
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 21, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, this is "The Five."

Last night, President Obama took immigration matters into his own hands, granting 5 million illegals a form of non-deportation amnesty and moments ago, aboard Air Force One, the president signed that order. He addressed a Las Vegas crowd minutes later.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I know some critics call this action, amnesty. It's not amnesty. Amnesty really is the system we got today, you got millions of people who are living here, but they're not obliged to pay their taxes or play by the rules and then politicians just use the situation to scare people, and what both on election time. So they just -- they want to keep the system as is. That's the real amnesty, just talking, leaving the broken system the way it is.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: But conservatives aren't happy with the president unilaterally changing American law. El Presidente Guinea (ph) a tunnel push back from Republicans, possibly more than he expected.


JEFF SESSIONS, ALABAMA SENATOR: These is 5 million people being given amnesty that Congress rejected, that the American people have rejected, they will pull down the wages of working Americans, will make jobs harder for them to find, will create a system in the future that will invite more people to come unlawfully.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: Trust, interesting concept, trust. Can President Obama earns the trust of the now Republican Senate and House, and doesn't matter if they trust him. Speaker John Boehner says that all may be lost, watch.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JOHN BOEHNER, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: With this action, the president has chosen to deliberately sabotage any chance of an active bipartisan reform that he claims to seek. And as I told the president yesterday, he's damaging the presidency itself. He created an environment where the members would not trust him, and then trying to find a way to together of is virtually impossible.


BOLLING: So Dana, what above then, I mean, do we want them working together -- will that help and will the Republicans ever trust President Obama again?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, we don't -- we need them to do something in Washington. I mean first of all, National Security being the most important thing, and this being possibly in some ways a National Security issue. Yes, they are gonna have to work together in some way. I would not want to be in White House legislative affairs office today because, I'm sure they're getting an air full, and it's gonna be a very difficult -- just two weeks ago, the day after the midterm election, Mr. President Obama lost so many seats. He said, "The lesson I've learned is that people want us to work together more in Washington." 10 days later, he pulls this move and what we find out today in a political article, they've been planning to do this nine months, so it was in the works behind the scenes. I guess in some ways, I think the Republicans are in a little bit of a bind. You said that the president might be getting more push back than he expected. I also think that's a little bit less than he expected. But I think that what they really wanted today is to hold into Republicans coming out and start screaming impeachment and shut down. It didn't happen from the two -- electively, the two leaders, Boehner and McConnell, we'll see if that changes over time, but I think right now, it's sort of a measured response, trying to figure out, is it legal, what he did? I think that the court could weigh in, but that could be a long time from now. In the meantime, across the board, scholars that look at the constitution stay that this is crossing a rubicund, meaning you have crossed a line that you can ever go back to. So, to you question, long way of getting there, can I rebuild trust? I think it will be very difficult.

BOLLING: Greg, during that speech in Las Vegas, someone with a heckler was yelling out and President Obama's response was, "Hey, it's the first step, but not the only step. We have a lot more coming."

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I don't know, you know, I do have a question for captain compassionate. What's the difference between families that are crossing our borders and families dying in Syria? It's a bigotry of distance. What is the difference? Why are these families more important than the others? It's because, they're a voting bloc. They're voting -- we're not supposed to get involved in places like Syria where people are dying, but, this is -- we will have to do everything we can as a compassionate nation to deal with people who are crossing borders illegally because, they're close. But, I want to, I want to address -- something I don't understand about this, about this act. So the act is gonna get -- get the good illegal immigrants out of the shadows, and it's going get the bad deported. But if the criminals aren't part of the process, then they will not come out of the shadows. So he never really separates the good from the bad, he pick the good while the bad remains in the shadows. So there's no one incentive of those actually take part of the process. If you are a bad illegal, this has no affect on you. You stay, you hide, you do whatever you want. All this really did was just granted amnesty to people, other than the people we wanted to.

BOLLING: Let me take you back there a little bit. There's point.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: So, that the numbers are even larger.


GUILFOYLE: Than he's saying because, you're taking the good in with the bad, the people who are not a law abiding.

BOLLING: Focus on this for a second.


BOLLING: If 2013, there were 36,000 criminal illegals that were released to the streets of America, literally hundreds if not thousands of those people had violent crimes like murder, like rape, like aggravated.


BOLLING: Aggravated assault. They released them on to the streets of America. And now you add 5 million more? I mean.

GUILFOYLE; Well, the problem is they're in the wind, right? They have no incentive to go in and report and turn themselves in or to try to start the process because, they have a criminal context, they have a criminal record. These are people that are recidivists that are -- people likely to re offend, whether they have committed sexual assault crimes, robberies, homicide, crimes and violence. They're still out there. So now, we have these people that are gonna essentially, cut the line and the president shows no regard for the constitution for the laws of the land, for the will of the people. And in fact, the damage that he's done to public confidence, because he didn't listen to it, he had this advance and planned eight or nine months ago, no matter what the outcome he was gonna get it done, because he cares more about his friends and advancing his political ideology than with the people.


BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Wait, one second.

GUTFELD: The 5 million people are not all bad people. I mean.

BECKEL: That's exactly right.

GUILFOYLE: That's what I'm talking about.

BECKEL: In one sentence, you said 31,000 people.

BOLLING: Thirty six thousand.

BECKEL: Thirty six thousand were released who were criminals, and now you said now there's 5 million more. Take that back, that's absolutely wrong.

BOLLING: No, no, I didn't say there were 5 million more criminals.

BECKEL: Yes you did. Listen to it, listen to it. Please listen to it.

BOLLING: No, I said they let 36,000 criminal illegals go last year..

BECKEL: And then you said now you get 5 million more. Kimberly, you listen to that.

BOLLING: And now there 5 million more who are in on the books and in the system now.

GUILFOYLE: You know Bob, you settle down. Or you like stroke out of it.

BOLLING: Who and -- by the way, if they couldn't do it in 2013.

GUILFOYLE: It's ridiculous.

BOLLING: They're gonna be able to do it in 2014, or 2015?

BECEKL: I said, is it.

BOLLING: Before you have do stroke out, hold on.

GUILFOYLE: No matter how stare (ph) you get it, doesn't make what Obama did a good thing.

BOLLING: But, here's.

GUTDFELD: But wait, Bob is right though.

BECKEL: I was trying to make.

GUTFELD: Bob is right.

GUILFOYLE: No one's talking about 5 million, that's not what I'm talking about.

GUTFELD: You have to clarify, what you said sounded exactly what Bob heard.

PERINO: It did.

GUTFELD: It did. So, if he just have to clarify.

BOLLING: That's what I said. I said 36,000 criminal illegals were release in the 2013, there's no disputing now.


BOLLING: That's documented, right?


BOLLING: Some of them had criminal -- hard enough criminal background.

GUTFELD: Well, that's disputing at.

BECKEL: And then you said there's 5 million more.

BOLLING: And I said there will be 5 million more on the books, that they can track, and -- you're gonna tell me there's gonna be no more crime within the 5 million more.

BECKEL: Eric, the way you said.

GUTFELD: You just have to distinguish.

BECKEL: It is sound like there were gonna be 5 million more who are criminals.

BOLLING: Alright. Here's something that no one can do -- I'm guessing you can't dispute this anyone at this table. When you add more people to the roles, to the work roles Bob, you add more available labor, what happens to wages?

BECKEL: I think there hit -- they're gonna take a hit in.

BOLLING: The wages go down.

BECKEL: Wages, yeah, right, they do that. But, but.

BOLLING: So, let's talk about the middle class, when wages go down at the bottom, don't wages go down in the middle and all the way to top, is it go the whole down?

BECKEL: Can I just give you a couple of facts that you are -- if you want to talk about facts here. Peter Hart who is the pollster with The Wall Street Journal, did a poll that showed -- they gave the president access to the people on the -- that they called -- specifically what he said, they favored him by passing Congress 51 to 41. They favor this overall proposal, 60 -- and you know who didn't, by three to one, were the tea party Republicans -- even Republicans -- can I just -- I mean, even Republicans support the president on this proposal. Only by two points, but the tea party people opposing three to one.

BOLLING: OK. Can we move on to Republicans? We're having a hard time swallowing the Obama steak roll. Especially, because he himself was saying he didn't have the power to do this not too long ago.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OBAMA: With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, because, there are laws on the books, that Congress has passed.


BOLLING: Well, that's a smoking gun and Democrats know it. Here's former Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney incapable of providing cover for the president.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JAY CARNEY, FORMER WHITE HOUSE SECRETARY: I think, if he could have those words back specifically, the fist clip where he specifically talked about suspending deportations, then -- you know, that is literally what he's doing today.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: In other words, Bob -- oops.

BECKEL: Yeah, he can be -- what he said in 2011 was exactly wrong. I mean, what he did here today was to -- what he said he couldn't do. And I agree with that and I think I agree with Carney, he was suddenly wish he had back but, the fact still remains that legally he's on firm ground.




GUILFOYLE: Point to it.

BOLLING: Where? Again, I'll say it again.

GUILFOYLE: Point to it.

BOLLING: There's nowhere in -- the constitution.


BOLLING: To where it allows him unilateral change the law.

BECKEL: Let's take, lets' take a look and see what the courts do. They have had 11 presidents in a row.

BOLLING: Doesn't matter, doesn't make right now.

BECKEL: Have made these decisions. He can make the decision to emphasize who he's gonna deport and who he's not gonna deported.

GUTFELD: Have you.

BOLLING: I don't that he can do that by himself.

GUTFELD: I have a question though, how does he know -- how does anybody know how long someone's been here? You know, they're giving a time frame and it's like, if you're here illegally, then you can say whenever you are here, I just got here last year. How do you that?

BECKEL: I tell you for the most case, is the way they do that.

GUILFLOYLE: It's long.

BECKEL: Is to have receipts from things that they bought, they have electric bills that they pay, they have number of things that can prove, that they bring forward to prove that you've been here five years or more and, if you're kids are here legally, what in the world could anybody with a conscience, anybody, send their parents home.

GUTFELD: Well, would you feel that same way if they were Chinese Bob?

BECKEL: Absolutely.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: Care about that.

GUTFELD: Because I've heard you talked about denying -- denying visas to Chinese students coming over here.

BECKEL: Let say, I said, wait a second.

GUTFELD: I just want -- I'm trying to figure out where are compassion ends.

BECKEL: Please, please.

GUILFOYLE: And Muslim students in colleges.

GUTFELD: I'm just trying to figure out where the compassion begins and ends. That's all.

GUILFOYLE: Where he says it does.


BECKEL: I said that I wanted Muslims who had student visas, which there were about 15,000 who were missing -- who did not show to their school to be investigated before we allow them in. I never said that you should not have allowed educational visas to Chinese who come here. I said that what we're doing though is for educating them and they're going back and they hack it. I don't know what you do about that.


BECKEL: I never said that.

GUTFELD: I didn't mean to mischaracterize what you said then.

BOLLING: Alright. You want to move on to 2016, immigration is staying up to be a huge topic for the 2016 presidential election. Be presumptive in my opinion, Democrat Hillary Clinton waited into the debated late last night tweeting this, quote, tweet, Thanks to POTUS for taking action on immigration in the face of inaction. Now let's turn to permanent bipartisan reform. #ImmigrationAction. OK. Got you madam secretary, you're on board with the Obamamnesty.

GUILFOYLE: No, she's got to get on board because, Elizabeth Warren on board and other people that will be seeking the Democratic nomination, right? So this is, this makes sense for her, and this is of course the large part of the electric that he would be helping to come out to support her in her campaign if she's running for 2016.

PERINO: Well, I do think that the fact that she even did such a lengthy statement shows that she actually is running and she should be treated like a candidate and have to answer to whether or not she thinks this is the right process. She had said in the past like President Obama did, that he didn't have the power to do this. And so, for those voters that are gonna care about the process, in the future and process of how we actually used to -- do such action in the past that will be important to them. It will be an issue about -- but I don't think it's necessarily gonna be on process, it has to be on substance. And that, I think is the problem I have with the debate so far. The process point is an easier one to make. The substantive point of been how would you fix it is a hard -- it's more difficult one perhaps, one that could get solves in the next Congress, but that's where the rub really is.

BECKEL: You know that one of the thing.

GUILFOYLE: And the opportunity.

BECKEL: One of the thing that should be clear here is that, nobody with nobody who's granted this will be allowed to vote in the 2016 election so, that is a mere issue.

BOLLING: And now, but hopefully not in 2020 or 2024.

BECKEL: Well, now they maybe but 24, I think that's right.

BOLLING: Yeah, well.


BOLLING: That's not what the thing says. That's not the plan.

BECKEL: I'm not suggesting that is not -- if this two were all voting Republican as a general rule, would they be so easy to let them in, probably, not. I mean, I just probably care.


BECKEL: But, but I do think that you have to be careful when you say, the only reason to do this -- the only way to handle this is, the Republicans now with the votes they have in the House and Senate, ought to pass an immigration reform bill and Obama would be hard for us not to sign it.

GUTFELD: It's good point, I agree.

GUILFOYLE: That seems to be the problem, to be in for the Republicans.

GUTFELD: But that's in the next bloc, right? Two points. Jonah Goldberg made an interesting observation last night. He said if this action was nothing out in the ordinary, as President Obama said, why are the fans of it acting like as it's a heroic miracle. So, if there's bit of the contradiction there. The other thing too is about the semantics, which is - - America has a hard time trusting the president when the language keeps changing, when terrorism is -- workplace violence. If breaking the law is considered dreaming, considered the implications could set to be a wish to own something. We're screwing with the language so that the logic allows for a redefinition of abuses, so that almost anything can mean anything, rioting.

PERINO: Such as, the Affordable Aare Act.


PERINO: Really being about bringing down the cost of health care.


BOLLING: By the way.

GUILFOYLE: In fact, amazing it.

BOLLING: Can you change the immigration law. Can you change -- I don't know, the drug laws if you all agree with them.

GUILFOYLE: But this is the point. Eric?

BOLLING: Can you change the -- the penalties for murder in America, if you don't agree with them? I mean, what's the difference?

GUILFOULE: No, but the point -- you're making a great point, because it is, it's establishing a president here, like you said Dana, with the once you take this step, and then it will go up to the courts and we'll make the determination, this is then forever gonna be a president for others to go forth and maybe it's a guy in office you don't like or woman in the office you don't like Bob, they can do this exact thing. The point is, we have to honor the constitution and the laws and the legal process and find a way to do this correctly, not just one man.

BECKEL: I know what you're saying.

BOLLING: One quick thought?

BECKEL: My one quick thought is unlike these other categories you talked about, there are, anywhere between 11.5 million to 15 million people in this country illegally and there's no way you can send them home.

PERINO: Alright.

BOLLING: . Not a good argument.

PERINO: But I know -- I actually think that is a very good argument.

BOLLING: To, to break the law?

PERINO: No, I gonna -- when is it.

BOLLING: No -- to change the law.

PERINO: Do you believe it's feasible to deport 12 million people who are here illegally?

BOLLING: No, but there are other answers.

PERINO: Well, what are they?

BOLLING: I -- there are other.

PERINO: And that's the problem.

BOLING: Legal immigration is the answer.

GUILFOYLE: What about following the law that's there?

BOLLING: Legal immigration.

GUILFOYLE: File the applications.

BOLLING: Yeah, legal.

GUILFOYLE: They forward the paper work and it might take you longer, but there are laws that are in place.

BECKEL: Because you can't. GUILFOYLE: And first of all, too much of an attractive nuisance because, there is no border security. It certainly insufficient, we have people coming in not just from Mexico but from Honduras as well, this is wide open, wide open.

BECKEL: That they did it because, it's illegal to file an application to become a citizen if you're here illegally to begin with.

GUILFOYLE: Then you should address that in that way.

BOLLING: You want some Bob, that is a better chance than saying it won't plant (ph) it.

GUILFOYLE: That's my point.

BOLLING: Then you can stick around and you don't have to find it.

GUILFOYLE: Make a modification within the existing laws.

BOLLING: Alright. We have to leave it right there, we will come back. What can Republicans do to stop the president, our advice for the GOP, next.


PERINO: Republicans say they're ready to do whatever it takes to stop President Obama from implementing his executive action on immigration, and they could be falling right into his trap, according to President Bush's former speechwriter, Marc Thiessen.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MARC THIESSEN, FORMER GEORGE W. BUSH SPEECHWRITER: He's not trying to help illegal immigrants. He's trying to provoke a fight with the Republican party, he has trying to gold the GOP into self destructive behavior, he wants them to shut down the government, he wants somebody to go out there and offer articles of impeachment, he wants somebody to go out there and say something bad about immigrants, because he wants to rally his base and he wants to make the GOP blow itself up.


PERINO: And the president might have hope, the GOP would lose their cools today, but this is the smarter response that he has gotten so far.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JOHN BOEHNER, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Today's the head the people's house will rise to this challenge, we will not stand idle as the president undermines the rule of law in our country and places lives at risk, but the house will affect that.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: Huge pressure Bob, I want to go to you first, because from a legislation standpoint, huge pressure from members Congress on the Hill, both House and Senate side, who say that their phones are ringing today like, it did in February 2010 when ObamaCare pass, and ever so frustrated and angry about it. So a lot of pressure under new members to do something, what could they do? What do you think is possible?

BECKEL: Well, the first thing that they should not do is to try to impeach him. Because, that's what exactly would -- frankly, I would like, if they were to do that. The second thing is to shut down the government, I think the Republicans have had enough experience and even on the polls, the grand jury Republicans take it some bad idea, except for tea party Republicans. I think the answer to this is, some way to vote as you were pointing out in the break, a center vote, and say you don't like it, and you can sense that. And the second thing I would do is, to immediately go to work at crafting an immigration bill that react -- that face the reality of all these millions of people here. That allow them to have a way, a route to a citizenship that would take in 20 years, pay penalties and taxes and but, nonetheless, and then weed out -- anybody who's broken the law, but on top of that border security. If they did that, I think it would be very difficult for both Democrats in the House and Senate or the president to veto the bill.

PERINO: That actually that opens up the possibility for the idea you've had about dealing with this issue, would -- now that the Republicans kind of a blank slate, maybe you can just reiterate that.

BOLLING: Yeah, Bob, I don't think anyone is really -- legitimately talk about impeachment. I think they -- President Obama would love to hear that, he isn't heard that, I'm thinking people are told. Look, right now again, we allow 1 million illegal immigrants into the country, triple that, make it three million, let those people get in line, with everyone else, don't put them in the front line, put them -- let them process through -- that's a legal way to get people on the books and it doesn't put them at anyone at a disadvantage to anyone else. I think that's the way you do it, that's the smart way to do it, so way everyone seems to.

BECKEL: But how would you deal with the question though -- of not being able to do that application process if you're here illegally to begin with?

BOLLING: What would that.

BECKEL: What would you do -- in the law -- I'm just asking you a question.


BECKEL: The law you could suspend that, I suppose.

PERINO: That actually -- that's all you been to Bob.

GUILFOYLE: You've been making a modification to that.

BECKEL: Yeah, but that you could.

GUILFOYLE: And then it becomes the process by -- and it's fair then.

BOLING: No one's being physically deported right now anyway.

BECKEL: I'm trying to figure out what a legislative remedy would be and how you get by that one problem. I don't think you can have a suspension for the people that are here now at temporary.


BECKEL: And then say, OK, you can take.

GUILFOYEL: But you can do that in the way that you're supposed to, which is respecting their system of checks and balances and by putting something forward in the legislature that they could craft, that they would agree upon, versus this unilaterally action by the president, which is pretty much ill advised and not completely thought out which is, just having the effect of creating more, you know, stubborn positions on both sides, total bipartisan gridlock, which isn't helping anybody, and in fact, I think this is a tremendous advantage for the Republicans and Boehner hit the right tone.


PERINO: Let me, let me get Greg in here, Bob, I want to ask you about -- two questions about, well, the two part question.

GUTFELD: Excellent.

PERINO: OK. One question, two parts. The fairness question, which is, what about the people who.


PERINO: Did it legally, we both are married to people that had to do that after we got married. And it wasn't --

GUTFFELD: It's they person, oddly (ph)

PERINO: It's not easy as you think.


PERINO: But also people like we're talking about --

GUILFOYLE: Interpreter here.

PERINO: Can the interpreter who help us standing during the war, is their lives at risk, but now their back at 5,000 or so of those people in Iraq and Afghanistan would like to come and live in America and deserve to be. What about the fans questions and the fan second question is.

GUTFELD: Got it. That's why, it's important to have a new bill, because you've got to say, the people who play by the rules get first dibs, and it's a great way, this will -- it rewards the people who did the right thing, the legal immigrants, and it would be good to get as part of this program, an American understanding, a mandatory free class that, that is a combination and appreciation of our history, the language, the ethics, the opportunities, the gratitude that would happen being in this country, which I believe is missing, because I think we've, we turned patriotism into an act of mockery. So, the GOP should act and not react. They should convince to have a better way, they should be thinking about 2016, but here is the big challenge. The people that are coming here from the United States, are coming from places that are worst than United States. So, anything here is an improvement that is why the aspirational component of being Republican isn't an immediate selling point. You can't sit there and talked to them about wage controls, how bad they are, or privatizing health care, that -- they're happy to be here, so that's gonna be the challenge for Republicans, to be able to instruct.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Create a program that appreciates what's make this is country great.


BECKEL: Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I was just saying among the Latino voters that are polling down in 2014, 49 percent cite they are more concern is the economy, versus, 16 percent being immigration. That is an opportunity for the GOP.

PERINO: And also the groups are already unhappy. As with the Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare, where -- Bob, people like you said, he didn't go far enough, they wanted single payer, already those groups are not satisfied with what President Obama.

BECKEL: You know that's right. But I can say one other point about the politics of this is, for that Republicans, the Republicans have to do something, because, for long debate on this side -- disagree with you. I think the Republicans are hurt even more by the Hispanics if they take a tone -- now I thought of -- Boehner set the right tone. But there are others who have not set in the right tone.

BOLLING: Have you heard anyone on the Republican sides, say we're not gonna do anything? Have you heard that?

BECKEL: That -- no, that, that, no. But that's I heard.

BOLLING: Because that's not very sufficient general comment.

BECKEL: From -- well, Chris Shelby was the guy who switched parties and I don't.

PERINO: That was -- were talking about Harry Reid was found by from senator sessions.

OK. Ahead, the Ferguson shootings inspired one popular rock band, to put on a protest song, and Greg is not a fan, he's gonna tell you why, next.

GUILFOYLE: What's wrong?


GUTFELD: You know what the world needs now?


GUTFELD: A protest song, from Nickelback. Yes, the band so bland it make Maroon 5 seem like Charles Manson has addressed world's events finally with their new song, "Edge of a Revolution." I hope they rhyme CIA with NSA.


GUTFELD: Shaun (ph)?


GUTFELD: Yes, he rhymes CIA with NSA and revolution with solution. He's Kipling with frosted tips. Frontman Chad Kroeger explains the song saying, you turn on CNN and it's like wow, we have had it on for 15 minutes and we had to shut up, because it was so depressing. The state of affairs in the world these days is so dismal. That's where the song definitely came from.

And what a song it is, he calls Wall Street a common thief, this from a guy who makes zillions off non-work stuff like licensing, merchandising and product placement. He tries the rich for a brand-new yacht, forgetting he has a vacation home in Cabo. A 20-acre horse farm and a home recording studio. Kroeger is not a one percenter, he's a.00001 percenter. But he's also one of so many ambitious performers who grapple with current events after spending their lives ignoring them. The song is just a shallow self- involved wealth for relevance. Five of it came from a team, but not from a superrich grown man reading a rhyming dictionary on the toilet.


GUTFELD: Even better, this song is about greed and delusion and it happens to be the official theme for a big world wrestling event this November, eat that Bob Dylan. I don't entirely hate on Nickelback. They do .


GUTFELD: No, but they have performed for the troops at the WWE tribute, and anybody who does - who performs for the troops is OK, even though I do hate their music. But I want to go around the table.

PERINO: They used to be better than that.

GUTFELD: I don't know. But I want to talk about protest songs. They are my favorites. I love "Bodies" by the Sex Pistols, which is about abortion, "Capitalism,", which is Oingo-Boingo, which I played. And of course, the ultimate protests song. "I can't drive 55" by Sanny Hagar, which did more for drivers than Bruce Springsteen ever did for the working class. They brought the importance of getting to work on time to the forefront. I'll start with you, Dana. What is your favorite protest song?

PERINO: Well, I love the song by Toby Keith, "Red, White and Blue" that was written after the 9/11 attacks. Do you have it with ."


PERINO: There's a lot of patriotism and the good feeling, and when you are in the crowd, when they are singing it live, you just - love that emotion. So, it's not going to protesting anything American, it's actually promoting America, protesting al Qaeda and terrorism.

BOLLING: So, I really was not into protest songs, and I just most of the times they are complaining about stuff that's really cool in America.

PERINO: So, you did a Google search.

BOLLING: So, I did a Google search.


BOLLING: And "Street Fighting Man" "Rolling Stones" came up and I listened to it, and you know what, they were protesting oppressive government. Well, that's pretty cool. Let's listen.

GUTFELD: By the way, Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil, there's a protest song. It's about relativism, it's about communism, but people don't know that. Mick Jagger is a smart dude.

BECKEL: What is relativism?


GUTFELD: It's lack of objective .

PERINO: You have actually asked him that very question before.

BECKEL: Well, it just means, I can't absorb it.

GUTFELD: But also, you love "The Who."


GUTFELD: It won't be sold again - won't get sold again. Is it about government and bureaucrats?

PERINO: You should have just, you know .


BECKEL: Well, I - showing my seniority at the stable, but I go back to the iconic, most important protest song of all, "We Shall Overcome" which was the theme of the civil rights movement. Let me tell you a brief story about this: politicians have always tried to - when they were in black churches, Democrats do, when they sing "We Shall Overcome" and I remember Bill Clinton doing it, and he was perfect. Can you get there? Do whole dance? And do this, you go back and forth, like this and then perfect. Al Gore once did it, and went the wrong way. Every time somebody would go this, they would go this way. He did that way.

PERINO: That's not surprise here.

BECKEL: And he's really - he's really - of his arm. But that, that song. I both marched to that song, and I - my dad got beat up by that song. And I - I think that if some wretch move - if they were to pick out one, they would have said, that was the single biggest and most important song ever in their protest.

PERINO: We can do that after the show, Bob.

GUTFELD: OK, what about the U.K., G.?

GUILFOYLE: The greatest band of all time, you too, "Sunday Bloody Sunday". Right? You like that?

GUTFELD: Great song. Great song.

GUILFOYLE: Great song, I think U2 has a couple of good one. "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is by my .

GUTFELD: They're talking about the troubles.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. The troubles in Ireland. So, I relate to that, and I started listening to U2 and I was living in Ireland when I was about 11 years old.

GUTFELD: You know, he's in the hospital right now.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he had surgery from that horrible accident.

GUTFELD: That was a serious accident.



GUILFOYLE: The bone - He had elbow surgery. He got .

PERINO: Eye socket.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, he had an orbital fracture, so Bono, we hope you're getting better.

GUTFELD: Yeah. He's probably at some nearby hospital, Kimberly. You should visit.


GUTFELD: There you go, thanks.

All right, up next, Kimberly takes over for Robin Leach to show us the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. "Five" style. Well, he's being called the $325 million man, 25 years old Giancarlo Stanton just signed a 13 year contract with the Miami Marlins. For that amount making it the biggest deal for an American athlete in history. And there are a lot of questions you could ask him, like how does he plan to spend all that dough?

But one reporter took a different approach, and listen to Stanton answer.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You will average $69,000 a day for the next 13 years, is there part of that that is almost embarrassing to you?



STANTON: Not exactly. This isn't like a lottery ticket and piece out. It's a huge responsibility and one I'm willing to take.


GUILFOYLE: I like his answer, Eric, he's saying, look, it is a lot of money, but I'm going to rise to the occasion, I take it seriously and he wants to earn it.

BOLLING: Tough to see how he's going to earn $325 million. The thing about this .

GUILFOYLE: That's what they said about A-Rod.

BOLLING: He never earned it.


BOLLING: I mean A-rod was the - there's no way they overpaid for A-Rod. In fact the big, big, big contracts have a tendency that the players don't really meet the expectations. This guy's contract, God bless his agent, because if he gets hurt, he still gets the 325, if he doesn't perform, he still gets the 325. If the Marlins are smarter, owners were smart, they would performance bonuses and if he does perform .


BOLLING: He gets the 325.

GUILFOYLE: But he's got the pretty .

BOLLING: These are guaranteed.

GUILFOYLE: His contract is pretty much front loaded as we say in sports law versus back end. Because otherwise, and you would have to earn and so it wouldn't necessarily be cash out of the pocket unless he performs. So .

BOLLING: Which is .

GUILFOYLE: Whoever his agent is. Real quick.

BECKEL: I agree with - a hell of a good negotiation, but this guy singlehandedly took a miserable baseball team and made it - a reasonable baseball team. I bet you Marlins enormous amount of money, and I don't know where exactly where the stats - for the last couple of years the guy's still on fire, and let's see, could he perform at that level? Of course not, but .

PERINO: Ben, now you got anything for me?

GUILFOYLE: Are you kidding?

PERINO: You want to say how .

GUILFOYLE: Nothing about sports or big money. So.

PERINO: You know about big money. But anything? Come on.

GUTFELD: Yes, the worst question, you can ever ask anybody is do you need that? That is none of your business what I need. It doesn't matter if I have one home or two homes or three cars. It is not up to you to tell me what I need.

PERINO: This is America.

GUTFELD: That question is the first step to confiscation, the next step to redistribution and then finally fascism, the people who take your stuff begin with do you need that? And ironically the people who ask you if you need that, are the ones who will take it. They are communists, are always the ones that end up taking everything.

GUILFOYLE: Also, where do you think they got that idea?


GUILFOYLE: Interesting. But who - how about a house? Anybody need a house? Like it is a house. Or this one in Beverly Hills is on the market for $195 million. No, I didn't say every house on that block combined, one house. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Palazzo di Amore, the palace of love, that's what it's called.

It's on for how much?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're asking $195 million for the house.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're looking at the most expensive house on the market in America. 53,000 square feet of living space, 12 bedrooms, 23 bathrooms, 25 acres, in, yes, in Beverly Hills. The reflection pool, an infinity pool, a bowling alley, a movie theater and a Turkish bath off the master bedroom.


GUILFOYLE: Greg, Turkish bath? Your favorite.

GUTFELD: Oh, yeah. 23 bathrooms. Anyway, yeah, great, but you're still going to die. I mean seriously, so you got a - move into that. By the time you have that house, you're going to be dead. It doesn't matter, you don't need it. Wait a minute, I just said you're not supposed to say that.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, you just said.

GUTFELD: It's beautiful. It's beautiful.


GUILFOYLE: What do you think about that house, Bob? I might even live in that house with you because I would just never see you.

BECKEL: Well, that would be a big advantage from my standpoint. Do you think I want to hear your boyfriends and my girlfriends I can get into that house? Look at the bathrooms. Is that enough. You are going to get a bigger one party, or a bad Mexican food .

GUILFOYLE: Never mind.


BECKEL: In fact, the - no, look, $195 million, whoever can pay that, is more power to them, I guess. I mean that sounds like Putin ought to go and .

GUILFOYLE: It's going to be a Russian, yeah. Dana.

PERINO: Well, I just wonder if Al Gore is offended by this, because the greenhouse gas emissions of the house like that are going to be tremendous.

GUTFELD: He'll probably have to fly over there in a private jet to check it out.

PERINO: Exactly.

GUTFELD: Just to get to the other wing of the house.

BECKEL: The cost of running place .

BOLLING: It's probably a million a month.

GUILFOYLE: Al Gore, he could probably afford it, Dana, I think.

BOLLING: The question is, so a billionaire owns this, and he's selling it for $195 million.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, with the .

BOLLING: What is he paid for? This is the thing that drives me crazy.

GUILFOYLE: Look at .

BOLLING: These mega rich people who buy $15, $16 homes, and then they'll sell it for 80 and 90 million dollars, and it's like they'll make 30 million bucks like it's nothing, just like water to them.

GUILFOYLE: He's done very well .


BECKEL: The only person at this table who could afford that would be you, what is the most expensive apartment in New York? G?

GUILFOYLE: All right, we've got to go.

BECKEL: 20 million?

BOLLING: I think I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: 25 million?

BOLLING: Yeah, there is an 80 or $90 million.

GUTFELD: O'Reilly's place, have you ever been there?


GUTFELD: It's amazing.

BOLLING: No, I never get .

GUTFELD: The view is incredible.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my god.

GUTFELD: Tall ceilings.


GUTFELD: I'm not buying it.

GUILFOYLE: All right coming up, does China have the power to turn out the lights in America? A scary new warning about a threat to our power grid, that's coming up next.


BECKEL: I have warned about the threat of China for a long, long time. Now the NSA director is confirming my fears. Admiral Michael Rogers told Congress yesterday the Chinese and possibly two other countries have the ability to flip the switch on our power grid through a cyber-attack.


MICHAEL ROGERS: There shouldn't be any doubt in our minds that there are nation states and groups out there that have the capability to do that, to enter our system, to enter those industrial control systems, and to shut down, forestall our ability to operate our basic infrastructure.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.


BECKEL: You know, here's the thing about it that drives me crazy. Now, I've been warning about it. But the only way you can do that is you have to know how it works, how the power grids work, you have to know how the computers work, and what happens? Well, you may have raised this point before. We bring these kids in here, they learn how to do - maybe before they go back home and hack, they go and hack into our power grids. This is a very dangerous thing. I mean this is the why the Chinese by far are the most dangerous, single most dangerous country this country has ever faced.

GUTFELD: Can I push back a little on that?


GUTFELD: There are two kinds of hacking going on in this world, there's the hacking of our computers and the hacking off of our heads. I put ISIS before China because they are actually decapitating people.

BECKEL: But that's immediate.


BECKEL: I mean in the long run - in the long run, in terms of the most dangerous threat to this country.

GUTFELD: ISIS has a long run .


BECKEL: No, no, I'm saying.



BECKEL: If they have the ability to turn off the power, can you imagine what that would do?

PERINO: I don't think this is just a Chinese problem, Bob, this could happen out of Russia, it could happen in Venezuela or .


PERINO: Pakistan, or someone lone wolf hacker guy in Seattle. And this is a problem that .

GUILFOYLE: We can do it back.

PERINO: Particular just to any one nation.

BECKEL: I'm not so sure that -- it's fairly complicated. I'm not sure a hacker in Seattle could get away with shutting down a grid that would be - that covers the whole West Coast.

GUILFOYLE: Well, let's not challenge them.

BECKEL: Let's not challenge them. Eric, what do you think? Let me ask you .

GUILFOYLE: Another attractive .

BECKEL: But what would the economic implications be of a grid shutdown say on the East Coast.

BOLLING: I think we have been extremely vulnerable. Our grid is very vulnerable and the problem with our grid, the way it works, it's called daisy chain. So, if you have power generated here, and needed here they sell the power down the road, if you pull one of these - these links out of the chain, the whole grid shuts down, the whole area can shut down. We are extremely vulnerable. I'm glad the NSA is on and catching these things. And I agree with Dana, I think there's probably attackers from all sorts of countries trying to get in there. That would be a major impact.

GUILFOYLE: Well, and the NSA director said that we also need an international code of laws to govern this type of cyber warfare, because doing so, if somebody commits an act like this, it should be considered an act of war against the United States. And then we .

BOLLING: Absolutely.

BECKEL: I hate to say this, but I bet that our president did not raise this when he was wearing that lovely thong -- not thong ---


GUILFOYLE: Thong? Sarong.

BECKEL: Anyways, and he was over there in China, who would wear those ridiculous clothes anyway? I know out of here for the American ..


BOLLING: You don't know. He maybe was wearing the thong under the sarong (ph).

BECKEL: That's part of it. One more thing. Is that .


GUILFOYLE: You are doing so well .


BOLLING: All right, time for "One More Thing" to kick it off. It's Friday, so therefore it's time for - all right, so last night we told you we had Twitter bomb Brian Williams of the NBC "Nightly News" Twitter feed and asked him to show us some Jonathan Gruber. We've been talking about for two weeks. They didn't. So last night instead of doing that, they talked about snow, they talked about airbags, they talked about Kate and Prince William, but they still didn't talk about Gruber. Here's what else they talked about.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: TGI Friday's restaurants in the U.K. will use a mistletoe drone to encourage kissing as it flies among the tables. So, is it fair to ask, when you combine whirling routers, batteries, remote control, human hair and scalding hot beverages, what could go wrong?


BOLLING: Yep, what could go wrong? Brian Williams, NBC "Nightly News," no Gruber. Also, the week. Already, Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: All right, I'm going to be on "The O'Reilly Factor" later tonight with my good friend and squash partner, Bernie McGuirk. Also, I want to plug my friend, because he cornered my last night in a hallway and yelled at me for five minutes. Robert Davi is one of the more famous bond villains, he's going to be performing, he sings like Sinatra. He'll be at the Foxwoods Casino on November 22 in Connecticut, Foxwoods Casino, a great place, 23 of the Paramount in Long Island. 26 in Bel Air. He's worth checking out, he's a great performer, but he owes me an apology.

GUILFOYLE: And he supports the troops .

GUTFELD: And that supports the troops .

GUILFOYLE: Wounded warriors.

GUTFELD: But he yelled at me last night.

BOLLING: And he is a fantastic Sinatra. He does conversation .



BOLLING: Awesome stuff. Dana?

PERINO: OK. I turn - earlier I asked you if you could - check out this initialism, that's a nod to TV's Andy Levy, is today in TGTWOF. It's not TGIF. And what it stands for is thank God they'll work on Fridays. That's Senator Mitch McConnell, the new majority leader, he is going to make the Senate work on Fridays, they haven't had to do that under Democrat Harry Reid. Rasmussen poll taken in August found that 76 percent of Americans - this is .


PERINO: Americans thought they worked harder than the Senate. That won't be true.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody works harder than .


BOLLING: Can McConnell make it all the way? Can McConnell make it all the way?


BECKEL: I have had a lot of football coaches in my life that have been fairly excitable people. I want you to watch this assistant coach at Duke. Watch what he does.

GUILFOYLE: He's so mad.

BECKEL: The guy - this is .


BECKEL: They are not saying guys yell, I've had people grab my helmet, hit me on the top of the head. But this is unbelievable. This is the pregame, this is the pregame, that isn't after you have lost a whole lot. This is a pregame. Now, they were doing very well, up to this point.

And he goes on and on and on.


BOLLING: Wait, wait, wait. You've got the time punch.

BECKEL: The final punchlline is they lost. 45-25-20.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, they didn't show us that tape. OK. Hey, I want to say congratulations to our college here - our colleague here at the Fox News channel. Jonathan Hunt (ph) became a U.S. citizen today, there he is with his wife, Chelsey Edward Hunt, by his side.

BOLLING: Congrats!

GUILFOYLE: You are on the right way, keeping it legal. We're happy to have you at Fox and as a U.S. citizen. Well done, my friend.

PERINO: Yeah, excellent.

GUTFELD: Who is that guy?

BECKEL: He's a great man.


GUTFELD: It sounds cheesy.

BOLLING: All right, everyone, have a fantastic weekend, that's it for us. Have a wonderful weekend. As it just - "Special Report" with Bret Baier maybe - maybe. Next.


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