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Buzz Cut:
• Hot water for Hillary in family fib
• Clintons vow no retreat on foreign cash
• Rubio sees dollar signs early in his announcement
• Iran bill a ‘bruising retreat’ for Obama
• That escalated quickly…

BuzzFeed: “Speaking in Iowa Wednesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that all her grandparents had immigrated to the United States, a story that conflicts with public census and other records related to her maternal and paternal grandparents. The story of her grandmother specifically immigrating is one Clinton has told before. Clinton’s sole foreign-born grandparent, Hugh Rodham Sr., immigrated as a child. ‘Her grandparents always spoke about the immigrant experience and, as a result she has always thought of them as immigrants,’ a Clinton spokesman told BuzzFeed News. ‘As has been correctly pointed out, while her grandfather was an immigrant, it appears that Hillary’s grandmother was born shortly after her parents and siblings arrived in the U.S. in the early 1880s.’”

In touch with people, well, certain people - Daily Mail: “Hillary Clinton’s astroturf candidacy is in full swing in Iowa. Her Tuesday morning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa was staged from beginning to end, according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton. Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city. Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.”

[A Clinton aide told Fox News the campaign never told the press this particular group just happened to meet Clinton – noting they handed the press pool a list of the names of attendees, signaling they were not hiding that they gathered this group to talk to her. “We didn’t say it was random” the aide said.]

Clintons vow no retreat on foreign cash - WSJ: “The board of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has decided to continue accepting donations from foreign governments, primarily from six countries, even though Hillary Clinton is running for president, a summary of the new policy to be released Thursday shows. The rules would permit donations from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the U.K.-countries that support or have supported Clinton Foundation programs on health, poverty and climate change, according to the summary. That means other nations would be prohibited from making large donations to the foundation. But those governments would be allowed to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the foundation where companies, nonprofit groups and government officials work on solutions to global problems.”

Boffo oppo – David Drucker reports: “Nearly 100 staff of Republican opposition research group America Rising are digging up dirt on Hillary Clinton. The group has 20 full-time and more than 50 part-time trackers across the country, mostly in early primary states and big money hubs such as Boston, New York and San Francisco, to document Clinton's every move.”

Hillary wants your data - Bloomberg Politics digs into the gold hunt for voter data behind the political operation Ready for Hillary: “While it’s true that the students who grabbed posters a little more than a week before Clinton’s April 12 campaign launch didn’t have to shell out any cash...they did have to sign their name. And give their e-mail address. And their cell phone number. And check a box indicating their ethnicity and sexual orientation….[For] Ready for Hillary, the pre-campaign super PAC, it was all about building the list. In political parlance, a list is a compilation of data on potential supporters – think a database of names, e-mails, and other personal information that a campaign can use to rally volunteers and raise money.”

O’Malley tries to troll Hillary on same-sex marriage - WaPo:Hillary Clinton, who has lagged many leaders of her party on the issue of gay marriage, has now called upon the U.S. Supreme Court to ‘come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right….’ One of Clinton’s potential Democratic rivals, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), has repeatedly taken none-too-veiled jabs at Clinton on the issue as he’s traveled to early nominating states. … On Wednesday afternoon, O’Malley’s political team released a short video highlighting his position that included a clip from a recent speech in which he said ‘history celebrates profiles in courage, not profiles in convenience.’ O’Malley led Maryland’s efforts to legalize same-sex marriage in 2012.”

[O’Malley delivers a speech on the economy at Harvard’s Institute of Politics today.]

Back in the 1850s Alaskans sold their state’s bountiful fresh water to California, albeit in frozen form, and they’re about to do it again. California’s persistent drought has reached dangerous levels, and as summer looms closer residents fear the combination of intense heat and restricted water use. The Anchorage Daily News reports that an Alaska company that bulk packages water from a local lake has secured contracts to ship its product to customers in California. The problem is California doesn’t have the ability to take in water from vessels so the company is contemplating loading the water into containers and shipping it that way. Kind of like they used to do. How’s that for a #TBT?

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Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval
: Approve – 44.9 percent//Disapprove – 50.0 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 29.4 percent//Wrong Track – 60.4 percent

WaPo: “Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), off to a fast fundraising start as an official candidate for president, is planning an aggressive series of events to haul in cash in his home state in late April and early May, a person familiar with his campaign plans said Wednesday. One of the events will involve billionaire businessman and philanthropist Norman Braman, who is expected to be one of Rubio’s biggest financial backers, said the person, who was granted anonymity to describe behind-the-scenes planning. That person also confirmed that Rubio raised about $1.25 million online on his first full day as a presidential candidate -- news first reported by the Associated Press. Rubio will raise money in Palm Beach on April 24, in Miami on May 2 and in Boca Raton on May 12, the person said. Braman will be involved in the Miami event.”

PACing it in - Yesterday’s first quarter deadline showed little in terms of official reports from campaigns since there was only one official candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, who was required to file; but as NYT shows, money pouring into PACs provides a lens into who has the green required for campaign staying power.  Reports show the money raised from the first three months of the year. Aside from Mr. Cruz, Ben Carson comes in high at $2.1 million raised from his exploratory committee. Sen. Rubio’s $1.8 million goes to his Senate campaign committee, but will likely be transferred to his presidential committee. Sen. Rand Paul’s committee comes in low at $332,000, but his campaign raised $2 million from his website within days of his announcement.

Ayotte has sweet bank -  WMUR: “As Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R-N.H.] gears up for what could be a tough reelection bid in November 2016, possibly against Gov. Maggie Hassan [D-N.H.], her campaign already has more $3 million in the bank. Friends of Kelly Ayotte said Wednesday it raised more than $1.2 million during the first fundraising quarter of 2015, with over $3 million cash on hand. Ayotte raised more than $208,000 from New Hampshire donors, the campaign committee said. Also, WMUR.com has learned, the Ayotte campaign has hired two new top staffers. The campaign's finance director is Michalle Makarov, formerly deputy finance director on Gov. Susana Martinez’s [R] campaign in New Mexico. She is also an alumna of Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign.”

[Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, makes a few stops in New Hampshire today first at a small business roundtable in Nashua, then he hosts a youth town hall meeting in Milford.]

Christie on Clinton: ‘If I run I will beat her’ – USA Today: “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is confident he can defeat Hillary Clinton for president - and put blue states such as Pennsylvania and New Mexico into play. ‘If I run, I will beat her,’ Christie told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. In a swipe at Clinton’s tenure as secretary of State, Christie also said ‘there would be no misunderstandings’ with Russian President Vladimir Putin if he is elected president.”

NY Times: “Former Gov. Jeb Bush will pay a visit to the heart of the conservative movement next month when the likely presidential candidate gives a commencement address at Liberty University. Speaking at Liberty University, which was founded by the evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, is a rite of passage for Republicans seeking the presidency. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas opened his 2016 presidential campaign there last month, Mitt Romney gave a commencement address at the Lynchburg, Va., college in 2012, and Senator John McCain did so as well in 2006. University officials said on Wednesday that Mr. Bush would speak at Liberty’s 42nd commencement on May 9.”

New Mississippi education law backed by Bush - WaPo: “Jeb Bush is spending part of Thursday in Mississippi at a bill-signing ceremony for legislation backed by his education foundation. Bush is scheduled to be at the Mississippi state Capitol as Republican Gov. Phil Bryant signs a bill that provides vouchers to parents of children with special needs to spend up to $6,500 annually in taxpayer funds to pay for private schools or other services to help the child…. The new law is also modeled on a program Bush established as Florida governor that benefits roughly 28,000 students, according to Bush aides.

[Bush attends “Politics and Pie” in Concord, New Hampshire today. Bush will also speak at the #FITN Republican Leadership Summit tomorrow.]

NYT: “Mr. Obama’s abrupt decision to sign a compromise version of legislation on Iran that he had previously vowed to veto was a bruising retreat in his larger campaign to act without Congress’s getting in his way. In this case, partisanship gave way to rare consensus on Capitol Hill: Both sides agreed that he was wrong to cut them out. The White House tried to make the best of the setback, arguing that the bipartisan bill was less objectionable than the initial draft. But the president’s concession in the face of potentially veto-proof majorities underscored that even his fellow Democrats believed he had overreached in trying to operate on his own. And it suggested that he may be approaching the outer boundaries of his authority with 21 months left in office.”

[“Republicans by a ratio of more than 2-to-1 say the U.S. should support Israel even when its stances diverge with American interests, a new Bloomberg Politics poll finds. Democrats, by roughly the same ratio, say the opposite is true and that the U.S. must pursue its own interests over Israel’s.”]

The Judge’s ruling - Posing the question: “Can the president kill you?” Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano notes that the use of drones for the targeted killing of Americans by President Obama and sanctioned by congressional oversight is reminiscent if the actions of a British tyrant.[T]he Constitution he swore to uphold makes clear that whenever the government wants the life, liberty or property of anyone, it must follow due process…. The whole reason for the requirement of due process was to prevent what Henry VIII did and Obama is doing from ever happening here…When the president acts like a king and Congress looks the other way, it is as culpable as he is.”

“A brush fire that had been intentionally set for land management purposes ended up causing heat damage to 11 homes in Crystal Lake (Ill.), the fire department said. … Fire officials said the prescribed burn was done for land management purposes and that the damage was caused by radiant heat from the nearby fire. …Rick Dowell, said he watched the fire being started in the wetlands near his property at about noon. After a short while, however, he said the flames shot higher than his barn and the workers in the wetlands appeared to become flustered. ‘I saw the workers running to put it out,’ he said. ‘They seemed a little panicked. (I think) it got bigger than they expected. It appears it went faster than they intended.’”

“[Sen. Marco Rubio is] proposing something different here, he’s proposing tax cuts, and I think this argument between him and the Wall Street Journal over what is essentially 2 percent of the rate, I think it’s slightly over exaggerated. It’s not going to make any difference in the real world if there’s a one or two percent lower rate, and I think what’s he’s doing is trying to win votes with the sweetener of the child tax credit, there’s nothing wrong with that.” – Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Watch here.

Chris Stirewalt is digital politics editor for Fox News.  Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up