
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," August 16, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "The Factor follow-up" segment tonight, one of the worst serial killers in U.S. history, 60-year-old Dennis Rader (search) will be sentenced this week in Kansas. The so-called BTK (search) killer, that's bind, torture, and kill. Sought to have executed 10 people.

And the judge will hear testimony from their loved ones beginning tomorrow. Joining us now from Wichita, Kansas is investigative crime reporter Aphrodite Jones and Detective Kelly Otis, who was deeply involved in bringing this brutal killer to justice.

Detective, we'll begin with you. You know, what I can't understand in this case is it's much different than most other serial killer cases in that this guy lived in the community as a seemingly normal human being and was able to carry on a double life. Have you ever seen anything like this or read anything like this?

KELLY OTIS, WICHITA DETECTIVE WHO WORKED ON BTK CASE: You know, that was one of this guy's — one of his lucky streaks was the fact that he would meld right back in with his family, Mr. O'Reilly. He was very clever at committing his heinous crimes and then going right back home and eating Sunday dinner. It made him very difficult to catch.

O'REILLY: Now he's a classic sociopath, no feeling for anybody but himself. Therefore, he could do these things, and then you know, as you put it, have dinner with his family an hour later. But you've dealt with guys like that before, have you not, or is he like the ultimate sociopath?

OTIS: You know, we have dealt with guys like that here in our community before. However, Rader is at the top of the list in his ability to feel absolutely no remorse. This guy is simply a sexual predator, a rapist, a serial killer, and a family man. How you mix those two is beyond me. We've seen a lot of cases here, Bill, but I have never seen anybody like this.

O'REILLY: Yes, I mean, he's completely — completely numb to anybody's feelings other than his own perverted violent disorder.

Now, Aphrodite, this is a three-day dog and pony show out there, where there's going to be a bunch of horrendous testimony by people who have, you know, suffered because of this awful killer.

No. 1, do you think that's necessary? Because there is no death penalty on the table here. He's going to get life in prison without parole. And No. 2, what can we expect?

APHRODITE JONES, CRIME REPORTER: Number one I think it's necessary, Bill, because this man has given his own version of the story. He taunted police from 2004 until he was caught in February of 2005 after 25 years of silence. He thought he was going to continue to commit murders throughout the Wichita region.

And it's necessary for people to know that he's not going to get to tell it in a sanitized version as to what he did to these 10 people. They are going to present evidence tomorrow, the prosecution will, about exactly how horrific his crimes really were to the 10 victims at hand.

And in addition to that, Bill, we have a situation here where the families not can't get closure, but they certainly need to have the real story told as to what happens to their loved ones, and they will have a chance to speak to that killer directly.

O'REILLY: All right. So it's — everybody is going to know how bad the guy is, with explicit testimony from the authorities, and then the families of those who were killed, murdered, will get to confront him and tell him what they think.

Detective — go ahead, Aphrodite.

JONES: I was just going to say this man is so unusual in the sense that when he — I've been talking with the detectives and with the D.A. here. This is a man who sent Barbie dolls in packages, one that was hanging from a rope that looked like a little 11-year-old girl who he hung in 1974 in her basement, Josephine O'Hara (search).

This is a man who sent it in a cereal box because, quote, he's a serial killer. It's really bizarre stuff.

And yet, the day before he was arrested, he was still doing his job as a compliance officer...

O'REILLY: Yes, I know.

JONES: ... in Park City. You know, this is a bizarre guy.

O'REILLY: There's no question. But bizarre and sociopath don't really define him.

Detective, evil defines him. He's evil. Do you think most people, Detective, in your experience understand what evil really is?

OTIS: You know, I think if they have paid any attention to our society today, Bill, this guy is evil. There are other evil people out here just like him.

We just want to make sure that this evil guy never walks our streets again.

O'REILLY: Right. And that's...

OTIS: We'll put him away for as long as he can be put away for.

O'REILLY: And that's why I think the three days of testimony are necessary to teach America that evil does exist and here it is. And that will be the worthiness. That will be the worthiness of the exercise.

Thanks very much, Detective, Aphrodite. We will check in as the story unfolds this week.

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