
Hillary Clinton may soon receive an endorsement from a prominent figure in the gun control fight: former Rep. Gabby Giffords.

The former Democratic congresswoman from Arizona, along with her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, will endorse the Democratic front-runner later this week, CBS News reported, citing an unidentified source.

Clinton's position on gun control is a factor in their decision. Giffords, who survived a mass shooting in 2011, and is a gun owner, has become a leading voice for what she calls common sense gun regulations, including requiring background checks for all firearms purchases.

"The president's reasonable proposal addresses a lethal problem: People who are in the business of selling guns can avoid the current requirement to conduct background checks on their buyers by claiming not to be gun dealers," Giffords said in an op-ed last week in the Washington Post, following President Obama's announcement of executive actions to narrow what advocates for stricter gun laws believe are loopholes in the background check system.

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