
Rep. Michele Bachmann hasn't declared yet whether she's in it to win it, but the Minnesota Republican may be "moving up" her June deadline for announcing a presidential campaign decision, she said Tuesday.

Claiming an "outpouring of interest" for her to make a go for a 2012 GOP nomination, Bachmann told Fox News that her decision will be made in part on her ability to raise money, grassroots support and development of a winning strategy.

Bachmann, who last quarter raised more than $3 million for a political action committee, said she has collected more money than any other candidate, including former Minnesota governor and would-be frontrunner Mitt Romney, that can be used in a presidential bid.

Bachmann added that she has traveled numerous times to early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina and has received tremendous support.

It's "important to know that there is grassroots support out there for a meaningful race," she said. "I've spoken to thousands of individuals in Iowa and the support has been overwhelming coming from grassroots individuals who will be making that decision."

Bachmann's pushing up an announcement may be motivated in part by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's decision to forego a candidacy. Several conservative voices, including Tea Party groups and radio commentators, including Huckabee, say she is a natural to pick up some of his followers.

Bachmann's entry would also fill a void left by several politicians who have said they will forego a presidential bid, including Indiana Rep. Mike Pence, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and several others mentioned as potential candidates.

Announcing they will make a go of it are former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson. Businessman Herman Cain and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels both say they will make official decisions shortly.

Bachmann said she's spoken to numerous former presidential advisers who've told her to get into the race.

"That has been gratifying, but again there will be a cost, and there's a plan to be put together so that this will be a successful run. I wouldn't want to do this unless we plan to be successful," she said, adding that she believes Barack Obama can be a one-term president.

"He can be beat but we have to do it right," she said.