FBI and CDC investigating suspicious deaths, illnesses in Dominican Republic
Dominican officials dismiss deaths as coincidences; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 20, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Emily Compagno, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”
Fox News alert, a high stakes meeting with President Trump and congressional leaders just wrapping up at the White House as tensions escalate between the U.S. and Iran. Less than one week after the U.S. accused Iran of using mines to attack oil tankers, Iran now admitting it shot down an unmanned U.S. navy drone last night. Iran claiming the drone violated its air space. The U.S. adamant it was flying over international waters. President Trump not mincing words when asked about it earlier.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: Iran made a big mistake. This drone was in international waters, clearly we have it all documented.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How will you respond?
TRUMP: You'll find out.
TRUMP: You'll find out. I have a feeling that it was a mistake made by somebody that shouldn't have been doing what they did. I find it hard to believe it was intentional, if you want to know the truth. I think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it. This is a new fly in the ointment what happened shooting down the drone, and this country will not stand for it.
WATTERS: Lawmakers on both sides offerings warnings of escalating tensions.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I think it's a dangerous situation. The high tension wires are up in the region. We have to be strong and strategic about how we protect our interests. We also cannot be reckless in what we do. I don't think the president wants to go to war. There's no appetite for going to war in our country.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So here's what Iran needs to get ready for, severe pain. We're not going to let them disrupt navigation of the seas, attack our allies and U.S. interests without paying a price. So if they're itching for a fight, they're going to get one.
WATTERS: All right. Lindsey Graham also said this was a defining moment of the Trump presidency, Dana. It's a $180 million drone, you don't want to go to war, but you've got to do something. What do you think is going to happen?
DANA PERINO, HOST: It's a dramatic escalation by the Iranians, for sure. It's one thing -- earlier in the week they sabotaged some oil tankers of other -- not U.S. ships, but it still U.S. interests as the president was saying today. So you escalate that when you hit a U.S. drone, $180 million, and that's real money. It was unmanned.
PERINO: I don't know if the Iranians knew that.
PERINO: But had it been manned, then today might have been a very different story, right? So that's what I'm saying like dramatic escalation. We've been here before with Iran, going back even to Ronald Reagan days, operation praying mantis. I don't know if you remember that, but I actually knew a little bit about it.
The difference between then and now is we have something -- we've talked about the show before, but we don't actually -- you're not able to see this weapon and that is cyber, cyber capabilities. Iran is actually pretty good, and we are better. So it could be -- when the president asked how you respond, he says you'll soon find out. I wouldn't be surprised if the United States had in some way already responded but in a way that you can't see. In a way that might be crippling to some part of the -- like send a message.
PERINO: My last thing before we take it on the table is, I -- even if it was unintentional, the president saying they didn't really mean to do it, I think that's giving them an off ramp, diplomatic offer, like you don't really want to do this, Iran, do you? Because we don't want war, but you can't do this to us. But still someone did it.
PERINO: And in the power structure that is Iran, I'd be very surprised if the higher ups didn't know about it.
WATTERS: Yes. And someone has to be held accountable. Juan, so we've already hit Iran with crippling sanctions, the Trump administration really knocked out their banking sector as well, their exports of oil, I think, off about 50 percent. Their economy is shrinking. So you think they're just lashing out at the United States to try to divide the Europeans from America just to try to create some sort of wedge there?
JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Well, this is an important point that you're making, Jesse, because we need the allies at this juncture. Remember, the allies stayed in the Iran deal when the United States, under President Trump, withdrew. And right now a lot of those allies blame the United States for having created this crisis by putting so much pressure on the Iranians that we no longer control the levers of pressure, as we can't up the sanctions because the sanctions are already at a maximum point.
Now, the problem today is the president, I think, is in an intriguing political position. The politics of this is he ran as an American first guy.
WILLIAMS: And he's a guy who says, you can -- you know, the negative -- the critics might say he's an isolationist. Others might say he's looking for America's interests first and he's been very clear, enough with these wars and America getting involved with wars, and America intervention. We already have a war in Afghanistan as Nancy Pelosi said. You say it on the side.
She said you know what? There's no appetite on the part of the American people for another war. And I think President Trump is in that company. But I'm not sure about John Bolton, his national security adviser. I'm not sure about the Pentagon. When you hire generals, you know, it's like hiring a hammer to ask you what to do with the nail. It says hit the nail.
WATTERS: I don't know if every general would agree with that.
WILLIAMS: But I think that what we have here is today the president saying, you know what, Iran, you made a big mistake messing with the big boy, the United States. And in the other hand, he comes out and said, well, it could have been just somebody made a mistake. And so I think lots of people here dissident ideas about what's in the president's mind.
WATTERS: Well, there's a lot of things you can do short of war, and that's where we turn to our global affairs analyst, Greg Gutfeld.
WATTERS: Greg, what do you think about todays --
GUTFELD: -- with Iran for over four decades. To your point though, I don't think there's a contrast -- there's a contradiction. Trump always offers that off ramp. He did that with North Korea. He turns up the heat under the pot and then he offer a way out.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: Iran feels so old to me. It's the neighbor down the block that has always been there. We always had an issue with that neighbor. But nothing really ever happens. You know it's been going on since 1979, nothing ever changes. And I'm going to steal my talking point from our prompter operator who said as I was leaving. This is now just a video game. And I think that's good news.
We're now in a time where it doesn't matter how large your population is because the population is no longer expendable in war. It's now about the machines that you have. Drones are now replacing bones, Jesse.
GUTFELD: Yes, I like to do rhyming there. So it would be stuff versus stuff. Fortunately for us, we have the best stuff. And if we have the stuff up there, doesn't matter what they have down there. We control them. If we have a sky of drones -- so then, how do you retaliate, right? How do you retaliate to something that isn't human?
Like, you know, they took $160 million worth of machinery from us. We have to do that, which means either hitting some parts of their navy or refineries or whatever. You retaliate with machines. But I think it's good news, because I think we're moving away from hurling bodies at bodies. That's a good --
PERINO: Can I disagree slightly?
GUTFELD: No, you can't, Dana. This is my time.
PERINO: I know, but we want to get Emily in.
PERINO: I just have one point. Iran, for so long, they actually have been using civilians.
PERINO: They're the largest state sponsor of terrorism. And terrorist don't go after nation states, they go after individual.
GUTFELD: But that's the big threat. That the big threat is not state, but these rogue thing are either sponsored by them. They had an ISIS thing that we didn't cover in Pittsburgh.
WATTERS: Yeah, we had a Syrian refugee who was allowed admittance into this country, and then he was just arrested for plotted a very serious attack --
GUTFELD: They're still here.
WATTERS: -- in Pittsburgh. All right, Emily?
EMILY COMPAGNO: We should all be deeply concerned at the audacity of this. This drone, obviously, is almost a $2 billion platform. It's also not stealth. It is the size of a 747, which means that their argument, oh, it was in our airspace, absolutely not, because it isn't stealth. So, of course, it was in international airspace because otherwise it would be totally obvious.
Clearly, they're escalating their message internally, they're provoking us, and they probably don't think that we're going to respond with strength. And there's many ways that we can do so. Obviously, Dana outlined the cyber capabilities, which is crucial because that kind of trigger the international media exposure, which is so important in these kinds of responses.
But there's also the treasury department, they can ramp up their capabilities of choking off the elicit financial mechanisms that support the IRGC. And that's the biggest point here, by the way, is the IRGC.
And also, it would behoove us to utilize our support network in Yemen and Syria, and those neighboring countries in terms of -- any type of actions up to aggressive action to kind of targeting those supported networks.
WATTERS: Yeah, and we can sell a lot of arms to the enemy --
WILLIAMS: Hold on, hold on --
WILLIAMS: I just worry --
WILLIAMS: I'm being behooved at this moment.
GUTFELD: I had a behooved moment.
GUTFELD: Thank you. Thank you. You know what happened today in the senate is the senate blocked the Trump administration from selling arms to Saudi Arabia, Emily. And I think -- and you've got to understand, there's concern that the U.S. would use Saudi Arabia, which is the Iranian's enemy, local enemy, as a proxy in that war.
But, of course, the Saudis had used our technology to bomb innocent people in Yemen and others, and the Saudis have a problem with the assassination of Khashoggi. This is so complicated and it's so explosive.
PERINO: But there's a big meeting on Tuesday. Remember the Jared Kushner meeting that is all the Middle East getting together to talk about Mid-east peace. But now they're all be together which is not bad, so you can have diplomacy.
WATTERS: All right. Hopefully diplomacy works in the situation.
GUTFELD: Do you really hope that? Do you really, Jesse?
PERINO: Ask me that.
WILLIAMS: You'll be behooved me, Jesse.
WATTERS: I would. OK.
WATTERS: Joe Biden refusing to apologize for remarks he made about his previous work with segregationists. Greg breaks it down next.
GUTFELD: So it begins. After Joe Biden pointed that to working with segregationists Democrats, Dana, as an example of civility that no longer exists. The knives of the new, improved Democrats came out.
SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J.: Vice President Biden shouldn't need this lesson. And at a time when we have in the highest offices in the land, divisiveness, racial hatred, and bigotry being spewed, he should have the sensitivity to know that this is a time I need to be an ally, I need to be a healer, I need to not engage in usage of words that will harm folks.
SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: To coddle the reputation of segregationists of people who, if they had their way, I would literally not be standing here as a member of the United States Senate is I think -- it's just -- it's misinformed and it's wrong.
GUTFELD: What a message to Democrats. Don't work with other Democrats. Biden's response?
JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: Apologize for what? Cory should apologize. He knows better. There's not a racist bone in my body. I've been involved in civil rights my whole career, period, period, period.
GUTFELD: Period. So is Biden a racist? No. Does Cory or Kamala think he's a racist? No. Do they care that he's not a racist? No. Is it all about taking him out? Yes. Look everyone, even Spartacus knows what Joe actually meant, that he can work with anyone, even people who held terrible ideas. That's the point.
Because, eventually, progress gets made and the proof is they aren't around anymore. But such truths don't matter. If there's one thing we can learn from the Dems and their media overlords, power lies in misinterpreting words in their very worst light. Meaning if I can twist what you say into something evil, you bet I will. That's why everything you say is magically taken out of context and recast as negative and awful. It's why jokes are taken as literal facts. And a patriotic message on a red hat is called hate speech.
It's where voicing a need for a border makes you a Nazi because Nazis are now just historical conveniences. Thanks to the modern smear machine, anything you say can and will be used against you, not in the court of law, but in their own twisted court of public opinion. But I don't feel too bad for Joe. He did the very same thing when he smeared Trump in his campaign launch video. Remember that?
And now Biden's own party is doing him in. It's no surprise. If the leftist wing can casually smear anyone, then karma is always a stench.
Wanted to use the other word but I didn't. I said stench. In case you forgot, Joe has done this to other people. This is what he said about Republicans.
BIDEN: Unchain Wall Street. It's going to put you all back in chains.
GUTFELD: So what's good for the goose is --
PERINO: Good for the gander.
GUTFELD: Yes. You know what a gander is?
GUTFELD: It's a male goose.
PERINO: It's a male goose, yes. We googled that.
GUTFELD: Yes. Thoughts?
PERINO: Remember -- when Biden said that, it was about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, so not too long ago, but it feels like a little bit of a lifetime ago. Joe Biden has basically been on a script since he launched his campaign. Like, there's not been a lot of interviews. Kept the press at little bit at bay. And it's been hard for the other Democrats to figure out how can we take him down. They're finding their moment, and you can bet that this is going to be a big topic next week.
And he's got to keep answering things like this over and over again. His pitch for himself is that I am the experienced one, I have the temperament that you want, and I am a moderate deal cutter. That might work in a general election. But would it work with these other Democrats and the primary voters? I don't know.
GUTFELD: OK, Juan, two questions. It doesn't seem to me that Kamala or Cory are playing for Biden's V.P spot? Two, do you think that Biden's toast? Or do you think he could be able to withstand this?
WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know what the time frame as you mean -- do I think he wins the nomination?
WILLIAMS: I think it's too early to say, although the poll show consistent support particularly from black voters. So, I think a lot of this may be an effort to undermine his standing with black voters who associate him with President Obama. I think that affirms a point you made in the monologue.
But I will say this, that this is a time of interesting racial discussions in the country. You have that white supremacist group outside the Trump rally, the other day you had hearings on reparations, president refuses to apologize for the Central Park Five --
GUTFELD: Why should he?
WILLIAMS: Which was terrible. Those people were found not guilty. He wanted the death penalty, Greg.
GUTFELD: You think they're innocent?
WILLIAMS: Look, let's not get into that --
GUTFELD: Come on.
WILLIAMS: I do think they're innocent.
GUTFELD: Oh, I don't. I disagree.
WILLIAMS: Because I think that forensic --
GUTFELD: You brought it up, Juan.
WILLIAMS: I did and I'm speaking to you. OK. And then this weekend, the Democrats are in South Carolina where, again, a high percentage of the Democratic voters are black. So, to me, this is like the good and the bad Biden. I think it was terrible judgment on his part to use this as an example of how he works with people that he may have disagreements with. But Joe is 76. He's been around a long time. He had to work with segregationists. Now, I don't think this is any terrible sin. What's the big deal to me?
GUTFELD: OK. So, Jesse, this is the contradiction, it's a gaffe, but he was trying to prove a point, which is that I'm choosing the worse example to prove a point. That I can work with the worst example
WATTERS: Yeah. Remember, he cut his teeth in the good old boys club days in the Senate in the 70's and the 80's. The fact that he actually served in the Senate with segregationists shows you how long he's been in politics. The guy he's talking about, this guy Eastman from -- Eastman from Mississippi, the Democrat, was born in 1904.
And so he gets in there in the early 70's, and he has to work with these people. And their positions on segregation, they ended up changing and growing and evolving --
WILLIAMS: Eastland?
WATTERS: Yes. And a lot of these people in the Democrat Party at the end of their career saw the light and what is the right thing to do with segregation. And Joe was there for that. And Joe was a civil rights pioneer for that. But what the people are trying doing now are they're saying they're trying to impose like a 2019 morality on the reality of a 1972 America. And you can't do that. And I don't doubt the sincerity of Kamala or Cory, but it looks kind of opportunistic. It looks like a cheap shot.
And as you said, this is going to be a fight for black voters in the Democrat Party. They make up 25 percent of Democrat primary voters. So it's no surprise that those two people are trying to peel away the black support. But I don't it's going to hurt him with black voters.
He just got a slew of endorsements in South Carolina today. I think people trust Joe. He was the V.P. for the first black president. Second black president if you include Bill Clinton.
GUTFELD: But Bill Clinton would. Emily, I have a theory that the Democrats have run out of Republicans to call racists, so they're returning to the people who invented it, the Democrats.
COMPAGNO: Yeah, that's a good theory. I think it will be interesting to see the level -- what outweighs what. So what is more important to the African-American community, the association with President Obama, that administration, or these kinds of gaffes. I think it does beg the question though, like in what world did that comment benefit the either African- American community or the 18 to 49-year-old demographic which he needs so desperately?
And I think, if anything, it does continue to relay the fact that he's out of touch with current times even if you can argue why are we imposing today's morality on 1972 or 76, or whatever, because it's relevant. And quick secondary point, that I think it's really telling that his staffers are coming out after the fact and anonymously reporting to multiple news sources, ah, we're telling him not to say those gaffes and like, we're telling him not to say these things. Because, sure, it's self-preservation for them, but it's also telling that it's potentially a dysfunctional and maybe unhappy campaign.
WATTERS: Didn't Hillary praise Robert Byrd, clansman, use the N-word deep into his Senate career, and she didn't get hit like that. So it's interesting that Biden is the one getting hit here.
GUTFELD: All right. Dominican Republic health officials now saying the death of several American tourists is, quote, fake news. We'll tell you why, next.
COMPAGNO: Fox News has now confirmed that an 11th person has died in the Dominican Republic. This comes as Dominican health officials lashed out at recent reports exposing the death of nearly a dozen American tourists while visiting their country. Officials calling it, quote, fake news and hysteria aimed at hurting the country's tourism. Meanwhile, the FBI is reportedly analyzing alcohol samples from at least one hotel mini bar from a popular resort in the country to see if tainted booze is to blame for a string of tourist deaths.
OK. So you guys, government officials are using the hashtag be fair to D.R. to combat this, what they call as I've just said, hysteria. You can argue however one life is one life too many, and tourism makes up 17 percent of their economy. It's not like it's 99. So how do we respond to that? Greg?
GUTFELD: I like that. The D.R. needs a D.R. Look, I don't think the Dominican Republic wants -- they shouldn't be the mayor from Jaws, you know. You want to be Roy Snyder. So it's like -- you don't want to diminish a problem, you want to solve the problem. And the media, I think, can help by shining a spotlight but they can hurt, because the early stages of all this -- nobody knows what's going on, so I sympathize with the Dominican Republic in that.
It's not all hysteria as the lower third says, but there is some hysteria in this fog of war can make -- everybody is rearranging the words to different equations without actually getting at the truth. And I think “The Five” should go and do on location show at the D.R.
WATTERS: Oh, lift the boycott.
GUTFELD: Yes. Jesse has got to lift the boycott.
WATTERS: If it's all expenses paid, I'm in.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, but don't drink from the mini bar, Jesse.
GUTFELD: What a principle boycott.
COMPAGNO: I got an ear infection the last time I was there from swimming - -
PERINO: Oh, that's it. Boycott the D.R.
GUTFELD: I sympathize with them because a lot of stuff isn't true, but there is something there that they have to solve. They have to solve.
WILLIAMS: It's their part of it. It's their responsibility.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
WILLIAMS: I don't think they have been transparent.
WILLIAMS: I don't think they've been clear with people about what's going on. So then, you know, it's like people then fill the void with rumors and supposition -- we all agree -- we've said on this show, you know, it's a small percentage of the total number of visitors that go to the Dominican Republic.
So I don't think we've been unfair. But I do think - and I'm not speaking for, Jesse--
GUTFELD: Jesse, has been--
WILLIAMS: --rest of us. But I do think it's to me like - for example, on this David Ortiz shooting thing, now you not saying, "Oh, it wasn't David Ortiz. It was a target, I think. Are you guys covering something up here? That don't feel right to me.
So - but it's to me it's like Malaysia and the missing plane. The answer is with the Malaysian government. I think, again, the Dominican government should not be to use your analogy. Should be more Roy Scheider and not the Mayor.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
WATTERS: Well, I find it very distasteful that they're using a phrase like "Fake News". Just because you don't agree with something, that doesn't mean it's fake. Where did they get that from?
GUTFELD: I don't know, Jesse.
WATTERS: Really, really they're responsible of them. So as I've been saying, I believe this is a Caribbean inside job. This is tourism terrorism. Sabotage some would say. I looked up the numbers and what did I find? The DR brings in about 6.18 million international tourists a year.
The #1 Caribbean tourist destination in the Caribbean. Close second Cuba and then fourth Puerto Rico. So main suspects, we know. No hear me out.
WILLIAMS: All right.
GUTFELD: I don't want to hear you out.
WATTERS: The guy from the agency in the DR actually said this. This was a tourism attack.
GUTFELD: OK. All right.
WATTERS: The PR - Puerto Rico, was just hit by a devastating storm, they're losing out on a lot of tourism dollars, suspect #1. Suspect #2, we have Cuba. Now as you know, Obama opened up that island. Then Trump came in and closed it, so that window has shrunk.
GUTFELD: Thanks Obama.
WATTERS: They are desperate for dollars there. Those are my two main suspects. And we're going to keep this investigation open.
GUTFELD: Obama--
COMPAGNO: Oh, my god, its--
GUTFELD: You left of Haiti.
WATTERS: And they share a border with Haiti - also very alarming.
WILLIAMS: Are you serious?
WATTERS: Juan, people are dying.
WILLIAMS: No, no, I know. But you are serious?
COMPAGNO: Dana, in the library Colonel Mustard would we get hyper or whatever, clearly.
PERINO: With the mini bottle of Scott.
WATTERS: Just wait till this plays out. You will see.
PERINO: I would be interested in who the PR firm is that they hired, it bet they're American and that would be fine. Right? I'm good. This is American jobs we're talking about.
The other thing is, not only is the government - just take a little semblance of "We'll check it out - well check it out. We don't think there's a thing. But we'll check it". But instead it's just like--
WATTERS: There is denial.
PERINO: --and you had without one billionaire from down there saying it's actually Americans who cannot handle alcohol or all you can buffet.
COMPAGNO: Don't test us.
PERINO: Right.
COMPAGNO: There is a total spectrum of response besides staunch denial and be fair to DR and absolutely not, and we'll check into it, and we're sorry for your loss.
GUTFELD: You're a lawyer. What do the families get? I mean what rights they have? What can they do with this government? Like if it was my - my relative died there, what can I do?
COMPAGNO: Well, it depends. First of all, they need the information that the government hasn't released - though - so then after that then we'll find out. But it basically has to do with whatever that method of death is.
And there can certainly be civil suits against the resorts--
COMPAGNO: --if there is some--
PERINO: Yes. I'm sorry Emily. They're telling me that we need to take Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States speaking right now.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: --Iranian attack on an American asset that is in doubt as to who motivated it in terms of was it officially sanctioned or a rogue attack. Whatever it is, it was Iranian. How we go forward from here has to be strategic and smart and close in alliance with our allies. We have common interests in the region.
We know that the high tension wires are up there, and we must do everything we can not to escalate this situation, but also to make sure that our personnel in the region are safe.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you're pushing for - if they were to launch a military action an AUMF that would be--
PELOSI: I think that one thing that I can say, and I am just talking generally. But in terms of what I can say about the meeting - because it was a classified meeting in terms of what we were told.
But, on every occasion that we are engaged with the Administration in terms of our national security, we make it very clear that in order to get engaged in any military activities we must have a new Authorization of Use of Military Force, AUMF.
That is clear in our Caucus. I think even among some Republicans, but I certainly do not speak for them, but also, with our Democratic colleagues in the United States Senate.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Madam Speaker, are you personally convinced, based on the intelligence you've seen, that this was an Iranian attack on an American asset, operating legally in international airspace?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you received any sort of response for your request for a second all-Member briefing?
PELOSI: Well, they have said that they will do that, but the briefing we had this morning, for the time that I was there, they had increased the number of people who were in the meeting to be briefed and, therefore, they had decreased the level of information that they gave us.
At one point, they then cleared the room, but by then I had - we had our gun safety event, that I had to be at. So, I don't know what they gave after I left. But it was well into the briefing.
So, what will they give to a broader group? I don't know how much more than is in the public domain. But, nonetheless, we want to be current and we want the confirmation of it and, that is, that our Members of Congress who have to make decisions are fully briefed on what the prospects are and what the possibilities are and what the choices are.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does the Administration agree that the AUMF does not provide a legal rationale for an attack on Iran?
PELOSI: No, they didn't say anything. They didn't say yes. They didn't say no. We just made our statements.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Madam Speaker, you're talking about de-escalation, are you advocating a particular action to--
PELOSI: No. No, I don't know what array of options that the Department of Defense has given to the President. He knows, but he did not share that with us.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Speaker Pelosi, Senator McConnell said that the Administration reaction would be measured. Is that your -
PELOSI: I hope that's right, I hope that's right. And - we try to - look, there are three things to remember. We must - this is a dangerous situation. We're dealing with a country that is a bad actor in the region. We have no illusions about Iran in terms of their ballistic missile transfers, about who they support in the region and the rest. So, we have an untrustworthy adversary, A.
The high-tension wires are up in the region for a lot of different reasons, some bilateral in the region, some multilateral in the region, some religious - whatever it is, the high-tension wires are up.
And third, we must act in a way that does de-escalate and does not escalate the tensions and the situation there. And again, I come right back to where I began that phrase, we must be fully engaged with our allies as we go forward.
I'm hopeful that you're right about what Senator McConnell said about what the President's response might be, but I have no idea. They may have had their own conversations, but that's - that would measured by what measure, we'll see. But it is--
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you confident the White House will consult the Congress before taking any action in Iran?
PELOSI: I cannot really predict what actions the White House will take. They did consult with us today or informed us. We had the opportunity to share our thoughts with the Administration. The President said we'll have more meetings like this. I don't know what the sequence of that would be. Thank you.
PERINO: All right. That was Speaker Nancy Pelosi. This is after the White House invited several members of Congress leaders - leadership on from both sides of the aisle to the White House Situation Room in which - in a meeting that the President participated in.
Basically she's saying, she wants to continue to be fully briefed, remain fully engaged with our allies. The other thing, I think, is interesting she said, "We recognize, we are not dealing with a responsible adversary and we need to do everything in our power to deescalate. It's a dangerous high attention situation".
But in situations like this, Jesse, I will just go to for a quick comment. That you can see bipartisanship, because this is when you're actually being attacked by an enemy.
WATTERS: Yes. Iran is one of the few countries in the entire world that kind of brings Republicans and Democrats together on Capitol Hill when it comes to a threat. And she sounded hawkish for Nancy Pelosi. Obviously, we want to consult with our allies. We want to deescalate.
We need congressional approval. But I thought that was a pretty strong statement from the Speaker and I think she articulated the threat that that Iran poses with ballistic missile transfers and the export of terrorism.
But I know that there's - people understand that this is not going to lead to war. Gas prices are not going to go through the roof. The market was up today. I think you're going to see a slow response, a sharp response, and we'll turn the page.
PERINO: Perhaps targeted. Juan, one of the things she did say there, and this has been a bone of contention on Capitol Hill. Since 2001 when the Authorization to Use Military Force was provided to then President George W. Bush, she's saying now, that she thinks that the administration needs to come to Congress to ask for another one.
Republicans have, in general, been reluctant to do that. Do you think that will be something they try to deal with in the next couple weeks before the July 4th recess?
WILLIAMS: I don't know that we have weeks. I think this is an urgent situation. So they're going to have to do something in short order. The problem is, I think both sides - it's not just Republicans or Democrats, are reluctant to say, "I signed on to this at a time when most the American public does not want war".
So I thought Pelosi was highly responsible. I think she showed that we do have a united front here at a time when we have polarized politics in the United States. In terms of response, though, the options - and she said that they did not delineate in that meeting what the options are.
Dana, earlier in this program you spoke about you know retaliating inside Iran. I think they may think - wait a minute--
PERINO: With cyber capability.
WILLIAMS: Yes. What - but here's another option. Iran, because they are a player in terms of terrorism in that region, they have assets in Syria. We could take out their assets there. We could put flags on America - on ships that aren't American ships, put American flag and say if you attack that ship, well, then you really have crossed the line. We can, in other words, set the terms of engagement.
PERINO: And I think in United States we have a government where we try to be as open as possible, but of course, they can't tell us what all the options are. The President needs to preserve those for himself.
We'll move on. We'll come right back. And we're going to have this for you. Humans have started growing horns on their skulls and your cellphone is to blame. The alarming study, next.
WILLIAMS: We've heard the warnings before of how using your smartphone too much can cause health issues. Well wait until you hear this one. New research suggests that over using handheld devices is now causing humans to grow horns on their skulls. Yes, horns.
According to the study, the frequent forward tilting of the head is causing younger people to develop horn like bone spurs on the back of their skulls just above your neck. I'm going to go to you my young friend. How you're feeling today?
WATTERS: One of the reasons I got that luxurious chair in my office, Greg--
WATTERS: That produces perfect erect posture like this, and I don't have to hunch and grow horns like you will in your cheap chair. I also have a solution to this issue. My assistant Johnny will be carrying around my phone now.
I will not be hunching. I will be saying Johnny did I get any e-mails? He will then relay them to me and I will say you type this back and he will then punch the numbers. He will be the one growing horns and I will say--
PERINO: So it's going to be he elites will be able to avoid the horns.
WATTERS: The elites will have - yes. Yes, they will have little phone minions, so they don't have to grow horns.
WATTERS: So, Greg, you're always on the edge of tech and I want to ask you what you think about this.
GUTFELD: Well, OK, before I - well, I think Dana - it was going to blow this part.
PERINO: I have breaking news.
GUTFELD: But I want to say this, we talk about our - we have a relationship with technology. I don't think it's a relationship anymore. I think it's a communion. I think that we have cyborged.
Like - this - even though the phone isn't connected to us, we have all the knowledge ever in the world in our hand and it's changing us and we will evolve 50 - 500 - 50,000 years probably 50,000 - we will look different.
WATTERS: I thought the world was going to end in 12.
GUTFELD: Only for a few people - perhaps you.
WILLIAMS: But I just want to reiterate your point, because I think it's not only that is changing us, but especially our children. I think children are growing up with this and its having some unintended consequences.
GUTFELD: There in the front of this. I think it'll take a few more generations before they look like robots.
WILLIAMS: Before we continue - Dana head breaking news.
PERINO: It was breaking news. I had to look at reason.com every way so check it out. Robby Soave - right?
PERINO: Robby Soave - Robby Soave.
GUTFELD: Rico Suave--
PERINO: Yes. Now, that's a great way to remember it, Robby. OK. So he's just written a piece and saying that story about kids growing horns because of smartphone's is fake news.
PERINO: --is a fake news. He says that actually the study wasn't saying that the posture is changing because of the phone, but that has been over a long period of time, including books and the way that you are was sitting at your desk.
And he said, I perused the studies in question that most researchers offered educated guesses that new technology has something to do with it. But the underlying research does not show that.
WATTERS: So you're saying the "Washington Post" got the study wrong?
PERINO: That's what Robby Soave is saying. And I trust it.
WATTERS: Fake news "Washington Post", I say. They get that wrong and lot of the other stuff wrong about this White House.
WILLIAMS: OK. All right.
COMPAGNO: I thought it was interesting that in the coverage it was also making the point that this could mirror the movement in the 70s which was kind of putting in floss and brushing your teeth on the front burner. Now we all obviously do it as a - it's all part of our regimen.
That now erect posture and that kind of--
WATTERS: We didn't use to brush and floss in the 70s--
COMPAGNO: Before that it wasn't as mainstream and widespread. And that this will hopefully be that kind of campaign where whether it's books or technology, we all kind of decompressing the line our spines after day's work - whatever.
And it also just reminded me of "Shallow Hal" remember that where he had the tone--
COMPAGNO: That tail, I mean?
WATTERS: You did know - now when you guys read this story today, did all of you go like this?
PERINO: Oh, yes.
WATTERS: Did you feel it? Did you feel anything?
PERINO: Well, I - and I spend a lot of money going out to Pilates, to make sure this is - I don't get one.
WATTERS: Yes, it releases that.
COMPAGNO: I was born with mine. I just have like--
PERINO: Oh, it's already started. You're the youngest.
WILLIAMS: All right, all right.
PERINO: All right. We have another story.
WILLIAMS: Yes, we do. So check out this story. A new product could soon make flying on airplanes even more crowded. At the Paris Air Show, this very week, a saddle like seat was introduced. But instead of sitting down, passengers would lean on a seat cushion that resembles a bike seat with their legs hanging down, sort of like when you're riding a horse.
Legroom on most flights is only 31 inches. Now with the new seats, it would drop down to 23. So Emily, what about it? Would you do it?
COMPAGNO: Well, I'm tiny, so I can fit like anywhere, so I would try anything if it was like a dare. But I don't want to, because I use the flights to sleep. I have to have enough space to like curl up and I don't think hanging like roller-coaster style sounds very cool.
WILLIAMS: But what if it's cheaper?
COMPAGNO: No, it's not worth it.
WATTERS: Did you see that? Did you see that?
GUTFELD: Locking the window.
WILLIAMS: No, no, talk to the hand. So you wouldn't say - you'd say no even if the last seat on the flight out of Seattle and you say no I'm not doing it.
PERINO: For six hours no way.
COMPAGNO: I mean, like - I mean if - of course, like circumstance - if I had to, if like the whole world is (inaudible), no.
GUTFELD: OK. Can I do the fake news now? OK. This story comes around every year. It's like that 4-day work week story we do. And the four-day workweek never comes, because no one wants to go first.
Nobody - no airline wants to go first with this, because it's so - the posture is so demoralizing when it's - when you're looking at other - it's going to actually have literal class warfare. First class, tourist class, and this is the steerage.
Air travel provides the starkest example of inequality. You know that feeling you get when you walk past first - that feeling? That is the feeling that causes revolutions.
WATTERS: Especially if you are famous.
GUTFELD: You will now that one day.
WATTERS: Well, like "Watters World" - I will be in the back by the bathroom.
GUTFELD: That's the feeling behind most - that feeling is the envy that drives Marxism and Socialism.
PERINO: Well, that's what - and that's why China - just to change subjects a little bit, I think, is worried about - they have created, because of not doing complete and total communism and having some capitalism - they've created a middle class of hundreds of millions of people. And now they have a little bit of money and now they're mad. Because the Chinese government could take it away from them at any time and there could be a revolution.
GUTFELD: Interesting.
PERINO: Yes, thank you.
WILLIAMS: What do you think, Jesse, what happens when the accountants here find out about this? Well, I be like standing - I will be standing at the Amtrak cafe--
GUTFELD: At least your feet hit the ground. Mine won't.
PERINO: Yes, my neither.
WATTERS: That's true. Well, that's the thing. Like, so you can't even put a blanket on you. Blanket falls off, you can't watch “The Five” on TV, you can't put a tray up to put your little drink there. You're going to be so stiff, you're going to go to the bathroom just to sit down to be comfortable.
GUTFELD: But it's never going to happen.
WILLIAMS: But would you take it, if it was the last flight out?
WATTERS: If it was the last flight, I had to be there, I would.
PERINO: And if it was going to the DR for sure.
WILLIAMS: All right. "One More Thing" is up next. Stay with us.
WATTERS: Time now for "One More Thing". So if you are a cop, you are always on duty, even in Australia.
WATTERS: Check this out. A guy is holding a press conference and a man starts running away, and what does he do? Interrupts his own press conference and tackled him.
WATTERS: Yes, that guy had been very, very rude to someone's daughter and appropriate, so he cuts the press conference short and basically goes low.
GUTFELD: That's a rugby player--
PERINO: Oh, man, he's got to run for Mayor--
WATTERS: Former rugby player, Greg, you are right.
GUTFELD: Yes, you could tell.
WATTERS: Nice form.
WATTERS: Also I'm on "Tucker" tonight, defending my title against Emily Compagno, so tune in to the news quiz tonight at 8:00 o'clock. Dana?
PERINO: Have you been able to get this song out of your head? Listen.
JOHN RICH, AMERICAN SINGER-SONGWRITER: Shut up (shut up) about politics Ain't nothing but a big pile of dirty tricks I'm tired of all the fighting and the [EXPLETIVE] fits So shut up (shut up) about politics.
PERINO: You know you love that song. We love that song. Guess what, America loves this song. So I always look at the USA Today graphics every day in the morning--
GUTFELD: Easy to read, Dana.
PERINO: Easy to read. And here, look at this--
PERINO: We are - it says, "Top Music Downloads, #2", "Shut up about Politics" right there. So you can still get it. All proceeds go to Folds of Honor. We love that song.
Also tomorrow on the country music note, Fox & Friends has their Summer Concert Series, tomorrow the Charlie Daniels band. You don't want to miss that. They are going to be on their tomorrow. It is the 40th anniversary of the song "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".
GUTFELD: Oh, I don't like it song.
PERINO: It's a great song.
GUTFELD: No. No, no, no very - I don't like devils in my music.
WATTERS: That's all you like in your music, Greg.
PERINO: That's all I got.
WATTERS: Go ahead.
GUTFELD: "Animals are Great!"
GUTFELD: As you know I have a house, and I hired a pool boy, even though I don't have a pool.
GUTFELD: But I noticed that some things are missing when I'm not home, so I installed a camera at my pool and look what little, "Reggie Raccoon".
GUTFELD: --my pool boy is being doing. He gets out there. He gets into my ice cream and he also wears my sunglasses. And I'm just absolutely disgusted. And so I don't know how long he's been doing this. But it really - I find it deeply offensive. Look at him. And that is why my friends--
GUTFELD: "Animals are Great!"
WATTERS: Fire the pool boy.
WILLIAMS: All right. All right. So today is kind of a bitter sweet day here at “The Five.” One of our producers, Deb Cote, moving up to Dana Perino show, "The Daily Briefing".
GUTFELD: Moving up?
WILLIAMS: Yes, moving up. And I got to tell you guys Deb's my producer, have been working with me for the past two years. Here we are at the 2018 Major League All-Star Game and here we are at Deb's farewell celebrations. Here is Deb with cupcakes from this show staff earlier today.
GUTFELD: I didn't get that.
WATTERS: Deb has worked for Fox nearly 10 years. She worked on the Huckabee Show, Hannity, before THE FIVE. And I'm going to tell you, she really will be missed. She is terrific. So Deb best wishes and Dana, you lucky girl.
PERINO: Yes, I won the prize. I won the prize.
GUTFELD: You shouldn't be savaging up the shows, but OK.
WATTERS: Yes, stop poaching the talent.
WATTERS: All right, Emily.
COMPAGNO: OK. First, real quick shout out to Jason Doyle, thanks for watching. And secondly, we all know that - remember the Rock of Ages musical (ph) in the start of the movie, whatever - how they - they weren't allowed to use Def Leppard's music.
Because, Def Leppard, which is my favorite band - anything Greg - they refused to let them use the music, because they were like - we don't want to be lumped in with hairbands. It was so funny. But now they have - you go - you should read the New York Times article about it, because the funny quotes of all-time are on it from Joe Elliott.
But basically limited edition, 10th Anniversary celebration of "Rock of Ages" on Broadway, I will obviously be going. I hope you guys--
PERINO: I'm going too, so fun.
GUTFELD: I knew the star who used to do "Red Eye", Constantine Maroulis.
COMPAGNO: Amazing.
PERINO: I want to go to this.
COMPAGNO: --tickets.
PERINO: Nice yes.
COMPAGNO: Let's definitely go.
WATTERS: Charlie Daniels or Def Leppard, what do you think, Greg?
GUTFELD: I don't know.
GUTFELD: Combined them both - Def Daniels.
WATTERS: I'm going to say, I know that "Devil Went Down To Georgia". I do not know--
PERINO: --on me.
WATTERS: That's right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of “The Five.” "Special Report" is up next. Hey, Mike.
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