
I thought I felt a disturbance in the Force when I spotted a three-foot-tall Darth Vader--complete with helmet--doing an Imperial March around the perimeter of the House chamber during a vote sequence this afternoon.

It was no Jedi mind trick.

It turns out this pint-size Lord of the Sith is six-year-old actor Max Page.

You might remember Page from the Volkswagen Super ad in which he tries to use his powers of the Force to levitate the family dog, get the washer and dryer to start and breathe life into his sister's baby doll.

Like Obi-Wan Kenobi, his powers have turned weak.

But Little Lord Vader finally has success getting the family's VW Passat to miraculously start...operated remotely by his father inside.

Vader fought Luke Skywalker in the movies. But Page is waging another battle here in Washington.

"I'm trying to fight Congress," Page said. In other words, to quote, "Size matters not."

Page made the Kessel Run around the Capitol Hill galaxy Wednesday for "Family Advocacy Day" on behalf of the National Association of Children's Hospitals.

In his budget, President Obama zeroed out funding for children's hospital Medicare funding. And Page is trying to persuade lawmakers to back HR 1852, a bill to restore the money.

From San Clemente, Calif., Page underwent heart surgery to have a pacemaker implanted at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles when he was three months old.

Rep Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., escorted Page around the House floor and through the Capitol Rotunda, buttonholing lawmakers about his cause.

We're unsure if Page had to check his trademark red light saber at the door as he visited the Democratic Cloakroom.

Sith law dictates that there can never be more than two Sith Lords at a time: a master and an apprentice. And when he left the Capitol Wednesday, the only question people wanted to know was which was Page?