
A key Senate Democrat said Tuesday that President Obama's health care reform plan may not make it out of the Senate until next year.

"Our goal is to make sure it is out of the Senate this year," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. the No. 2 Senate Democrat, "But if we don't, we will get it done."

The comment came after former President Bill Clinton told anxious Senate Democrats on Tuesday to pass a health care bill soon because the U.S. economy can't resist the toxic combination of exorbitant medical costs and nearly 50 million uninsured for much longer.

The House passed its health care bill Saturday by a narrow 220-215 vote. In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is working on a final Democratic draft. But the combination of divided Democrats, and Republicans determined to force delays under the Senate's arcane rules, is making it less likely that Obama will get a bill this year.

"They want us to finish quickly. We do too. But some of these things are beyond our control," Durbin said of the White House's desire for fast action.

Complicating the effort, abortion opponents in the Senate are seeking tough restrictions in the health care overhaul bill, a move that could roil the shaky Democratic effort.

Fox News' Trish Turner contributed to this report.