
Rep. Michele Bachmann wants the 11,000-strong audience at CPAC Thursday to know that she is one of them. In fact, she reinterated that point several times in her kick-off speech at the Marriott Wardman Hotel.

"I am one of you!" she exclaimed.

She was so full of fellowship that she invited everyone to a drink -- on her.

"We need to throw ourselves a huge party," she declared to the crowd, a huge portion of which are college students here for the weekend. Ticking off the many congressional victories of the Nov. 2010 election she invited everyone to a 5:30 reception at the hotel “and the bar tab is mine."

"I want to shake your hand," she added. "Party hard today after his weekend we have to focus on step two of taking our country back." She defined that step as taking over control of the Senate, for which the Republicans need seven more seats.

Bachmann reached out even more to her younger audience, when, after a list of charges against current government -- including out-of-control debt, over-spending and creeping socialism -- she declared, "No generation has been more selfish than the current generation running Washington."

"I am here to call here on the movement. You are the all-important CPAC base, all 11,000 of you. I believe you are incredibly talented. I believe you are filled with excitement. I believe you are motivated for 2012. I believe we need to win the Triple Crown," holding on to the House of Representative, winning the Senate and, "Oh yeah, baby, winning the White House!"

Plus, she noted, "You're all good looking" too.