
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, seems very confident in his golf swing as he prepares for a different kind of battle with President Obama - a round of golf.

Boehner said as he was watching one of the cable programs over the weekend, they were discussing the much talked about match the two will play June 18th.

"[S]omebody said, well you know if the president wants strokes from Boehner, Boehner ought to say to the president 'Mr. President, you can have all the strokes you want, it'll just cost you a trillion dollars a stroke.'"

"I thought it was a very good idea" Boehner said.

When asked about the outing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the president and the speaker will have a lot to talk about but not to expect the two to resolve all of their differences.

"[T]his is more of a social outing," said Carney. "They will not resolve the budget negotiations on the back nine. At least I don't expect that."

Boehner said Vice President Biden, another avid golfer, will also be joining them. And it looks as though he'll provide the stiffer competition. According to Golf's Digest recent ranking of Washington's top 150 golfers, Biden is ranked 29 with a 6.3 handicap. By comparison, Boehner is ranked 43 with a 7.9 handicap. Obama is way down the list at number 108 with a 17 handicap.

The course and whether or not Obama has accepted the trillion-dollar wager is yet to be announced.

"They haven't worked out the fine details yet," Carney said but "they get along very well."