This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 12, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
The Senate is preparing to act on the $1.1 trillion spending bill that nearly pass in the House last night, are already in a partial government shut down.
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi fought to the nail and she openly just as side the White House for supporting its passage.
HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: This is a ransom, this is blackmail. You don't get a bill unless Wall Street gets its taxpayer covered. I'm enormously disappointed that the White House feels that the only way their can get a bill is to go along with this and not would be the only reason I think they would, say they would sign such a bill that will weaken a critical component of financial system reform and reducing tax payer risk.
PERINO: Pelosi followed the lead of Senator Elizabeth Warren who's spearheaded the liberal revolt fearing at the bill will weaken a regulation on big banks. Most House Democrats rejected the president too, despite his last-minute phone calls to sway them. So, what is the White House had to say about that?
ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: Why do so many Democrats reject him?
JOAH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think most people would understand that the measure that we have in place was not getting every single Democrat to support it, but getting enough Democrats to support it that it will pass.
HENRY: How are you sure Republicans voted that way and they said it was a principle stand on healthcare. And yesterday, Democrats say it was a principle stand on rolling back Wall Street reform. A year ago the president – Jay Carney and others said they were hostage takers, they were terrorist basically.
EARNEST: Because they shut down government.
EARNEST: Well, Democrats tried last night.
PERINO: What should Republicans do during these tense times for Democrats? Absolutely nothing, says Charles Krauthammer.
CHARLES KRAUTHEMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: If you're a Republican, you should simply sit back and enjoy this, people have been talking about the great civil war among Republicans, I rather that's rubbish. The real civil war, especially after this election is among Democrats that we're seeing it now. A rebellion of by House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi against the White House, a rebellion by -- by Warren leading the left wing faction of the party against the moderates, and it's a great free for all.
PERINO: So that bill is not done yet, there's lot of people unhappy on both sides being, can talk about the substance of that in a minute. But first, I want to talk about this issue about the Democrats and Bob, let me start with you because, it was only about three weeks ago that the Republicans won the big election -- about a month ago. The president is heading into his last two years and already, you can see that Democrats are starting to look past him and to the future. And I have been a skeptic about Elizabeth Warren as a possible challenger or candidate. But in the last three weeks, I've had smart people that I trust, tell me she's very good on the trail, she rallies the base, and do you think there are enough people on the left that are thinking we need someone besides the establishment candidate of Hillary Clinton to try to lead us into 2016.
BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Yeah, I mean, I said this all along, you don't have get a chance to run for the White House without -- unless you're an incumbent president without having a challenger, somebody is going to challenge him. And if they lose, they are going to be -- they did to themselves to step forward the next time around, and I think they'll get some votes. But, you know Warren is right about this, Pelosi is right about this, the banks almost took us into a depression and now they're been in the banks out again. It's ridiculous while Obama did it -- it is a sellout, as far as I'm concerned. How much more they will sell at the big banks in Wall Street? They got everything they want, they make a fortune, they don't so anything, some bunch of -- put some bunch of paper around, and -- they are depression makers is what they are.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: OK. Can I respond to this?
GUTFELD: So, here-- here's the budget bill, but nobody -- nobody's complaining about the fact that it was $1.1 trillion except, you're dickering about the banks as if they're greedy, that's the equivalent of an armed robber condemning a pickpocket. $1.1 trillion -- nothing a banks can do -- compare that. By the way, can you just roll some more video of -- Nancy Pelosi for me? It's clear that this was taken after midnight because she turned into a pumpkin. What kills me -- the media in this whole shutdown thing vilifies the right faction, and would call some wing that's when, when there's a shut down on the right. But on the left, they're seen as a heroic and fearless. I don't about you, but that kind of smacks of media bias.
PERINO: Just a little bit.
BECKEL: Well it's not the $1.1 trillion which I was hear it's regulation that they have been doing away with this.
PERINO: No that -- but it's -- anyone.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: They wrapped up to $1.1 trillion
PERINO: Let me show you a little of this. Because -- so Elizabeth Warren led this charge, it was -- she called it a stop city bank or Citigroup provision. It's a technical provision -- it would help the banks, and I actually, this bill is not finished yet and there are supporters on the right and the left coming together saying that they don't think this should be a part of it. So, but let's take a look at Elizabeth Warren who was willing last night to say, "We'll go all the way to the mat on this and shut down the government" and the media says, "Oh, my gosh, she's such a hero." But look at what she said about a shutdown last year.
ELIZABETH WARREN, SENATOR: The American people don't want the extremist Republicans bizarre vision of a future without government. The attacks on government are abstract but the consequences of this shutdown are real. Less accountability for cheaters and rule breakers, less opportunity for our children, cracks in the foundations that businesses need to succeed, and a tilted playing field that limits opportunities for all of our people.
PERINO: So Eric, do you think that Elizabeth Warren doesn't think that all of those things would be true in a government shutdown she caused?
ERIC BOLLING: So here's the way -- I'm watching this last night, it was fascinating was going on how -- but Maxine Waters is now with the Republican. It was -- it was just great, great political fear.
PERINO: Agree.
BOLLING: But what's happened now is nothing like -- nothing like a few losses and some nervous Democrats all of a sudden, start to run for the Hills. So, what you're having is that verification that there's always been on the right, the Ted Cruz kind of right wing versus the establishment Republicans on the right. Well now, you got in the left too, you have Hillary Clinton on you have in the far left, Elizabeth Warren. Great, this is -- this is exactly what the Republicans should do. Charles Krauthammer says stand back, let them fight it out -- let them create to fight, he's a 100 percent right, but here's the risk, a lot of.
BECKEL: What did you say about Charles again?
BOLLING: Here's the problem with Charles' comment. In that bill also, was funding for Obama's amnesty and the far right is really ticked off at Boehner for letting that go through. For let them keep, keep that in the -- in the funding bill. That means President Obama gets the $4.5 million. That's probably were -- he was on board so quickly.
PERINO: Yeah. On the technical side of things on that point, I think, Kimberly, until you have more power, so in January, what would have happened is Harry Reid would have put up a clean bill and you wouldn't have had any sort of policy changes, even though they were incremental and very unsatisfying. It also funds Obamacare which people are not happy about.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Right. I wanted to tell you, this to me this is just a big shift in the Democratic Party to a very populous message. I agree with Charles, sit back and watch them just wreck each other, and I even more impressed with Elizabeth Warren, because apparently she can actually speak out of both sides of her mouth. It's incredibly convenient. PERINO: It's amazing talent.
GUILFOYLE: Well, unbelievable, unbelievable. Shut it down, as soon as she sends message that she -- you know, in line with it. But if it's the Republicans under obstructionist, they're evil. Let's see what happen, I definitely want to pay for the cage fight between Clinton and Warren.
BECKEL: What? You know what?
GUTFELD: The infighting connects.
BECKEL: Go ahead.
GUTFELD: We're saying how great this infighting is. It really is meaningless, because when it's Republican infighting, that -- it's magnified. It's magnified by the media, but when it's Democratic infighting, it's ignored because really, that's your family, and you don't air dirty laundry. So, we can laugh about this all infighting, but we're the only people that are covered.
BECKEL: But you not -- you said the banks that are not good about this.
GUILFOYLE: But we still have too.
BECKEL: The banks have bought their way into both Democrats and Republicans. Obama got more money out of the banks than any other Democratic president in entire history. And again, they ought to be ashamed of themselves for going inside with these guys. But these guys, they are not Goldman Sachs that has spread their money all over the place. And they got lots of it, lot more to trade (ph) on that.
BOLLING: That's not nice playing boys you mean, what --
PERINO: What's your point?
BECKEL: What I'm saying is that they bought themselves enough Democrats, Republicans to get to the vote.
BOLLING: Can I throw a little strategy on this?
BOLLING: So, on the right we've said for the past -- I don't know, four or five elections, you have the far right candidate, probably wins the primaries, and the one that could probably beat the Democrat is the eccentrics who can't win because.
PERINO: The primary.
BOLLING: He can't get out of the primaries, right?
BOLLING: And the same thing on the left now.
GUILFOYLE: Of course you can.
BOLLING: That is fantastic. Which will even the playing field for the --
GUILFOYLE: That's what you should be saying.
BOLLING: Establishment candidate on the right has a better chance now.
BECKEL: You don't have a liberal wing nearly as strong --
GUILFOYLE: I pray. It's like run, Elizabeth, run.
PERINO: Not yet.
BOLLING: What do you mean?
BECKEL: You don't have a strong -- a liberal wing.
BOLLING: Dana's right, the -- circling of the wagons around Elizabeth Warren has been fantastic.
BECKEL: No, it has been. But I'm saying, she's not in the voice (ph) to do it.
PERINO: Let me ask.
BECKEL: She can't sustain it.
PERINO: Let me ask you this, Greg, do you think that any of this, with Elizabeth Warren sort of pushing back Hillary last week. Including -- and Governor O'Malley of -- former governor of Maryland, did the same thing on the torture report.
PEIRNO: She's been a lot of pressure on keystone. Do you think that Hillary Clinton gets pushed into making a decision about getting into the race sooner than later, because she doesn't want to leave that four months open for them to target her.
GUTFELD: She might actually have to talk and say what she believes in, because she seems to be absent most of the time. The weird thing about Liz Warren -- the alternative to Hillary is supposed to be Liz Warren, which -- to me, isn't much of a choice, it's like a choice between the name brand and the generic of the same product. It's the same thing. It's just -- like, you saying it's a choice between the laugh and the moderate? No, it's far left and far, far left.
PERINO: I agree. I don't see that.
GUTFELD: Thank you.
PERINO: There's so much of a difference.
GUTFELD: There isn't. Is there Dana?
PERINO: I don't. I --
GUTFELD: That's my point.
PERINO: I want to show you one of the things about media bias.
GUTFELD: Please do, OK.
PERINO: And maybe people won't think this is bias. I thought it was a little bit of the -- kind of rude question to ask, this is NBC Reporter Kasie Hunt, asking Ricky Perry about the presidential run.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KASIE HUNT, POLITICAL REPORTER: Are you smart enough to be president of the United States?
RICK PERRY, GOVERNOR OF TEXAS: I think the stand point of the life's experiences -- running for the presidency is not an IQ test. It is a test of an individual to resolve, the test of an individual's philosophy, the test of an individual's life experiences.
(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO; Kimberly what do you think of that?
GUILFOYLE: What a lame question. I mean, this is a rude and condescending - - are you smart enough? Well, is he smart enough to be governor? Are you smart to be asking those questions?
PERINO: Or maybe he said -- maybe.
GUILFOYLE: Or could you figure out a better way?
GUTFELD: Maybe she should have said that though. That's the problem with Republicans they're just not as glib and as quick as Democrats.
GUILFOYLE: Right. But they all know.
GUILFOYLE: It's the wrong woman by Governor Perry, because he was rude to someone who was rude to him.
PERINO: Maybe she just said though, Bob, what they are thinking which is, - - that they don't think Republicans are smart enough to run for president.
BECKEL: Well, I mean, said I agree with that. But to him, but -- I tell you.
GUTFELD: The Democrats are so brilliant.
BECKEL: No, no, I tell son, I think he held that question pretty well.
PERINO: He did.
BECKEL: I thought.
PERINO: I don't understand the music well.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. It was a weird track.
PERINO: Where was that music coming from?
GUTFELD: He should have called her on it. That's what he should have done.
PEIRNO: Yeah, I agree.
GUILFOYLE: Christy would have.
GUTFELD: Yeah, Christy would have --
GUTFELD: God knows what Christy would have done.
PERINO: There are all going to get that questions.
PEIRNO: So if you are a staffer for a hopeful presidential candidate, be prepared for it. We have three minutes left and I am not sure what else to talk about.
BOLLING: People say you are fair enough to be a journalist.
PERINO: I've gone through all myself.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh, they just put a teas for you, because there's there like, help her.
PERINO: Do you have anything more to say, please?
GUTFELD: Well, I was going to always go back to my point, it's like -- we've been talking about the Democrats, but on the Republican side, you have Mitt Romney who -- is not impressed. He's not impressed with the -- field, and I -- which I -- I'm okay with, except that I'm not that impressed with -- hit fire in his belly. So, -- what I think the Republicans have to think about this, what scares Democrats most and what's scares Democrats most are Republicans who sound and look like Democrats.
BECKEL: Which would make Bush the best -- he was the only person I would like in everyone else.
PERINO: But to Eric's point, can that Republican in that mold wins the primary?
BOLLING: It actually evens the playing field on the right.
GUILFOYLE: He could.
BOLLING: You just spread it all out. It was always the left that is united against -- splitting the vote on the right and they are united. They knew their candidate and they lot more momentum. Boy, I'm going to love watching them play it out.
BOLLING: I think, I think Hillary Clinton, her affinity for fighting wars, and some of her -- and her affinity for Wall Street. She's the Wall Street candidate. Elizabeth Warren is the anti Wall Street that they allow differences they have.
PERINO: But remember when she got a little bit of push back and all of this from the left and all of a sudden she said, -- businesses and corporations don't create jobs.
BECKEL: Well you mentioned.
PERINO: Remember that?
GUILFOYLE: We played it quite often.
BECKEL: Here's a classic example of somebody in her case who is trying to play it right down the middle. It started with her book, where there was nothing about that book that was specific either way, like she always tried to find the middle ground. She got out there and was asked some tough questions and she wasn't quite prepared for them. And she stays behind answering (ph) all these issues that somebody's tough.
PERINO: Yeah, let me.
BECKEL: And some point you can't away with doing it. Being a front-runner for 24 months is very tough.
GUILFOYLE: But let me tell you something, if -- you know the Clintons like I do. There has not a chance, they're going to let the rug get pulled out from under them.
BECKEL: That's true.
GUILFOYLE: And the likes of Elizabeth Warren.
PERINO: Well maybe.
GUILFOYLE: Goodluck.
PERINO: And maybe this works for them right? They need to have -- they need to make it look like she has little competition.
BECKEL: Sure, sure.
GUTFELD: Could you imagine if it happened again to Hillary?
GUILFOYLE: After Obama?
GUTFELD: After Obama.
PERINO: I could imagine it.
PERINO: I could imagine it.
PERINO: I visualize it.
GUTFELD: I see that happen.
PERINO: I just want to thank my colleagues for bailing me out there when I have three minutes to fill.
GUILFOYLE: Hey, you hit the right spot.
PERINO: Thankfully.
GUILFOYLE: And we pull this together.
PERINO: We've been talkers. OK, ahead, some of the finest law schools in the U.S are babying their students and postponing finals because -- they're so upset over the Brown and Garner cases. Is that teaching a bad lesson to America's future lawyers? Next.
GUTFELD: Law students in Colombia, Harvard and Georgetown can delay their finals if they feel traumatized, by the grand jury decision made in Ferguson and New York. That's what I called a bad lesson. Not just for college but for life. The world doesn't stop because you're angry. And why would anyone hire a lawyer who needs time off because they feel bad. Now, a close friend of mine took the Bar exams days after a loved one had a major stroke. There was no snow day for him. And I can rattle up some things that pissed me off right now, but I'm still here. The two dozen Ferguson businesses traumatized by looters, the Bosnian, Zemir Begich, teens beat him to death with hammers -- no one seems to know why. Four Christian kids murdered by ISIS for not renouncing their religion. And Vanessa Coleman, asked it to be released after serving two years for the brutal torture, rapes and killings of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. If you want to get so sick that you'll skip work, read up on that case. I get it, the Eric Garner case is really bad, but using it to get out on finals, diminishes the real suffering of his family, and your own reputation as a capable person. It zaps the meaning of trauma by applying it so liberally. Finally, while these students consider the time off, pounded the girls on their way to school, getting acid thrown in the faces by the Taliban, to keep them and others from seeking an education, they still go to class. These law students could learn something from them.
PERINO: Actually, agree.
GUTFELD: Agreed. You know who else feel this way? Greta Van Susteren.
PERINO: Oh, really?
GUTFELD: I believe she -- is a lawyer.
GUTFELD: I think she is. Let's roll some tape of her making a very good point.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, ON THE RECORD SHOW HOST: Would you ever hire a lawyer who when he hears of disappointing news of a case -- that's I'm in part of, wants to crawl under the bed and hide because it's so upsetting? Or do you want your lawyer to be strong, using his law degree to fight for your rights. I can tell you, no great lawyer who has ever fought for the rights of others hides under beds. We all know Justice David Marcial, as a lawyer he argued Brown versus board of education, before the Supreme Court, that was tough. Imagine if he had not done and saying, it's too hard.
(END VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: Bob, that's a good point.
BECKEL: It is a good point. I mean, -- I took the law school test and I didn't even get enough score to get it processed, that's so bad it was. But, you know, this is so ridiculous. The one thing that I remember is I got off to school when ten states (ph) happened. And they shot those students in death in Ohio. Now, that was one thing, when you got bunch of kids shot down during a protest.
BECKEL: It's another thing when it has nothing to do with what you're doing. I mean, I don't get it. I really don't get it.
GUTFELD: Way on not.
BECKEL: This is all of your liberal things. It's all -- this is another reason why it may be coming your way, all these liberal guys doing this stuff, it's terrible.
GUTFELD: Kimberly?
GUTFELD: You were a prosecutor.
GUTFELD: And I've heard a good one.
GUTFELD: Is this good training for (inaudible)
GUILFOYLE: I mean, it's a good training if you want to be bed weather and a cry baby because, the attorneys I know, the prosecutors, the defense attorneys work really hard, they'll go -- you know, sleepless nights -- the whole deal, whatever it takes to get it done. That's the job to do, especially when you work in the law, long hard hours. You can't be making excuses, your clients doesn't want to hear excuses, the people, the state you represent don't want to hear excuses. So I don't get it. The day for I took the bar exam, I was in the hospital and they won't let me get out but I wasn't going to wait another four months to take it. So, I snuck out of the hospital.
GUTFELD: Really?
GUILFOYLE: Correct. And went the next day, and check back in after.
BECKEL: What were you in the hospital for?
GUILFOYLE: Kidney infection.
GUTFELD: A what?
GUILFOYLE: Kidney infection.
GUTFELD: Really?
GUILFOYLE: That was really, really sick.
GUTFELD: Oh my goodness.
PERINO: And she passed.
GUTFELD: And she will.
GUILFOYLE: And this is what happens.
GUTFELD: Two ways.
GUILFOYLE: Drink water.
GUILFOYLE: I don't have kidney stones to think.
GUTFELD: I don't know, but it seems the right thing to say. So it --
GUILFOYLE: Isn't it your mind.
GUTFELD: Yes. So, Eric, we're not talking about the kind of grief over a relative's illness or a family death.
GUTFELD: People close to that -- we get that. Or talking about it's almost a tertiary or -- tangential suffering, which.
PERINO: By proxy.
GUTFELD: Yeah, suffering by proxy.
BOLLING: And no one they knew, no one at the school -- so, two things, maybe it was a test. Maybe the law professors are saying, "Let's see who actually takes off because of the Eric Garner case, and we're not going to pass them, we're going to keep their grades low. I'm just kidding it's obviously not the case." But you're right you -- creating a nation of wusses -- remember the book The Firm.
BOLLING: John Grisham.
GUILFOYLE: John Grisham.
BOLLING: Remember -- it's one of the few legal books I can work my way through. But I remember when your first year or second year law -- in a law firm, you're working through the night. Sometimes you're working.
GUILFOYLE: All the time. And that's why I love it. High in back to EIP, people like, oh, they didn't get to go sleep or they, ever.
BOLLING: How is it. GUILFOYLE: Some of that stuff is considered a spa treatment.
BOLLING: How is it prepared to this to be good lawyers when they get out? Maybe it's going to prepare them to be good.
GUTFELD: Activist.
BOLLING: Federal lawyers, working for the government. You get your time off.
BECKEL: I get through lawyers works for the government.
PERINO: Yes, very much so.
PERINO: I blame the parents.
GUTFELD: Really?
PERINO: OK. So, Millennials -- God bless them, they've got a lot of great things going for them. I understand all these great things but, this is the type of kid whose parents let them stay home from school because they were stressed, right? The parents were like -- you can just stay home today, take a sick day, take a personal day -- I hate personal days. I mean, I understand you guys get your stuffs done.
GUTFELD: You're cold human being.
PERINO: I'm not very cold, though.
GUTFELD: What about a dog day? What if you have an issue with the dog?
PERINO: I would never take a dog day.
BECKEL: Can you imagine paying for this subject? Paying for law school and paying for all of this.
BECKEL: And all of a sudden the kid saying, I can't show up for --
PERINO: I can't, I can't do it.
GUILFOYLE: Well, you're not teaching them a good life lesson to be resilient. Because it's tough out there and even harder for a lot maybe even if they have a law degree to get a job, though.
BOLLING: SO it would be.
GUILFOYLE: That's excuse.
BOLLING: Were they allowed to take the day off after James Foley was beheaded by ISIS?
GUTFELD: I don't think so.
BOLLING: Juts when it -- when it has a ideological tie into liberal ideology that, go ahead, think about that for a minute, think about the Eric Garner case, think about Ferguson but, -- don't think about ISIS.
GUTFELD; The other thing that is -- interesting and I think it's a mistake is, -- because these grand jury decisions were -- were in a similar -- in a close period of time, they're grouped together. I can't put the New York City decision with Ferguson. I can't.
BECKEL; It's none.
GUTFELD: They're two separate things. The New York City when we come -- I haven't met anybody, honestly, that feels -- that that was the right thing, so.
BECKLE: Well, yeah, that was not a race issue.
BECKEL: As well as to the Ferguson.
BOLLING: Well, both -- de Blasio thinks it was right.
BECKLE: Well yeah, but that's --
BOLLING: I mean not a little -- he literally pinned --
BECKEL: De Blasio did most things are a disgrace.
GUILFOYLE: Well, he's misguided.
GUTFELD: There's your guy, Bob. All right.
GUTFELD: Don't go away, new developments in the hacking scandal, next.
BOLLING: Well the Sony hacking scandal keeps getting worst. The latest documents leak include, detailed health information on more than three dozen employees and in some cases, their kids and spouses too. The (inaudible) get in so big, it's even got the reaction from the White House.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) EARNEST: Cyber threats post one of the greatest national security dangers in the United States phases. And our critical infrastructure continues to be at risk for these threats, as does the personal information of millions of Americans and the administration will continue to take aggressive action to protect our nation from these kinds of threats.
(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: But this shouldn't come as surprised. Here's FBI Director James Comey on the threat of Cyber crime, two months ago.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: Yeah, I think there's something about sitting in front of your own computer, working on your own banking, your own health care, your own social life, that makes it hard to understand the danger. The internet is the most dangerous parking lot imaginable. But if you were crossing a mall parking lot late at night, your entire sense of danger would be heightened. You would stand straight, you would walk quickly, you know where you're going, you would look for light. Folks are wandering around that proverbial parking lot on the internet, all day long, without a giving it a thought, to whose attachments are opening, what sites they're visiting, and that makes it easy for the bad guys.
(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: And Greg, it -- it's scary.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I really like.
BOLLING: It's almost like those -- in his analogy?
BOLLING: There's no light. It's even massive parking lot -- there's no light.
GUTFELD: And we're all, we're all going to get, hit by this. I -- have one solution, because it called brute force attacks. So it's when they just flood you with constant combination of password to get yours. When you choose a password, don't choose things that you love, choose things that you hate, because everyone uses names of their children or names of their pets. Dana's password is, I heart Jasper forever. For all of us.
PERINO: Why are you telling to everybody?
GUTFELD: I'm Sorry. But -- and Bob says, I like -- what it is? I heart alcohol massage?
GUTFELD: The best thing to it.
GUTFELD: Is things that you hate. Do the opposite, because they can't figure you out. Like, I hate Adam Levine...
PERINO: Ha, ha, I know then.
GUTFELD: So I have Adam Levine forever.
PERINO: OK. I like it.
BECKEL: There is much bigger issue here.
GUILFOYLE: I thought use your birthday.
BECKEL: The e-mail thing is something that we are be careful about, talking about anyway. But more importantly, is they're hacking into, in particular the Chinese, it keeps back to them because we educate them, we teach them to be computer specialists, they go back and they hack us. They have been taking national security information from us. They've been taking major defense contractors, they're hacking at them. They're hacking away and they're building all these great things that they talked about, at our expense because, they're hacking the information.
GUILFOYLE: What shall we do Bob?
BOLLING: Yeah, but --
BECKEL: I think we should cut diplomatic relation with those up to me.
PERIMNO: Oh, my goodness gracious.
BECKEL: Absolutely.
BECKEL: And not all you business guys who suffering (ph) (inaudible)
BOLLING: The fastest growing.
BECKEL: Having all that cheap labor.
BOLLING: Planet we -- I think we want it that --
GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh, they can't. BOLLING: Play a little bit -- look, get tough with them. I agree when James Comey was right. He said, lean on them but don't -- whatever, it's my opinion. Dana -- but you.
BECKEL: Who are vigorously invaded (ph)
BOLLING: Create (ph) your password every day, and the hackers can still hack through your company.
PERINO: There was -- three weeks ago, I think there was a New York Times magazine piece called, The Secret Life of Passwords. And it talks about how people develop their passwords. And so, if you could write an entire New York Times magazine piece about it -- which is very good by the way, I really like it. It's not hard for them to figure it out, and I don't think they're just figuring out things that I love, because a lot of these attacks are of the mass kind, so there's different ways to get in.
BOLLING: Yeah, but getting all through the summers (ph)
PERINO: On this particular piece, which is a corporate one, I had an idea about one thing that as an employee -- as a perspective employee, if you're interviewing with the company, one question you might ask them is, "What is your cyber security policy. How protected am I if I come to work here?" And that could become a competitive advantage for companies that actually do it well.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but there's also that get -- a breach too that's pretty easy to hack into, because you have employees that work in a company and they go home and they access into the employee's server from their iPad, form their iPhone, from their -- you know, desktops, so that another way from them to infiltrate. And apparently, even the defenses that Sony had, and with the hackers have sophisticated they were, would have gotten -- you know, past 90 percent of our software out there. It's daunting.
BECKEL: The Chinese sell that -- fireworks, missiles and fireworks, they now have the missiles that they fire and -- they have satellite for this -- they're not their missiles, they stole them from us. They should have stuck to -- fireworks, they would have been a lot better off. In fact they would have stuck to me being behind that wall, we would be a lot better off.
GUILFOYLE: Is this an adjunct to the internet?
BECKEL: I just, I just --
GUILFOYLE: It's a tiring (ph)
BECKEL: Why people sit around and think that China is not the greatest threat to the United States is a mistake, I just don't get it.
GUILFOYLE: Donald Trump --
GUTFELD: Truly for selfish reasons, I think the media needs to declare e- mails that are leaked off limits. Like an organization.
PERINO: Safe zone.
GUTFELD: And not -- it would be a nice, unifying exercise for the entire media to say, when this stop (ph) comes out. And then I it -- this is for selfish reasons.
GUTFELD: Because I know it's going to happen to me, and I'm afraid and I can't even remember, 2000 to 2005.
PERINO: I just -- you really worried about?
GUTFELD: I was not a good person.
BECKEL; I went to on my laptop (ph)
GUILFOYLE: Even after our Christmas party, you sent e-mails about this last night.
BOLLING: Here's -- here's the crazy part. It doesn't matter if you -- you can delete everything on all of your --
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: Yeah. BOLLING: I mean, desktop, your phones -- everything -- there's four backups, I'm sure every company in the world including Fox has two and three backups on --
GUILFOYLE: Except for the IRS.
PERINO: No kidding.
GUILFOYLE: All right, though.
BOLLING: All right, we'll leave it like that.
GUILFOYLE: Let's go.
BOLLING: Good? Ready to go?
PERINO: I like the next segment. The next segment is Greek (ph)
BOLLING: Before the week?
PERINO: Uh oh, Alison.
BOLLING: That directed you Ebola tape.
All right, up next, before the week plus, gold -- the 2015 Golden Globe nominees are in, the snubs and the surprises next on The Five.
GUILFOYLE: Good thing.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's me. The Golden Globe nominees were announced yesterday, with Birdman, Boyhood and Imitation Game among the top on rate. (ph) Among the snubs, American Sniper about deceased American hero Chris Kyle and Unbroken, the amazing true story about World War II hero and POW Louis Zamperini. I ask you -- will the films faster because a critic doesn't like them? Or does Hollywood have a problem with films they find too pro military. Take it around, Bolling.
BOLLING: Probably pro military, I mean, -- there are liberal not jobs in Hollywood anyway. And I guess the people -- the Golden Globes are -- forgive me, voted by whom? Are those the people? Or are those just -- critics?
PERINO: The critics.
BOLLING: It Is? Then I would say, yeah, then -- I would be surprised to see anything faith based or military based in -- any of these. I haven't seen any of these movies either, by the way.
BECKEL: Why not?
GUILFOYLE: You mean as part of your home work assignment? You did not?
BOLLING: No. The moment said that they were nominated. I haven't seen any of that.
GUILFOYLE: Dana Perino.
PERINO: Well, -- it's a movie -- when Zero Dark Thirty came out, Hollywood loved it, right? Because, that was praising President Obama.
GUILFOYLE: Well, to they praised him and they gave all the direct access, right?
PERINO: Right.
GUILFOYLE: That what are we used to.
PERINO: Are we suppose -- this is the place where we say the one that we like?
GUILFOYEL: I don't know, you can do whatever you like, this is called, free style.
PERINO: OK. So, I have.
PERINO: Because I just finished watching the entire season of Silicon Valley, which I have to highly recommend. I need a good laugh, this show cracked me up. Do we have a sound bite? Do we have one? No, we don't. But you can see it there, it's very funny. I would do the imitation for you, and make a sound bite, but I can't. Anyway, it's all about Silicon Valley's here on kids that are trying to make it -- they have a little idea from an app, but it -- things just get --
GUTFELD: Tripped.
PAERINO: Sawed, sawed.
PEIRNO: Anybody else wants to take of it --
GUILFOYLE: I don't know.
GUTFELD: It a --no, you --
GUILFOYLE: That's a very weird show.
GUTFELD: Silicon Valley is made by Mike Judge.
GUTFELD: It's one of the greatest -- it's one of the great TV shows that -- I mean, Mike Judge did adhocracy and did Office Space and Bevis and Butthead, he's, he's -- a recognized genius and this is another great thing that he has done.
GUILFOYLE: And it goes to the rest of the years about.
GUILFOYLE: Up and downs (ph) --
GUTFELD: Well first, can I comment on the -- awards in general.
GUILFOYLE: And then (ph)
GUTFELD: I found awards for entertainment strange, because these are people who already have fame and fortune, and yet that's still not enough, they need love from critics and peers. It seems that they are needy to me. (inaudible) of FNC, no matter how successful we are, we will always be hated by our peers.
PERINO: That's -- if (inaudible)
GUTFELD: Yeah, it's like I don't -- I never get a word for what I do.
GUILFOYLE: This like way is perfect for into?
GUTFELD: I don't deserve an award except for being adorable. All right.
GUTFELD: My movies. And my movies first, I pick five but I'll end with my favorite. Babadook, which is an Australian war film, (inaudible), Snowpiercer, amazing futuristic not so movie, Enemy, everybody I know hated it, I loved it. Blue Ruin, independent film about a guy seeking revenge and does a terrible job of it. And the best movie film for me was the Lego -- the Lego movie, which we've got to see in the movie theater after two drinks, because you swear you're outer space the whole time. It is absolutely.
GUILFOYLE: You saw a couple times.
GUTFELD: I saw it twice. It --
GUILFOYLE: And you don't have a kid.
GUTFELD: It is so -- I know, that's why --
GUTFELD: The answers were a bit weird with me, because, I was alone, in an overcoat.
PERINO: Did they ask, and they could call your mommy.
GUTFELD: Yeah, they did. TV, I also had Silicon Valley and I -- what wasn't nominated was Portlandia, which had --
GUTFELD: Fred Armisen, he was stone called -- amazing talent and that's thing from Saturday live in years it's Fred Armisen, and this -- an indictment of progressivism done by somebody who's progressive.
GUILFOYLE: Very funny. OK. I can say I share one with you, the Lego movie, because everything is awesome, I love that one. Very cute movie, very well done, loved it, so I see the weirdness in Greg, nevertheless, he's right, you can be an adult and go see that movie. But, my favorite performance on -- by an actor in a major motion picture goes to Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler, where -- work out in a gym that he boxes out and he seems supernormal at night, he terrified me in this movie. He's just really scary, like complete ideas and fight sociopath.
PERINO: Wait, you watched a movie when you were working out?
GUILFOYLE: No, no, no, no.
GUTFLD: IT enemy was she saying.
GUILFOYLE: Fox is at the same place, so I know, but then I saw the movie, but I wasn't working out to it, does that make sense?
GUILFOYLE: Kind of, whatever.
PERINO: With you (ph) Bob. BECKEL: Well, my favorite movie of all these was Secretariat. I love secretariat, I saw it two or three times.
GUTFELD: You -- you said this same answer every year.
BECKEL: It's the only show I ever been able to see.
BECKEL: But I do like.
GUILFOYLE: I wish you would say Groundhog Day, then it will make sense, it's the same thing.
BECKEL: On television, on television, I love obviously the House of Cards and I love Orange is the New Black, I think that is a great TV series.
PERINO: Why did Justified get shut out though?
BECKEL: I have no idea, what a shame.
GUTFELD: I'll tell you why.
PERINO: How's it?
GUTFELD: Not enough, not enough gun fights. It -- it was, very tame this season, they needed more killing.
GUILFOYLE: Is that what it is? And Bolling.
GUILFOYLE: You will end where we begin. Go ahead.
BOLLING: House of cards is the one of the nominees -- I also enjoyed, but if you watch Homeland.
GUILFOYLE: You'll love it.
BOLLING: Carrie Mathison -- Claire Danes is Carrie Mathison.
PERINO: Absolutely.
BOLLING: When you watch that, she plays -- she's crazy and her part is that she's crazy and she's medicated and she's trying to keep it all under control. Are you watched that? You really think she's crazy. And she's doing an amazing, amazing job with that role.
PERINO: And great.
BOLLING: She's fantastic.
GUILFOYLE: I love that when she gets shot, she just keeps going. It's amazing.
GUTFELD: Way to give away plot points.
GUTFELD: And when she dies in the fourth of -- Oh, sorry guys.
GUILFOYLE: Whatever.
BECKEL: She didn't die.
BECKEL: She tricked (ph) us.
GUILFOYLE: She's making self up. Alright, coming up, men or women? Are one of the sexes dumber than the other?
GUILFOYLE: Apparently this is --
BOLLING: He's not our examples.
GUILFOYLE: There's no scientific proof.
BECKEL: Did you makes point, and he had to say dumber? You can't do that. I can't believe you did that.
BECKLE: Let me clarify something. In the break, the teases coming into this segment, it said are men or women dumber? That's not what this is about. It's about, whether men take more idiotic chances that are women do. Those lower are men bravery and women are wusses. Some men do idiotic things, some women do too. Who does it more than the other one? According to study, absolutely men, the scientific proof is now in the British Medical Journal, men were found to be more like in the women, to take truly idiotic life threatening risk.
GUILFOYLE: Therefore, dumber.
BECKEL; No, no, no, no, no. The.
BECKEL: I by the way, I was caught by you, it was a two way shot and by.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, please.
BOLLING: I would simply say which is vote on the male representation.
BOLLING: So it guess.
BOLLING: More risk. You take more chances. We pride (ph) die more often, taking those risk and chance. But were more successful.
GUILFOYLE: What? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
BOLLING: Better trainers, were better leaders.
GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?
BOLLING: And we're better athletes.
GUILFOYLE: What do you mean they are more successful?
BOLLING: Look, there should be no question that the higher the risk, you're willing to take, the higher the reward you ultimately get with success. So, there's some failures, yes you die but --
GUILFOYLE: This is not.
BOLLING: There also -- that's some of the downside that taking higher risk for.
BECKEL: I'll page (ph) you find that (inaudible)
BOLLING: Better.
BECKEL: And you seen that --
GUILFOYLE: And you just prove my point because that was a dumb thing.
BECKEL: No, it was not. It was --
PERINO: I don't think he really means it, and I think he's hoping it's going to get on media...
BOLLING: Bob, stop it.
PERINO: You can't say it that you think that men are more successful than women and not expect that you're get some controversy for.
BOLLING: No, no, I thought it's for.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, look at this table, look at the women in this table, boy. Give me a break.
BOLLING: It's quite -- you can quite attainably (ph) see.
PERINO: You're right that -- certainly in businessmen do take more risks and that's one of the things that women and the men trained programs. They try to encourage women to be willing to take more risk because, now that you have these options in front of you and the backing of lots of companies and want more women in the workplace. That you are encouraged to take some risk because, without risk you can't get rewards. But this study was based on the Darwin awards, which is how people makes really stupid decisions and they die, and 99 percent of the people that happens to -- are men, because they make really stupid decisions.
GUILFOYLE: Like the guy that wanted to be eaten alive by the anaconda, what a dumb guy.
BECKEL: Well, nobody -- Eric's got a point here, if you don't mind me saying so, there's certainly things about risk, it's risk generally. I mean.
GUILFOYLE: Look all the risks you took in your life, is that think so smart?
BECKEL: Why should I have said? But the point here is that, men do take a lot of risks, they get awarded -- rewarded for it, and they get killed for it, but they are braver.
GUILFOYLE: But that's different.
GUILFOYLE: We're not talking about bravery or being courageous.
PERINO: I'm not being (inaudible) I'm not going to be (inaudible), it's the media segment.
BECKEL: That a lot real in favor -- favor in.
PERINO: Come on.
GUILFOYLE: Listen, I don't sit there and make these generalizations, you know, base on.
GUILFOYLE: I think it depends on the individual.
BECKEL: Really?
GUILFOYLE: I'll put myself up against any guy any day of the week.
GUTFELD: I -- can I jump in here?
BECKEL: Yeah, yes please.
GUTFELD: This has nothing to do with who is more confident or who is less confident anything has nothing to do with it. What it has to do with is status. And -- men take risks to gain status to attract females, a lot -- that's why when the first thing a kid does to impress a girl is do a head stand. Or --he'll do wheelies on his bike. Because his interested in making a girl -- to get attention from a girl. A lot of sports were invented to -- express your physical a prowess over another man in order to get a woman's attention. It's interesting difference, women complain that men objectify them. And they're right, we do objectify women.
GUTFELD: We do. We are riskified. We are encouraged to take risks in order to get the attention of people that we're interested in so there's, there's pluses and minuses for being a male and a female.
GUILFOYLE: What did you ever do to get a female's attention?
GUTFELD: You have to take some pretty.
GUILFOYLE: Write a book?
GUTFEDL: Yet, I spent way too -- way too much time -- in the gym.
BECKEL: There is that mac cheese about factor where men do, like for example, they race each other in highways and boom, and they kill themselves, I guess that makes him. GUTFELD: But also women are more valuable. Women are more valuable because, you can't -- if you need to keep a civilization going, you need more women than men. Men are disposable, women -- you know women -- it takes nine months to have a child, for a men, you can continually reproduce. That's why men go to wars, because they are disposable.
BECKEL: Yeah, but I tell you something, it's a lot of work, don't knock that -- one second that's important. One more thing is up next.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my God, what a moron.
PERINO: It's time now for one more thing and Eric's going to go first.
BOLLING: OK. So, it's Friday, so it's time for?
So sometimes the Fool of the Week is hard, it's a tough call, you have to think of, who the person is, the comment, they are putting context, make a decision of being fair.
GUILFOYLE: Not easy.
BOLLING: It's not easy. This week, was not bad at all. This is pretty darned easy. Right after -- just moments after the CIA interrogation report was released, Sandra Fluke tweeted this. Pull up full screen please. It's - - she says, -- OK, let me read it. She says, "Horrified by the quote -- I'm sorry #TortureReport and by how it mirrors domestic challenges of #sexualassault and violence against men of color by authority figures. So,
GUILFOYLE: What? She just no negligence (ph) there.
BOLLING: 15 minutes, Sandra Fluke compared Eric Garner and sexual assault victims to terrorist or another words -- she took terrorism report and made it about racism and a rape, for that -- Sandra Fluke, all the way.
PERINO: Why care about music (ph) to it. Tomorrow morning it's cashing in.
BOLLING: Yes ma'am.
PERINO: Alright, 11:30. Greg, you are next.
GUTFELD: Yeah, I'm on O'Reilly tonight with Bernie. This is something that should happen more often, but should happen more often. There's going to be rally December 19th. City Hall at 5 p.m., for the New York police department -- downtown, it's the creators -- Thank you, NYPD, they have a Facebook page, and there's no race element of this at all, because, we have black, we have white we have Hispanic, we have gay police officers, it's about supporting all of them and it wouldn't be such a bad thing to support.
GUTFELD: And women.
GUILFOYLE: Police officers.
PERINO: Do you think the mayor will go?
PERINO: Do you think the mayor will go? GUTFELD: I don't know. He might have a plan -- who knows.
PERINO: OK. I like to go next, this is news to me. My -- the college that I went to is CSU Pueblo, when I went there, there was not a football team. There is now, and they're in the NCAA division II semifinal. Tomorrow they are playing West Georgia, so it's CSU Pueblo versus West Georgia, tomorrow. And it's going on mascot theory it's the Thunder Wolves versus the wolfies? And the Thunder Wolves -- my school, I think, clearly the Thunder Wolves are going to win.
GUTFELD: But, Thunder Wolves are just wolves with flatulence.
PERINO: Not loud, very loud. It used to be the Indians but then you know what happen, they had to change their name. OK. Kimberly, you're next.
GUILFOYLE: Alright, it's a very heartwarming story during the holiday times remember that it's not about receiving gifts but about giving them. One woman who was anonymous individual in Massachusetts went and paid off all the lay away at Toys R Us.
GUILFOYLE: for all the children, $20,000 worth. When the people found out their items were paid, they were in tears. So God Bless, what an incredible way to spend your money.
GUTFELD: That was nice you get that.
PERINO: That's great.
PERINO: You know what? That's a great idea. If I should copy that -- Bob, you're next.
BECKEL: I'm on next, OK. You know, Santa Claus has every year has little kids crawling on his lap, like Eric crawling on his lap this year. I want to show you a little montage here, kids, from the 1950s to the 1980s, what they looked like as they, went through with Santa Claus, weren't they just happy looking little kids? Look at that, everybody was very excited.
PERINO: Kind of fairy (ph) went there first seeing Santa.
BECKEL: Oh, there it is, look at that. Horrible. Is Greg?
BOLLING: What are you saying Bob?
BECKEL: What I'm saying is that every kid cries when there was Santa Claus.
PEIRNO: Only the first time, only the first time.
BECKEL: Special effect is next, whatever it is.
PERINO: Alright, I think that should.
PERINO: I don't know. OK. Have a great weekend, everyone. "Special Report" is next, thanks for watching.
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