
WASHINGTON -- Some members of Congress say yesterday's landing by a single-passenger "gyrocopter" on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol building exposed a gap in security.

Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, says it could have been a "major catastrophe" if there had been a bomb on the copter. He says he doesn't want people to get the idea "that they can just land anywhere."

Lawmakers note that the pilot, Florida postal worker Doug Hughes, had been interviewed by the Secret Service almost two years ago. Cummings says agents apparently determined that he didn't pose a threat.

Republican Michael McCaul of Texas, who heads the House Homeland Security Committee, says small aircraft like the one that landed yesterday are a concern to him because "they could go undetected and cause damage."

Hughes has said he was making the flight to publicize his concerns about the corrupting influence of money in politics.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh (jay) Johnson says it's too soon to say whether the incident will bring changes in security procedures.