage when you returned to the United States.

PROCACCINI: Yes. They're all fine. And yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Who is taking care of them?

PROCACCINI: Pastor Ronald LeFranc (ph) is the leader down there. He's a pastor. And he takes care of the children, and he had some aides taking care of the children in the orphanage. He runs a big church in Bon Repot (ph). And unfortunately, his house got damaged, so -- it's beyond repair. He can't even go back and live in it.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Frank, adults -- you know, you think they can handle these things, you know, pretty well, I mean, as well as can be expected. But you know, we're protective of children. The children in this orphanage -- I mean, what -- how are they? And what did you say to them?

PROCACCINI: Well, they're 4 to 14 years old. They were totally in shock. But we grabbed the most of them and took them to the middle of the field. And we comforted them as best we could while the waves of the earthquake was coming upon us. It was almost like a sea of Jell-o. We were actually rolling up and down. And the school bus on the property was actually rolling. I thought it was going to tip over a couple times. But all you could say to them is, Relax, stay calm, and try give them love and do the best you can with them to try to keep them safe.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, it -- but when I think of it, the orphanage - - I mean, these kids have already been dealt a really lousy hand. They're in an orphanage, you know? They're not home, you know, with parents and siblings and everything. They're in a orphanage. And now their country has been turned upside-down, devastated. And -- and that's not the only orphanage in Haiti.

PROCACCINI: Yes. True. It's definitely true, but thanks to Pastor Ronald LeFranc and his congregation, they take care of those children pretty well. Unfortunately, right now, things are devastated, and it's more like we have to build him back so he can take care of his thousand parishioners in his church.

Most people now in that area are living in his church, and he's trying to get food in for them, so -- on the other hand, too, we did not want to leave, but unfortunately, we were -- we knew we were in his way of taking care of his own ministry. He was worrying about us and also trying to worry about his own ministry and those children. So we knew we had to kind of get out of his way. But I would have still been there helping him to this minute.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I suspect you'll go back some day and help. Thank you, Frank.

PROCACCINI: Thank you.

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