Discover Top Smartphone Downloads: Navigate the Vast Land of Apps

Stop wandering the virtual supermarket aisles in search of effective apps. That's what we are here for.

And now there is an app and corresponding website that helps you navigate the vast marketplace in search of what suites your App-etite. Mobilewalla is a search engine for all major smartphone platforms — iTunes, Android, Blackberry, and Windows — that rates and scores all apps.

Sorting through the vast and ever evolving world of apps is never ending. There’s an easier way to find what you are looking for and discover new apps to download. First choose your platform -- iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry or Windows -- then either search by keyword, category, or hot apps, new apps, hall of fame, or star developers. You can break it down even further by free versus paid apps. Click on any of the apps listed to view its popularity, other apps by the same developer, similar types and how they compare, and read user reviews. If you like what you see, download the app right from Mobilewalla.

Mobilewalla also offers "App Intelligence," and a Mobilewalla App Score (MAS) determined by a set of analytics. Use this info to see how many apps exist in the major app stores, how the app world is growing and how many apps exist in different categories. The score ranges from 0 to100 on how successful, i.e. how hot an app is at a given time, or on a given platform. The higher the number, the more positive feedback the app has gotten.

Here are a few of the top ranked apps out right now — from iTunes AppZilla 2, which is a bundle of utility and entertainment apps wrapped into one download has a MW score of 95.5, from the android market, ICE: In Case of Emergency stores vital information for first responders or hospital staff in case you are in need of medical attention and has a MW score of 94.

More On This...

Download AppZilla from iTunes. 

Download ICE: In Case of Emergency from the Android Market.

Download Mobilewalla from iTunes.

Download Mobilewalla from the Android Market.

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