Graham: lllegitimized impeachment process 'danger to democracy'
South Carolina Republican joins 'Hannity' to discuss legal discrepancies in Trump's pending Senate trial.
You can’t support unity and remain silent on big tech censorship at the same time. You can’t support unity and not condemn Antifa at the same time.
You can’t support unity and sign executive orders canceling your predecessor’s signature policies at the same time. And you can’t support unity and allow congressional Democrats to waste precious time on an unconstitutional impeachment trial of a president who is no longer in office.
Americans are learning that this is the Biden Doctrine. President Biden has a troubling habit of saying one thing and doing another -- and it’s growing old already, just over a week into his presidency.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there.
President Biden ran a campaign for president promising to put his response to the COVID-19 pandemic first. Then-candidate Biden pledged from his basement to take decisive action and tackle COVID-19 more effectively than the Trump administration.
Sadly, it took just two days for the President to backtrack on his central guarantee to the American people. Now Biden says, "there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months."
These actions speak volumes about the hopelessly out of touch mindset of President Biden. Biden’s words during the campaign appear to have been just empty rhetoric designed to win an election at any cost.
Swamp creatures like Biden believe that once you’re elected, you can do whatever you want once you take office.
Only a career politician who has thrived in Washington for nearly a half-century would insult the intelligence of the American people by thinking he could get away with these disingenuous antics.
Biden could start to change course by taking the bull by the horns when it comes to the current impeachment charade.
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi transmitted one unfounded article of impeachment against former President Trump to the United States Senate.
It took the unhinged radicals in Pelosi’s caucus less time to debate the impeachment of an American president than to debate the renaming of a post office.
It was a sad and irresponsible abuse of power. And it’s something we’re all going to regret for a very long time.
Now, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has promised to hold a circus trial instead of focusing on the people’s business – like COVID-19 relief.
These Democratic career politicians still hate President Trump more than they love their country, even as Trump the citizen-politician gets on with his private life in Florida.
This is the perfect time for President Biden to say something real about unity. Biden could stand up and say call off the trial – because it will further enflame our divisions and would be counterproductive to bringing people together to enact his legislative agenda.
So far the Biden White House has refused to step up in the name of unity but instead maintaining that what Congress does is its own business. This is a missed opportunity of untold proportions.
There is no time to waste in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic and this looming impeachment trial does exactly that. About 25,000 Americans have already succumbed to COVID on Joe Biden’s watch – he should implore Congress to focus on COVID now, not after a politically risky impeachment trial of a former president. Biden will never unite this nation if he can’t take on his political base when it’s for the greater good.
More from Opinion
The fact that Supreme Chief Justice John Roberts won’t be presiding over the divisive impeachment trial confirms its illegitimacy.
The decision to have partisan Democrat Senate President Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy preside over the phony trial just confirms that the entire operation is an act of naked retribution against a former – and potentially future – political adversary.
As the sham trial approaches, Senate Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent that will render impeachment meaningless in the future.
Using impeachment as a vehicle to ban a former president from running for federal office again is a slippery slope.
What would prevent the impeachment process from being used against anyone the party in power wanted to block from running for president in the future?
The bottom line is that this must be a huge disappointment for the millions of people who voted for Joe Biden because they thought he was an elder statesman who would object to utter nonsense such as this impeachment farce.
Biden’s lack of leadership in refusing to speak out against this fraudulent impeachment isn’t just a bad start for Biden; it weakens the great office he currently occupies. However, with the trial not scheduled to start until February 9th, there’s still time to change direction.
We’re about to find out if there’s anything presidential about President Biden.