Democrats openly embracing gun confiscation
Reaction from conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza and 'Left Coast News' host Ethan Bearman.
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," September 3, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is “The Ingraham Angle” from Washington. We're going to keep an eye on Hurricane Dorian which is right off Florida's central coast now and it's bringing massive storm surges and high winds. We're going to have a report later in the hour.
Also, a new Hollywood blacklist. Yes, actor Robert Davi is here to respond to the latest attempt by Tinseltown's elite to drive conservatives out of their business.
Plus, the star of a popular YouTube channel took to the streets of Newark to find out what the residents really think of their former mayor. The report that Cory Booker would rather you not see later tonight.
But first, "Democrats' Parody Time", that's the focus of tonight's “Angle.” There was a time when liberals would get really defensive when conservatives tried to brand their positions as socialists or radical. At the very least they would mount a rhetorical defense, dismissing such claims.
Just take, say, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Well, not long ago President Obama tried to defend his health care plan against charges that it would do just that.
BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: --there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants. This too is false. The reforms - the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
INGRAHAM: Oh, but that was so 2009. Today, Obama would get booed off the Democrat debate stage for saying that.
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC NEWS ANCHOR: Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented. We have an obligation to see that they are cared for--
INGRAHAM: Today embracing free healthcare for illegals is considered an obvious prerequisite for Democratic Party leadership, and it gets better. Remember, how Democrats supposedly opposed open borders?
JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Open borders is a Right Wing talking point. It always has been.
SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR, D-MINN., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No, I don't support open borders.
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, D-VT, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Open borders? That's a Koch brothers’ proposal.
INGRAHAM: Well, open borders went from being a conservative conspiracy theory talking point to Left-Wing orthodoxy in the same campaign season.
CASTRO: Repeal Section 1325 of the Immigration Nationality Act. That is the law that this President, this administration is using to incarcerate migrant parents and then physically separate them from their children. We need to repeal this law.
SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y.: They're not criminals, so I believe that we should have a civil violation.
SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: One to fix it is to decriminalize, that's the whole point.
INGRAHAM: Even Obama's former DHS Secretary is distancing himself from these Democrats. In an op-ed recently he called them out and he said their position was tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders. Thank you very much.
And then there were the days of yore when Democrats at least pretended that the climate change agenda and capitalism, the free market could go hand in hand. You wouldn't have to give anything up - nothing. Going green, in fact, would just going to make your life better, no consequences. And that was before though the Green New Deal.
Now Democrats are bragging that climate change can be used to redistribute wealth on a massive scale.
WARREN: I support a green new deal that will aggressively tackle climate change, income inequality and racial injustice.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Why are pockets only empty when we talk about a 100 percent renewable energy and it's going to save this planet allow our children to thrive.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does the Green New Deal go too far?
SANDERS: No. You cannot go too far on an issue of climate change. The future of the planet is at stake.
INGRAHAM: You cannot go too far he said. And then on the issue of gun control, while Democrats reflexively waved off concerns that they were anti-Second Amendment.
OBAMA: The notion that I or Hillary are hell-bent on taking away folks' guns is just not true.
HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns.
BIDEN: The President I support the Second Amendment.
INGRAHAM: Well, Biden went to great pains to assure us that he was not only pro-Second Amendment, he was practically trigger-happy - no in a good way, like "Grampy Get Your Gun" way.
BIDEN: If you want to protect yourself get a double-barrel shotgun, have the shells of 12-gauge shotgun--
INGRAHAM: Even bragged about giving a gun tutorial to his wife.
BIDEN: Jill if there's ever a problem just walk out on the balcony here, walk out - put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house.
INGRAHAM: Well, now the New Democrat Party is openly embracing gun confiscation, but of course they're calling it something else.
REPORTER: How do you address the fears of government is going to take away those assault rifles - if you are talking about buybacks and banning?
BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Americans will - who own AR-15s, AK-47s will have to sell them to the government. We're not going to allow them to stay on our streets to show up in our communities--
INGRAHAM: Ask for, Joe Shotgun Biden--
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR, ANDERSON COOPER 360: --to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they're going to come for my gun.
BIDEN: Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon. I would try to - I would institute a national buyback program, and I would move it in the direction of making sure that that in fact was we tried to do, get them off the street.
INGRAHAM: Is it just me or do you look like he was sleeping during that interview? Oh, by the way, Uncle Joe doesn't have a great track record here. The '94 assault weapons ban he authored didn't really work. The University of Pennsylvania's 2004 report to the DOJ found that quote "because the ban has not yet reduced the use of large capacity magazines in crime, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in gun violence."
Then there's this DOJ report from January about how U.S. prisoners obtain the guns they got to commit crimes. Only 7% bought their guns from a licensed firearms dealer, 56%, well, stole the gun or it got it off the streets from the black market or found it at the scene of a crime."
Well that raises the obvious question, even if large-scale gun bans or gun confiscation whatever you want to call it did pass constitutional muster, wouldn't those hell-bent on mass murders still find a way to kill? Seem so.
On nearly every important issue the Democrats have abandoned all pretense and are now advocating exactly what they said they wouldn't do or wouldn't believe in or wouldn't push just a few years back. So next time they say conservatives are unfairly stereotyping them, remember this leftward evolution. Forget what they say watch, what they do. It's your liberty and freedom is on the line, and that's THE ANGLE.
Joining me now to debate this is Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative Author and Filmmaker, and Ethan Berman, Host of "Left Coast News". All right, Dinesh, it does seem like every week liberals prove a different stereotype, correct? I mean, we just laid out a few of them in THE ANGLE, but we could - we do an entire hour on this. On this particular issue of guns your thoughts.
DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR: Well, I think that this vindicates kind of what the NRA has been warning from the outset. At first, for many years, I thought that the NRA was kind of using, you may call it the slippery slope argument, which was essentially that once you start outlawing one type of weapon, you will then slowly proceed to outlawing the next type and eventually it becomes a kind of comprehensive confiscation.
But I think what's interesting here is this is not even a slippery slope. It now appears like there's a whole group of people that from the outset want a comprehensive ban. And these mass shootings are making them come out of the closet, you may say rhetorically, and be more and more frank and candid about what their real agenda is.
It never was a kind of targeted or narrowly tailored law. It's ultimately an all-out assault on the Second Amendment. And let's remember too, Laura, that the Second Amendment is no less important than the First Amendment or the Fourth Amendment.
So we should very jealously guard against these constitutional rights being stripped away based upon some sort of pretext. My rights - if yours - if you're going to abuse your rights, the solution is not to take away my rights.
INGRAHAM: All right. Ethan I want to get you in on this, because obviously it's a very hot topic. We have these horrific shootings and people want to end the shootings. Of course, they do, they want to protect innocent life, which is a it is a incredibly important goal for, I think, all Americans.
On this issue of the '94 ban, which - '94 ban is cited oftentimes by Democrats. But I just laid out in THE ANGLE how the University study that was done to report to the DOJ couldn't say that it really resulted in fewer gun deaths. Yet we have people on television, on MSNBC Joyce Vance said this. Watch.
JOYCE VANCE, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: You know, we had a ban on military assault style weapons in this country in the 90s and it was successful and when that ban stopped being in existence, because of pressure from the NRA and other gun supporters, that flooded those weapons back into the country.
INGRAHAM: Well, we laid out how only 7% of gun crimes are committed with guns that are actually bought from a licensed dealer, so how do you square this - Ethan, with this desire for another - going back to the old assault weapons ban?
ETHAN BEARMAN, HOST "LEFT COAST NEWS": Well interestingly enough citing that University of Pennsylvania study confirms where Beto and Biden are in saying that we need to have a buyback program in place, because the weapons were already out there. The large capacity magazines were already out there. Banning the sale didn't stop what was already in circulation.
Furthermore, the great Democrat Ronald Reagan - oh wait, Republican Ron Reagan, he said that. Look, these things we - I support this - the sporting rifles, I support home defense that's what Joe Biden has said as well. I'm with Ronald Reagan on that one.
It's not unfettered and furthermore - Justice Scalia in - Heller Vs.--
INGRAHAM: Wait, wait. Hold on. Dinesh and I both worked for Reagan. OK. Well, I must have missed this, Dinesh.
INGRAHAM: Did Ronald Reagan push on assault weapons ban during his eight years, Dinesh? I must have missed that. He and I both worked in domestic policy at the White House. I don't mean to throw down credentials. But I don't remember that personally. But, Dinesh, maybe you do. Do you remember that happen?
D'SOUZA: I mean, I certainly don't, I'd like him to elaborate a little bit more.
D'SOUZA: But I don't quite know what he's referring to.
INGRAHAM: OK. I got to get - yes, Ethan go ahead. I don't want that to go - sort of by--
BEARMAN: Yes, yes, I mean--
INGRAHAM: --because we're not - that didn't happen.
BEARMAN: Interestingly enough, Beto just tweeted out the video of Ronald Reagan speaking and saying those exact words.
INGRAHAM: Yes, he was also--
BEARMAN: Furthermore, though, he also--
INGRAHAM: pro-choice, then he became pro-life on the abortion. He changed his mind on lot of issues.
BEARMAN: And he supported Brady Bill as well after his presidency. So he supported regulation of firearms to varying degrees. Justice Scalia wrote that in Section 3 of the Heller vs. DC decision. A variety of regulations absolutely are supported under our Second Amendment in our Constitution.
BEARMAN: So, look, it is time to end the mass shootings. The key thing that is consistent here in the United States that sets us apart from all the other developed Western nations which have mental health issues, which have violent video games, which have all - it is high rate of fire, hundred round per minute up to semi-automatic rifles.
INGRAHAM: No, guns can be modified. By the way the Reagan's speech I think I know - what you were talking about. He was referring to machine guns. He was not referring - and Beto doesn't know his blank from--
BEARMAN: He specifically said AK-47s in that speech.
INGRAHAM: Beto said AK - well, which is a fully automatic weapon. That is not allowed on the streets of Washington DC or any place in the United States. They've banned for 80 years.
BEARMAN: That hasn't since 1960s--
INGRAHAM: Dinesh, this is the thing that the gun folks - gun control folks do. And I like Ethan, but you got talk to - you are right, the Heller decision did say - Justice Scalia did say, doesn't mean that there can be no regulations on firearms. He's - and I think he's right about that. He was right about that in the Heller decision.
But he didn't - you're making it out like Scalia said, Oh any semi- automatic weapon can be banned and it remained constitutional. That's not necessarily the case at all, Dinesh, and that's - these are important details that I think we have to be very clear on. Dinesh?
D'SOUZA: I mean, number one, there, obviously, as with the Second Amendment there you - there are extreme cases in which one can regulate the First Amendment or even the Fourth Amendment. You can't shout fire in a crowded theater, for example. But there's a heavy burden of proof for those who would want to infringe the constitutional right.
Number two, we have seen even around the world today, cases where the confiscation and even buyback programs - Hugo Chavez had a buyback program for guns in Venezuela. The moment that the citizens were deprived of their guns, he unleashed criminals and so-called Colectivos. In a sense state- licensed thugs on the streets, to be able to move into your apartment, take your stuff. Why? Because he had disarmed the citizens in preparation for that.
INGRAHAM: How about Hong Kong?
D'SOUZA: And third, we focus on mass shootings. We - mass shootings are a little bit of anomalous, whereas there are everyday shootings occurring in every major city in this country. It's very odd that those don't lead to demands for gun control. In fact, those don't lead to demands for anything.
It seems that only when there's a mass shooting, an anomalous event suddenly people go, let's confiscate the guns of everybody in America, because everybody with an assault rifle poses a threat. No, everybody with an assault rifle does not pose a threat. These guys pose a threat. Let's identify the threat. Find out how we can preempt it and deal with it in a tailored and narrowly focused way.
INGRAHAM: Ethan, do you think the Democrat Party, though, has - get back - getting back to THE ANGLE. Haven't they - they really have shifted on a whole bunch of issues. There wasn't going to be health care for illegals, now it is. They really weren't for going in and getting - taking guns, but now they pretty much are - at least a certain type of weapons.
On issue of the open borders as well, let's not make it a crime - shouldn't be any crime. Shouldn't have any - have very little penalties, except maybe some civil deal. So they kind of moved on a lot of these issues they used to wave off these stereotypes.
BEARMAN: Well, I think that there is some truth in what you just said. I think there's a realization that we need to be stronger on some of these issues. The realization that these people who don't have proper documentation live amongst us, work amongst us - Ronald Reagan, again, signed the bill in 1986 that required emergency rooms to accept them as well.
I mean, I keep going back to Reagan, you guys know so well. He signed that legislation. So, look, the Democrats today actually have that in common.
INGRAHAM: OK. Yes, Ronald Reagan would not recognize--
BEARMAN: It's true.
INGRAHAM: --the current Democrat party. He was a Democrat. He wouldn't recognize the party today. Yes, I mean, I don't like talking about people who are not with us to sit. But, I mean - I think he would be shocked to see what's happened to today's Democrat Party.
Thank you, panel. It's great to see you tonight. And up next could we be seeing the beginnings of a new anti-conservative blacklist in Hollywood? Some of you probably thought it was already there. Well, actor Robert Davi is here to respond to a dangerous suggestion from a pair of very famous actors when we come back.
INGRAHAM: "Will & Grace" star Debra Messing taking a page out of Congressman Joaquin Castro's voter intimidation playbook, targeting those attending an upcoming Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills. She tweeted, "Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know."
Then her co-star Eric McCormack urged the media "kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don't want to work with." I think he means with whom we don't want to work.
Joining me now is actor and singer Robert Davi. What's - you know we all met mess up our grammar, Robert, I'm being a stickler about that. Someone else writes your lines for you. All right is this - this is kind of intimidation. It's common in Hollywood.
And I should say that, Robert, Eric McCormack, he has a new Instagram post out. I'll get to that in a moment. But is this all just about hating on Trump or is this just nothing new in your estimation?
ROBERT DAVI, ACTOR AND SINGER: Well it's increased. It's now on steroids. Laura, thank you for having me on. But since the 20s - the 1920s the Communist Party has infiltrated socialism America, and especially Hollywood. Because Marx knew that culture and Lenin knew that culture was a point to capture.
And you were talking about Ronald Reagan earlier, who was a bleeding-heart liberal in the beginning. And then he saw what the Left's were doing with issues. That they were using them for something else. They weren't using him to help the people, but they were using them to divide people.
There was a meeting at an actress's house - director called Ida Lupino, let's say the Debra Messing of the day. And Ida Lupino there with the Communists of Hollywood, the socialists and Reagan went up to speak, he kind of crashed the meeting. William Holden told him about it and he crashed the meeting.
And they were shouting him down. And there was one actor named John Garfield who said, let him speak he has the right to speak.
INGRAHAM: I love it.
DAVI: John Garfield was then taken out by Howard Da Silva and browbeaten by Howard saying he doesn't have a right to speak. The culture of Hollywood Left which has morphed into - and we all care about environment. We care about guns, lives. But to now say that Trump voters should be a pinpointed.
Are you going to go to the voting booth next? Are they going to go to the voting booth next and say who you're voting for? I mean, the kind of intimidation--
INGRAHAM: Well, Robert nothing--
DAVI: --especially people who are--
INGRAHAM: Yes, your point is nothing's really changed. Again, these are the same people who claim a monopoly on compassion and tolerance. They're always wagging their finger at everyone else, trashing conservatives asking for them to be fired or run out - run out on a town whether in media or Hollywood, onstage any of it.
There is no toleration for any dissent. I've got to say kudos to Whoopi Goldberg for actually--
DAVI: Yes.
INGRAHAM: --blistering a Debra Messing today. Watch.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG, CO-HOST, "THE DAILY BEAST": When last time people did this, people ended up killing themselves. This is not a good idea. We don't go after people because we don't like who they voted for. Remember what the blacklist actually meant to people and don't encourage anyone - anyone to do it.
INGRAHAM: Well, I should say Robert that Eric McCormack, I think, he felt some of the heat - Whoopi and others. He came out an Instagram post tonight just a few moments ago saying, "I want to be clear about my social media posts from last week, which has been misinterpreted in a very upsetting way."
Oh, he's a victim. "I absolutely do not support blacklist or discrimination of any kind, as anyone who knows me would attest. I'd simply like to understand where Trump's major donations are coming from, which is a matter of public record. I'm holding myself responsible for making educated and informed decisions that I can morally and ethically stand by and to do that, transparency is essential."
All right, are you calling you know what on McCormick here said I want to be clear about how--
DAVI: Yes, absolutely.
INGRAHAM: --who I wants to - who I want to work with. Grammar mistake noted.
DAVI: Come on it's right there. Laura, let me just say that. I've been offered by other people in the industry at certain points to denounce Trump and they said what do you want? They said what do you want? You'd be on every talk show everything, do you want to do something?
That's - it's an absolute - what he's doing has happened. It's happened so many times people have told me, the director wanted to use you, but he knows he can't. That happens to several. And it's not - I'm not complaining about it.
It's just something that I wish the elders of Hollywood like Norman Lear and Clint Eastwood, opposing points of view, would call a meeting and say you know what, we shouldn't be doing this in Hollywood.
INGRAHAM-- a family - meeting of the family. Yes, OK.
DAVI: A meeting of the families.
INGRAHAM: Well, it never going to happen--
DAVI: --the five different families.
INGRAHAM: Well, it is never going to happen, OK. Never going to happen. They are the most intolerant people when it comes to etiology. They're not for diversity. They're for their type of diversity. Other people are horrible, awful, rotten people, they just don't want to work with you. Yes, I'm sorry, but I've heard this time and again people have to go and lie about what they believe in order to feed their families.
DAVI: Absolutely.
INGRAHAM: They are lying, they're hiding themselves.
DAVI: Well, how many times - how many times - and this is what I say to Eric McCormack and the rest of them. The below-the-line people, the key grips, the sound guys, the lighting guys, the gaffers--
INGRAHAM: Yes, they're all hiding their--
DAVI: --makeup artists. A lot of them - 95% are for Trump. So now when they go in for the cameras and they're frightened they come to me and they say, "Man, thank you for speaking up for us. Thank you for being one of the few that speak up."
INGRAHAM: All right, Robert. Thank you for being with us tonight. We really appreciate it. And if you thought Debra Messing was done going after Trump supporters, guess again, a Democrat campaigner tweeted out an Alabama church sign that read a black vote for Trump is a mental illness. The "Will & Grace" actress retweeted this. Not to rebuke the disgusting comments from the church, but to say thank. "Will and Graceless". Well, she has since deleted the tweet.
Joining me now to react Horace Cooper, Co-Chair Project 21, Author of the forthcoming book, "How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again"; along with Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell.
Leo, you're a man who likes to you know debate and have fun conversations even with people you'd agree, disagree. And you - that's why we love you.
INGRAHAM: You are like a classic liberal. Where are all the classic liberals in Hollywood? Your classic. It's a classic. You know, the classics never go out of style. So you are classic. Where are all the classic liberals in Hollywood?
TERRELL: I'm confused. I mean, look, we're talking about political expression free speech. And by the way Whoopi Goldberg is all wet when it comes to comparing McCarthyism to the right to list the donor's name.
Laura, you know this, McCarthyism as far as just listing the name of Trump supporters, what do you got to hide? And as far as that black church, that's there but right to express your opinion. Let me translate what they're saying. You're crazy if you're black to vote for Trump. I got no problem with that. I got no problem that statement. That's their political expression.
TERRELL: And I'm sure Horace and you believe in the First Amendment right of free expression.
INGRAHAM: Is that it? Is that all you got tonight? Leo that's all you got?
TERRELL: I hate--
INGRAHAM: Free expression.
TERRELL: I think it's pretty good.
INGRAHAM: OK. Look, of course, everybody has free expression, then we don't have to debate anything ever. We can just say you have free expression. That's not an argument. What McCormick said, Horace, is that I want to know the names of people going to go to this fundraiser, because I don't want to - I want to make it clear with whom I don't want to work.
He's sending a message to all his friends and friends and supporters that this is what we do. This is what I'm doing. And it's giving aid and comfort to those who want to discriminate against people, just because they disagree on a on an election or politics or one issue. I don't know what the litmus test would entail.
But to me well I that is the very definition of a blacklist. He's a very well-known and powerful person in Hollywood.
HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIRMAN, PROJECT 21: So much for Leo's classic liberalism. Let's be clear, I remember not that long ago, a rodeo clown put on an Obama mask and ran around and liberals exploded. No one said right of free expression. They condemned it. In fact, they continued condemning it until the rodeo fired the rodeo clown.
This standard is no standard. They do not believe in free expression. They do not believe, as I was taught when I was in high school, again when I was in college, and even when I was in law school. Blacklisting, it's wrong. Those people who entertained should never be punished penalized or threatened with their work because they're creative juices deserve to get the freedom of expression.
TERRELL: This is amazing. Amazing.
COOPER: That standard no longer holds today, because liberals change their standards to suit the circumstances.
INGRAHAM: Now someone said the other day--
TERRELL: Liberals changed their standards? I mean - Laura - I mean--
INGRAHAM: Yes, Leo - hold on--
TERRELL: Go ahead.
INGRAHAM: Someone said the other day that the folks that are going into the closet are conservatives in Hollywood. Like we were stuck in the closet. And that was a meme that was going around, I guess, we're conservatives stuck - because they're afraid that if they actually express themselves, as you note, is protected by our First Amendment. That they won't work. They can't work.
TERRELL: You make this--
INGRAHAM: They can't get a bit part. That is repeated. It's a refrain that I hear all the time.
TERRELL: The argument assumes a fact that the liberals control Hollywood. Robert Downey who just got on your show crying, why don't they own Hollywood and just start hiring their own? Robert Downey just came on your show and complained about people expressing their opposition to Trump. What is fundamentally wrong with that? and he can't get a job? So be it. I don't understand. Don't put political expression in the same category of protected class status. It's crazy.
COOPER: It has nothing to do with the government. In a free society people should be free to vote and believe how they want, and they shouldn't be shunned or sanctioned or prevented from feeding their children because of it. That used to be what liberals thought. They don't anymore.
TERRELL: Oh, my God. Robert Downey can't feed his children. Wow.
INGRAHAM: All right, guys, we've got to roll. Horace and Leo, thank you very much.
Coming up, we go live to Daytona Beach, Florida, where the worst of hurricane Dorian is expected to hit overnight. Plus, we bring you new video of Newark residents sounding off on the real legacy of former mayor and Democrat Presidential nominee Cory Booker. The video he does not want you to see is next.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cory Booker is not for the people.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He failed the city.
SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It was a bunch of tenant leaders in projects in Newark that banded together to elect me to my first office in the central ward of Newark. The map of the central ward of Newark sits behind my desk so I never forget why I got into politics and who I'm fighting for.
Newark is turning around because we let no one divide us.
We did impossible things in Newark that people said couldn't be done.
INGRAHAM: 2020 Democratic candidate, former Newark mayor, Cory Booker on what the city means to his political evolution. But is that how the residents of the city feel? Social media star Austen "Fleccas" Fletcher hit the streets. Here is little of what he found.
AUSTEN "FLECCAS" FLETCHER, HOST, "FLECCAS TALKS": Are you a fan of Cory Booker at all, or do you think he could be doing more for the community?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. No. No. Cory Booker is not for the people. Cory Booker is nothing. I wouldn't even vote for him to become president or anything else.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I remember when he was the mayor of Newark. He did nothing. They had in antiviolence rally on the steps of city hall. He didn't send a representative, neither was he present.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the poor people, the ones that have worked, busted they butt for their families to have something? He don't care nothing about that. And if he don't care nothing about that, I don't care nothing about him.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was shocked when he won the senatorial seat, because as mayor, he failed the city.
INGRAHAM: Joining me is the man you saw talking to Newark residents, Austen Fletcher, aka "Fleccas," the host of "Fleccas Talks" on YouTube. Fleccas, those residents don't seem to think that Cory Booker is fighting for them. So, I don't know if that's a representative sample, but they clearly believe he abandoned the city. Why?
AUSTEN "FLECCAS" FLETCHER, HOST, "FLECCAS TALKS": Yes, absolutely. And the real motivation for making this video is I've been watching Cory parade himself around the country as if he's a champion of the people. I've been watching him talk to his audience and say, oh, we're fighting back against Nazis and white supremacists and all these issues. I thought that was interesting, because, Cory, I went to your district. I didn't see any Nazis or white supremacists there. I did see people suffering in poverty, though. I did needles on the street and in the playgrounds. I did talk to people who had lead in their water.
And I think it's really interesting because Cory wants to manufacture this zombie bogeyman in order to divide the country and scare people into voting for him so he can become more powerful. And I thought that was really satanic, and that's why I decided to make this video and shine a light in the dark place and show the truth.
INGRAHAM: He seems to say that things are getting better on the streets and for the community. And he was known at the time, I remember when he first won, I think I met him at some dinner, I don't know exactly when it was, sometime in the '90s, and he was being touted as kind of a reformer. I think maybe it was Newt Gingrich or Arianna Huffington, they were like he is a real reformer. And I thought that's interesting, a Democrat reformer running a really troubled city. But it seems like it's still a troubled city all these years later.
FLETCHER: Yes. It is definitely. It seems like it's getting worse. The people are living in absolute poverty. But there is a little bit of a silver lining. I think the firsthand experience that the Newark residents are now facing with their elected officials prioritizing illegal immigrants instead of citizens. And then just the fact that Cory Booker day after day decides to attack the president personally instead of worked together with him to get something done, I think that is going to be the silver lining, and that is the good news we have when it comes to the people of Newark waking up to what's actually going on.
INGRAHAM: Maybe there is an Elijah Cummings, even though it's some time ago now, maybe it is kind of an Elijah Cummings moment here for what happened in Baltimore. Some of the residents, though, you talked to did have some interesting things to say, I noticed, about President Trump. Let's watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know people don't like to hear this, but I've always been a firm believer that with somebody like Donald Trump in the White House you actually have the opportunity to do that, because this guy is a pragmatist, man. He doesn't care.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at this. We're all here, we love each other, and we know what. Trump is bringing people together. That's what we want, bring us together. Trump is not that bad.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But at the end of the day when you look at what this guy is doing, whether it's the first step act, whether it's opportunity zones whether and it's having a chance to start taking our communities back.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that the country is so divided because we're so stagnant.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he is doing a wonderful job. In the two-and- a-half years that he's been in our White House, he has put America and Americans first.
INGRAHAM: Was that some volunteer thing going on there? Was that representative of the people you came across? That was amazing.
FLETCHER: There was a mix. Yes, there was a mix, but I did talk to a bunch of people. And they're kind of realizing the lies that have been told to them by the media for years. And I think at the end of that media rabbit hole, the media lie rabbit hole, people are going to start to realize that Trump is not that bad.
INGRAHAM: Fleccas, I really appreciate your joining us. And I just think letting people talk and seeing what they have to say is really important.
And this is a FOX News alert.
Dorian is still a powerful category two hurricane they could bring life threatening storm surge and damaging winds up and down the southeastern coast of the United States, and the storm's outer bands are now starting to be felt in Florida tonight.
FOX's Jacqui Heinrich is live in Daytona Beach tonight with a look at the conditions there. Jacqui?
JACQUI HEINRICH, CORRESPONDENT: Laura, Dorian is still about 100 miles to our east, and as these outermost bands of the storm pass through, these are the conditions that they are bringing. We've seen periods of driving rain, gusting wind, sustained right now around 30 miles an hour with gusts up to 68.
But the storm surge is the real risk here. You can see as the tide comes in, we are seeing more of these waves push up against the boardwalk, against that retaining wall. This is an area that's under a mandatory evacuation order because it's one of those leaden low-lying flood prone areas. Even in no-name storms, these areas, waves come up cresting the boardwalk, flooding this area, flooding the lobby of the hotel. So these are the kinds of areas that police are enforcing a mandatory evacuation on.
That being said, people have had time to prepare for this storm, so folks who need to be in shelters are already in those locations right now. You've got 17,000 utility workers across the state waiting to restore power. They expect to lose it in low-lying flood prone areas and barrier islands like this one.
Also, vulnerable people, populations like the homeless, disabled, hospitals, they are in shelters right now, too. So as this period of time passes where we're waiting for Dorian to come as close as it's probably going to come to this coast, these are the kinds of conditions that we are seeing. And people here are just bracing for that damage that we expect to see if it's going to happen between right now and tomorrow early evening. So far just a lot of wind, intermittent rain, and a lot of tough surge. Not a lot of big flooding right now happening though. Laura?
INGRAHAM: Jacqui, thanks so much. Stay safe out there. And we will continue to monitor hurricane Dorian throughout the hour and bring you updates as we get them.
And next, a new installment of our School Daze segment. Liberal college professors want Chick-fil-A banned from campus for fears of, quote, safety and mental well-being. Victor Davis Hanson is standing by to respond in moments.
INGRAHAM: Schools are back in session across America, but some of the faculty at one state university seem more concerned with banning A fast food chain, of course Chick-fil-A, from campus than teaching. Those University of Kansas snowflakes are very upset, and the fast food chain is being moved from a basement to a more prominent place on campus. The irate faculty writing to administrators, quote, "The culture of Chick-fil-A fosters hate and discrimination on multiple levels." They went on to accuse the school of being "more concerned about money and corporate sponsorship than the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of marginalized and LGBTQ people."
The university will move forward with the new Chick-fil-A on campus despite the backlash, but promises to be more transparent in the future about where they move restaurants. This is ridiculous.
The Chick-fil-A outrage in Kansas is only more proof of this massive fraud that colleges and universities have become. In a new op-ed Victor Davis Hanson lays out in detail why higher education has gone from being an icon to just a con. He writes "The damage that the modern university has wrought has now outweighed its once-positive role."
Joining me now is Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Now, Victor, you have some pretty interesting solutions to the university con game. So what is the simple way this madness could be fixed?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION: The have -- they being students, recent graduates and people who didn't graduate, owe $1.5 trillion in student debt. And they don't marry, they don't have children, they don't buy homes, they don't do all those things that make people traditional and conservative.
And the universities knew when they lent that money they couldn't be paid back given the majors that these students we're focusing on. And so while their endowments grew, so did the debt of students. And it would be easy to say if you want to issue a loan to an 18-year-old you better be partly responsible if they default and don't put it on the taxpayers and don't put it on the student necessarily. And when you buy a car, have the same truth in lending forms that they must fill out. Tell them how much an average major will earn you after graduation or how long it takes or how much it costs to major or graduate, or how much a particular class cost you in real dollars like an hour with a lawyer or a surgeon. And they don't want to do that.
And then it's very funny. When you go to the university to apply you have an ACT or an SAT test, and that's because we don't believe that all the high school GPAas are equal. What makes us think that the B.A.s are all equal? They're not.
HANSON: So why don't we just have an exit exam and say to get a B.A. you have to get a certain store on a standardized test just like you did to get in. And they don't want to do that either.
INGRAHAM: Victor, you're in Hillsdale, right? Are you speaking at Hillsdale?
HANSON: I'm teaching here this week.
INGRAHAM: Fantastic. That's one of the few schools left that has a core curriculum understanding western civilization, which so many young people just don't, or they're told to hate it, University of Chicago, there are some great professors still at schools all over the country, but Hillsdale is one of those places where it's like no political correctness. It is refreshing to actually hear.
HANSON: It is.
INGRAHAM: But it's few and far between. That's the point.
HANSON: It is.
INGRAHAM: Upset about Chick-fil-A, are you kidding me? We have to look at the political views of every -- Popeyes sandwich, are they OK? Have we checked all their tweets? The sandwich is good.
HANSON: They're upset about Chick-fil-A because of all this race, class, gender indoctrination came at a price of what was not taught. So these young students don't know who Dante is, they have no idea who Shakespeare, they don't know Sophocles, they don't know analytical geometry. They don't have any idea what induction. You look at examples and then you form a conclusion rather to start in a deductive fashion with a conclusion and force examples to fit it.
And so they're really arrogant in their ideology, but there also sadly ignorant. And that's why they go after Chick-fil-A. When they talk about poverty and the homeless, one of the ways that these universities get students to go to their particular classes is they spend an enormous amount of money on latte bars, rock-climbing walls, private dorm rooms, and they sell the dorm experience like club med.
INGRAHAM: It's a lifestyle. It's a lifestyle.
HANSON: They do. And they have nonteaching facilitators, adjudicators, czars of inclusion, deans of diversity. It's very expensive. The nonteaching budget has soared.
INGRAHAM: Victor, it brings us back to the thing that we talked about before. College is worth it in a lot of cases. You meet great people. If you're computer science major or a premed or you know what you want to do, it can be fabulous. But you can do really well today with experience, work experience, and a work ethic, and you shouldn't be looked down upon for not going to college. I think you are sometimes the smartest person out there.
HANSON: Absolutely. And we have 17 million people in college, and about half of them don't enjoy it, they could spend their time much better, and they're eating up their entire teens and '20s not just by taking -- they don't graduate in four years. The average is six. And some don't graduate after six, and then they spend their 20s trying to pay back these loans that they incurred to get an education that's not competitive.
INGRAHAM: Art history major.
HANSON: They could have been professional vocational training, it would have been much better. It's tragic what's happening.
INGRAHAM: It's got to be a big reform movement needed in the whole education world, and I think it's beginning. Victor, thank you so much. Lucky students at Hillsdale.
Our next guest says that China has its sights set on world domination and seeks to achieve that through some of the most barbaric means possible. He's one of the preeminent experts on all things China, and we are lucky to have him in the studio next.
INGRAHAM: President Trump isn't backing down in the fight against China's unfair trade practices, and now China says they'll sue us because of it. That's a good one. According to FOX Business, the communist nation is suing the United States through the World Trade Organization over the president's latest round of tariffs. I say bring it on.
My next guest, though, says that the tariff standoff is just a small part of a much broader dispute that has worldwide ramifications for freedom, including ours. This is a generational fight. Steve Mosher, China expert, author of the phenomenal book "Bully of Asia, Why China's Dream is the New Threat to the World Order." Steve, you say China has one thing on its mind. What is it?
STEVEN MOSHER, AUTHOR, "BULLY OF ASIA": China intends to dominate the world, the way it did in centuries past. Unfortunately, under the Chinese Communist Party, this is not a country we want to dominate the world. The Chinese Communist Party, Americans need to understand the Chinese Communist Party is a racist, fascist, expansionist political party bent on world domination. It has turned China into a high-tech prison with 1.3 billion inmates. Of course, some walls in that prison are higher than others. The walls in Tibet and Xinjiang and other places are very high. They want to build those same walls in Hong Kong of course. They want to add the 7.3 million people in Hong Kong to the 1.3 billion in China. People of Hong Kong don't want to go there. They know what life is like across the border. They live right on the border so they understand better than anybody else in the world that you lose your freedom. As soon as you walk across the border from Hong Kong into Shenzhen, your freedom is gone.
INGRAHAM: The elites in China, the upper crust -- there's always an upper crust as there was in the Soviet Union. They had all the food they wanted, same thing in North Korea, they are mirroring the elites here in Hollywood and the high-tech industry who make all manner of excuses for China, or say nothing. The great human rights or warriors in Tinseltown, where are they today?
MOSHER: They are hoping that China will just allow their movie to be one of the 20 movies that is allowed by the Communist Party to be shown in China each year. So it's all about the dollars and cents. But every American out to be backing the president in getting tough on China, because this is a generational struggle. We all have a stake in this struggle, right.
Back in the previous generational struggle, President Reagan did what? He cut off technology transfer and money to the Soviet Union. He built of the military. What is Trump doing? He is building up the military, he's cutting into the export sector of the Chinese economy.
INGRAHAM: He says their chain, he keeps saying your chain is going to be broken and become irreparable if you don't change your ways.
MOSHER: Hundreds of factories are leaving China, so that --
INGRAHAM: I have got to play some of these. CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" show -- we don't have this bite, but I'll tell you what happened. They interviewed a TV host from state run media in China to get, I think it was her views on the tariffs. Think about that. I like a lot of people on CNBC. There are some good people there. What? You're interviewing a woman from a media outlet that is basically run by the government.
MOSHER: They have a virtual broadcaster on Chinese TV who is a CG person.
INGRAHAM: And by the way, let me just say this, our own FBN's Trish Regan debated her, but they basically gave her the open.
You're going to come on the podcast this week, Steven. It's so great to see you. Thank you for being here tonight. I could talk to you for an hour.
MOSHER: Good to see you, Laura.
INGRAHAM: Our true Last Bite, and I'm hungry. So stay there, next.
INGRAHAM: It is time for the Last Bite. Tonight we have a literal last bite for you. In honor of my previous segment, we were just hungry, OK. I have this delicious chicken sandwich with pickles and special sauce. I won't tell you where I got it from, but I will tell you I think it's a fillet. There's no bones in it. That's all the time we have tonight.
Don't forget, check out my new podcast, follow me tomorrow.
Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it from here. I can cut it in half for Shannon.
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