Hit the Hot Spots and Be Social With These Nightlife Apps

Love the nightlife? Looking to boogie?

Well, get yourself primped and primed because there's fun to be had -- and you have plenty of options to explore. With these three apps loaded on your smartphone you can find the best nightlife action, check a spot out before you walk in, and maybe learn how to mix a cocktail or two on your own.

Save money and find the best happy hour in town with barHappy. The free app uses GPS technology to help you find daily entertainment and food and drink special in your area.

If you know the type of spot you are looking for, you can easily narrow down your search for hot spots though categories such as atmosphere, sports team, date spot, live music, brunch and more. An interactive map displays locations with information on deals or events happening at that establishment.

Interested in going? Hit the “Take me there” button for turn by turn directions.

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Download barHappy.

Save time by checking out the scene at the bar before you go using the SceneTap app. Cameras set up in various bars let you to see in real time what the crowd looks like, how many people are at the bar at that moment, or how the guy to girl ratio next door compares.

Alternately, you can search to see where people your age are going out that night and what other bars are nearby. SceneTap connects bar owners to their patrons and was just launched in Chicago -- but it's coming to your city in the near future.

Download SCENETAP.

Pick your poison with the guidance of the bartender in your pocket, the InMyBar app.

This app will come in handy whether out at a bar, mixing in your kitchen, or hosting a party. Select the actual brand names of ingredients, spirits, mixers, fruits, and juices by what you're in the mood for or by what you have at hand. By simply answering a few questions --What do I have, what can I make and what do I need -- the app creates perfect cocktail concoction.

For quick access to a specific drink recipe, just save it in your favorites. And if the app doesn't have an ingredient of your choice, you can save it with a picture for later use. Don’t worry, you don’t have to leave a big tip -- this app costs only $0.99.

Download InMyBar.


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