This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 8, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera, Dana Perino and Tom Shillue. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
Only seven hours left to prevent another government shutdown. The deadline is midnight. We're awaiting an upcoming vote on a spending bill by the Senate. It's expected to pass there but uncertain in the house. Democrats once again stalling on the budget to force a fix over dreamers. Nancy Pelosi pulls a dramatic stunt yesterday, a record-setting eight hours speech on the floor.
HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: So now, we have the first Republican president in modern times, the first president really who is anti-immigrant. We're not asking for something off the wall. It is something that is -- yeah, maybe it's off-the-wall. Maybe the wall is the issue here. The Republican moral cowardice must end. During the night when I was thinking and praying so hard about our dreamers I thought maybe we should just pray all day on the floor of congress. Maybe I should bring my rosary blessed by the Pope.
WATTERS: Did it yield any results? Even Democrats aren't happy with the minority leader's performance. One of Nancy's colleagues fell asleep during the speech. Another unnamed liberal tells Politico, quote, this stunt has nothing to do with protecting vulnerable members who have to take a difficult vote. And here's Congressman Luis Gutierrez.
REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ, D-ILL.: Good for her. I'm happy she's stepping up. I hope now she keeps a fight going. Speeches are great. They're good. They're important and I'm thankful for the speech. But more important is to maintain your principles, maintain your political principles.
WATTERS: All right. Well, this has been said many times before, Kimberly. But I think it's worth repeating. Nancy Pelosi has never stood up that long for veterans, for police officers, for factory workers, for constitutional rights, but when it comes to illegals, she's there for eight hours.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Or for religious freedom.
WATTERS: Or anything.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly. Well, you know, but this just goes to show you where her mind-set is. And it's politics and ideology at all expense. So then, the problem is she comes off as not being a very genuine person, it comes off as sort of, you know, political circus and theatrical. And you lose credibility when you do things like this. So, you know, unfortunately, she's had this reputation for quite some time. She represented my district in San Francisco. (INAUDIBLE) what can I say? Interesting Thanksgiving and Christmas.
WATTERS: I could imagine -- yeah, I feel the same way.
WATTERS: I think it was your influence, Geraldo.
WATTERS: Geraldo, Republicans love this. They say Nancy do a do 16. They want to see more Pelosi. It's a great advertisement. Her face of the Democratic Party. I mean, she is the gift that keeps on giving.
RIVERA: Well, you have to admit it was an impressive physical performance, she outlasted all the guys for the 20th, 21st century. And she did in high heels, so like Ginger Rogers. She did this same thing as Fred Astaire only dancing backwards in high heels.
WATTERS: How do you know Rand Paul wasn't wearing high heels? You don't know that.
RIVERA: For me to couple the budgetary process with the dreamer's plight is a terrible disservice, disservice to the dreamers, to the DACA. You know, to make them the issue, this inflammatory issue, immigration raises the hackles of people on both sides and to make that the headline for the Democrats point of view on the budgetary process is so unfair and so counterproductive. I just think that -- you know I only wish that I was in charge -- getting the dreamers their future secure. I think that Nancy Pelosi did absolutely nothing to further that goal.
WATTERS: And a lot of people in her caucus believe that. They say, you know, you're at the bargaining table. You said this was a good bill and then you're going to vote against it. What was the point of this stunt?
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, that is true. Although, I'm trying to put myself in, maybe, more of a progressive or a dreamers shoe -- high heels even, and looking at it from that perspective. And Nancy Pelosi has been under the gun for a lot of different reasons. Of course, she is public enemy number one for Republicans. And also there's this intergenerational discussion going on with the Democrats, and suggestions that at 77-years-old, she needs to move on. And then she showed them that, actually, I have more stamina than all of you. I'll stand here for eight hours and I will talk about the issue that the most progressive part of our party cares about. So, maybe it doesn't advance the ball legislatively, but perhaps for her politically it does help her in the midterms with that section of her base.
WATTERS: Pretty impressive. Eight hours. Tom, have you ever done anything for eight hours straight?
TOM SHILLUE, GUEST CO-HOST: I mean, it's every day. It's all I do. Eight hours here in Fox News.
SHILLUE: Why is it a record, anyway? I mean, I saw Mr. Smith goes to Washington. He was there for like two days. What's the deal? OK, it's the senate. Ted Cruz did 21 hours and everybody made fun of him.
WATTERS: I know.
SHILLUE: Eight is that impressive?
WATTERS: This stunts have not been working. We've had that Schumer shut down, the Pelosi marathon speech, they've been boycotting the inauguration. Is there something else besides stunt, Kimberly, that the Democrats have?
GUILFOYLE: Every day it's like Ripley's believe it or not. What are they going to do next? I mean, what are they actually getting done? How about helping people and coming to the table and working cooperatively. And I say this, you know, for both sides that everybody needs to do it because the other side has been guilty of the same, so we have to call it out right now. We call it out when we see it from the other side. But let's actually get some traction here and try to do something. Your eight hours are better spent sitting at the table with key members of the other party or with the president and actually trying to work on something. The American people are tired of this dog and pony show. You know, the Pelosi pony show. And the heels -- I mean, come on. Like enough already.
PERINO: But you know about Ted Cruz, too. I mean the Democrats said this is a stunt that will get you nothing. And it didn't get them anything. So elections are the best revenge. I mean, it's the only thing that you can do to get press when you're in the minority is to do a stunt that will help you. And remember, they don't care that they're not getting good press here. They're getting good press back in their districts or on their blogs. That's what matters to them. They're raising more money than Republicans so far. I think that could change in Q1, 2018, after the tax reform bill was in, and Republicans numbers, including the president, is way up compared to then. But for right now, the best thing that they can do is get enough press that they can in their districts, but raise a ton of money and try to win the election. That's the only way that you actually win.
WATTERS: And they're not raising a lot of money. They're in debt on the DNC side. They have a lot of bills to pay. Geraldo, the media is not talking about the split within the Democratic Party. They love to cover splits in the Republican side. But how deep of a split on the left is there over this issue?
RIVERA: Well, the short answer is I don't know that there is a Democratic Party anymore. But I just want to go back to what Kimberly said, how impressive, how surprisingly optimistic was it yesterday when we saw Mitch McConnell agreeing with Chuck Schumer to go forward on a two-year budget deal. Like two years. It's not going to be 10 minutes, it's not going to be two days, two-year budget deal. He (INAUDIBLE) majority leader, the minority leaders standing one after the other, my colleague, my colleague. I said, My God, that's the way it's supposed to work. And then today we're back to this crap again. I just think that.
GUILFOYLE: It's a mirage.
WATTERS: Any last words, Shillue, before we move on?
SHILLUE: I think they going to get something done -- can then go past midnight, can they do a little extension? They always like to bring it to the last minute. OK.
PERINO: Or they could move the clock back?
SHILLUE: Yeah, 11:59 they'll get something done, I think.
WATTERS: All right. Now we're going to turn to the resignation of a top White House aide. Staff secretary, Rob Porter, leaves his post over accusations of domestic abuse by two ex-wives. The latest now from chief White House correspondent, John Roberts.
JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS: Jesse, good afternoon to you. Allegations against Rob Porter have been floating around the White House for some time now, but they reached critical mass on Tuesday night into Wednesday when a photograph -- and let's put it up on the screen for you here. Colbie Holderness who is Rob Porter's first wife was made public. You see her there with a black eye. She told me that she got that black eye on vacation with her husband Rob Porter in Italy, when they had an argument and then he punched her in the eye. She said that she got Porter to take this picture of herself, this is -- when she got the puffy eye right after the hit, she says because she wanted to have evidence that ever happened again. And then she took these photographs herself of her with the bruise and blacken eye. Raj Shah who was filling in for press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that he talked with the president about this, and the president's reaction was that of surprise. Listen here.
WHITE HOUSE PRINCIPAL DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY RAJ SHAH: We all could have done better over the last few hours -- or last few days in dealing with the situation, but, you know, this is a Rob Porter that I and many others have dealt with. That Sarah dealt with. That other officials including the chief of staff have dealt with. And the emerging reports were not reflective of the individual who we have come to know.
ROBERTS: Now, when the White House became aware of this really is a question because Colbie Holderness told me that on January 25, 2017, more than a year ago, she sat down with agents from the FBI who were conducting a background check of Porter in which she laid out to these FBI agents numerous episodes of what she called verbal, emotional, and physical abuse and gave them the pictures that we showed you there on the screen. That background check for his security clearance, Porter's security clearance, should have been completed a long time ago. But Raj Shah said today that because of the fact that Porter denies the allegations against him, it extended that investigation and that that investigation is still not complete.
But we understand at least for a period of time here before Tuesday, the chief of staff John Kelly was aware of this. In a statement that was released early Wednesday afternoon, he offered his full support to Porter saying, quote, Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor and I can't say enough good things about him. He is a friend, a confidant and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him. But when those photographs came out and the world took a look at what had happened to his first wife, chief of staff John Kelly did a dramatic about-face issuing another statement on Wednesday night where he said, quote, I was shocked by the new allegations released today against Rob Porter. There is no place for domestic violence in our society. I stand by my previous comment to the Rob Porter that I've come to know since becoming chief of staff and believe every individual deserves the right to defend their reputation. I accepted his resignation earlier today and will ensure a swift and orderly transition. That first statement that we've showed you, Jesse, was written in part by the White House communications director Hope Hicks who is romantically involved with Rob Porter. The White House said today that Hope Hicks has recused herself from many of the discussion surrounding Porter today. So, we still have not heard from him, Jesse. We don't know his side of the story, but he is still maintaining his innocence in all of this. Jesse.
WATTERS: Well, I don't know -- his side of the story means much when you have a black eye, but ugly situation at the White House.
PERINO: And John Roberts some great reporting on that story all day because -- got to talk to the first wife there. I just to make a point on the process, which I don't know if this White House is different, but let me just give you an example about clearances. So, yes, there is an FBI check if you're going to have a top-secret clearance or a secret clearance or whatever the compartmentalized one is called now, SCI. But, if you're going to be a top White House employee, the White House counsel's office brings you in and there's a one-on-one conversation about you. And it is an uncomfortable conversation. They ask you things that you don't ever want to talk about in public, but it's because they want to make sure that you do not have anything that could hurt the president of the United States. Maybe they did this process. Maybe he didn't think he had anything that would have a problem. But then the FBI knows about it, they alert them. I do think it's a real disservice to the president to not let him be aware of it because then he could have made a decision and avoided a week's worth of this terrible coverage, which looks like some really bad underlying facts with the White House.
RIVERA: I feel awful for Hope Hicks. She's such a wonderful communications director. Got romantically involved with this guy, obviously didn't know his background. But once you hit a woman, you deserve all the shame, all the blame society is going to heap on you.
WATTERS: Yeah, very sad situation. All right. New developments in an ongoing Clinton scandal up next.
GUILFOYLE: An update now on the Uranium One scandal involving the Clintons and a bribery scheme set up by the Russians. Fox News has obtained statement from an FBI informant interview with congressional committees. The man says a Russian nuclear official told him Moscow hired an American lobbying firm for $3 million in hopes of influencing then secretary of state Hillary Clinton through contributions to her family's foundation. Here is the lawyer for that informant.
VICTORIA TOENSING, ATTORNEY: The Democrats are out there trying to attack anybody who is telling the truth about Hillary Clinton, and will just post things and bounce back at them. My client, Doug Campbell, was so credible. I mean, he came out because he thought he was dying from cancer and he wanted his story to be told.
GUILFOYLE: A Clinton spokesman calls the testimony a distraction. OK, Dana, what do you make of it?
PERINO: I do think that the Russians have more money than sense because they are always offering to give millions of dollars to things that aren't going to actually have an impact. They thought that the spinous process was one that they could gain by just giving money to one person of the 12 person committee then they weren't making a lot of sense. ADCO the firm that the informant says with the -- the lobbying firm, they say that the informant doesn't have things quite right. So I don't exactly know there. Then back to the spinous thing there were -- I think it was 12 people that had to look at it from different agencies. There was no objection from any of them. And apparently, Hillary Clinton never went to one meeting. So I'm not sure about this scandal.
GUILFOYLE: OK. All right. So we have a big question mark.
SHILLUE: I buy it.
GUILFOYLE: I knew it.
SHILLUE: I'm like, you sold me.
SHILLUE: I believe it. I mean, the thing is, the way the Clinton's -- their scandals -- they're so multilayered. I've read the book Clinton Cash. I didn't understand it. So then I got the comic version of it, and I feel like I understood it. But there's so much -- I mean, it never ends with the Clinton's and with this Clinton Foundation. It's so multilayered. But, yeah, I believe every word of it.
GUILFOYLE: He's like, I'm all in.
WATTERS: So honest.
RIVERA: This has been around so long, the uranium half-life has already expired. Doug Campbell, I'm sorry to say, I love Victoria Toensing, his lawyer, and her husband, Joe DiGenova. I've known him forever. But Doug Campbell, this informant was an informant on another case and the feds decided not to use him because he had credibility problems. I think this is such a bunch of baloney. It should be historic. Put it away. The Clinton's also should be in the history books. Now let's look forward (INAUDIBLE).
WATTERS: This is the most boring Clinton scandal, but I still enjoy reporting it.
GUILFOYLE: With a big smile.
WATTERS: So Moscow guy, I guess, takes this lobbying company in America, they funnel millions of dollars through with the help of getting into the Clinton global initiative to create a favorable environment, to get the Uranium One deal done, and the atomic energy deals done. Vladimir Putin according to the witness said this was easy, I can't believe the Obama administration is such a bunch of suckers. And we're going to take over the uranium industry in North America. When you couple it with this fact pattern though, in 2009 you had Russian operatives according to the FBI and the hill, kickback and bribes to American officials to gain leverage on atomic energy deals here. And then you have over $100 million that flew in to the Clinton Foundation from Uranium One interest. And then, Bill Clinton got paid half a million dollars by a bank in Moscow linked to the Uranium One deal. So when you all this up, what I don't understand is why would the Obama administration allow the Russians at all to have a third of the uranium deposits in North America.
(CROSSTALK) RIVERA: Putin's motives. I mean, what you saw is classic comic book.
WATTERS: But just for perspective, this seems more of a national security threat to give the Russians all the uranium, then a bunch of Russian bots on twitter.
RIVERA: I don't think the Russians have any power in Uranium (INAUDIBLE).
WATTERS: Well, reporting does say that it goes to Canada, and then it did get shipped to the European countries.
GUILFOYLE: All right. You're not buying it.
RIVERA: I think that there's so many more interesting stories and interesting probes. You asked me earlier about the Democratic Party. The fact is that there's no Democratic Party. They say there're going to be a big wave. Are you going to be a far left wing Democrat, you're going to be a moderate Democrat, are you going to try to work with the other side? Are you going to be like a neo-progressive socialist Bernie -- I mean, that's an interesting story, the fracturing of our two-party system. This Uranium One just seems to me it's snacks of going back to what Hillary did in college.
WATTERS: I'm interested in what she did in college. Do we have that next?
GUILFOYLE: Fox News scandalous top 27.
GUILFOYLE: Here we go again. Yesterday was Biden, and today is Eric Holder. Team Obama just can't let up on President Trump, ahead.
PERINO: The 2020 bench for Democrats has gotten deeper. Joe Biden is not ruling out a run and neither is President Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder. Both not holding back on President Trump.
ERIC HOLDER, FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL: I think any one of my kids would make a better president than Donald Trump. But, you know, I think there are a number of people who would be a better president than the person we now have in the White House who, as I said, has broken through those norms, conducted himself in a way that's inconsistent with what's best about this nation. I will make a decision at the end of this year about what I want to do with regard to higher office.
PERINO: The former head of the DOJ is also sharing his thoughts on the Mueller investigation.
HOLDER: If one looked at the dismissal of James Comey and the reasons why the president told Lester Holt he did that, if you look at the president's attempts to try to get people who were the heads of the intelligence agencies to get involved in this matter, if you look at the president's actions on the airplane with regards to that statement. You have a variety of other things. I think you technically have a case of obstruction of justice.
PERINO: All right, K.G., former attorney general running. Good for the law?
GUILFOYLE: You know, I'm going to be a hundred percent consistent. I'm not a fan. I never have been because I think it really politicized the office. And he want to talk about the president of the United States and the job that the president's done and whether he's fit for office because he himself was held in contempt. So, I'm not looking too favorably upon him. I'm sure he seems like a political analyst at times, so am zero percent surprise that he's going to run for office.
PERINO: Geraldo, you mentioned already on this show that the Democrats as a party are having some problems. Would somebody like an Eric Holder help them?
RIVERA: Well, he was held in contempt of congress, not of courts. It was a total political hatchet job engineered by Darrel Issa who destroyed his own political career by aggressively going after Eric Holder. I detest the way the former attorney general speaks of the president of the United States. It's so disrespectful. Everything that Trump does is construed in the most evil way possible by Eric Holder and him compadres there. Would he be OK for future office? I guess. I wouldn't think on a national platform. But I don't know even what state he's in. He's spending a lot of time in California, I know. May be a Kamala Harris -- if Eric Holder were to run for her seat or something like that. I mean, he's a very engaging guy. I like him a lot in person. But again, I think we have to stop this belittling. We only get one president at a time. My wife and I argue about this. I'm sure in every American household. The level of disrespect that is permitted because Donald Trump is the president is a new low, and to me it precludes the person uttering the insults about the president from running for higher office, I think.
PERINO: All right, Jesse?
WATTERS: I think the Democrats know they're in trouble for trying to frame Trump. And paychecks are getting fatter. And Trump's approval ratings up. And taking back the house is no sure thing anymore. So they're trotting out all of these high caliber Democrats to try to land shots against the president and rally the base. I don't think it's working. It looks desperate. And it's kind of not befitting of these elder statesmen in the party.
I would love for Holder to run for president. He's got no fund-raising ability. I don't think he's got a lot of charisma, despite you guys hanging out off-camera. And I don't think he has mass appeal. So I say go for it. Dilute the party. We'll probably have 18 Democrats running against President Trump.
And there is no obstruction case. I don't see it. You have to have a crime to obstruct. You have to show criminal intent to obstruct.
RIVERA: Agreed, agreed. Agreed.
WATTERS: Getting rid of the Comey is not an obstruction.
RIVERA: It's a technical obstruction.
WATTERS: It didn't stop the investigation. Hillary bleached her emails. How is that not obstruction?
GUILFOYLE: And kept the server in her toilet, her bathroom.
PERINO: Back to the Clinton scandal here on FOX News.
RIVERA: And there was uranium in the commode.
PERINO: You want to keep it going, Tom?
SHILLUE: I agree. Charisma isn't the half of it. I mean, Jeb Bush just called him low energy. I mean, he does -- he has no, you know, national politician appeal, I think. He speaks like an academic or whatever. So no, I think that was just a cute thing, like, oh, you know president for 2020. I don't think he -- I think his prospects are zero.
PERINO: I do think that we are going to have about 18 Democratic candidates in that primary, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: It's going to be like ours last time, where it was like all of them up on the stage.
PERINO: One by one going home.
RIVERA: Who's going to be the Trump? Who's going to emerge as the charismatic central figure?
PERINO: I have no idea. That's why you have to keep watching FOX.
GUILFOYLE: They're going to kill each other.
SHILLUE: The far left is going to -- it's going to win.
PERINO: The primary, the Democrat primary?
SHILLUE: Yes, yes.
GUILFOYLE: He's right, though. Look out for Kamala Harris.
PERINO: All right. You heard it here first from Tom Shillue.
All right. At long last, Omarosa is back on reality TV after a turbulent stint in the White House, and she didn't disappoint. Next.
RIVERA: Her flamboyant marriage reception and then her rocky exit from the White House seemed like a show of its own. Now Omarosa is back on her home turf, reality TV, making her grand entrance to decidedly mixed reviews on "Celebrity Big Brother."
ROSS MATHEWS, COMEDIAN: When people ask me who you don't want to see in the house, my answer was Omarosa. I can't do toxicity and negativity. Oh, my. Omarosa.
MANIGAULT-NEWMAN: Fifteen years ago. You would have been, like, two.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was the person you were apprenticing for?
RIVERA: The ex-Trump aide has promised a tell-all, as you know, about her tumultuous time in the Trump administration, and she dropped another teaser on that last night.
MANIGAULT-NEWMAN: Here in the "Big Brother" house, a lot of people who want to stab you in the back. Kind of similar to the White House. Believe me, it's game on.
I'm exceptional in everything that I do and I aspire to do. I was the queen of the board room. Now I'll be the queen of the "Big Brother" house. Celebrities, you better watch your back.
RIVERA: Four times she was on "Celebrity Apprentice." I was never on with her. She was with Brandi Glanville and Keshia Knight-Pulliam, my -- my castmates on "Celebrity Apprentice."
But she's threatening this tell-all, Kimberly, about the -- her time as the only black woman in the Trump administration. Do you think that should be feared by the president?
GUILFOYLE: Only because it's Omarosa. I mean, you know, so you know, whether -- black woman or not, Omarosa is an individual unto herself. Do you know anybody else like her? I don't.
RIVERA: But she's so powerful. I mean, she's very strong.
GUILFOYLE: I don't think she is going to say anything bad about the president. I do not.
RIVERA: You really don't?
GUILFOYLE: I don't. I don't think she's going to say anything bad about the president. I think she's going to say a lot about everyone around him and who is working, 100 percent. Because she's not going to -- she's not going to mess around with him.
RIVERA: I hope -- I hope that's true. I hope that's true, but I'm not at all...
GUILFOYLE: She might need something from him in the future. Trust me. She's not going to blow it.
RIVERA: She's the empress -- that's a good point. She's the empress of drama. The ratings. She's killing it. You know, she could win this. Do you think that this will blend politics and reality TV even more than it has been?
WATTERS: Yes, I do. And it's going to be good for Omarosa. And Omarosa has always been about Omarosa.
I think the real star of the show is Ross, the intern, the high-pitched voice guy at the top.
RIVERA: That's a pretty good interview he did with her.
WATTERS: Captivating. Yes, I like that guy.
Well, apparently, she invited, like, her entire wedding party to the White House and didn't tell anybody. And then stole all of the White House Christmas party invitations, and then passed them around to all of her friends and family throughout the country.
GUILFOYLE: And that was just on a Wednesday.
WATTERS: Yes, that was just -- that was one week.
So listen, I've met her before. She was fine; she was nice to me. I mispronounced her name and she scolded me, and now she scares me. So I wish her the best of luck.
GUILFOYLE: Do you have any tape?
RIVERA: Dana, what do you think it says about the Trump administration that she was hired in this community outreach position, and then they tried to keep her from the president?
PERINO: I think that presidents like to have people around them that they know and that they trust and that they believe can do a good job. And even though she was, as Raj Shah said today at the White House, she was fired three or four times from "Apprentice," the president knew her, likes her. And I'm sure he's probably a little frustrated that she's causing drama now that she's on the outside. But everyone has their calling. She did the White House for about a year, and now this maybe suits her better.
RIVERA: So do you -- same question I asked Jesse. Do you think that she's going to -- that this tell-all will be damaging? Will it be "Fast and Furious 2"?
PERINO: Well, I do think that, in a lot of ways, if you see anyone that's had anything -- even if they do it anonymously, they never really attack the president himself. But they attack everybody else around. And I think that's why she says "Celebrity Big Brother" is like being in the White House, because it's all the people that are trying to knock you out. Not the top guy.
RIVERA: Which would you rather, Tom, to be on "Celebrity Big Brother" or to work for the Trump administration?
SHILLUE: I would like to go up against you on "Dancing with the Stars."
RIVERA: Even Tucker Carlson lasted longer than I did.
SHILLUE: And to correct Jesse, Ross is not an intern anymore. WATTERS: Oh, he got the promotion.
SHILLUE: Yes. He's not "Ross the Intern."
SHILLUE: But I'm sad that Omarosa is not in the White House. It doesn't seem right. You know, it was -- when she went into the White House, it was like -- it was the promise of a Trump presidency. I mean, it was like...
SHILLUE: It all made perfect sense.
WATTERS: ... the perfect sparkle (ph).
RIVERA: I know. When you -- when he picked Omarosa and then people said he was friends with Mike Tyson. And that was the net of his community hours. I feel bad.
I think that -- I think the president really gets a bum rap, but I do think that there is a weakness in the Trump administration that has to do with diversity, with outreach, with inclusion. Too many statements come out offhandedly that hurt people, like the whole "s-hole" business. I would like -- to me, that's where he needs the most improvement in his second -- in his second year in office.
WATTERS: Are you offering your services, Geraldo?
GUILFOYLE: Is that what this is about?
WATTERS: In the campaign?
RIVERA: But seriously, you know, she said that about the Trump tweets...
RIVERA: ... how she used to cringe when he was tweeting. I do think the president could use a Twitter editor.
GUILFOYLE: Are you volunteering yourself?
RIVERA: That's a job I would love to have. I would love to.
SHILLUE: She also said...
WATTERS: You've never tweeted anything controversial.
GUILFOYLE: No, that's all we need. Shirtless. Shirtless President Trump. Perfect.
WATTERS: Adam Schiff will be, like, "Send it over."
SHILLUE: They were portraying this as negative. Someone said, "Is America going to be OK?" And she said, "No, it's not going to be OK." Well, that's not -- the phrase is "Make America Great Again," not "Make America OK Again."
WATTERS: She's off-message.
SHILLUE: Yes. No, I mean, it's -- it's not going to be OK.
PERINO: Fake news.
SHILLUE: It's going to be great.
RIVERA: I come back to where I started. The fact is that this program opened with gigantic ratings, just like ours.
Behold the new emojis of 2018. That's the big reveal coming up next.
SHILLUE: In case you're having trouble finding the right emoji to express yourself, you're in luck. A hundred and fifty-seven new ones are being added to the mix later this year. New smiley faces, new animals and new hair colors.
Redheads who have felt left out will now have plenty of look-alikes to pick from.
SHILLUE: I do think they are missing five they could add, though. The five of us.
PERINO: I think Geraldo's is excellent.
RIVERA: Thanks.
GUILFOYLE: Wait, wait, is that short hair on me?
PERINO: I think it's that you can't -- you can't show.
SHILLUE: You can't go longer.
PERINO: Yes, because it's not...
WATTERS: I think I'm tanner than that.
PERINO: Yes, you are.
RIVERA: Me, too. Although I'm sort of brown.
PERINO: Mine looks like all the other ones they already have have.
GUILFOYLE: I can't see.
SHILLUE: Do you use -- Dana, you use emojis, right? Do you use emojis in your communications?
PERINO: I like to use an emoji for fun communications, yes. Sometimes I will explain a whole story using just emojis.
SHILLUE: Really?
RIVERA: That's lazy.
SHILLUE: Like someone went to yoga, then had Chinese food.
GUILFOYLE: Chinese food, and they have dumplings.
PERINO: It's communication. I love communication. Sure, you bet.
GUILFOYLE: And then not sure, and then is that a porcupine?
PERINO: I think it's a hedgehog.
GUILFOYLE: And then they had some broccoli, and then they hung out with a girl with red eyebrows.
RIVERA: That's the skier at the winter Olympics.
SHILLUE: This segment is going off the rails here.
WATTERS: Broccoli.
GUILFOYLE: You're supposed to be in charge.
SHILLUE: No, but you guys are reading all your emojis. It's not a very manly thing. I don't emoji, Jesse. It makes me feel weird.
WATTERS: OK, well, my emoji game is strong. I just got into it this year.
RIVERA: Really?
WATTERS: I think it makes you less masculine if you use emojis, but I'm so secure in my masculinity and sexuality that I will use emojis quite frivolously. Sometimes so frivolously that people say, "Enough with the emojis, Watters." But I like them. I think they're creative, and they get the point across.
GUILFOYLE: Wait, who says that to you?
WATTERS: Words can't always deliver.
SHILLUE: Geraldo, they're getting very multicultural now. Everyone has to have their own emoji.
RIVERA: Do you have any of my emojis in there? My daughter, my 12-year- old, made up my emoji.
PERINO: Oh, that's cute.
Oh, beer.
GUILFOYLE: What are you wearing?
RIVERA: I don't know. Soap suds.
Sol, my daughter.
WATTERS: Are you producing Tom's segment? Is that what happened?
SHILLUE: I didn't know we had a call-for.
WATTERS: "Geraldo at Large."
GUILFOYLE: Surprise, surprise.
PERINO: He's like, "I didn't know you could have a call-for in someone else's segment."
RIVERA: Is that it, Tom?
GUILFOYLE: He's trying to help you out here.
SHILLUE: Why is it that we just got to redheads? I mean, we've had everything up until now.
GUILFOYLE: Are you a redhead?
SHILLUE: I used to be. I don't know. It's like back in the old days.
PERINO: Before it went gray?
SHILLUE: I was considered -- people still call me a redhead. I mean, I have a redhead looking face. Don't I?
WATTERS: You have the Adam Schiff look. That's your look.
There you go. Where's that side-by-side? Do you have that?
RIVERA: You get sunburned.
SHILLUE: It's all kinds of redheads. Kimberly.
SHILLUE: Do you use -- do you use emojis?
GUILFOYLE: I don't like mine.
WATTERS: Aww, she's so upset.
WATTERS: We didn't do a nice job on her emoji.
PERINO: OK. Can America help her with a new emoji, please?
GUILFOYLE: Yes, right!
RIVERA: That's a great idea. That's (ph) a great artist.
GUILFOYLE: Look fabulous.
PERINO: I do think sometimes emails...
GUILFOYLE: It looks like -- it doesn't look like...
PERINO: ... or text messages can be misconstrued for tone.
PERINO: That sometimes if you add an emoji, you can make sure people know that you're just joking or maybe you're really mad or something. You know what I mean? It helps a little bit.
SHILLUE: That's why I think that -- I don't want to get -- this could be very controversial in this #MeToo generation.
SHILLUE: Women use punctuation. Women use exclamation points more.
PERINO: No, not if they read "And the Good News Is." It's a no-no.
SHILLUE: I know you're against it. Right? Too many...
PERINO: I think it doesn't help -- it doesn't help, especially in the workplace. It doesn't help you advance and get promoted if you're always using exclamation points and needlessly making things urgent when they're not urgent.
GUILFOYLE: All caps.
PERINO: Yes, like all caps, the whole thing.
RIVERA: Was it Mark Twain who said exclamation points is laughing at your own jokes?
PERINO: Yes, that's a good one. And also, don't use -- like, anything more than one question mark is unnecessary. Just one question mark is all you need.
SHILLUE: How about this? I've got to run this by Dana. I think this is, like, a guy thing. Guys tend to -- instead of writing the email, they put the entire email in the title of the subject.
PERINO: In the subject line?
PERINO: You would be banned from email. Banned from email. No.
SHILLUE: "One More Thing" is -- can I end the segment? "One More Thing."
WATTERS: It's time now for "One More Thing." Dana.
PERINO: So you know Valentine's Day is next Wednesday, everybody. So don't forget.
GUILFOYLE: What did you get me?
PERINO: Just wait for that. And one daughter had a very special gift idea for her mom, but she wasn't the only one. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Happy early Valentines.
You better not have. We're going to be in so much trouble.
PERINO: So Natalie Rice of Jefferson City, Missouri, decided to get her mom a blue healer puppy after their beagle, Remington, died. He was hit by a car. But her mom, Teresa, had the same idea with a Labrador puppy. They came back on the same day, and they were very worried to tell the dad, because he might be mad. But they have announced that everyone is very happy.
WATTERS: "You're walking it. You're walking it."
PERINO: But now they've got two puppies.
SHILLUE: That's my house.
WATTERS: Remington's a great name, too, by the way.
GUILFOYLE: All right, Jesse, thanks a lot.
WATTERS: You're welcome.
GUILFOYLE: OK. So little Mason, so cute but he's mischievous, was enjoying some food at a restaurant in Florida when he decided he wanted a stuffed animal. Now have you ever done that, where you, like, want it so bad? I have always wanted these animals.
So what happened was he climbed into the game, literally inside, to get the toy. You can see what happened. Now, lucky for Mason, the firefighters from Florida's Titusville Fire and Emergency Services were eating nearby, and they came and rescued him. Took about five minutes to get him out. He was really embarrassed, but he was never in any great danger. And yes, in the end, he did get a stuffed animal. That's considered stolen property.
WATTERS: Did they get him out with the claw?
PERINO: Can you get into the Claw?
GUILFOYLE: I've never tried to do it, and I was wondering how we got inside of it. Because now kids are going to see that, and they'll be like, you know, they want to jump in.
PERINO: We showed all the kids on "The Five."
WATTERS: Those games are rigged anyway.
All right. Philadelphia Eagles victory parade was today. Let's take a look.
CHANTING: E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!
WATTERS: I really should have been there but I had to come in today. My bosses made me work. But yes, the Philadelphia Eagles, bringing home their first championship to the city ever. Everybody was probably more behaved than they were on Sunday night, although there were a few accidents. People falling off the poles.
But there they are holding the Lombardi trophy for everyone to see. And I mean, this is just one in many. I believe we're going to have a dynasty going down the next couple years. Wentz is going to be healthy. And the core of the team will stay intact.
There are some fireworks, and that is a great haircut.
PERINO: You didn't show the fighting.
WATTERS: There was no fighting. It was a peaceful, peaceful celebration, Dana. Philadelphia has the classiest fans you've ever seen.
GUILFOYLE: Juan said he would pay Jesse. What's the...
WATTERS: What's the Eagles mascot. And I said, "Juan, it's the eagle." Actually, the mascot's name is Swoop. So there you go.
GUILFOYLE: You did some "Watters World"...
RIVERA: They greased the fire poles?
WATTERS: Yes. This time they wasn't -- I think they greased it with, like, motor oil or something like that. Because I think the Spam didn't work last time.
RIVERA: Well, I'm very proud to announce my next book. It's my war memoir, called "The Geraldo Show," how I came to FOX from my cushy desk job at CNBC to go to war after 9/11 in Afghanistan, obviously. And Iraq, 11 assignments in each country.
RIVERA: It also tells the story of my long relationship with the president, who I've known for decades. And how -- that was in Puerto Rico where we met. And I thought the president really got a bum rap in Puerto Rico. He tried his best. He suspended the Jones Act. I lobbied for that. So that freighters from all over the world could come and help the beleaguered island. Remember Puerto Rico in your prayers.
RIVERA: And also the book tells, obviously, the story of what happened with our founding creator, Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. And you know, that troubled, tumultuous time here.
And I think the most interesting part, in some ways, is how my family, I mentioned it earlier in the program, my family is a divided family now. We're a split family. My wife, a very progressive person. Her brother, her family. Just big Democratic supporters.
And I like the president. I'm a Republican. I -- but more importantly, I know him. I trust him. I think he gets a very bum rap. As I said earlier, everything he does is construed in the most evil way possible. I talk about how I try to balance those competing forces in my family and the larger American family.
WATTERS: What a plug, Geraldo. Amazing plug. I wonder if it will do better than Kilmeade's book? We'll have to see.
RIVERA: We'll have to see.
WATTERS: Tom Shillue.
SHILLUE: OK, let's take a look at the worst police sketch in history. Look at that suspect.
GUILFOYLE: Is that you?
SHILLUE: It is. They hung up that sketch. But guess what? It's the Lancaster City Police Department. It wasn't a joke. They hung it up. And guess what?
GUILFOYLE: They caught him?
SHILLUE: They caught the guy.
PERINO: "We got him."
SHILLUE: Somebody said, "Wait a minute. I know that guy."
What? You guys think that -- the sketch looks like me?
GUILFOYLE: So you made bail already?
WATTERS: It's like your emoji.
SHILLUE: Who do I look like? The picture or the guy?
WATTERS: Kind of both.
PERINO: Just the picture.
GUILFOYLE: But it does kind of look like you. I mean, you have more hair.
RIVERA: Are you related?
PERINO: And you would never wear a hat like that.
WATTERS: You look great.
SHILLUE: They caught the guy.
WATTERS: You look great. That's what counts.
RIVERA: That's what counts.
WATTERS: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" up next. Chris Wallace in for Bret tonight. Take it away.
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