This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," May 13, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
How about this as a mental exercise: Try to remember back to the year 2009. It was only a decade ago, but it feels like a totally different era, and in many ways it was. In 2009, most people didn't have smartphones. Late night television was still funny. The Democratic Party was still pretending to put the interests of American citizens above those of the rest of the world.
In September of 2009, President Obama gave a speech about healthcare to a joint session of Congress, you may remember it. One of Obama's most emphatic promises in that speech, in fact, during that whole season, was that foreigners living in our country illegally would never receive benefits under his plan. He said that repeatedly. But not everyone believed him. Watch.
BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants. This too, is false. The reforms -- the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
OBAMA: That's not true.
CARLSON: "You lie," yelled someone in the room. That man was Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina. For the crime of being rude to St. Obama, Wilson was instantly denounced by his fellow Republicans, "Totally disrespectful," huffed John McCain, who himself had spent decades yelling obscenities at people in Capitol Hill. Jimmy Carter called Wilson a racist.
And now it turns out that Joe Wilson was right. A decade later, the Democratic Party has abandoned any pretense that America exists to benefit Americans. They tell us our country is innately evil, that it was conceived in racism for the purpose of oppression, we are a sinful nation. And to redeem ourselves, we must sacrifice for the world's poor, among many, many, many other things. This means paying the healthcare bills of foreign nationals who have no right to be here in the first place. Watch Joe Biden explain.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of healthcare, regardless of whether they're documented or undocumented, we have an obligation you see that they are cared for. That's why I think we need more clinics around the country.
CARLSON: Whether they have documents or not. This isn't a fringe candidate, you just saw. It's not Mike Gravel or some Green Party wacko. That's the former Vice President of the United States. He is now the first front runner for the Democratic nomination.
As it tonight, Joe Biden is up by 25 points over the rest of the field. Two years from now, Biden could easily be President. Chances are, his running mate would be Senator Kamala Harris of California. And over the weekend, Harris made it official, she agrees with Joe Biden on this question -- illegal aliens deserve full government healthcare, watch.
JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: So you support giving universal healthcare - Medicare-for-All to people who are in this country illegally?
SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health. Period.
CARLSON: Let me be very clear about this, so you know, we are not taking her out of context. We've even got the hand gestures. She is telling us that we have an obligation to pay the medical bills of every illegal alien in this country. Period. As she said.
Now, how many people would that be exactly? Well, we don't know. In fact, we have no idea. Thanks to lobbying from elected Democrats like Kamala Harris, nobody knows how many illegal aliens live in this country right now. It could be 12 million. It could be 40 million.
But one thing is for sure, once the rest of the world knows that we're passing out free healthcare, it will soon be many, many more. How much will all of that cost this country? Who will pay for it? How many more doctors and nurses will we need to provide that healthcare? How many more hospitals and clinics will we have to build?
Joe Biden said we'd have to build some. How many? Well, no one is saying. No one is saying anything precisely about it. They haven't thought about the details. That's odd. Our healthcare system is already overpriced and inadequate. In fact, that's the main reason Democrats won in the last election, because they promised to make it better.
Now they're telling us the solution -- the way they're going to make it better is by giving unlimited free medical care to foreigners who break our laws. That's just lunacy. There's no other way to put it.
Of course, it is getting virtually no coverage. The media have no interest in talking about something that might embarrass their party. But unlike the phantom threat of Russia, this actually matters a lot, so we're going to look a little more deeply into it tonight.
Joining us first is Chris Jacobs. He is the CEO of Juniper Research Group. He is the author of the upcoming book, "The Case Against Single Payer," and he joins us now. Chris, thanks a lot for coming on.
CARLSON: So let's say -- we'll go at the lowest estimate, which is over 10 million. So let's say 11 million or 12 million illegal aliens in the country, just with that estimate, any sense of what this might cost us?
JACOBS: I mean, you're talking about tens of billions of dollars per year. I mean, you do the rough math of $5,000.00 a year for an individual. You know, that's $50 billion, right off the off the bat you're talking about?
CARLSON: So is there -- and I want to be fair about this, because this is the front runner for the Democratic nomination, and this is the running mate he is likely to choose -- at least as of today. So these are purportedly serious people.
Is there any obvious benefit to American citizens that would justify that cost?
JACOBS: I think the one obvious benefit would be communicable diseases, you know, outbreaks, measles, whether it's some kind of pandemic that could start with the immigrant population and then it would expand to citizens.
CARLSON: But just to be clear, that's not what they're proposing. They're not proposing that we set aside money for quarantine or to immunize illegal aliens, they're talking about full universal healthcare, which would cover everything.
JACOBS: You're correct, and in fact, in 1993, Hillary Clinton testified before Congress. She supported some limited emergency care for undocumented illegal immigrants. But she said specifically, we do not want to make the full benefits available to all undocumented illegal aliens.
Now, the Democratic Party is well to the left of Hillary Clinton.
CARLSON: I'm not sure that's left. I mean, you could make a left wing case for universal healthcare that a lot of Republicans would agree with, by the way. But what you can't make is a case for universal healthcare that includes the entire world, but is only paid for by American taxpayers -- a dwindling group.
JACOBS: And well, that's true.
CARLSON: That's why -- I guess I'd say, for the left wing that's like demented.
JACOBS: And the funny thing is, Bernie Sanders last month when he was out in Iowa, you know, somebody said, well, you're for open borders. And he said, "Well, no, technically, I'm not for -- I'm not for open borders," because we have a lot of poor people in the world, and if we open our borders, and let everybody come in, they're all going to come in for free healthcare, free education, we can't do that.
So the funny thing is, Harris, and Biden are well beyond even Bernie Sanders, the socialist.
CARLSON: Do you think -- so you've just written a book on healthcare -- on the question of healthcare and the cost and how we pay for it. I can't think of, in the Democratic primary, so far, a more radical position that anyone has taken or a position that's going to have a longer and more profound consequence on this country than this.
JACOBS: Just in the topic of healthcare, there are a lot of radical positions out there, banning private healthcare, forcing doctors to perform abortions, all of that are in the various bills that are being out -- that are being proposed out there. But certainly, this is one at the top of the list.
Why would American taxpayers spend their hard earned money to fund healthcare for foreigners and people who come to the country illegally, or just come to the country because they want free healthcare?
CARLSON: But notice that we're not talking about that. I mean, none of the other channels -- I was just in my office, they're all talking about will Don, Jr. testify? I mean, who cares? This is like -- this is a serious issue and it's being ignored of course.
JACOBS: Right, yes.
CARLSON: Chris, thank you very much.
JACOBS: Thank you.
CARLSON: Good to see you. Richard Goodstein is a lawyer, former adviser to both Bill and Hillary Clinton and a frequent guest on the show.
So Richard, this is -- you know, I'm not here to attack anybody personally. This is an actual policy prescription position that they have laid out. How does this help Americans who already have inadequate overpriced healthcare?
RICHARD GOODSTEIN, FORMER ADVISER TO BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON: Right. Two quick things first, if Donald Trump had delivered on his promise of a wall that Mexico was going to pay for, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
CARLSON: Tell me about it, right? I couldn't agree more. I'm glad you've come around and favoring the wall.
GOODSTEIN: And, and --
CARLSON: And deport every single person who is here illegally today.
GOODSTEIN: I think there is a contrast here between Biden and Kamala Harris saying we want to care for somebody who is sick who is in this country, and Donald Trump's supporters saying shoot them and him thinking it's a big joke.
CARLSON: Shoot them? You know what, okay, hold on.
GOODSTEIN: You know what I am talking about and he thought it was a big joke.
CARLSON: Nobody is -- look, nobody is shooting anybody. I want to -- look, I know --
GOODSTEIN: Donald Trump has been purging people by laughing about it.
CARLSON: This is insane. Okay, hold on. We have the front runner for the Democratic nomination up 25 points and I can read you the quote, again, I'm looking at it.
GOODSTEIN: Nothing about pulling universal.
CARLSON: "Anyone in a situation where they are in need of healthcare, regardless whether they're documented or undocumented, we have an obligation see they're paid for."
I don't understand how you can ask American taxpayers who are already underserved in healthcare, a case that Democrats make all the time to pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens? Like what? How can you make that case? How can you make the request?
GOODSTEIN: So people show up at hospitals all the time who have no healthcare coverage, right? And they get treatment. That's been the law for decades.
GOODSTEIN: Frankly, if you look at the Bible, I'm not one who has ever quoted the Bible, but there are dozens of portions in the Bible that talk about caring for the sick no matter what, especially if they're downtrodden
CARLSON: And so, this is a theocracy now?
GOODSTEIN: It's not, but I am --
CARLSON: But the Bible also calls for stoning? Like, hold on, what are you saying? The atheist party, the pro late-term abortion party is lecturing me about the Bible now?
GOODSTEIN: I am not lecturing you. I'm just saying that the notion that somehow we're going to have somebody in this country who is sick, and then we're just going to kick them to the curb that's what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris -- they are not talking about universal healthcare. I was waiting for you to pull out a chord I hadn't seen.
CARLSON: So what are they talking about?
GOODSTEIN: All they're talking about it is if somebody is sick, they're going to get care. Nothing about universal anything. You can't and find that because that's not what they're --
CARLSON: I am quoting now.
CARLSON: This is the question, so verbatim quote, from this weekend.
GOODSTEIN: I understand.
CARLSON: "So you support giving universal healthcare to all people who are in this country illegally?" "Let me be very clear," says the Senator from California, "I'm opposed to any policy that would deny in our country, any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health. Period."
CARLSON: Universal healthcare for illegal aliens says the -- she just said that.
GOODSTEIN: She is saying if somebody shows up and they're sick --
CARLSON: That's not what she said.
GOODSTEIN: I am opposed to a policy that will deny them.
CARLSON: "Do you support giving universal healthcare to all people who are in this country illegally?"
GOODSTEIN: And she didn't say, yes or no.
CARLSON: "Yes, let me be clear, any policy that would deny any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health. Period." This is a lunatic position that we can't pay for that the public hates. Why are these people saying this? Do they really mean it? They will wreck the country if they do this, you know that.
GOODSTEIN: Yes, this is actually not a particularly novel -- I mean, you have problems with what the Democratic Party stands for, right, you're on record about that.
The Democratic platform actually that was approved in 2016 called for basically giving care to people who were here, who needed it who are undocumented. So I mean, it's not universal.
CARLSON: It's insane.
GOODSTEIN: She didn't say yes to universal. She said, "Let me be clear," and then she state what her position was.
CARLSON: So do illegal aliens get dialysis? Chemotherapy? Hair transplants? I mean, seriously, anything that is prescribed in universal healthcare coverage, what don't they get?
GOODSTEIN: Well, I think --
CARLSON: Where do we draw the line?
GOODSTEIN: Is that true for every single American who doesn't have healthcare coverage?
CARLSON: No, no. The point of universal coverage is to cover American citizens because there's a difference between citizens and noncitizens.
GOODSTEIN: And there are millions who are -- thanks to Donald Trump -- Joe Biden, with the administration had 20 more million people got coverage. Thanks to Donald Trump, millions -- fewer have it and people with preexisting conditions are scared to death.
CARLSON: And now we're saying that we're going to take precious healthcare dollars and give them to illegal aliens, and that's okay? There's nobody who is for that. Nobody is for that.
GOODSTEIN: Well, I think people actually feel some sympathy for people who are --
CARLSON: I feel a lot of sympathy.
GOODSTEIN: People come here to work, either you want them to be productive and healthy or sick and basically --
CARLSON: No, want them to go to their own countries and come here legally. Period.
GOODSTEIN: Fine. And I think Democrats passed a bill, as we've said before, in 2013, with a lot of Republican votes that would basically solve this. And Paul Ryan kept it from coming to a vote. We could have a vote on that today and it would pass.
CARLSON: They're making it -- this is getting scary and you know it's true.
GOODSTEIN: No, I don't think so.
CARLSON: Richard Goodstein, great to see you. Thank you.
We knew this was coming, candidates denouncing one another for having too much privilege. It's one of those debates, you just can't help but enjoy.
Plus, actress, Alyssa Milano says women should launch a sex strike to protest not enough abortions. You can't have sex with Alyssa Milano until abortion laws are liberalized. Mark Steyn, here to discuss, just ahead.
CARLSON: Cory Booker -- Senator Cory Booker is the son of two IBM executives. He grew up in a rich, all-white New Jersey suburb, then he went to Stanford and Yale Law School and then he went to Oxford on a Rhode scholarship. Almost nobody in America is more privileged than Cory Booker. You couldn't be more privileged than Cory Booker.
But now it's the 2020 presidential race. So Booker has recast himself as a victim. Poor Cory Booker. So his supporters are lashing out at Pete Buttigieg who is ahead of Booker in the polls. Buttigieg is winning, they say because he has more privilege than Booker, and by the way, he does have a lot of privilege which he of course denies. But this is how the modern Democratic Party works.
In March, Stacey Abrams said that Beto O'Rourke's popularity was because -- you guessed it -- racism.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why Beto O'Rourke and not Andrew Gillum and not Stacey Abrams, as you know, the darling of the media?
STACEY ABRAMS (D), FORMER GEORGIA GUBERNATORIAL NOMINEE: I don't think that success is zero sum, so I don't want to disparage or take away from the reaction and the legitimate response people had to his campaign.
But I do want to take -- to call the question -- and I would challenge people to consider why we were not lifted up in the same way. I think race plays a part of it.
CARLSON: Another graduate of Yale Law School. They all went to Yale Law School. Rashad Richey, I don't know if he went to law school, but he is a radio show host and former Political Director of the Democratic Party of Georgia. He joins us.
Good for you. I'm glad, I didn't either. So I've got to say, I have mixed feelings about this, but I just kind of throw it out there. It's a little weird the party that's against white privilege has elevated all these older white men to positions of prominence in the Democratic primary, isn't it?
RASHAD RICHEY, FORMER POLITICAL DIRECTOR, DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF GEORGIA: Well, you can't contextualize this dynamic through partisan politics, Tucker. And here's the truth of the matter. White privilege is a thing, and I know many will say, "Well, this is simply something outside of the political hemisphere," but really is also inside and outside of the political hemisphere.
Let's talk about Mayor Pete. You just talked about how Mayor Pete is doing well in the polls because Cory Booker or Cory Booker allies are saying this has to do with white privilege. You forgot to mention the part when Mayor Pete himself said this has to do with white privilege that he himself has been a white man for 37 years in the United States and he has interacted as a white man in the United States. And because of that, he has --
CARLSON: What? He has been a white man for 37? Wait, hold on, wait, hold on --
RICHEY: That's right, Tucker.
CARLSON: He has been a white man for 37 years? Has he been arrested for this? Or it's just a stat -- no one noticed until now? He is now admitting it? Like how did this happen in the Democratic Party? He spent 37 years as a white man and nobody caught -- I am just laughing because how did your party get so racist, is my question?
RICHEY: All right, so I am going to finish my point now, Tucker. He has been a white man in the United States for 37 years. Well listen to the point.
Because of that, he is best able to articulate his own experience as a white male in American society. And let's go beyond just these two candidates because I think it's unfair to create some microcosm to explain a macrocosm of race in this societal construct.
The term white privilege is probably overused. I prefer the term white preference. White preference goes back to the 1940s when the Clark Doll Study was done, where you had two psychologists that put a white baby doll in front of a black baby doll in front of black children, where those black children in a segregated society shows the white baby doll as the one who was well-behaved, as the one that was smart, as the one that was beautiful.
Fast forward to an integrated society that study has been duplicated, Tucker over and over again, psychologists and the results are still the same. It came from somewhere.
CARLSON: Okay, can I -- okay, but let me just ask you a sincere question. There's all this white privilege. There's all of this unconscious racism. We've got to smash it, we're all doing our best as woke as we can be, but why isn't John Hickenlooper benefiting from this? He seems very white to me. He seems incredibly privileged, and yet he's at the very bottom of the polls. When does he get to use some of this white privilege power or preference power as you say?
RICHEY: Once again, Tucker, you are utilizing a microcosm to explain a macrocosm. Taking political figures like Joe Biden or Senator Booker to explain a dynamic that exists with regular everyday people is probably not the best example. We're talking about statistical data.
For example, from 2005 to 2008. Let's take New York City --
CARLSON: Okay, give it to me quick, we're almost out of time.
RICHEY: A case study in New York -- very quick -- in New York City, 2005 to 2008, 80 percent of people who were stopped and frisked -- a part of that system -- were African-Americans.
They were 42 percent less likely to actually have a weapon than a white person and only 10 percent of white people during that same time, were part of that stop and frisk phenomenon. So that's a problem and that's what people are attempting to address.
CARLSON: They were not 42 percent less likely than white citizens to have a firearm. That's just not true.
RICHEY: Yes, they were. Yes, they were, sir.
CARLSON: Actually, you're wrong.
RICHEY: Go ahead and do the study. I did the study right before I came on this show.
CARLSON: Okay. Well, we'll rush to Google right after, but Mr. Richey, I appreciate this.
RICHEY: Please do.
CARLSON: Thanks very much.
RICHEY: Thank you.
CARLSON: Last week, lawmakers in Georgia passed a bill that tries to ban all abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected -- that's about six weeks into pregnancy, it seemed like a compassionate thing to do. Not everyone agreed though.
In response, actress and progressive activist, Alyssa Milano says women should fight back in the bedroom. Last Friday Milano tweeted this quote, "Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies, we just cannot risk pregnancy. Join me in not having sex until we get our bodily autonomy back. I'm calling for #SexStrike. Pass it on."
Author and columnist Mark Steyn Stein joins us tonight. So, Mark, message, you can't have sex with Alyssa Milano until we get our partial birth abortion back. What effect is this going to have on America?
MARK STEYN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Yes, well, it's weird to me because the rationale for abortion such as it is, is that abstinence, education doesn't work, so we have to have abortion because abstinence doesn't work.
But abstinence apparently does work when Alyssa Milano is commanding it. And you just read out the tweet. It's actually fantastically worded. "We just cannot risk pregnancy, join me by not having sex." So on the on the day that Doris Day dies, we are basically back to the sexual morality of Doris Day young at heart circa 1954 in which Hollywood actresses now promoting chasteness because the risks of pregnancy from having sex are too high.
Wokeness eventually brings you back to the same dank slumbers of 60 years ago. It's amazing.
CARLSON: What I find so interesting is if you were to do a study of the unhappiest people in America, and then isolate the people with the most influence over social policy, it would be -- the union set would be 100 percent. It's like the more unhappy you are, the more influential you are over how people live their personal lives. Why is that? How did get here?
STEYN: Well, I think that's what's very interesting. A lot of these so called activists -- and this is a very weird reaction to a piece of public policy -- and certainly a lot more draconian than just trying to win a few local elections in Georgia.
But as you say, the happiest people according to all the surveys are all the uptight Republican squares, getting boring old marital sex.
All over the country now, there are twitchy little pajama boys who agree with Alyssa Milano on everything and she still won't let them get to second base. It's a tragedy.
CARLSON: It's just like -- why is it? I mean, it's sort of unspoken in all of this is the idea that having kids is literally the worst thing that could happen to you.
CARLSON: It's like the end of -- your whatever -- your stupid career is, or the things that you think are so important in your life, which, by the way mean literally nothing in the end.
STEYN: Right, right.
CARLSON: But like, why did we get to a place where a whole political party believes having children is like a punishment?
STEYN: Well, what's interesting is that I mean, this was first mooted by Aristophanes in the "Lysistrata" two and a half thousand years ago.
And the idea now that two and a half thousand years on, sex is just some sort of transactional thing for women. So Bette Midler, for example, has joined Alyssa Milano's sex strike today.
You know, I remember that -- I mentioned Doris Day, I remember the old Doris Day joke, I think was Groucho Marx or Oscar Levvant, "I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin." I never thought we'd live long enough for the line, "I knew Bette Midler before she was a virgin," to become a thing.
But it is -- I think they do not realize just how deeply weird they sound when they intervene on rather dull matters of just electing more of their side to the legislature would solve this problem. But instead of doing that, they're proposing crazy ideas.
CARLSON: I don't think they can help.
STEYN: And by the way, I'm in favor of more chasteness. I think if actresses are going to become chaste, as opposed to twerking all over the screen, then I'm for chaste actresses rather than twerking actresses.
CARLSON: Especially if the argument is we're so mad we're going to stop reproducing. Okay.
STEYN: Yes, yes.
CARLSON: It's so perfect.
STEYN: Pity the pajama boys. Pity the pajama boys. Tragedy.
CARLSON: Mark Steyn, great to see you, as always. Thank you.
STEYN: Thanks a lot, Tucker.
CARLSON: Well, you almost never hear it for some reason, but every night, more than a half a million people in America sleep outside. They're homeless. That number is growing. How did this happen? And why have our cities given up on it? Next, we're debuting a week-long series on those exact questions. We sent a reporter out for eight days all over the West Coast. First up San Francisco. Stay tuned for the beginning of our series.
CARLSON: Suddenly, in big American cities, the homeless seem to be everywhere and that's not your imagination. On any given night, more than a half a million people sleep outside in this country. It's enough people to fill Yankee Stadium 10 times over. There are more homeless people in America right now then active duty troops in the U.S. Army.
In fact, if the homeless had their own state, it would have as many people as Wyoming does. Over the last two years, even as the economy has grown, the homeless population has grown with it, in fact outstripped its growth.
Who are these people -- these hundreds of thousands of people and how did they get there? And why? And what are we doing about it? What is this anyway?
Well, the West Coast is the epicenter of the problem and we sent our producer, Charles Cougar on an eight-day journey there to seven states -- cities rather -- in three states. What he found was what you'd expect, but it was still shocking. Heroin addicts living along freeways in Seattle, a college town desperately trying to clear it sidewalks so people could walk. RV dwellers living next to the richest people in the world. Tent cities in one of the poorest places in California where housing costs are zero.
Across the West, we found places in America that are almost third world in their decay and disorganization and the chaos. Often, we found homelessness and rampant drug use in places you would never expect to see them.
This is a complicated problem. There's no obvious solution, at least no obvious one solution. One explanation you hear is that it's a mental health problem. And people say the government contributed to the crisis when it started discharging patients from mental hospitals and shutting those hospitals in 1960s.
And there's truth in that. Clearly, it's a factor. But it doesn't explain everything. Government estimates that just about 25 percent of our homeless population is severely mentally ill, and that seemed about right. We are struck by how many of the homeless we talked to were not mentally ill. Many were totally coherent. Some of them were witty, even.
Another explanation is that sky-high housing prices in places like California forced families out of their homes, and that can be a factor, too. But it's not the overall answer to the question of what's going on because we found in homelessness in places where the real estate market had collapsed, in places where apartment rentals go for just a few hundred bucks a month, where working class people can afford to live.
So really, it's a question of drug addiction, alcoholism, financial problems, healthcare costs, housing costs and family dissolution. They're all part of the cause of homelessness. In fact, in every story we listened to, at least some of those factors play the role. But it's still confusing exactly what's going on.
So to find out, we begin in San Francisco, one of the richest places on earth. San Francisco has more billionaires per capita than any city in the world. The reason, well, nearby Silicon Valley, it has generating unprecedented wealth. There were several multibillion dollar IPOs this year alone.
But beneath this wealth is extreme inequality. The city of San Francisco has thousands of homeless people living on the sidewalks. If you've been there recently, you know that that's true. The city has a flourishing drug scene. Some of neighborhoods have opened their heroin markets in broad daylight. Cops do nothing about them.
So despite its booming economy, San Francisco has lost its grip on its homeless problem and it is struggling to provide basic services. Here's what we found when we went there.
CARLSON: This was the scene outside our hotel in San Francisco, a homeless man hungry for dinner digging through a trash can for food.
The epicenter of homelessness in San Francisco is the tenderloin neighborhood. It's just blocks from tourist attractions like Union Square and major thoroughfares like Market Street.
In the tenderloin, we saw junkie shooting up in broad daylight and homeless people wielding makeshift knives. One threatened to stab our camera crew because we were filming there.
In this video, a mother and daughter wait for a public bus standing just feet from a drug-addled man who is too intoxicated to put on his own coat. The city has about 470 intravenous drug users per square mile.
One reason so many homeless congregate in the area is a place called Glide Memorial Church. Like the city around it, Glide is political and post Christian. Back in the 60s, it removed its crosses to be more welcoming.
This man was out cold on a sidewalk just blocks from the church; next to him, a partially eaten birthday cake, syringes that the city passes out and water packets that help addicts cook heroin on the street.
How does this city this rich get so dirty? One reason, San Francisco no longer enforces quality of life citations like sleeping on the sidewalk or public urination. The city used to use citations as leverage to get people off the streets.
But in 2016, a liberal judge called Christopher Hite, flushed all 64,000 outstanding warrants for quality of life crimes -- everyone from 2011 to 2015. But it's not just quality of life crimes, San Francisco now finds it difficult to enforce any law.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There he goes, he just broke in.
CARLSON: Smash and grab car thefts are everywhere -- a huge problem in San Francisco, but cops make arrests in fewer than 2 percent of them. Police Station in the tenderloin complained that it's impossible to get convictions against drug dealers, so they don't even try to enforce the law.
One officer told "The San Francisco Chronicle" that the police now allow criminals to operate, even when cops know who they are and what they're up to. One consequence of not enforcing those laws -- rampant drug abuse well beyond the tenderloin.
We videotaped this man shooting up heroin right in front of City Hall in broad daylight. Here's a picture of two people shooting up at Mission Dolores Park -- a three bedroom row house right next to these junkies currently sells for $6 million.
City officials are well aware of the problems San Francisco residents have reported, feces and syringe complaints on nearly every block of the city.
Former Mayor Mark Farrell told local media that even he had stepped on a huge needle once at the Civic Center Plaza right near downtown.
But nothing is changing. Despite the reports and the money that San Francisco spends on cleaning it streets, we found syringes and human feces all over the city.
CARLSON: San Francisco isn't the only city that's lost control. Not in the country and certainly not in California.
Tomorrow, we will take you to other parts of that state and what you see will shock you. It shocked us -- our homeless in America series continues with new cities each night this week, so don't miss them.
Students and staff at Oberlin College have attacked a bakery, called it racist for trying to stop a trio of shoplifters who had pled guilty to shoplifting assault. Now, that bakery is fighting to regain its reputation. Interesting story after the break.
CARLSON: Just the other day, a man called Jonas Carter was Command Master Chief on the aircraft carrier, Harry S. Truman. And then a couple of weeks ago, he accidentally destroyed his career. How did he do that? By telling a joke.
As the Carrier prepared for a visit from the Vice President Pence, Carter instructed his men to quote, "clap like we're at a strip club." Not a bad line, kind of amusing, actually. But the feminists didn't like it. They said it was inappropriate. They never bothered to explain why it was inappropriate. They never do explain. They just destroyed his career.
Carter has now resigned and is going into retirement. Keep in mind that the Navy's job -- the military's job -- is to protect this country. Does turning it into a PC hellhole make us safer? Do we create more effective military leaders when we crush anyone who offends the Women's Studies Department at Brown? Probably not. Our bully class doesn't care though. To them, the military is just another place to tyrannize. Hopefully, the war we will eventually lose over all of this isn't too important. We're hoping that.
Well in Ohio, three Oberlin College students were arrested after shoplifting from a bakery. In response, the bakery was denounced as racist. Now the bakery is suing Oberlin for damaging their reputation. Interesting story. Trace Gallagher has the latest on this tonight -- Trace.
TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And Tucker, this trial could last a month with up to a hundred witnesses. At issue is an incident from November 2016 where three black Oberlin Ohio college students went into Gibson's Bakery, tried to use a fake ID and stole some bottles of wine.
Allen Gibson, the son of the bakery's owner confronted the students and police say by the time they arrived, Gibson was on the ground being punched. The students initially claimed they were racially profiled, but then admitted they did use fake IDs, did steal the wine, and that there was no racism.
A follow up police investigation also found that accusations of racism were baseless. But lawyers for the bakery say that did not stop Oberlin College from quote "declaring war on Gibson's" including a boycott and several protests involving hundreds of students chanting "No justice, no peace." Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are here today because yesterday, three started from the African community were assaulted and arrested as a result of a history of racial profiling a racial discrimination by Gibson.
GALLAGHER: In court, the bakery also alleges that Oberlin Vice President and Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo used a bullhorn to orchestrate the protest and passed out flyers saying Gibson's was racist.
Attorneys for the college say Raimondo was simply monitoring the students and serving as liaison between them and the community. Gibson's alleges the College and Dean of Students interfered with the bakery's business relationships that go back 130 years. The College says it temporarily suspended its business with Gibson's to just quell a volatile situation -- Tucker.
CARLSON: Amazing story. Trace, thanks very much for that. Bill Jacobson is a Professor at Cornell Law School. He publishes the widely read blog, "Legal Insurrection" and he joins us tonight. Professor, thanks for coming on.
BILL JACOBSON, PROFESSOR, CORNELL LAW SCHOOL: Thank you for having me. I just want to be absolutely clear in the facts here. The three students accused of committing this crime pled guilty. They admitted they did it. They admitted that there was no racism against them and yet Oberlin College tried to crush this business because why?
JACOBSON: Well, I think this was the worst of identity politics that -- this was the day after Donald Trump's election, and that may have had something to do with it. The student body was very upset. The students -- the three black students get arrested for shoplifting. They were in fact shoplifting. Yet the entire Oberlin College community viewed this exclusively through a racial prism, through a racial lens, a white store owner arrest or has the police arrest three black students, and that really set the tone for the last two years.
There were protests organized outside the bakery that were so aggressive and so many people, hundreds of people that there's been testimony at the trial that the police considered calling in the riot squad to quell the protest, and as was reported, there were also indications that college officials, if not participated in these, at least fostered them.
And so what you had was the worst of identity politics, really the worst of our politics, which judges everything, not based on the facts of what happened, but through a racial lens.
CARLSON: So basically, you have the most privileged people in America, because if you're going to Oberlin no matter what color you are, it's such a waste of money that you clearly have money to burn, attacking working class bakery owners and calling it justice? I mean, that's what I see.
JACOBSON: Right. And I think one of the interesting things about this case is that the bakery owners are seeking to hold the college responsible and the college's response is, those were just the students. We have no input on what they do. But the evidence says that -- that the evidence is that they might have.
I mean, if you if you wind people up and you whip them into a frenzy, you can't just wash your hands of it. And that's really what the jury is going to have to decide with this horrendous campaign.
CARLSON: Well, I hope you will come back. I hope you will come back, Professor because there's really no case, right? I'm rooting for a side more than I am in this one. Thank you so much for your summation tonight.
JACOBSON: Thank you.
CARLSON: Well, Bill de Blasio is pushing his own Green New Deal as he prepares to run for President. Does anyone like Bill de Blasio? Is there a single person who thinks he is doing a good job as mayor? Why is he running for President? We will have the latest one that.
CARLSON: The Democratic presidential field is already enormous, amusingly large, but it could get even bigger this week. The mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio is considering a run. He can't run on his approval ratings or his personality. He needs something else.
So today, he held a rally in the antiquated Trump Tower to promote his own version of the Green New Deal. The central plank in his plan is the promise to take people's money if they don't obey him. Watch.
BILL DE BLASIO (D-NY), MAYOR: The New York City Green New deal is here to stay. It is bold. It is audacious. It is necessary.
We have a message for President Trump and all the other big building owners in New York City, cut your emissions or we will cut something you really care about. We will take your money.
CROWD: (Chanting, "Our planet, not your profit.")
CARLSON: Mesmerizing almost, Lisa Boothe, a senior fellow at Independent Women's Voice. She join us tonight. Is this real, do you think?
LISA BOOTHE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It is. Shockingly. Well -- and as you know, Tucker, Bill de Blasio right now is contemplating a 2020 run and he told America that he will make a decision by the end of this week. And the funny thing is he went to Trump Tower today, as you mentioned to bring attention to some sweeping climate change regulations and legislative changes that New York City just made, which he hasn't signed into law yet by the way.
But also to take aim at President Trump because President Trump owns eight buildings that don't meet these standards that this new legislation set, so President Trump can end up facing about $2.1 million in fines if he doesn't meet these standards by 2030.
But what happened is there were protesters and so, it really turned it into an embarrassing circus for de Blasio when you had protesters riding up and down with signs saying "worst Mayor ever," blasting music, heckling him, and when pressed, he couldn't name other landlords that had you know, these sort of high emissions outside of President Trump.
So what he came to do was to draw attention to his environmental record and what ended up happening is he ended up embarrassing himself.
CARLSON: Yes, he is always hamstrung by low IQ. It's a recurring problem for him. Lisa Boothe, thank you so much. Good luck in New York.
BOOTHE: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas served tours of duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan but between those tours, he had a very different responsibility. He serves a funeral escort for soldiers being buried in Arlington National Cemetery. He wrote a book on it, it's coming out tomorrow. It's titled "Sacred Duty" A Soldiers Tour at Arlington National Cemetery." Senator Tom Cotton joins us tonight. Sir, thanks very much for coming on.
I didn't realize until I read this that you conducted hundreds of funerals at Arlington.
SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): I did, Tucker. The Old Guard, the official ceremonial unit of the Army at Arlington conducts 20 to 30 funerals a day, sometimes over a hundred in a week. I personally, in my 16 months there probably conducted 400 or 500 funerals.
A lot of those funerals are for the heroes of the last generations of World War II and Korean, my day; increasingly, Vietnam today. Unfortunately, we had to form active duty funerals on occasion as well, not as many now as we did in 2007 and 2008, of course, but despite that volume of funerals, the Old Guard approaches funerals with a no fail zero defect mindset.
The standard is always perfection to give that one last, indelible image of honor for the family and for the loved ones and to show everyone else who sees them the kind of honor that we pay to those who give the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
CARLSON: What a way to experience our country. What did you learn from all those?
COTTON: Yes, I learned about just how much love in their hearts the American people have for our warriors, whatever they think about the wars they have fought and we fought some controversial wars over the last 50 years. Arlington really is a place that kind of brings the entire country together. There are no Democrats or Republicans there. There are no liberals or conservatives. We bury people of all races, of all ages, from all the various wars that our nation has fought over the last 60 or 70 years.
And really Arlington has played that role in our nation's history since it was birthed in the most divisive time in our nation's history. I mean, Arlington's birth in the Civil War 155 years ago today, as a matter of fact, Private William Christman was buried on May 13 1864 on the old Castis-Lee Plantation, and that was really the origins of Arlington National Cemetery.
Over time, Confederate soldiers were buried there, other soldiers were exhumed going back to the Revolutionary War and buried there, and it was kind of the time of arrival for a generation of new soldiers, when their war -- became time to be buried there whether it was the Spanish American War, World War I or World War II.
Then of course, you had the addition after World War I of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those three unknowns at one time stood for all the unknown soldiers that were still left overseas.
But today they've really become the kind of place of national mourning, the place that more than four million Americans go every single year to pay tribute to our fallen heroes.
CARLSON: And as you find our airport, our central airport here, Reagan National Airport, I mean, you fly right over the cemetery.
COTTON: Sure, when we perform funerals in the cemetery, I mean, we always had to raise our voice because those airplanes were flying right over the cemetery.
CARLSON: Did it weigh on you? That's an awful lot of funerals.
COTTON: Well, in the moment, your job is not to grieve, your job is to honor while the family has a chance to grieve, but certainly afterwards, certainly after an active duty funeral with a young widow or widower or small children and parents, it's the kind of thing you don't forget very easily and it makes a mark on you, it makes a mark on how you view the sacrifice that our fallen heroes paid to our nation so that we can live in freedom.
You know, the Old Guard doesn't just perform in Arlington either. It also goes to Dover Air Force Base to perform the dignified transfer remains. I probably did that mission 25 or 30 times in my 16 months at the Old Guard, you know, carrying the flag-draped remains of my fellow comrades in arms who just died a few hours earlier overseas. And that's an image you can never forget.
CARLSON: Now, that is extraordinarily heavy. I don't know how I missed that. I mean, that must inform how you see everything about your current job.
COTTON: Well, what I saw in Iraq and Afghanistan informs it, but what I saw Dover Air Force Base and at Arlington with the Old Guard also informs it. It's a reminder of the consequences of failure in policymaking that we do have that sacred duty to honor those who have fallen, but also to provide for those who come after them, who are going to be fighting tomorrow's wars, to make sure we care for them.
And I describe all that in "Sacred Duty," and that mindset that the he Old Guard has to achieve that standard of perfection, that ethos of excellence that really can apply in everyone's life no matter what they do, but for their military, especially for the soldiers who honor our fallen heroes at Arlington is absolutely essential.
CARLSON: Amen. Tom Cotton. Thanks for that.
COTTON: Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: We'll be back tomorrow. The show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. But for now, Sean Hannity awaits from New York City.
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