
California Rep. Nancy Pelosi said that when Democrats retake control of the House of Representatives on Thursday, they will "take action" to end the partial government shutdown.

In a letter to Democrats on Tuesday, the presumptive incoming speaker of the House wrote that Democrats plan to "pass strong, bipartisan legislation to reopen government, which has already received strong bipartisan support in the Senate."


Pelosi said a legislative package introduced on Monday includes two bills — neither of which contains funding for President Trump's long-promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Earlier in the day, Trump asked Pelosi via Twitter to work with him regarding the border, writing: "Border Security and the Wall "thing" and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let's make a deal?"

She tweeted in response that Trump "has given Democrats a great opportunity to show how we will govern responsibly & quickly pass our plan to end the irresponsible #TrumpShutdown — just the first sign of things to come in our new Democratic Majority committed to working #ForThePeople."

The House Democratic plan includes one bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security at current levels through Feb. 8, with $1.3 billion for border security.

"We are giving the Republicans the opportunity to take yes for an answer. Senate Republicans have already supported this legislation, and if they reject it now, they will be fully complicit in chaos and destruction of the President’s third shutdown of his term," Pelosi said.

The federal government has remained partially shut down since Dec. 22, when funding for a slew of federal agencies lapsed at midnight after Congress and the White House failed to pass a spending package amid a bruising fight over border wall funding. Roughly a quarter of the federal government has been affected.

Republicans and Democrats have been at a standstill over Trump's demands for $5 billion to fund a border wall. Earlier Tuesday, the president ripped into Democrats for insisting they won’t fund it.

Fox News' Alex Pappas contributed to this report.