
A top technology aide to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush resigned Tuesday after a firestorm over messages he posted to Twitter that referred to women as “sluts” and included remarks about gay men.

"The Right to Rise PAC accepted Ethan Czahor's resignation today,” a Bush spokesman said in a statement. “While Ethan has apologized for regrettable and insensitive comments, they do not reflect the views of Governor Bush or his organization and it is appropriate for him to step aside. We wish him the best."

Czahor was hired in January as chief technology officer of Bush's Right to Rise political action committee. In one tweet posted in 2009, since deleted, Czahor wrote, "new study confirms old belief: college female art majors are sluts, science majors are also sluts but uglier."

Another, in 2010, said, “when I burp at the gym I feel like it’s my way of saying, ‘sorry guys, but I’m not gay’”

The tweets were first reported by BuzzFeed News.

Czahor, 31, apologized for the tweets on Monday with a new tweet: "i deleted some old jokes i made years ago that i no longer find funny or appropriate. #learning #maturing"

On Tuesday he tweeted after his resignation: “…and i've resigned my role at right to rise. best of luck to everyone there, and i apologize in advance to whoever fills my position.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.